Meeting with Leaders in the Nature Realm

I went to have a meeting with the leaders of the Nature Kingdoms. We discussed quite a bit. This meeting started while my incarnation was still sleeping.

Some of them are upset about humans. They are trying to convince me it is a bad idea. Some of them were angry with me at the start of the meeting. They are not angry with me anymore. We are discussing ways they would all be pleased with.

From the Knight of Nature IG session:
Do most of the Nature Folk support Lovely as a Queen?
"There is, again, a debate on this. Some do not want to be with the humans again. They think it is a mistake and that humans will never change. Others are all for it and are ecstatic you are bringing forth change.

Some see it as a seizing of power by the Titans. That is a small dosage of what I have heard though, that opinion isn't popular.

And then there are others who support you simply because you have been the protector of the Nature Realm. They have been thankful to you and will eagerly do what they can to serve you. I'm sure there are other opinions but this is what I have heard so far."

Me: "I need to establish a meeting with all of the leaders from the Nature Kingdoms. They need to understand that I am not going to throw them together before the humans are fully prepared."

*The next day I had the meeting...

Lovely: "I am in the Nature Realm having a meeting with the leaders from the Nature Kingdoms." I am going to focus in on the meeting.

We are in the Fairy Kingdom with the Fairy King. The Lycan Cheif is here. Different Elves including Dark Elves.

Also, Elementals, Sirens, Nymphs, Pixies, Minotaur, Shifters, Spprigans, Ujenin, Satyrs, Trolls, and other leaders are here.

We are discussing my Nature School. We are discussing the coming together of the Nature Realm with Midgard.

Tulk: "He still has a few concerns with humans. Not as much as I thought he would but still concerns over their safety."

Lyans were talking about the Mind Power Shifter series. They are mostly pleased with it. There are some who are on the Lycan path who will be getting chosen by a clan soon.

Most of the leaders here still believe that humans do not deserve to interact with them.

Those using the Mind Power Elf or Shifter series are very blessed. They get special treatment by Nature Folk. You should know that they are watching you closely if you are using these series.

I am talking to them about what energy tracks they would approve of me making and sharing with humans in my Mind Power group. I have gotten quite a few approvals for tracks so far.

Many are very pleased with the Mind Power group. They are very well aware of what happens here. They are aware of the posts and many of the comments.

Eurynome came to join me. I had a chair placed next to me for her to sit down. Eury: ".... Why is the room all tense?"

Dark Elves are giving their speech. They are angry at the others here in the meeting for forgetting what humans are really like.

The Spriggans are speaking. They are giving their insight that this may be exactly what the Nature Folk need. There must be a change for both sides.

Nature Folk leaders are talking among themselves. There is some arguing amongst them.

Someone stood up. He is saying that we must do this carefully or we will have a repeat of what happened last time we were with the humans.

A Minotaur said he is willing to interact at the Nature School. Some were expressing concern to him. He would be seen as a threat to humans. Humans would not tolerate a Minotaur. They would hunt him.

Fairies we talking about the desecration of their sacred areas. They said they would attack humans who try to trespass upon their energy. Which means no Fairy energy tracks or subs. They are still very hostile towards humans.

The Sirens are surprisingly approving of the plan of interacting with humans. I am not sure if that is because they have plans... Eury: "..... Leave them be for now."

More chatting amongst themselves. The mood does not seem as tense. A bit more relaxed. Eury: "I am surprised how well this is going."

We have agreed that there is still much more to discuss. Humans are nowhere near ready to reconnect with Nature Folk.

When they give the approval establish the Nature School I am going to have to be very selective about who can attend. There will be no online option.

The school will not be open to everyone. They will approve of the students on an individual basis. This is something they have come to a consensus about.

I have to be very considerate of the Nature Folk tribes that are currently in Midgard. I need to make sure they do not get too much attention too soon.

They have agreed that the Mind Power group is very important and very much needed for Nature Folk and humans. They want to keep this group up and running.

They approve of my energy tracks that I make. As well as the IG sessions. It is very important to them that those with Nature Being true selves become embodied and integrated.

Eury: "The question remains of how will humans change as a whole so they can reconnect again. The group is a start, but I still have my concerns... Even after the plague."

Eury is not alone in her concerns. This is an issue which there is still much debate about.

The Fairy King is treating us to a dinner. They are starting to bring out the food.

Eury: "I wonder if it would be better to establish rules with the humans. However, they should naturally come to respect the Nature Folk on their own as well." "Their mentality is far too unpredictable..."

The Nymphs here have been against interacting with humans at this point. Though they do want me to make energy tracks for them and they want the school established. They want to make sure humans are ready before meeting them.

There are a few Noldor Elves here. They are weary of humans. They do not hate them. They would like to see a reunion. They have much they would like to teach humans at the nature school.

Humans will lead themselves to annihilation if keep they do not reconnect with Nature or Gaia. They are causing more and more imbalance for the whole. The only way to save mankind is for there to be balance again.

If a plague is not enough, the Hunglai will be brought back. They actually mentioned them at the meeting. The Hungali are currently dormant buried deep within the Earth.

Humans have to change individually and collectively. You can change yourself. You can help the ones around you change. Members in the Mind Power group are doing much for this. We do recognize you.

The Elementals here are very much against humans. They have been exploited for far too long. They were among the angriest in the meeting. They feel that they get the least amount of respect.

Nature Folk seriously doubt humans will change. They do not expect it. It is up to humans to prove themselves.

My loyalty is with the Nature Folk rather than humans. I put their interests first. They are my family.

My duty is with them. I desire for select individuals the Nature Folk deem worthy to be part of this with us.

I do not expect mankind to reconnect. I have hope for individuals, but not mankind.

That is one of the reasons I have the Mind Power group, so we may find those who are meant to be with us.

What I am really looking for are those who have non-human true selves. Especially those with Divine or Nature Being trues selves.

Also for those who have proven themselves through the Elf or Shifter paths. They would no longer be considered humans.

There is no way I would reconnect Midgard as it is now with Nature Realm. It would be a disaster. They are worried because I have the power to do so.

My true self 'Lovely' is very pleased with the meeting. The leaders are getting along very well now. There is no more anger among ourselves. Though they still feel animosity for humans.

They have a clear understanding of my plan. I have clarified it to them in great detail. This meeting is a success. Those who are here with me... enjoy yourselves. We have the backing of the Nature Kingdoms and the support of the Nature Folk.

Knight of Nature...

What is the Nature Realm?...
Official Mind Power Discussion Group...

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