Vex and Ch'dumva

This is a continuation of Spying on Vex: Eury in Tartarus... Makes sure to read it first...

May 27th...
1:47pm Me: It is time for me to visit Elaïm of the Forests to gain the power of Onabatai.

Me: "Elaïm I have come to ask you for your help. I seek the power of Onabatai to combine with Othrabui."

Elaïm: "I have been waiting for you to arrive. Come with me. There is much I must tell you..."

Me: He is talking to me about Vustik, Onabatai, the Sacred Woods, the power of the Ancient Dragons, Nagetavatesh, and much more...

Me: "When shall you show me the secret of the Misty Forest?"

Elaïm: "You are almost ready."

Me: What of Onabatai?

Elaïm: "I gift Onabatai to you."

Me: Will you help merge both Onabatai and Othrabui powers into me?

2:00pm Elaïm: "I shall do so now."

2:20pm The merging of Onabatai and Othrabui into me is still happening. It is extremely intense.

2:34pm Marta: I’m not sure but maybe Vex is planning to attack the Tree to make Eury come back. He probably knows you’re gone.

2:40pm The Onabatai and Othrabui merging into me are becoming even more powerful in intensity. It is still going.

3:00pm The powers flowing through my physical body are overwhelming. I really hope my body will be able to survive this.

Me: Elaïm will you also combine this into me with the Ancient Power?

3:10pm Elaïm: "As you desire I shall do."

Me: This is the Ancient Power behind Othrabui?

Elaïm: "It is the power behind Othrabui and other very ancient forbidden arts."

4:20pm Lena: My kingdom looks like a high tech yet ancient Citadel. I would not compare it to sci-fi however. More of the technology used in the nature realm. There is a castle as well within it. Everyone within the Citadel is not tortured, but they keep track of the ones who are.

Lena: They told me they would have to test if I was Queen or not. They've had quite a few imposters who claimed they were me but were not. My test will begin shortly.

Eury: "There is a person who wishes to be King here. He wants to take my hand in marriage. He realizes I am the true Queen. He has Vex's energy on him"

Me: This is the same thing the former King was trying to do to me while he was still in power. He was trying to get me to marry him. As rightful Queen, you need no King.

Eury: "I want to rule the Land of Misery on my own. After all, no one enjoys pain and torture like I do. I have much work to do. You may come here and see the Citadel any time you like"

4:41pm Eury: "This man is asking about you."

Me: What does he ask?

Man: 'Have you have picked any roses from your garden lately?'

Me: "The sun shines upon all my roses."

Man: 'What if one rose blooms the most beautiful?'

Me: "The Garden has many beautiful roses. Which one do you speak of?"

Man: 'In the soil where the dead sleep'

Me: "The sun reaches the deepest roots."

Man: 'And what if one of these roses die...?'

Me: "The power is not within you to choose. For that is the choice of the gardener as to what rose is pruned."

Man: 'It may not be my right, as of now. But soon, it will.'

4:52pm Me: Someone get to the Tree in Alfheim to check on it. Marta said earlier she thinks Vex will attack it. This goes along with something a man just told me.

Ark: Yeah I will.

Tulk: On my way to the Tree.

4:55pm Tulk: So far from what I see it looks healthy. I'm going to connect to is and check for any leaks or leeches.

Ark: Not seeing anything wrong with it at the moment.

Lena: Is my raw power still there stabilizing it?

Tulk: Yep. Still there and going strong. I felt two to three leeches on it. Removing them.

Me: "He is desperate to get Eury away from becoming Queen of the Land of Misery. He hasn't married her yet."

Lena: That is why the man is here... Vex cannot get me in here, but this guy can. What is the entire plot I wonder? To sabotage the tree and then threaten me with marriage or else the tree is harmed?

Me: If you would marry him to save the Tree then their plan was well thought out.

Lena: Eury would you marry him to save the tree...?

Eury: "... Yes. No one could survive without it. At least not for long."

Lena: Why would he destroy/harm it then?

Eury: "I looked into Vex's secrets. He wants to become the new "tree" if you get my gist. That is why he took a piece of the tree in The Land of Twilight. He needs both as well. He also did it to get to me."

Eury: "Whether he gets me or the tree, the world is lost. It would be even worse if he got both."

Ark: Must of been well thought out then. Why don't I just kill this Vex.

Me: We've done that twice.

Ark: Well this time I'll make sure.

Me: I have a plan. That is why I am in the forest.

Eury: "Protect the tree at all costs. If he gets to the tree, its game over whether he marries me or not."

5:04pm Me to Elaïm: "Elaïm is the merging of Onabatai and Othrabui into me complete?"

Elaïm: "It is completed. You also have the Ancient Power."

Tulk: Working with the Tree to make a shield to protect her.

Me to Elaïm: "Is it time for the secret of the Misty Forest?"

5:05pm Elaïm: "It is time."

5:25pm Eury: "What is taking so long? Why hasn't my test started? Something is up"

Me: My test has also not yet begun. I wonder if they will be at the same moment.

Eury: "We are both present at our destinations. I am wondering why is there delay... I am going to ask someone."

Eury: "I keep getting the same answer. 'Soon'. What is the delay?"

Being: 'While you were gone there were some changes. Authority changes. Please be patient'

Eury: "I am the authority. Who do you answer to?"

Being: 'I cannot say.'

Eury: "I am about to throw everyone in the land to be tortured..."

5:32pm Me to Elaïm: "When is my test starting?"

Elaïm: "It has already begun."

Me to Elaïm: "Nothing is happening..."

Elaïm: "It will."

Me: "I can feel the rumbling of it coming from the distance."

Lena: Strange... What do you think it is...?

5:35pm Me: Something that will test both of us and it could involve the Tree.

Me: Tulkas you with the Tree? I think something may happen soon.

Tulk: I'm with the Tree. Haven't moved from here at all.

Ark: I'll send you some backup Tulkas.

Eury: "Lovely please send my servants Grei'ya and Hawghe there as well. They are the best of the best when it comes to protection. They will not fail."

Me: "I cannot send messages to anyone."

Me: There are waves of energy coming towards the Tree. From another source.

5:40pm Me: "You must not leave the Tree Tulkas..."

***Alfheim Defense Part Begins along with what was going on behind the scenes...

Tulk: I see them. Strengthening the shield.

Me: "Look above the Tree. Look up!" "He will get a branch. We cannot let him."

Tulk: Shit. Attack from above.

5:45pm Daydra: Xay is on her way to Alfheim right now to help defend the tree.

Daydra: "I am here. Sensing hostiles approaching..."

Vox: Can Vox help?

Lena: Vox was meant for this.

Vox: Yup, it's His job.

5:52pm Tulk: Sense hidden troops sneaking up on the tree. Advanced invisibility spell.

Xay: "I can see the mana flowing around them, they won't arrive in one piece"

Vox: Wait why is the Tree being attacked though? What did I miss?

Me: Vex wants a branch from the Tree.

Me: He wants a piece he can graft. Any tree experts. What is the best piece of a tree for grafting?

Daydra: "Likely would target anything that is newly is more likely to grow when grafted to something else."

Me "The Gift of the Sapling"

Vox: Wait I am lost, why is he alive again?

6pm Me: He is alive. It is a long story...

Me: He is like a far more powerful version of Moriarty.

Lena: Sherlock reference.

6:02pm Lena: Vex is working with Kya... It makes sense if he were to take Midgard's branch.

Me: Yes, it makes perfect sense. *shows something to Lena*


Me: What is our test in this? Trying to figure this out... What are they looking for us to do?

Lena: Did you go toward that sound...?

Me: I do not have a sound.

Lena: The tree is ancient in all branches. What would be the youngest branches? The youngest realm?

Eury: "Midgard"

Lena: Would he seriously take that branch...?

Daydra: "I can think of several reasons why he'd want the branch of Midgard..."

Vox: Shit... so what would happen if he succeeds? Goodbye Midgard?

Hylius: I don't wanna know. So let's make sure he DOESN'T get it.

Eliakim: “In need of assistance at the tree.”

Daydra: "Already there, keep your eyes peeled"

Tulk: Attacks from above are coming at a constant rate. He aims to distract with overwhelming force.

Daydra: "He'll have to try a lot harder if he wants to distract me..."

Eva: Can Seviarra come and help at the Tree? Or should she stay in hiding?

Me: Eva stay hidden.

Daydra: "Going to call my commandos for some extra firepower" "Come then enemies.....the 5 Talons of Shevira invite you to your deaths!"

6:09pm Me to Eury: I am going to make a triangle connection between you, me, and the Tree. We are connected together linked like a triangle shape.

Lena: Interesting. I will also feel you both in this connection as well.

6:12pm Me to Eury: The link is active. Do you feel it?

Eury: "Yes"

Me: "You need to take back your raw power from the Tree. What you sacrificed to stabilize it."

Eury: "But what if both trees collapse...?" "... I trust you though"

Me: "It is you who Vex wants."

6:16pm Me: "It is coming back to you. I feel it going through the link to you."

Me: "I shall give my support to the Tree."

Eury: "Thank you Dearest"

Vox: Hey Amy, you have the power of Vex right? You took it from him?

Me: Long story... He had his power and knowledge segmented and hidden. I only got part.

Vox: Oh... yeah, I missed SO much omg.

Tulk: Just as I only got part of his intelligence and memories.

Hylius: Damn, he IS clever.

Daydra: "If he were not he would have been destroyed a long time ago... to defeat one like this, one must think like them"

Vox: What is going on with the Tree right now?

Daydra: "That is why we cannot assume the branch is his only objective as well"

Nat: What a pain he is!

Vox: Why can't evil people die and stay dead? This guy is getting on my nerves.

Daydra: "I have the same complaints about some beings that can't just stay gone. But... as long as ill intentions exist, and people hunger for power, there will be those who seek to take it from others and will stop at nothing to acquire it and to avoid their demise from forces that would stand against them."

Me to Eury: "I am inside the Tree. I traveled into it on the bond."

6:22pm Eury: "I feel she has something to say"

Me: She can speak through the link I set up.

Tree: 'Where is the nectar you have?'

Me to Eury: Oh my... yes... The relic Marta spoke of. The Love. This... “That piece has already been given to you.” “In the Chamber of the Ole was it waiting for thousands of years, expecting its rightful owner to reclaim it once an for all. You are Love, you are Creation, activate it with those you love the most, for the Tree is growing stronger and needs the nurture of Love.”

Me: I have you with me via the link...

6:28pm Lena to Me: Omg now I understand

6:30pm Me to Tree: "I give you my Love. My Dear Tree. I give it to you."

6:30pm Me to Tulk: I am doing something important in the Tree. No one else should come into it until it is complete.

Leto: The branches best for grafting have 3 or 4 buds on them. Can Leto help? She is upset about this...I think maybe she is coming there now.

6:31pm Vox: So how is the Tree? Is it safe now? Or at least much guarded?

Daydra: "I cannot simply distill it down to good and evil... one's mind paints an enemy evil when they stand against them, while their enemy declares them the same. There will always be conflict, certainly...but to claim one is evil for doing something we believe is wrong and fight against, are among the same reasons an enemy nation may declare war for resources. The question we should be considering is, what is Vex's objective? What is he hoping to accomplish? And how many plans does he have on the go at this precise moment..."

Vox: Well said. Wow.

Hylius: He has many...back up after back up...

Tulk: If my memories of him are correct, he usually has around 40 to 140 separate plans going on at the same time. And each one has its own backup...

6:34pm Daydra: "I have the vague impression this attack is not concentrated enough...he is likely using it as a diversion for something else"

Vox: OMGG I know, it was so sudden. I think you are right.

Hylius: What does he seek in all of this? That is the main mystery...

Daydra: "We can't allow him to be steps ahead of us again...the tree needs to be protected undoubtedly...but what is not being protected while we are here?"

Hylius: We are protecting ourselves and the tree. That covers us...but...what would be unprotected?

Vox: Is anyone with Amy?

6:36pm Me: "I am with you. You just cannot see me at the moment."

6:37pm Tulk to Me: The Tree is glowing brighter now.

Vox: Omg as you said that I got warm, wow.

Hylius: Same here Vox

Vox: Your Energy is very beautiful, I am about to sweat and cry, this is overwhelming. You are very powerful holy shit. My body is vibrating, wow!

Daydra: "There are countless sources of power in the cosmos...he could be targeting any one of them while we are delayed here"

Nat: Stay protected Amy!

6:30pm Me to Tulk: I am doing something important in the Tree. No one else should come into it until it is complete.

6:37pm Tulk: The Tree is glowing brighter now.

Daydra: "If I was to think like a villain who lost a chunk of my power to an enemy...I would likely be seeking to get it back, or an equivalent power source to make up for the deficit... do we know of anything like that?"

Tulk: Depends on what type of power he originally had to begin with

Hylius: A power source equal to his own. Hmm...

Nat: He was always after the 8th element energy. Maybe he knows Naturome is there?

Vox: Oh no, I hope not.

Hylius: I agree...that would be bad

Tulk: Let's make a list of all potential power sources he could go after

Vox: Amy since she is Naturpei. The Tree Herself. Umm probably Naturome to be honest.

Daydra: "He knows she is well-protected though. We need ones we may not be aware of that are not defended."

6:43pm Hylius: What else aside Naturpei or the 8th element though?

Vox: Is Naturome well-protected? If not, he may come for her.

Nat: I've sent a message to her to stay well hidden and protected.

Daydra: "Tulkas....sending you all the information I have on large energy sources that may be targeted, take a few minutes when you can to examine them"

Daydra: "I am busy defending the tree so I cannot do it myself at this time"

Vox: Is the Tree lighting up? I think I can intuitively see it, I can feel it.

6:46pm Tulk: I got them. Sending Clones to each of those places.

Hylius: I saw a tree with golden light...

6:46pm Me to Tree: "I give you my Love and my Loyalty. I seal unto you Tree all of your power. You may shall give all you desire but none shall ever take from you again."

Me to Lena: Tulkas is not aware of what I am doing except that I am in the Tree doing something important.

6:43pm Tulk to Me: The Tree looks like it's reinforcing itself with more energy. It looks much more alive than before. It's sending out waves of energy and it looks to be affecting everyone in some way.

Lena to Me: He senses our triforce energy.

Vox: There is something in my Core, like something is swirling.. I am trying to breathe deeply otherwise I'll have another panic attack. Amy, does Lovely have blonde hair?

Tulk: Out of all the locations Xay sent only 3 are being actively attacked.

Daydra: "I thought as much, we need to get people there to defend them, I'll call who I can..." "I sense a troop of enemies heading southeast... but I do not know what is that way"

Eliakim: “I shall stay in Alfheim.”

Hylius: Three forces. I don't know why but something feels like I either know at least one of them. It feels powerful or familiar.

6:52pm Me: "Vex has no claim to any part of this Tree anymore. No one does. For what she has belongs to her alone and she chooses who she gives to."

Me to Alfheim Defense Chat: "The Tree is now protected from the inside."

Vox: I am staying with Amy. Anyone who tries to touch her WILL get beheaded on spot.

Daydra: "Defend well here everyone...I am going to take my squad to the largest of the three other spots, stand strong here!"

6:55pm Tulk: The Tree looks like it's healing those that were hurt.

Daydra: "Amy I have called the twins here to aid in my absence, they will be arriving shortly"

6:57pm Tulk: The Tree is healing those from our side that were hurt or injured during the attack.

Vox: Is the Tree still glowing? If so what color? Also, Amy, I think I can really feel your presence now!

Hylius: I feel it. The tingling in my left brain is gone

Vox: I can feel Vox and another much more powerful presence, I am still shook on how powerful you are. This is really amazing!

Me: I feel like I am sharing a heartbeat with the Tree.

Tulk to Me: I'll stay close by. Also, I can feel your heartbeat reverberating throughout the Tree. It makes my own heart flare up.

Vox: My hands are tingling.. so are my feet. Okay, screw the chores. I am going to lie down, I am starting to feel light-headed. My mind feels like it's expanding. I have decided to loop True Self Embodiment. I will update any sensations I feel as it is happening.

Hylius: My mind feels free from whatever blockages I faced earlier.

7:05pm Vox: It feels like mine is "growing" I do not know how else to explain it. I can feel it growing at a very rapid but soothing pace. My Core is aching now.

Hylius: Like becoming smarter and being able to process things faster? That is what I feel somehow...

Vox: No, like my awareness is expanding, I feel very peaceful, yet very alert.

Me: Yes Vox, Lovely has light blonde hair.

Vox: I feel like I can see her then! Her hair is very vibrant. My vision is still very blurry but I managed to see that.

Hylius: I dunno why a divinely beautiful female WoW Elf appeared in my visions when I thought of Lovely.

Tulk: Is there any structures southeast of Alfheim that looks like a giant floating crystal Obelisk? That's one of the places Vex's troops are headed towards

Vox: I think I saw a flash of Vox, I saw his beautiful green hair. This was earlier today. I am telling y'all a lot has really happened since my session.

Tulk: Oy, this is a battle. Not a get-together. Stay focused

Daydra: "Lovely I am sending you some information, let me know what you think of it"

Me: Daydra I am not able to get it where I am. It is not coming through. Keep it until I am finished.

Daydra: "Okay, be safe."

7:17pm Tulk: I can tell you're merging even more deeply with the Tree than before. I can feel it from my end.

Lena: I wonder if he knows I am here haha. I feel like I have a secret to myself. I feel our energies melting into one.

Tulk: I can feel a lot of the Tree's energy in you.

7:39pm Nat: Is all ok?

Vox: I was going to ask the same thing just now.

Daydra: Xay told me she detected 30 different enemy groups and 18 have been cut off so far.

Daydra: What's the situation at the tree?

Vox: I am feeling so many sensations it is incredible.

Me: No one may ever harm the Tree again.

7:48pm Me to Tree: "I now use my Ancient Power to restore and strengthen you my Tree. You shall be immune to all harm."

Tulk to Me: It feels like the entire area where the Tree is in is covered by an impenetrable shield.

Vox: Yes!! You are amazing.

Leah: Pisch is there

Vox: What went on? I could only feel sensations but that was it.

Hyius: Awesome

Tulk: It's indestructible now.

Leto: Yess

Nat: That's a relief that the tree is now safe!

Kandie: Every time I come back here, it's apparent that you've made the universe that much better.

Hylius: Once more. Amy is my new hero!

Vox: Good work Amy and everyone.

Nat: What about those other enemy groups Daydra was talking about?

Daydra: 20 groups intercepted at present... 10 remaining

Vox: Wheres Vex?

Pisch: I'm going to come to help

Nat: Doing great Daydra!

Daydra: "He has not made an appearance as of yet...he is likely fighting through his minions in a bid to acquire more power"

Daydra: "I don't suspect he will take the field in a weakened would be unwise"

Me: I know exactly where Vex is. He is not there.

Daydra: "Do you know his objective?"

Me: "He has many objectives that lead to his reclaim of power."

Daydra: "As expected...but if he is not at his lair..."

Daydra: "Then there must be something he is after....something important."

8:03pm Me: "I know what he came to get from the Tree. He cannot get it now."

Me to Eury: The reason he was going after the Tree was for what you sacrificed to it. I am not sure what to say to them in the chat. I haven't mentioned it.

Eury to Me: "Say that the upcoming post will explain everything."

Daydra: "He has sent his minions to acquire power sources all is clear he wishes to regain his lost powers...we must find a way to outwit and corner him then put him down for good"

Eury: "It is not wise to go after him at this very moment"

Daydra: "A well-devised plan is needed."

8:10pm Tulk: It felt like you were getting another rebirth of sorts from the Tree. Are you finished with what you were doing with the Tree?

Me: "I am not finished."

8:30pm Daydra: "All of the enemies that we detected have been defeated this day... but I cannot count this day a victory. Vex's minions...raided villages, 7 of them. 2 were totally annihilated before we could save them."

Daydra: "He was likely hoping to draw us away from the power sources he was targeting..."

Daydra: "Lovely...I will send the full battle reports to you when you are available."

8:33pm Me: Send it to me now. I can receive it.

Daydra: "Sending..."

Me: Wow, so it was hidden underground.

Daydra: "Yes...there is a lot of information, please look it all over as you can"

Me: They tore through the ground to get it. Still receiving...

8:36pm Daydra: "We needed such reports for our work in the guilds."

8:39pm Eury to Me: "I am done torturing all who defy me. I think they are ready to beg for forgiveness"

Me: There was a specific family in one of the villages... they tortured the father. He had something he was a Keeper of. A relic. They got it from him.

Me: "The Relic of Whooshing Wounds"

Daydra: "We are trying to track it down"

Me: This relic can wound even those who are otherwise invulnerable to harm. This is extremely powerful.

Kandie: I know you're pretty occupied right now, but are the ones who got killed going to be resurrected?

Daydra: "There are nearly 15,000 dead... I don't know of any power sufficient to raise that many at once."

Eliakim: 15,000 allies?

Lena: There are also rules for these type of things

Daydra: "Civilians...militia members... people who tried to protect their homes but fell... craftsmen, farmers."

Hylius: Does this relic have to be in contact them to affect them?

Eliakim: This relic could be used to destroy the tree.

Me: It does have to be in contact with you to hurt you. It is a weapon that must be held by the wielder.

Daydra: "I have scouts tracing the relic's location...they will be in touch with us as soon as they find it"

Me: "Bouyvaenu" "In the Marsh"

Daydra: "I will inform the scouts to scour the place"

Daydra: "The relic has been spotted...I will go and recover it"

Me: "Give it Varnnashun in Alfheim."

Daydra: "Will do." "That should do it"

Me: Thank you.

Daydra: "You're welcome... I am going to go rest for a while, if you need help again, please let me know."

Me: You were right Eliakim. They would be able to wound the Tree with this. It may be why they were going for it.

Nat: I've said it before but I'd like to reiterate, you are all amazing!

***Alfheim Defense Part Ended...

8:56pm Eury to Me: "They recognize me as their Queen. They are preparing for my return to the throne. They even have my crown. It is huge"

Me to Eury: I can feel the excitement.

Me to Eury: I should return to Elaïm and find the secret of the Misty Forest. I wonder what they will say about my test.

Me to Elaïm: "I have returned. Has my testing been completed?"

Elaïm: "It has. You have proven yourself worthy and true of the powers given to you."

Me to Elaïm: "May I learn the secret of the Misty Forest?"

Elaïm: "It is yours."

9pm *Elaïm transports Lovely to a Misty Forest*

Me: I feel like the Three-Eyed Raven. Such an immense amount of ancient knowledge. Ancient secrets and forbidden knowledge flowing into me. It is physically overwhelming.

Me: "I need the wisdom to use these secrets properly."

Elaïm: "That we shall give you."

Lena: Also you said three-eyed raven? I wonder if you are being in sync with me again. There are giant three eyed ravens all over the Citadel. Eury says they seem to be guarding it from the outside

10:20pm Me: "I learning Ancient Secrets of Othrabui, Onabatai, and many other Forbidden and Hidden Arts."

10:32pm Eury: "You may make the post. I have established my rule here. They know who I am and who to bow down to. Everyone in this land does."

Lena: There is a spirit holding my physical hand. I wonder who is with me?

Eury: "There is a king here." "I do not recognize him."

Lena: He is a Titan... I do not know how I feel about this... Weren't the other Titan spirits trying to marry me along with Vex?

Still May 27th...

10:50pm Me: Do not marry anyone. Find out his secrets.

Eury: "Princess of Valdunai...? Helfga is his "Queen". The war starts in 5 days..."

Lena: I yanked my hand away. He is trying to grab my wrist again. He is going to try to kill you. He hates you.

Lena: I see "Aphrodite will die" over and over. It has a lot of hatred inserted in it.

10:56pm Lena: I sense he will attempt to kill you... With the Bukrinalc. It is an offensive art to the Othrabui. The two naturally repel one another like creation and destruction I guess you could say.

Me to Elaïm: "I must know Bukrinalc in all its forms and how to counter it."

Elaïm: "We shall give you this knowledge now."

Lena: 'The crown lies the jewel...' What crown? On the Sleeping God.

Lena: Bakinlk is the jewel? Whats that I wonder...? I can sense intense energy from the name itself. It seems to take away willpower... I guess that is how people become bonded to him.

Me to Elaïm: "Is there knowledge on how to counter the Bakinlk jewel?"

Elaïm: "There is. We shall grant this knowledge to you."

Lena: The war is supposed to start 5 days from now. It is supposed to start with her disturbing the Sleeping God. I guess that would mean devouring him?

Lena: Army is 350,000 in numbers. They will attack in different realms to get these orbs so they can face the Primals. Then they plan to corner them and defeat them.

Me: What orbs are they trying to get?

Lena: Orbs Ch'dumva placed strategically placed around.

Me: He is the master behind this?

Lena: Yes it would appear so. He was the middleman that brought Helfga and the Moon girl together after all.

Me: He is pulling the strings like a puppet master.

Lena: Ch'dumva is the god of foul play. Lives on the third star.

Me: I consumed the third star... or is that different?

Lena: It says its the same...?? I don't understand.

Lena: I asked it where does he live? "On the third star." Unless he is living through you?

Me: If that is the case why try to kill Lovely?

Lena: Let me find out...

Lena: This Titan has "Aphrodite will die" with malicious intent. I am not sure if Ch'dumva wants the same thing...

Lena: Oh Ch'dumva does not wish to kill you. He wishes to harvest you. That was probably why he brought in the Moon Child.

Lena: The Titan is starting to flee.

Me: Hopefully Eury can get him restrained.

Lena: Why is he here? 'to marry' Why does he wish to marry? 'To have control over the spirits'

Lena: There are Elven spies among you.

Me: Raugunitar... what do they plan for him?

Lena: Drawing him away long enough to strike him.

Me: Do they have plans for Tulkas?

Lena: The Arrow of the Chibobue to pierce him.

Me: We need to know more about that.

Lena: A swamp that was forged from within to make it... Crystalline bruni was within it. Can pierce any armor or skin.

May 28th...

12:33am Me: What is their attack focused on?

Eury: "Void."

Ark: Hmm spirits are restless tonight I wonder whats up with them

Eury: "After they receive the orbs they plan to head for Void Capital. But not their entire army though. There, they will attempt to fight Umbranathor.

Meanwhile, other people from the army will attempt to weaken the Void Primals. They will also ambush them.

Once Umbranathor is down, they will have people for reinforcements if need be. Then they will corner the Void Primals and defeat them...

This plan will not go well unless they have the resources for it to go well. That is why they need the jewel, the Bukrinalc, and to marry me."

Me: Look for Vustik in his secrets.

Eury: "Ch'dumva and Vex have made a deal with one another. This Titan does not know what, but they made a deal. Apparently, it is private."

Me: Does he have any other knowledge on Vex?

Eury: "All I can see is he thinks he is suspicious and will maybe betray them. He is not entirely sure he will, but he still has his suspicions."

Me: Good. That is a good sign there is discord among them.

Me: "Oh wow, Eris Goddess of Discord... Maybe she can help..."

Lena: That's a great idea actually.

Me: I am wondering what it will do to their plans if I post their plots in the group... In the post.

11:04am Lena: I am inside a pool. A new body is forming around me from scratch.

May 29th...

Me to Anne: What can Helfga tell me of Ch'dumva. Does she still work for him? What does she know of the war?

Helfga: "- I don't work for him anymore. Is been a while now. I saw the war coming. I know a lot about it."

Anne: I don't know if this is related but I remember two months ago she said that before the balance in Midgard begin the Cosmo would need to be balanced once more. She said a War was coming. I don't know if it is the same War.

Me to Anne: The war will be here soon.

Helfga: "- That was what I was trying to say to you back then. I saw a lot."

Tulk: Are there ways to verify what's true?

Me: The War is in 3 days. So we will see.

3:26pm Anne: I understand. I discovered something new but I don't know if it is true is about Vex. But I believe is better to say to you instead of keep to myself even it is not true. Honesty is the main thing.

Me: Thank you. What do you know about Vex?

Helfga: " - I don't know the date for this but it was a long long time ago. I confronted him but that was not a good idea. I do not remember everything. But he was the one implanted the vision about me and Void. He took something from me that I need back. But before he destroyed something of mine I could see something in his mind. It was a plan and coincidentally intertwines with this war. I did not get everything. But I think that's enough."

Helfga: "I'll draw for you..." *sends drawing* "This one is the Plan. Is exactly like this."

Helfga: "This one is a spell. Don't really know what is about." *sends a second drawing*

Helfga: " And this one is a Place." *sends a third drawing*

Anne: I was shaking while doing this. She is sure Lovely will understand. I'll have to burn it so.. I hope you see everything clearly.

3:55pm Me: Holy shit... Woah... Thank you!

Anne: I'll delete this form this chat as well. I'll leave to you now.

5:16pm Lena: There is a spirit being sitting in front of me where I work staring at me. Amy, did you send him? He's got a deep voice, intense red-orange eyes.

Lena: He says you did every time I ask... Who sent you? 'Lovely did.' Those are the only two words I can get out of him.

Me: "Yes. He is a Guardian."

Lena: Oh is he watching over me just in case the 13 come? He's the silent type.

Me: "In case them or anyone else tries to mess with you."

Me: "I have assigned him to be your Guardian. His name is Xisru."

Lena: That is what I heard him say. I think he told me his full name because he said 'Xikuksru'. Is Xisru a nickname?

Me: "He goes by Xisru." You can ask him what he wants to be called.

Lena: He said he wishes to go by Xisru.

Me: That is what I thought he would say.

Lena: Thank you for sending him to me. He may seem like the silent intimidating type but I can tell he's a sweetheart.

Me: I love that he goes to work with you.

Lena: I got off work and he was sitting in the chair in front of me. I'm home now and he's standing at the side of my bed. I asked him if he wants to sit and he said no. 'I must remain diligent' he says.

10:25pm Helfga: "Please don't take him away from me he is all I have..."

Anne: She keeps repeating this. Is she in a kind of delirium? I don't know she is crying desperately...

Helfga: "I don't know what it is true of a lie anymore. I just remember the bond. What.." "I just know one thing is true."

Anne: I'm starting to get scared about this. There is something wrong very wrong. Is she going crazy or something? I'm scared.

10:47pm "Upon the Seven Moons it lies your destiny. Upon the Seven Moons it is your death. Daughter of... Daughter... The core is death I came to you. I'll break through and strip out your life with naked hands. When the day comes I'll destroy the Gods. I will be omnipotent. I will take the Rose and I'll take everything from her. When she breathes for the last time I will reign. On the bones of the Dragons, for I already have your daughter in my hands."

Anne: What is this? There is this Voice in her mind that keeps saying this. It is driving her mad.

Lena: Ch'dumva perhaps...? He is pulling the strings after all.

Me: This is referring to what he wants to do to me. "I'll destroy the Gods. I will be omnipotent. I will take the Rose and I'll take everything from her. When she breathes for the last time I will reign."

Lena: Ah, so he wishes to harvest you until you are no more, and he will finally reign from the harvest. That info from that Titan makes sense now.

Anne: He put her to sleep. He talked to me. My heart is full of fear. I can't do anything. I put all my hopes on you.

Me to Anne: This is from Ch'dumva. She is hearing his words and it is driving her mad at the moment.

Anne: Is not her words. She is not answering. My head is completely alone. In the back of my neck, there is something draining my energy... I do not what it is but it is starting to hurt.

Lena: She shouldn't have merged with her core. She is in a lot of danger there.

Me: Tulkas will you go check on Helfga? Find out if she is being drained.

11:07pm Tulk: Ok. On my way to her.

Anne: This being keeps speaking to me... Why? He does not let me write! Okay, this is crazy. I'm going crazy.

Tulk: Dark magic on her that's draining her. She's knocked out. I'm going to dispel it.

11:11pm Tulk: Crap. He's trying to take control of her body. He's using Helfga to try and fight me. I bound her. Focusing on getting rid of this magic.

Anne: Amy... Something tried to choke me... He kept saying those things... He made me see Toehfu incarnation dead. He was dead... He said... He was in my head that was horrible.

Tulk: He's trying to drain her of the remaining Orthrabui energy from the ritual you performed. He's also trying to drain it from me. Almost done getting rid of this magic.

Tulk: I dispelled the magic. I can see the anchor points he has in her. I'm going to destroy them.

11:21pm Tulk: They're destroyed now. Seems he was using her body as a spy in case she was captured. From what I felt when destroying them she didn't know.

Tulk: Seems he put some of his essence into her to try and possess her it seems. Last resort maybe? I have it in a container orb. Eff. It's trying to self-destruct.

Helfga: "- I will say everything to Amy."

Ch'dumva to Helfa: "- No you will not. Do you want me to choke you again? Or better should I go to the most precious person to you there in this disgusting earth. You know I can get him. Do you want to see me choke him? Without you be able to a thing?"

11:34pm Tulk: It self-destructed. Was only able to save a small piece. I'll put up a shield to keep Helfga from being controlled like that again.

11:47pm Anne: He stopped talking when I started to speak in Dragon speech. I was calling help to where she came from. My head hurts. I'm physically and emotionally drained plus there's something on my neck. I do not know what it is. Is what he was using to speak to me? I am afraid to say the things he said.

Me: I will make sure your lover is safe.

Anne: Fine... You promised me. He repeated this several times. It was mental torture.

Ch'dumva to Helfga: "Your life is in our hands for so long now what makes you think you can escape? No one is going to believe in you. We control you. Don't forget." "Aphrodite can't help you. We will kill her soon. Very very very soon."

"No one is going to believe you. You won't remember. We have your memories we destroyed you. You respond to us now. Did you forget? Why did you not do it? You were supposed to kill the Trees but you did not. Are thinking you have control over your life again?"

"We erased you. Why do you remember things that you not supposed to? Are you really trying to break free? Do you think that is possible?" *laughs* "Just be quiet and let me drain you out. Just die quickly and quietly. You are going to have everything that matters to you killed."

Anne: That was what he kept saying. It was the most horrible experience he just stopped after I started to speak in Dragon speech as I told you. Then I felt a fire in my neck and my whole body become warm.

May 30th...

12:15am Ark: Why don't we just be rid of him?

12:34am Marta: “Alei omek terak erebui.” “Komae ma naruk Aserah you have the power to defeat him, you absorbed the third star.” Where is he? “Where the fire starts.” He wants to possess you as well so he can use your power.

Marta: “Take Helfga to Void, eyes and ears covered and removed from her senses.” To get him out of her consciousness.

12:57am Ark: Why don't we just smash this chubucket being?

Me: I am not prepared. Do not do anything to him yet.

Ark: As you wish.

1:17am *Lovely tells Ark some of her plans*

Ark: Are you going to use it against Ch'umbucket?

Me: "Coming after me is walking into a trap. He will be his own undoing."

1:50am Me: Lovely has a plan in the works. She is actually laughing as she is making these plans, so I know they are good.

Me: Lovely died last night for 11 minutes. It was a strange experience for her to be dead. She had to in order to be reformed and rebirthed by the Creator.

2:01am Me: I noticed that the core survives death. That was all that survived when I died. Lovely still needs to be with the Creator for a bit longer. It is important.

Tulk: Your core is different. It feels bright and multicolored like a rainbow with white light at the center.

Still May 30th...

10:12am Anne: Hi.. I was able to sleep. But Helfga is still not answering... Is everything okay?

Me to Anne: I will have someone check on her.

11:57am Me: Anne says Helfga isn't responding to her.

Lena: Did you take her to Void?

Me: Lovely has been with the Creator, yet she told me had her taken there. She did as Marta recommended.

12:03pm Me: "Helfga is safe. I have turned off her sight and hearing for a short time. This will make Ch'dumva leave her."

Me: Lovely had me record something to put in the upcoming post.

Before you listen to the recording!... "If you are my ally, this recording gives you protection from Ch'dumva and his army. Your true self will be immune to death during the war. Begin using it today. Use it three times each day to keep the protection active. If you are my enemy this recording may harm you." - Lovely

According to their plans, the war begins in 2 days. On June 1st. Their plans may change.

There is no harm in listening to this more than 3x a day. That is all that is required to gain the protection. I asked Lena and Tulk to try the recording...

Lena: My very core is reacting to it. Like something wants to come out from within.

Tulk: Feels like something's covering me and forcing something to come out from my core.

Me: "This makes you deathless during the battle. The ability to die is leaving you. It will return to you after the war. As it must."

Tulk: It's much more intense due to the ritual you did. I can feel it being stripped away from my body.

Me: Lovely says this will protect you from that arrow.

This is battle protection. It is very powerful.

*Lovely Battle Protection from Ch'dumva*

2:14pm Anne: I started to shake intensity while reading the post my neck hurts and all my body is extremely cold and I'm still shaking. I was even gritting my teeth. I had to get up and get a blanket. But it is not resolving. I'm extremely cold. Is that normal? And some lines show up in my left hand.

Eury: "Do you want me to read her energy?"

Me: Yes, please do.

Eury: "He put something inside Helfga's core"

Me: I need to go to her and have her look me in the eyes. I can use Othrabui to access her core to remove it.

2:26pm Me: "I got it. This is a spectral. This gave him access to her mind."

Anne: That is why I am feeling this in my neck and column it hurts. This thing was getting my body so cold that I thought that the purpose was to shut my body off.

2:32pm Me: "Helfga's core looks terrible. This spectral did immense damage. I am restoring her core."

2:38pm Anne: My body is getting warmer. It is just this pain in my neck.

2:43pm Me to Helfga: "Your core is restored."

Anne: My body temperature is back to normal.

Anne had an Othrabui Core Fusion. So what happens to Helfga affects Anne. It is very serious. I will post more about this fusion later.

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