Asteria's Wisdom about the Dead

I was talking to Asteria today about the Afterlife post. She wanted to share her wisdom.

There is a borderlands in the cosmos too. Asteria has been labeled as a Necromancer, but that is not what she is. Necromancers do not deal with creation and revival. They are more on the destructive side.

Asteria does resurrect them but there are specific rules about them and she must follow the guidelines. She has tried reviving beings before and was not able to. They were gone too long or it was not part of the way they do it.

Afterall there are higher-ups above Asteria's rank. She does play an important part but there are others like her. She does interact with the energetic information of a being's soul.

That is the only way she can determine if they can be resurrected or not. If she cannot find the energetic information for their death then she can resurrect them.

If it was an unexpected or accidental death the information won't be there and she can bring them back into existence.

Sometimes if they have been gone too long the energetic information for their death will form on its own and she won't be able to bring them back. It may be a bit unfair but that is how it works.

It is a tricky business but she doesn't try to concern herself with it often. The higher-ups are very strict. Incredibly strict. She has dealt with a few of them before. They are not very pleasant but they do their job. They are some of the more passionate workers.

They take things very seriously. That may sound kind of bad in a sense that they are just doing their job, but it maintains a balance and order. If it was not there things would fall apart. Afterall there would be many souls stuck in the borderlands of the cosmos. It does work in a very similar way to this realm.

That is why Asteria does agree with the Afterlife post. Most beings are not able to interact with the borderlands and most of the higher-ups are not actually on the true self plane of existence. They are on a different level.

You don't really interact with them. You have to have the gift to be able to interact with them. Remeber the kid she encountered when she revived that Elf in the session for Moidaybe. He was actually a dead soul. A dead being.

He was chosen to become one of the “collectors” similar in a way to the Hollows but they have a different job. They maintain order. He was in training which is why he was a bit mischievous and didn't understand the rules. He also had a personal grudge against that Elf. She could tell.

Asteria was able to interact with them. She knows their language and she can see them. Most cannot. A few can see them but not know the language so they cannot interact with them. In general, they are just not really a race or a class of beings that are reachable.

It is very hard to explain it without speaking in their language. They have many terms for it. They are on a different level of existence from true selves and beings in the cosmos. They perform their jobs. That is basically all that they do. They serve a purpose.

She won't share the name because it is disrespectful. They have been called many things. They do not like to have certain names for themselves but sometimes they latch onto certain titles.

That is all she will share about them for now. This is a very sensitive topic. There are many more detailed aspects of it she cannot share at all. What is here seems to get the basics of it down.

The concept of a true self being able to die is a depressing topic. True destruction does exist. Reincarnation of the True Self can exist as well. Sometimes we cannot always come back from death so we must reincarnate instead in order to live again.

It is not like reincarnating in Midgard. It is like taking on a new form and a new life. Sometimes, but not always you will remember your past true self life. Afterall, that is what happened to Asteria.

Dustin is right that being his true self is more of a burden than a gift. Asteria agrees on that. Sometimes it can sound interesting or cool, but it can be rather strenuous and definitely a burden.

She does not think people realize how big of a change it is to become your true self and how many responsibilities you will take on. It is worth it in the end. If you desire to be whole and complete then this is the path you should take.

She will leave it at this for now. She would like you to process it and take it as you may. This is the basics.

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