Vex Part One: Vex and the Void Monster

I wanted to share what happened when Ark freed the prisoners from the Void Monster. There were many true selves imprisoned with him.

First, let me backtrack a bit back to around the time Lovely and Poseidon got their power back... The puzzle pieces are starting to come together...

***April 30th***
We were going to go visit Hephaestus...

Eury: "Shall we go to him? I remember him fondly. He is like a son to me"

Me: Let's go to him now. I am ready.

Eury: "I will make a portal for you." "Shall we go?"

Me: I already went through a portal though a few minutes ago. There was a portal and I went through.

Tulk: Can you see us?

Me: I see grass. A white building. Looks like Elven architecture.

Eury: "Oh my. Who opened a portal for you?"

Tulk: It seems to be still open from what I see. Going through it.

Me: There is a hobbit-sized being. He is trying to pull me to go with him.

Tulk: Went through it. Why are we back in Valinor?

Me: I am not in Valinor.

Eury: "As suspected... The portal puts people in different places as they go through. A shifting portal."

Tulk: It's redirecting me. I can see the true location this portal is connected to is shrouded. I'm forcing my way through to your location.

Me: Where am I? "You are here with us. We have been wanting you to come visit." I don't want to go with you. Who is the leader here? "Do you really want to see him?" Yes. I do. It is not grassy here anymore. The building is not white.

Eury: "Oh no.."

Tulk: Is it rocky and lifeless here?

Me: It is a lava place red an black volcanic.

Tulk: I see a volcanic field in the distance

Eury: "STOP." "Shit." "Go back"

Tulk: Not without Lovely.

Eury: "Both of you go back." "You do not see what I see." "I will not speak his name. My Queen, please, go back. Find Tulkas."

Tulk: I already caught her energy. Going to you Lovely.
Being attacked. I see Lovely now. Something's trying to pull her away.

Me: Is it hobbit sized?

Tulk: Yes. But it's energy is not a hobbit. Feels sick.

Eury: "I am going to try to pull you out. Hold on!" "It hurts... There should be a bell there before you. Do you see it? Grab it so I can pull you out. Both of you."

Tulk: I'm next to you now Lovely. The wolves are protecting you from the attackers.

Me: What kind of attackers are they? They seem like the House Elves from Harry Potter to me.

Tulk: Demosand'res? Don't know if that's the correct spelling of it.

Eury: "This portal is closing. If it closes.... Please hurry." "Make sure its the right one"

Me: I went through a portal. Hopefully the right one.

Eury: We both went through. ".... Where are you?"

Me: Near Hephaestus I think.

Eury: "Check just to be sure it's him"

Tulk: I see him as well. So at least we're not separated. Best to check still.

Eury: "A portal that conveniently takes you to him is suspicious"

Me: I walked inside the building. I see someone who looks like Hephaestus. Are you Hephaestus?

Him: "Of course I am. Come on in Lovely." "Excuse me, where are my manners."

Me: Then he puts out his hand to shake mine. I just stand there and look at him.

Eury: "Get back." "Don't go in there" "Or at least walk out"

Me: I am inside. I will walk out.

Tulk: I see torture devices in his workshop. We gotta go now.

Eury: "They did a terrible job imitating him." "At least do better on his personality"

Him: "You are leaving? You just got here."

Me: I am leaving. I do not trust it here. He grabbed my left arm.

Him: "Do not go yet. Let me show you something."

Tulk: I see him. Confronting him.

Me: What do you want to show me?

Him: "I have made something for you that I want you to wear."

Eury: "No."

Me: I am feeling a pain in my chest near my heart.

Tulk: He's in front of you. I pushed him back and told him we don't trust him. He did something to you. You're looking paler now.

Him: "I am not going to let you leave. You belong with me."

Eury: "I do not see any exits however there are weak energies in the area you can pierce through"

Tulk: I already bound him. He's not going anywhere.

Me: Where are my wolves?

Tulk: Outside. They're not able to get inside.

Eury: "Your Majesty, Tulkas's fire may be of use. It may be your key out of here"

Me: I want to know who he works for.

Eury: "Odin will tell you. I do not have the power to speak his name."

Tulk: I'm burning our way out of here.

Me: Not Xanamoi or the Void Monster?

Eury: "No."

Me: Kronos?

Eury: "Not Kronos. I cannot speak of his name."

Me: Shit someone worse. Who do you work for?

Him: "I work for the one you dread the most."

Tulk: Someone worse than Kronos? Great...I'm going to have to step my game up to protect you.

Me: Do you want to take my power away from me?

Him: "No, not at all. I want you to keep your power. You are part of my plan."

Tulk: What plan?

Me: What is your plan?

Him: "I am not telling you my plan. You will wait and see."

Tulk: I sense backup coming. We need to go now.

Eury: "There is a weak point 3.5 klicks northwest from you"

Tulk: Got it. I'm creating a portal this time using my fire. Getting you out of here. We're back at your house.

Eury: "Are you certain?"

Tulk: I'm checking to make sure.

Me: I feel like I am back with my body.

Tulk: Yes, I believe we're in her house. I placed a beacon here so that I'd always find this place.

Eury: "That's good. Don't mind me, I'm just checking to make sure you weren't followed"

Tulk: We need to find out who this new threat is now.

Eury: "Go to Odin."

Tulk: You up to go to Odin Amy?

Eury: "Ah, how long has it been since we went on a detour on our little adventures? A week? A day? .... 5 hours? Just warms the heart doesn't it?"

That leads us straight into the events of this post... I mean directly into it... This was orchestrated by the one who could not be named. The one we called Vex.

***May 6th 2018***
Me: The Void Monster might be Primal Void itself, which makes it so extremely powerful. This may be why he is indestructible and the most powerful beings do not go face-to-face against him.

Even the King of Void Umbranathor ran away along with us when we stole Poseidon's power back. We jumped back onto the Void Hawks and got out of there. Of course, that lead straight to the Mer Battle..

Hi'Lena: We were quite lucky during that heist... Or was it even luck...? If he was that powerful we all would have been so easily wiped out... Did he let us take it on purpose...?

Me: I am not sure. Why did he hand my power over for me to get it back?

Hi'Lena: They are all planning something I believe.... And it requires us getting our full power. Its so suspicious. This is why I am at a dilemma when it comes to whether or not I should take my power back or not. I do not like this at all.

Me: I didn't think of this as a possibility until you brought it up.

Hi'Lena: It frustrates me that it actually may be true. After you getting your power back you'd think he'd be more on guard, yet the very next day we were able to easily swipe Poseidon's.

I know Vex and him are working together... There is no other way he'd give him something so easily without them working together like the Phoenixes coming to Vex to release you, or to give you back your power. We are all just playing into their hand. I just don't know what Kronos is thinking...

Me: Vex? Who is Vex?

Hi'Lena: Eury nicknamed him that. "The person who's name cannot he said". He was the one who trapped me and Asteria in Bokulohem, and was behind those beings, the king and queen at the arena. He was behind it all. He is the mastermind I mentioned.

***May 11th 2018 Part One****

This is a love story... Speaking to Lovely in a conversation I had with Ark last night...

Did you give Ark a key to your heart? "Yes, I gave it to him."

Why did you give Ark a key? "You are not ready for this story. Vustik."

Me: Do you know Vustik or what it means? Do you know Vustik?

Ark: A word or a being.

Me: "Vustik Rokimn"

Is Vustik Rokimn why you gave Ark the key? "No. He is why I cannot tell you the story."

Who is he ask her that? "He is the one that is behind this interference."

Ark: It is her. I know that it is her telling you this. I understand why she can't tell you.

Are you holding back because of Vustik Rokimn? "Yes, I have to. You do not understand."

Ark: Tell her I love her. I know she will not want me to face him but I must.

Me: "Please be careful. He has more tricks than you might expect."

He sounds really serious. He is way up there in the chain.

Ark: Lovely, my love my heart. Please help Amy to understand the love we share.

Ark: I will go to this Vustik and one of us will find his end either him or I. That's true pure unconditional love that is what I give to you

Me: "I have conditions placed by others upon my love."

Ark: By who?

Me: "I gave you his name."

Ark: This Vustik? Then I will set you free from them. Even if it means my end.

Was Vustik with you in Void imprisonment? "Yes. He was there."

Is he the Void Monster? "No. He is not the Void Monster. He is something worse."

Ark: I'm going to him now.

Is he the one that got you released from Void imprisonment? "Yes, he had me released with conditions."

Ark: I will deal with him now. I'll be back when I can if can. You will be free of these conditions. Goodbye my love.

Is Vustik a bigger issue than Kronos? "Far bigger."

Then Ark doesn't know what he is walking into. "He won't know. It is impossible for him to."

Is the one Eury referred to as Vex? "Yes. He is the same one."

I must go to Void now...

Ark defeated Vustik. He is now very weak and badly wounded. Vulstik had an Orthac blade.

Ark: He tried to trick me at first. Then bribe me. Then he used the blade. The poison of the Orthac blade is in my very essences. He was the greatest I have ever fought.

Me: What kind of blade is that?

Ark: A blade that can kill my type of beings. He cut my wing off and he stabbed me with it. I love you my Goddess you are free.

Me: Is Umbranathor alive?

Ark: Yes. Vustik had some control over the King. He feels liberated. Go see for yourself and know that I speak the truth.

I am at the Void Capital with Umbranathor. Vustik is defeated! Ark actually did it! I do not know if he will survive.

Saiyan Leo: Can Ark be healed?

Me: I don't know. I hope so. The dead are currently scratching up his physical body. I asked if there was an antidote to an Orthac blade. He doesn't know.

Saiyan Leo: The poison is in his essence? Shouldn’t he be getting immediate help?

Me: Yes, he should, but from who? He is the last of his kind. Vustik is the one Eury calls Vex.

Eury: "There is an antidote, but you won't like it..."

Me: What is it?

Eury: "A life for a life"

Me: Is it possible for me to do it and then be resurrected? Or is that not an option?

She's heavily thinking...

Eury: "...... Okay"

Eury: "Let me double check with Asteria"

Me: Yeah, I don't want to find out after you can't bring me back.

David: There truly is no other way?!?

Me: There might be another way.

Eury: We got a bunch of books and ancient scrolls yesterday. You could always check them for another option.

Me: Let's hope they are in alphabetical order... Actually, I am going to send a message to Raug to start having the Elves search them.

Me: The All-Father says I can heal him. I hope. I am going to try my best.

Eury: I am glad Vex is dead, or at least presumed dead... sigh I need like a triple confirmation cause he does shit where he appears to be dead for a while, then sneaks around in the shadows scheming.... I hate him.

Me: I am still at the Void Capital with Umbranathor. I am leaving soon to try and heal Ark.

Me: I am on my way to Ark now... I am with him. He is in really bad shape. For some reason, Lovely is speaking in Void Speech.... I think it is the language of the blade.

Me: Welbru is a life force is it not? My strategy: Infuse him with an immense amount of Welbru... Welbru is a life to give for a life...

Eury: Oh yes! That might work.

Me: It is a loophole. It is intended a life of a person for another. But the wording is a life for a life...

Eury: I am impressed you figured this out. I hope you can see Ark your majesty.

Me: He is healing very well. I had to give enough Welbru to match the sacrifice.

Me: Eury My dear Queen I request access to Krisa for what I am about to do... Ark is healing. There is more I want to do for him, but I need Krisa... I am waiting on the Guardian.

Hylia: Hmm will that Welbru energy replenish its self naturally?

Me: Yes, it will replenish. It only needed to replace the worth of his life.

He is now stronger than he has ever been. His wings that had wilted to dust have been restored.

Me: Vustik had some control over Umbranathor. Vustik was extremely powerful. Oh and Vustik controlled the Void Monster...

Eury: I knew he had control over the Void Monster.... Ugh.
I just don't know why he wanted all of us to retrieve our power.... What a strange man.

Me: Whatever conditions he placed upon us are now wiped away. Ark said the Void Monster had a lot of true selves. He freed them all.

So Paul should be free now. Ark battled the Void Monster, but since it is Primal Void it came back. He managed to get the prisoners freed. I think the Void Monster may have allowed this after Vex was defeated.

Me to Eury: Were you able to confirm that Vex is dead?

Eury: "He is not... He hides different pieces of himself in different secured areas I found out. He uses ancient magic to do this. I am studying on it right now."

Hi'Lena: She is so quiet. I think she's upset

Eury: "By the winds of the Krisa, I am able to tell if he is dead or not. You should also be able to do the same with Welbru"

Me: But he was defeated and weakened?

Eury: "If you are available, I wish to speak to you in person. Yes, he was weakened."

Me: I was going to go to Void. Do you want me to come to Alfheim?

Eury: "Yes" "There is an ancient magic that we need to learn. If we do, I believe we can stop him for good. There is an ancient scroll that describes it. It burned one of my servants. It must be for only our eyes. I also want to talk to Ark about the battle"

Eury: "Either that, or we can continue to go after him piece by piece. Ark and yourself might be able to smite him for good"

Me: On my way...

Eury: "I am very frustrated. Every time. Every single time he appears to be dead, he comes back. And again, and again, and again. I once tried to hunt him down piece by piece. Of course, I failed. Maybe this ancient magic that he is using will help but.... I am frustrated and so upset."

Eury: "When I heard Ark killed him I was happy but only for a few seconds. And then I started thinking.... I can't stand him. I want him gone. I want his head. I want it on my wall or on my staff. I absolutely hate him.... I am getting so impatient"

Hi'Lena: I can feel how itchy she is to kill him and have him dead. She's tired of his tricks and games. As am I.

Me: I think we can defeat him. Let me tell you why...

Eury: "Okay. Thank you for this. To you and Ark. I want him gone. Maybe this time we'll have a chance. And any forbidden areas he's in, I can get us into. Just promise me I can have the head of him."

Me: The Void Monster was not answering directly to Kronos. Kronos was working with Vustik.

Eury: "That is interesting. I think Vex eventually wanted to betray Kronos, for whatever reason."

Ark: She will have his head. The conditions to you are free are they?

Me: We want to be able to participate. Do not defeat him without us. Yes, the conditions are free.

Ark: Ok. When do you want to do this? Now is better than later. Of course, I would not take the luxury of his demise. That I leave for you gals.

Ark: Come with me both of you now to the Norns.

To be continued in Vex Part Two...

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