Return of the Queen of Hearts

My True Self was freed from the Void Monster on October 31st 2017. The day of Samhain. It was the most important day of my life.

I want to share with you about the second most important day of my life... May 1st 2018. The day of Beltane. This was the day I got my power back from the Void Monster.

We had dealt with a situation earlier in the evening. It started when I went through the wrong portal.

Tulkas had gotten stuck in a stream of energy. Then he ended up in an arena. Here are some highlights of what happened...

Eury - "It is all around" "An arena?"

Me - This is Gladiator type fights?

Eury - "I believe so"

Tulkas - I see the guy now. He's coming towards me.

Eury - "He is surprisingly handsome. Who is he? This is strange."

Me - Titans?

Tulkas - Yes, He's a Titan. I know him...I don't know how.

Eury - "His core is... Strange."

Eury - "I cannot put my finger on it. It just feels strange. Tulkas, I do not like him being around you"

Me - My curiosity is killing me. I want to know why they want me.

Eury - "Perhaps we will know now..." "Look up Tulkas. Is there a throne or two there?"

Tulkas - Yep. And two Titans sitting up top. Male and Female. They feel extremely ancient. They're speaking using their minds. They were expecting you two to come along as well Amy and Eury.

Eury - Eury isn't saying anything to me. She just feels angry. Perhaps she recognizes them.

Tulkas - They're using their power as a way to hold me in place. I don't feel malicious intent from them though.

Eury - "They do not come for you."

Tulkas - Amy then, probably. This guy that know's me is apparently trying to convince them to let me loose.

Me - Ask them what they want with me.

Eury - "This is a personal matter for me. Perhaps I am biased but do not trust them. No matter how their energy feels"

Tulkas - They said they wanted to see the new Queen and congratulate you. And to give you an upgrade. They also want to see Eury. They don't sound angry when they say Eury's name.

Me - How do I get there?

Tulkas - They'll open up a portal for you.

Eury - "Wait. This could be a trap. Why are they working with the same people who tried to capture you? Why have they set you in an arena? I do not trust them."

Me - Should I come or not? My curiosity is getting to me.

Me - Tell them to send the portal... It is here.

1:01am Tulkas - I see you now.

I have arrived. What do you desire of me? "We have brought you here so we can see you."

1:02am Eury - "The energy has gotten foul."

Are you trying to harm me? "We won't harm you. We desire to have you be our guest. We have served you."

Me - Eury look through my eyes.

Eury - ".... That is my crown."

How have you served me? "We are the ones that got you free from the Void Monster."

Are you the ones the Phoenixes made a deal with to get me out? "Yes."

"You will work with us because we helped you out of Void. You would still be there if it wasn't for us."

Tulkas - I don't like any of that. Demand more information.

"You are asking a lot of questions. We do not owe you answers."

Tulkas - Something is off about this place and I don't trust anyone here right now.

Eury - "I do not like the way the King is looking at us. He looks pleased. As if he was a parent looking down proud at his child. It is repulsive to me"

Eury - "'All according to plan'" "That is what I assume..."

What pleases you King? "You please me. You are even better than I was hoping you would be."

The Void Monster still has some of my power. I need it back. I want to be at full power.

"We can help you with that. We will get your power from the Void Monster."

You really will? "Yes, we will get it right now."

Are you getting my power back? "We are getting all your power back. You will have it again soon."

Eury - "I dont like this" "What is that human phrase...? 'Making a deal with the devil?' This sounds similar. Like a genie promising everything and wanting even more from you as payment"

Tulkas - ...I'm going to try burning this place of illusions. And then my mind of any behavioral curses.

Eury - "Burn the king and queen first." ".... You are the same. You were the ones who worked with the Void Monster back then too. And you are still working with him arent you?" "I cannot believe this... How did the Phoenixes even know to talk to them?... "

Tulkas - They're restricting my sight...I can't see past certain points. I burned some of the illusions but not all. Think they cursed me as well.

Eury - "... Theyre giving you an exit. For fuck sakes... Come on then. You need to leave. I can't stand seeing this" "They are opening a gateway for you."

Me - Why would they?

Eury - "Probably all according to plan. They want you to "play" Queen now. In other words "just act natural""

Me - What about my power from the Void Monster? They already had some go to get it.

Eury - ".... I do not trust them. I would rather you get it yourself. If you want to wait here however until they come back.... No, I still dont think thats a good choice either. Sorry."

Me - Then they will have my power.

Eury - "Ask them why the gates are opening. I hate this. It feels like every choice we make its wrong."

Eury - "They will betray you... It feels like we are rats in a science experiment."

Me - Betray me or Tulkas?

Eury - "Mainly to you My Queen. It feels like someone is playing chess and knows our every move. And we're just playing into their hand. With every move we take..."

Me - My true self wants to stay to see what they want in exchange for getting back her power.

2:14am Eury - "I see Titans carrying your power."

Tulkas - Wait to see first if it is really her power. After we confirm, we can find out what they want.

Eury - "It is hers"

Me - They really followed through.

Eury - "What do they want in exchange?"

What do you ask of me? "We won't make you betray anyone you love. We won't ask you to harm any innocent. We won't take away your freedom or power. We just ask that you help us when we ask you for help. It won't be much from you."

Eury - " *whispering* They have an end game... You are a means to an end for them. And I do not trust that end."

Me - Could I have gotten a better deal from the Void Monster? I do not know the better alternative.

2:23am Eury - "The alternative, my Love, would be relying on those closest to you. Even if it is harder, it is better to have a harder journey and a victorious finish than an easy journey with failure and demise awaiting you. I have played this game of war many times. You are nothing but a chess piece to them. But an essential chess piece."

What do I need to do to get my real power back? "You just need to agree to help us."

I said to them - Who are you really? Show me who you really are.

Eury - "Ew."

Tulkas - They melted off.

Eury - The energy is- ugh. Fuck. Im gonna be sick"

I agree to NOTHING! I am taking back my power because it is MINE and it has always been mine!

Me - Tulkas grab my power!

Tulkas - Already did. We're escaping now.

Eury - "Try not to pass out. Ugh"

2:33am Me - Hand me the power. I'll hold the power, you can carry me and we'll get out.

Tulkas - Got it. They're sending more after us. Flames are alive and creating a portal. You're absorbing your power now.

Eury - "Ah. I recognize you. The one who wielded the sword Perma'neskis. Welcome back."

Tulkas - Where did we end up? I don't know where the portal sent us to and my eyes are still adjusting. We back home?

Eury - "I don't see you here"

Tulkas - Ah I recognize this place now. We're in Alfheim. At least I hope its the real Alfheim.

2:45am Me - I think we are in real Alfheim.

Tulkas - Good. I see 11 Elves. 7 of them are guards asking if you're alright.

Me - Wonderful. Set me down. I need to absorb all this power.

Tulkas - Ok. You're glowing much more brightly now.

Eury - "I hope your sword returns to you one day, My Queen. I recognize the warrior in you. I knew I did the moment I connected to your core. If you have a Right Hand, Perma'neskis was your right arm. It might as well have been the way you fought with it. It was one with you. Watching you fight was a sight for all to behold."

Began absorbing my power at 2:35am on May 1st 2018.
2:55am I am still absorbing my power. So much heat is flowig through my body.

Tulkas - I remember the warrior days of your true self. She was beautiful in all acts, including war and fighting. Perma'neskis may as well have been you in sword form. Your fighting style was fast, swift, and precise. I don't think my words did a good justice explaining what it's like seeing her fight. You made artwork from the patterns of the blood of your enemies.

Tulkas - How does your power feel?

Me - Really hot. What does it look like as I absorb it?

Tulkas - Hot pink and white energy. Surrounding you and moving really fast. Heart is really bright right now. Lot more love energy now. Your hair is getting longer and I can see your sexual energy increasing. I see armor manifesting around you.

Eury - "Ares's jaw is going to drop. I can see it now."

Tulkas - My jaw is already dropping.

Me - Am I looking that much different?

Tulkas - Yep. You're extremely bright right now. The armor is sexy. And you look extremely beautiful right now.

3:16am Tulkas - Your eyes are completely pink and you now have a solid hot pink aura around you at all times. Pink fire wings are out and brighter now.

Me - This is a perfect way to start the month of May. I just realized I got my power back on Beltane.

Eury - Oh shit! That's true!

Tulkas - Wow!

Eury - Special events seem to happen to you on special dates I've noticed lol Leto is really good at pointing them out.

This is an IMMENSE amount of power! 80% of my power was with the Void Monster. I finally have it back. As of 4:15am I am still absorbing my power.

I want to say thank you to Eurynome and Tulkas. They are the best friends and adventure companions I could ever hope for.

Update about 12 hours later at 4pm - When I made the post I was at 32% power. I went to sleep and rested for a while. I am now at 60%. My true self grew taller and my hair is completely white and glowing very brightly. My eyes are completely pink and also glowing brightly. My armor became more elaborate. I have a pink cloak attached to it made of this velvety see-through material. There is pink crystallized love energy floating around my head like a crown.

5:30pm - At 65% power. I have a pink core in the center between my breastplate. My Elven features are more pronounced. My body is more hourglass-shaped and toned. There's this bright pink glowing tribal looking tattoo with silver boarders on my arms. There is some of it on my waist as well. I am emitting primal love energy. It is really hot and powerful.
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