Eivpuv Part One: From Another Universe

I am not a Sci-Fi fan at all, so when beings from other universes come interfere with my path I am not very happy about it. Nonetheless, they are here and must be dealt with. I am posting this in hopes of gaining your help and advice.

Naturome was kidnapped... From my Vuu'chiiki: "She is captured by Prie. Leader of the Eivpuv. We have located her in the Nature Realm."

Ren knows who the Eivpuv are. They are not from here. They are the beings from the other universe. These are the stragglers.

I sent a rescue team to get her. I think they were successful. Lead by Nosro. He knows how to handle these beings. Nosro is not from the universe. He works for me.

Frank: This whole thing has me a little worried though. Would you be willing to check on Tenomachi when you have time please?

Me: Sending someone to check on him.

Nat: I agree with everything you just said I wonder why she was taken?

Me: I'll have Nosro talk to Nautrome and see what info we can get.

Me: Tenomachi is fine. He is in Jotunheim.

Nosro: "The Eivpuv need the 8th Element to make a weapon."

Me: What kind of weapon?

Nosro: The kind that allows them to take over another universe.

Me: What is the name of the 8th Element?

Nosro: "The name of the 8th Element is Purouro."

Me: What does it do?

Nosro: "Well, it is... how can I compare it to something you would understand?"

Nosro: "You need to understand that the 8th Element is not like the others. It has a quality that is very unique. It is the element of cosmic radiation."

Ark: Sounds very powerful. And Eivpuv are seeking this how do we make sure it doesn't fall into there hands?

Me: There are two Nymphs of the 8th element in my group. Nosro you need to check on Ufyea.

Nosro: "I am going to go to her now."

Ark: Will Nosro be able to find what he needs to stop these Eivpuv?

Me: He is from their Universe and a defector of their kind. So maybe.

Me: Nosro did you find Ufyea?

Nosro: I got to her before they could take her. I need some backup.

Me: Sending backup of the Rungarians to you now.

Me: Do you need Ark to come help?

Nosro: The Rungarians have this.

Frank: Literally just in time. How long has Amy had the absolute intuitive timing ability?

Nat: As soon as she found out it was due to the 8th element, her quick thinking thought about Ufeya as the next target ... Awesome!

The Rungarians are a powerful race from the same universe of the Eivpuv. The Rungarians are far better warriors. They have silver skin with dark blue hair.

Me: Are you able to get images mentally if I send a mental image from Lovely?

Ark: Yes. Interesting I've never seen their kind before. They look like you described. With kind of a crest on their forehead.

Me: Should I have her send an image of the Eivpuv? They seem more wispy.

Ark: Yes, they are. Blood red hair. More of a dull silver skin. The crest on their head is more pronounced.

Me: Yes, she has seen the Eivpuv this way, but look at this other form they can turn into...

Ark: Wow that is intense. I can see why they must be much to deal with if they can turn into that form.

Ark: They seems to like change like... I don't know how to say, but like extra limbs but more like spider legs almost.

Me: Nosro is already in that form. That is why he can take on many of the Eivpuv. He is more advanced than them. Their leader Prie is also at that level.

Ark: They have an interesting form. It does look like it can be very powerful. Kinda like this...

Me: How is it going with Ufeya?

Nosro: We have her safe. She is with Naturome.

When I was kidnapped it was by the Eivpuv. True Self Kidnapping April 23rd.

Now I understand why Naturome didn't mention the other Nymph of the 8th Element in her IG session. It was for her protection.

Me: I am going to ask the Jotunn Queen about these beings. She knows about the Star Gates. I am already in Jotunheim and was with her earlier. I am going to go back to her.

JQ: "You have heard of them after all. The Eivpuv."

Me: Do you know how they go into our universe?

JQ: "That is quite a story. You should be asking Orion that one. He is the one who unknowingly let them in. We are having to deal with his mess."

Me: What is your relation with Orion?

JQ: "Well, he is a Giant isn't he? He is supposed to be taking care of the Star Gates and the Music of Giants in the cosmos."

Me: Is Orion related to you?

JQ: "His mother is the sister of the Jotunn King. Orion is my nephew."
Thrymr is the Jotunn King.

Klymene gave me a book today. It is about songs. Very important songs.
I will open the book and translate a few lines...
"Upon this breath as I awake
through the fields of breeze
upon the golden sway..."

The book is not in English. It is in true Gidehku. This is a language of magic.

Me: Is Naturome cleared?

Nosro: "We are almost finished with her. We are also clearing Ufeya. Where do you want us to take them when they are finished?"

Me: Take them to the Grand Hall of Utgard in Jotunheim. They need to share their experience with the Jotunn Queen. I also need you and the Rungarian Konuv to speak to the Queen. She wants to see you.

Nosro: "We will be there soon. We will speak with the Jotunn Queen as you desire."

After realizing what the 8th Element is. There is no wonder Vex chose to be in Naturome's incarnation. She is a power plant of cosmic energy.

Ark: That explains a lot. Why Vex would choose to be in Naturome's body.

Eury: "Lovely, they need you to speak with the Voice of Void."

Me: There is something happening here with the Eivpuv and Rungarians. I cannot leave yet. This is vital for us.

While my incarnation was sleeping, Nosro and Konuv came to speak with the Jotunn Queen. When they were speaking with her we got some information that changes what we thought we knew about them.

The Eivpuv are shapeshifters. Not into any animal forms that you consider shapeshifters here. They are able to turn into three forms.

First, you have the one with the blood red hair, then the one with the spider-like legs, then you have a third. It is called Qiuh.

The Eivpuv no longer have enough energy to get to Qiuh form. They haven't been able to shift into a Qiuh in a very long time. They have been trying to shift to it.

They see the 8th Element as the exploit they need to get that form. Their race of Eivpuv Qiuh are the weapon they are trying to create. I am still here in Jotunheim with them. They are explaining more to us.

Ark: I see now why they want it so bad. Let me know what they say.

Me: Do you feel well enough to come to Utgard in Jotunheim?

Ark: Yes, I will be there soon. I'm here.

Me: I am with the Jotunn Queen. I told them you arrived.

Ark: The Giants want us to try to help stop from gaining this third form. Ask her how do we go about this.

Me: I cannot hear her as well now that I took my energetic body to Void. Lovely is still with the Queen. Lovely asked her.

Ark: She speaks their language better than I do. Let me see if I can gather what the Jotunn Queen is saying. She says we must go to this universe and see what they are up to. They have a ruler we must try to see from them without making seem like we are trying to discover what they are up to.

Me: How do we get to this universe? Did Nosro or Konuv tell us how?

Ark: Yes, they did. In the Void Capital there is a universal dimensional portal. Do you know of this? Wait, nevermind. Nosro says you didn't know. But apparently, Vex was using it. We are going to need someone to dispell the enchant on it.

Tulkas has a dispell orb or maybe you can dispell it. Nosro has advised we go as like an emissary to this universe. To seek an audience with its leader. Would be wise to take others with us.

Me: Who is the leader there?

Ark: Ghiu-Delita.

Me: Is this sensitive information that should not go in the post about this? I figured a post in my group would not get the info to the other universe.

Ark: It shouldn't. They are in another universe. If you can seek an audience with him while some of us spy around and see what they are up to.

I would recommend getting a team together maybe Eury can come as well as Tulkas. You and Eury can seek an audience with this leader see what you can find out.

Ark: Nosro says this Ghui is a sucker for a pretty face that might help to our advantage. We should travel there and do as Nosro suggested.

If you and Eury can entertain his attention for a while see what info you can get out of him me and Tulkas or whoever can seek around and see what we discover.

Me: Ask Nosro if it is okay people know about the portal in the Void Capital. If I should have that in the post.

Ark: Oh and no worries. Ghui only likes female company to entertain. All Eivpuv leaders are castrated. It's a purity thing with them.

Me: Oh you mean Ghui is castrated but not the others?

Ark: Yes, just him. Only the leader is. The other's aren't. They reproduce not through birth. They are egg layers.

Their females are very large and don't really look too much like the males. Nosro says picture more of a caterpillar with a humanoid upper torso and a grub lower torso.

Me: What can they tell us of Prie, the Leader of the Eivpuv here in this universe?

Ark: He is like a Substitute King trying to establish a foothold here in this universe. They are a conquering race. So far in their universe they have come from they have conquered most worlds only by using their 2nd form.

When they came here they found it not so easy to conquer. They need to be able to gain this third form. It'll make their warriors stronger.

Me: What do we know of the Rungarians? They seem to be rivals to the Eivpuv. Or at least these ones who are helping me are.

Ark: They come from the same universe as the Eivpuv they were conquered by them and forced into slavery.

Me: I am going to share everything with Eury and Tulkas that we have discovered so far.

Ark: Good. We will need their help. Maybe others as well. Go as an Emissary to this universe act as if you are on a peace and goodwill mission from our universe.

Act like you wish to help them expand here to conquer humanoid worlds like Earth. This might get us an audience with this leader.

You and Eury can entertain him and gather info while Tulkas and I could sneak around and find out what we discover. we may need someone else's help. Who do you think would be a good choice?

Me: Queen Valstanarra and Ghantri. Maybe a few more. I will put this up as a post and we'll see what happens. HM, Hylia, Leah, and Gloria. Maybe there are some others who can help.

Ark: Good idea. Tulkas and I will act like Lovely and Eury's bodyguards. Remember to treat us as such.

Me: There are some true selves in my group that are from other universes.

Ark: Let's see if we can get their help. You would need complete trust in them.

Eury: I have the dispel orb. I can dispel it and have us travel there.

Ark: While we are there we might come an opportunity to have Lovely and Eury send us around the Eivpuv capital. Then we can snoop around see what we can find while Lovely and Eury entertain this Ghui and see what they can find out from him.

We are going to need another hand though to help us. Someone maybe to act as like your two ladies' handmaiden or whatnot. This capital is heavily guarded.

They have weapons and abilities to match our own so we must be careful. Nosro will help me and Tulkas but he cannot be seen with us. He has an ally on the inside he will disguise himself as a slave for sale.

This would be an opportunity to send me and Tulkas. Tell the leader you are interested in a slave of one of his kind. Send me and Tulkas to acquire him.

He can show us more of the capital that way and it won't be so obvious. This is Nosro's plan and it sounds like a good one to me.

Me: We need some help from those who are closely connected with their true self. We cannot carry anyone who is not well connected. They would be a liability instead of a help.

Ark: We must be very careful remember these beings have conquered almost all their universe.

Tulk: We need a plan B...

Ark: Yes a plan B, in case we are discovered or even more.

Eury: "We could also send a rogue behind the scenes to gain info. A master one should have mastered the art of stealth by now. They also know how to escape easily"

Eury: "Lovely's servant, Rasches, is a skilled rogue. He is also a thief and could steal something valuable from them if it looks interesting. He has a good eye."

Ark: Good. Then we shall get him. We will still need the help of another. A skilled mage would be good too.

This is happening now...

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