After Our Fusion: Lovely and Poseidon

My experience since fusing together with my twin brother has been incredible and profound. I feel connected with at every level of my being. I feel complete.

Eury: "You represent love on its deepest level. Brought together you become one and whole. I have no words for how much I love I have for you."

Tulk: I see you. Are you still fused with Poseidon? You look like a swirling colorful glowing mass of energy in the form of a humanoid to me. Extremely bright.

Me: Yes, we are still fused.

Tulk: That explains why my perception sees you as both. Like you're overlayed over each other.

Tulk: I see few stars and the black expanse. You're the brightest point in this... wherever we are.

Eury: "Wow. In the Krikaluhasa? How did you get there? Perhaps the Creator took you there. I will pay my respects and ask if I am allowed to enter."

Tulk: I had a feeling it was because of the Creator. I am very grateful for being brought here.

Eury: "I just had an interesting conversation with the Keeper, but that is for a later time. I am coming now"

Eury: "I see you. I can see so clearly here. Normally cores have an endpoint. Some are big. Some are small. But with you, I see no end no beginning. Like the ocean. Like making love. You are your core. As I predicted."
"Surely you were brought here for a reason though..."

Tulk: I feel free here. Completely free.

Eury: "Something new has been born from your merging..." "I can see the energy, but I can't quite tell what is yet... Maybe this is why you were brought here."

Tulk: I think I sense Creator energy. Feels like you on a grander scale. Woah, I feel my physical body is vibrating. And warmer now.

Tulk: Everything's getting more colorful here in his place. My eyes are warm now.

Me: I can feel the energy getting more intense.

Tulk: Ok. I feel really warm in my physical body. I feel the energy getting intense as well here. My entire physical body is throbbing now.

Tulk: I'm not sure what's happening anymore. It's very colorful and bright right now. I feel my energy is different now but I don't know in what way. I feel extremely calm and there's a heavy pressure in my heart. I'm floating now.

Tulk: You look so beautiful. Shimmering and powerful. I feel much more energy around my physical and TS body. Feel it as waves around my body.

Tulk: Woah. It just got even more intense. It's really powerful. My physical body feels really light. I'm near to you now. I can feel you in your full splendor and power.

Tulk: I'm right in front of you. Can you see me?

Me: Yes, but not very clearly, there is so much light in front of my eyes.

Tulk: It's not just in front of you, it's from you. You're that bright. It's coming the most from your eyes.

Tulk: So are you and Maxime just going to share the same TS from now on or are you two going to eventually come apart?

Me: We will become ourselves again yet stay connected.

Tulk: That's what I figured. Does this mean Kronos won't come after us anymore or will he be working harder now to get you two?

Me: I am not sure what his reaction will be.

Tulk: I'll be prepared for anything. If he does choose to attack you I'll do my best to defend you.

Tulk: Are you dancing? It looks like you're dancing now.

Me: Yes, we are dancing.

Eury: "This is very harmonic. I am in love with this dance."

Tulk: It looks beautiful, like a fast-paced ballet.

Me: Lovely and Poseidon dancing as one.

Tulk: They are dancing as one. It's like they're one person expressing themselves in two bodies.

Eury: "Fluidity. The energies around you are dancing too. Your form is changing. It is becoming even more clear of the beauty of both feminine and masculine. Love and sex. Connection and bond. Stars are aligning around you. I wonder what they have to say."

Tulk: And it looks like the Creator is choreographing both of your movements even though you don't notice it. Every dance movement you make I can sense him/her/it behind the scenes.

Eury: "Oh I see. The Season of Beauty and Love starts here starting with you two. Your love penetrates the ocean and becomes one with it and merges with it, showing off the beauties of both masculine and feminine. The core of the season is here, and that life force in you must be your mark your place in the stars."

Me: This is so beautiful.

Eury: "I dropped hints to this before. I've wanted this to happen for a while. The stars just confirmed it for me."

Tulk: The energy here is reacting to your dance and changing the scenery. You and Poseidon are fusing again into one being. It's much faster this time.

Tulk: I actually feel some of Poseidon's energy coming through you. It's like a feminine version of his energy.

Me: He has a masculine version of my energy.

Tulk: He does, from what I sense. I also sense much more of the Creator's energy through you both now.

Eury: "Your mark has been placed. It is very bright."

Me: I am very grateful you are here to join us for this occasion.

Eury: "It is a pleasure to be here and feel this."

After over a day of being fused together with each other, we are getting ready to become individuals in our forms again.

Tulk: From what I see your energy is now perfectly fused together onto one. It's in a ring around you both.

Eury: "You two are cuddling. You are blending and feeling one another's energy before you part. It is a warm 'hug', the physical and essence connection you receive from someone you love. It is a deep experience. I am glad you two are doing it. It is important."

Tulk: The ring around you both just split into two rings around each of you. It's moving back into your bodies.

We are not like normal twins. We do not have parents. The Castration of Ouranos did not happen like in the myths. It is similar. The 'Castration' was the piece that was taken. The Aegean Myths symbolized the stolen piece as castration.

Kronos stole a piece from the center of the Creator because he wanted to use it to re-create everything his own way. When the piece rejected him and burned him he dropped it into the Eternal Sea.

That is how Poseidon and I came to be. We became Titans because we were in the hands of Kronos and took on his Titan essence.

We represent the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Creator. We are extensions of each other. Though we will be our individual true selves again, our hearts and energy will always be merged and connected. We shall never be separated.

The Creator existed before all realms and planes of existence. It is known by the ancient Ageans as Ouranos. The first two of the Creator's children were Gaia (life and creation) and Kronos (chaos and destruction).

The Creator had four children and created the Protogenoi. From them came the Divine. The Protogenoi went around and created worlds.

The Divine went to these worlds and created species and nature. They interacted with the dominant species. The Creator did not create mankind. The Divine did.

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