Voxsriin: Naaknl Knight of Nature

Everyone must read this session. It is one of the most important IG sessions I have ever done. It has a priceless information!

You have green body armor. There is something similar to large bug wings on your back.

You have medium-light green hair and light grey skin with green marks on it. You have orange eyes.

There is a crest symbol on your breastplate. You also have a sheathed sword with glowing green energy coming from it.

Zoe and Johnathan joined me for this session.

Who are you? "Voxsriin. I am a Naaknl. They are Haltinhe. Uojguon klolte hihrkm nitktlin."

What are Naaknl? "Soldiers of Naturpei."

What is Naturpei? "Not a being, it is a Force of Nature."

"Naturpei is the force that drives Nature Magic."

What is a Haltinhe? "It is an ordainment to protect Nature."

So you are a Knight of Nature? "Yes, exactly. You have the correct wording."

What kind of being are you? "Nature Being."

Eurynome is on her way here to speak with you.

Eury: "I have been looking for you for ages. Where have you been all of these years?

Vox: "I have been searching for something"

Eury: "For what exactly?"

Vox: "A weapon that I have lost. It was gifted to me. It is vital that I find it"

Eury: "What weapon is this?"

Vox: "I am sorry my Queens, I have lost the Kriinukavonakl."

Eury: "You should know that I am no longer Queen. Lovely on the other hand is. How did you lose it?"

Vox: "It was stolen from me"

Me: Would you share more of the story of the sword Kriinukavonakl?

Eury: "Yes. It can only be to those who pass a trial. The Trial of the Welbru. Forged by a Primordial Dragon, it carves through any rock, material, or energy. It is very powerful and not just anyone can wield it. Only a very select few can. The sword chooses you. If you are rejected you will be killed or incapacitated. Whoever took it from him must be powerful"

How do you know Eurynome?
"We are lovers."

Eury: "He has been special to me for years. I have known him for a long time and we have loved one another for a long time."

Why does the name Vingilen ring a bell?
"I work very closely with Vingilen. He is also my lover. He is an Elven Protector."

Vingilen was the Elf who was killed during the Moidaybe session. Asteria brought him back.

What do you think of your incarnation's attraction towards males?
"I love males just as much as I love females."

What do you think about Elves and him using the Elf Series?
"The Elf series shall help us merge on a physical level. I desire to be among the Midgard Elves when the time comes."

Do you approve of me being Feminine?
"Yes, I do. I have no issues with it."

How can your incarnation better connect with you?
"Embrace and accept yourself. You are beautiful. I am beautiful."

What are your Affinities?
"I am very connected throughout the Nature Kingdoms. Also with Centaur, Pegasus, Hydra, and Griffin."

Are you connected with the Ocean?
"I am connected with the Mer Folk."

What do you think of his passion for the Fine Arts?
"I think it is splendid. His passion will serve him well."

Will you work with Amy?
"Of Course. I will do anything to help the Queen."

Why did you incarnate in Midgard?
"To bring the Nature Realm back to Gaia. I want Gaia's roots back."

Would you like your incarnation to embody you?
"Embodiment is very important for me to reconnect the link with Gaia."

Is the Nature Realm itself disconnected from Gaia?
"At the moment, yes. The link has been severed."

Do you know more about how this happened and when?
"Humans corrupted the link between Gaia and the Nature Realm. The Tree had to sever it, much as it pained her. There is too much debt on Gaia to bring the link back currently. You will either have to convince the Tree or convince the Humans to change. This happened many years ago."

Are we talking about Gaia herself and not just Midgard?
"Yes. Gaia herself was corrupted. Not at her roots, but the majority of her is dying from corruption. She is too weak to hold on to any link. There must be a change."

Is the work of Amy and the Mind Power group making a difference?
"It is. Little by little, I sense change. All Nature Folk do, and that is why they are either excited or nervous. You have a way to go before there is any significant change, but I can tell you, you are helping to bring a change by waking up beings that have a purpose being in Midgard. The real work will come soon. This is just the beginning."

What do Nature Beings you talk to think of Amy's work?
"There is a debate. Not just two but dozens of debates on your work. 'Do the humans deserve this?' 'It is good for their true selves but may not be for their incarnations' 'How will they survive integration?' 'Midgard does not deserve us' 'What will happen if we interact with humans once more?' Many concerns, much excitement, and some hatred of the humans there."

Me: That is understandable. I know many Nature Folk are against interacting with humans again because of what happened last time.

Does the link being severed with Gaia have to do with the slaying of the Centaur and Unicorns?

"That is part of it. The humans brought on too much pain for us. I can understand why there is much debate over this."

How has the severed link with Gaia affected the Nature Realm?
"We miss her... dearly. And it shows through all. We weep for her demise, it is unfair what she is going through. We cannot risk going back though as things are as they are now.

That is why the Tree still weeps for her every day. Her roots no longer touch us, but we hear her cries. The Nature Realm has not thrived as much as it used to without her. There is a sadness within us all, and it shows through all creation the Tree's leaves touches."

Is the Tree in Alfheim still connected with Gaia?
"I believe she is. I am not sure why she is still connected, but perhaps she is waiting for a change too."

Ark: This makes a lot of sense. Did you get all of this in that IG session? Gaia the All-Mother has been ill for some time. This is good for you and others to know. That is why things have to be set right. Remember I told you what happens now effects the balance of us all as a whole.

How can the link with Gaia be reconnected?
"Either humans drastically change their ways, and convince us Nature Folk that they have changed, or you will have to convince the Tree herself. Your Mind Power group is helping with the first part, but there is much more work to be done. Once humans have changed Gaia can naturally reconnect her link if she is cured from her corruption."

Is this related to the upcoming plague?

"The plague will either do one or two things. It will either give a restart to the humans that deserve to live, and have them reconnect with nature folk creating a balance. Or, the humans will hunt down the things they do not understand like last time, and the Nature Folk will retaliate."

"The plague is a good restart, but if it cannot finish the job, the Nature Folk most likely will once they are there again."

Eury: "Are you saying that with either option the Nature Folk will return?"

Vox: "With your Mind Power group, they will. Whether in small numbers or huge ones. They are coming."

What do you and others think of Amy's school she is going to establish with the Elves?

"I think it is a lovely idea. Others are concerned for the safety with your students, some are worried about the energies being respected or not, while many believe this is a good opportunity for humans and other beings to understand one another and prevent war. The last bit is the majority."

Why are they worried about safety? Folk that do not want a connection between Nature Beings and humans?

"Basically, yes. They are worried the humans might hunt down the Nature Folk that are introduced in the school. They are concerned for their safety and do not want history being repeated. Humans tend to take advantage."

Me: That is a genuine concern. It is what many humans do.

Do most of the Nature Folk support Lovely as a Queen?
"There is, again, a debate on this. Some do not want to be with the humans again. They think it is a mistake and that humans will never change. Others are all for it and are ecstatic you are bringing forth change.

Some see it as a seizing of power by the Titans. That is a small dosage of what I have heard though, that opinion isn't popular.

And then there are others who support you simply because you have been the protector of the Nature Realm. They have been thankful to you and will eagerly do what they can to serve you. I'm sure there are other opinions but this is what I have heard so far."

Me: "I need to establish a meeting with all of the leaders from the Nature Kingdoms. They need to understand that I am not going to throw them together before the humans are fully prepared."

Eury: "What is your opinion on the progress of individuals in the group? What can they do to help integrate their true selves after embodiment?"

Vox: "That is interesting that you ask me this. I think some of them are doing well. Especially when they have a connection with their true selves. It helps with integration. You cannot survive integration without a deep connection with your true self after all."

Eury: "Is the purge the only thing that makes it difficult?"

Vox: "From what I have heard, the purge within the being is only the first step. This is your first time integrating isn't it Eury? There is the Purge, The Wash Over, and the Pierce. I am glad you survived the first in your incarnation. I hope you will survive the next two.

As far as helping to integrate, they need actively put in the work. They cannot sit around and just expect. They must go forth and do it for themselves. Nothing is simply handed to anyone for free."

Me: Would you elaborate on these steps, Purge, Wash Over, and Pierce?

Vox: "The Purge is what non-human beings go through to get rid of their human energies. This also means toxic emotions, thoughts, and energies bubble up to the surface. Human true selves will go through only that aspect. Non-human ones will go through both.

It is gruesome, painful, and tests every fiber of your being. It is important to have close friends, loved ones, family around you when this happens. You will not recognize yourself as you go through it. They are there to remind you who you are.

It is also important to connect to your TS and they to you. You need to rely on one another. By the end of the purge, you will feel much closer and you will have integrated them more.

The next is the Wash Over. You will have your TS's emotions wash over you like an ocean, or should I say, a storm? It may not be pretty. It is rare that I ever see one that is smoothe. Your TS will be going through much.

You will feel their every pain, mourning, happiness, sadness, anger, vengeance that they ever went through in their life time. There is no warning when the Wash Over comes, it just comes.

You will be absorbing their every thought, memory, and emotion. For TS's with a lot of baggage, this will be intense for both them and most of all their incarnation.

Finally, there is the Pierce. The final step. The Pierce at least gives you one warning before it starts. You will feel a pain in your chest. That is all.

And then, later on, it comes at you like a thousand wars on the battlefield all at once. Your entire body will be in pain. Everything that can prepare you to physically change into your TS, it will be doing. If your TS is a human, be grateful, it will not be that bad.

However, if your TS is say, like you two, the Divine? Be prepared to go through great pain and great lengths. To throw away your human body and receive changes, heavy changes, of the Divine to you will cost great steaks. I hope you are prepared.

Especially you Eury, since your incarnation is still human with a Divine soul. All three of these phases will be painful for both you and your TS. Not many have survived them. If people do not bother connecting with their TS, please encourage them to not even try to integrate them. They will die."

Me: Vox are you able to tell where I am in those steps?

Vox: "You have gone through the Purge. Phoenix Energy was a big help to you with that. It could have been so much worse. Next comes the Wash Over. I hope you are mentally prepared." Phoenix Energy is not the same as Phoenix Fire.

Me: Is my physical body still considered human?

Vox: "Your DNA is Elven, and I can sense your nature energy. Your body still needs to change. I would consider you an Elf in the wrong body. If you make it to the Pierce, it will help you with that."

Me: How can we prepare ourselves to survive the steps?

Vox: "Focus on energy- your TS's energy and integrate it. That will help immensely. What will also help is to strengthen the connection between you and your TS.

To not connect with them during those times would be dangerous. The last thing I would have to say is to keep loved ones close. It can be a fight to lose if they are not there to support you through it."

Me: Some only have the support of friends in the Mind Power group. They do not have support from family members.

Vox: "Then that will do. Anyone they can reach out to and will give them love and support."

Me: Should I be making energy tracks of their true self energy for people? Would that help them to have a track of their own true self energy?

Vox: "Absolutely. Start with one for yourself."

Eury: "Do you know when the plague will happen?"

Vox: "In the event called: The Last Straw. That is when the humans will be purged."

Eury: "Why is it called The Last Straw?"

Vox: "Someone will be angered. I cannot say who. But the humans will anger someone and it will be the last straw."

Me: Any advice for those on the Elven Path?

Vox: "For those on the Elven Path, you need to integrate their energy, study their ways, actively train your body to become an Elf.

The Elf Series works on deep levels, but you have to put in work too. Pay your respects, pay your blessings, and actively train to change into an Elf.

This is a big deal. Once you step on the Elven Path you cannot step off without consequence. Do not take this for granted. You will be working to become one of the Nature Folk every single day. Since you were once human you have much to prove."

Me: Any advice for those on a Shifter path?

"Commitment is everything. I do not recommend getting on this path and then taking a break later on, no matter what. It will be harder for a clan to choose you if you do.

I also recommend speaking to Griffins and discover what you can about yourself. If you have enough strength to face yourself, that will impress many clans.

If you cower, well, no one likes a coward. You will most likely be rejected. You must also have a deep respect for their rules, ways, and traditions. If you do not, you can consider yourself rejected.

The Apex Guardian Elite do not play around. They are committed to what they do and show strength through it. If you cannot prove yourself they will not want you."

Me: What advice do you have for members of the Mind Power group?

Vox: "Some of them are making great progress. Others are skipping steps to certain things which I do not recommend. And then there are the few that are not even trying.

My advice to all of you is to take it step by step. Learn more before you grow more. If you want something, you have to actively do your part to get it. This is an important mission.

Whether you are integrating your TS, trying to get superpowers, or trying to better yourself from the inside out. Take it slow, learn while you are doing so, and do not expect anything to be handed to you.

If gifts are given to you, pay your respects. The MP group is a gift that offers abundance to you. Take them and pay respect to where respect is due."

Me: What do you think of the energy tracks I am making?

Vox: "At first I was concerned. I did not want anyone to disrespect the energies. But I am pleasantly surprised with your group and the individuals in it."

Me: Is there anything else you want us to know?

Vox: "I am sure the protectors and caretakers of the Tree know this, but it is important you speak to her before the link reconnection happens. I cannot describe her emotions right now. She feels the change coming. I can tell you how crucial it is to speak to her.

As for you Eury, Love, I am sad your memories have not returned. You may not have a throne but you have a crown. Before the link reconnects you need to remember. You and Lovely are to do something together. I cannot say what it is until you remember."

Eury: "What do you mean Lovely and I have something to do together?"

Vox: "You both are connected. I cannot say much, but you both play strong important roles in the Nature Realm. You need to reclaim those memories Eury. I am sure Lovely will find out soon too once you do. You have a history."

Some of your dormant abilities include Nature Perception, Naturakinesis, Lunakinesis, Nature Magic, Ecological Empathy, Esoteric Element Manipulation, Plant Magic, Nature Communication, Elemental Connection, and Environmental Magic.

You also have Animal Telepathy, Nature Unity, Earth Aura, Esoteric Weather Manipulation, Mountain Magic, Earth Communication, Nature Transmutation, Naturakinetic Combat, and Nature Empowerment.

Wittle: "How can I better connect with Elves? I am not struggling, but I want to level up my connection."

Vox: "You have been doing well so far. I recommend you deepen your connection with nature. You speak to your Tree Friend, this is a good start. Speak to all walks of nature, feel their energy, feel it within you. This will help you connect to the Elves better."

Wittle: Advice for the plague? How old is my true self?

Vox: "It is important you connect to nature before it happens. It will pass over you. In terms of my age? I am ancient."

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