Destiny in the Mind Power Group

You didn't join this group by chance. There may be some of you here who found Mind Power on your own, but many of you were guided here. I know this.

Of course, there are some who sabotage and squander their purposed destiny. Thank you for staying by my side on this journey. Thank you for not letting haters take you off course.

If you heed the call of your true self then you will achieve what you came here to do. You may miss out on your destiny, but you cannot miss out on your fate.

I have discovered that Hecate, Artemis, and Hermes are in this group or will be part of this group soon. I have a strong feeling there are other incarnations of the Divine here among us.

I am not just referring to Greek Gods either. Many different pantheons. We have some of the Valar here. Vanir and Nature Deities as well.

We have an Egyptian Goddess with us. We also have a Void God here who I spend a lot of time with. We are close friends.

I recently discovered a true self here in the group who is an Ancient Mesopotamian God. I am dear friends with him and I have also become good friends with his incarnation.

The incarnations of Gods, Nature Folk, and others are being guided here for a reason. You are in this group because you are meant to be here. You were guided here.

Your true selves know about this group. I know it is talked about among the Divine and in the Nature Realm. Probably elsewhere in the cosmos as well. We are well known.

How did Poseidon and his twin sister find each other through this group? How did true love couples find each other here? How did true self families come together here? This is destiny. Our threads are interweaved.

Like the Rephrax Crystal Giant said - "I have some family in your Mind Power group. We have guided our incarnations there. You do not realize how popular your Mind Power group is to many kinds. You are one of the few who helps us reconnect so we are able to do our missions in Midgard at full power."

I get annoyed when people try to claim Pleadians are Gods or Elves. The Pleadians are deceptive. They are not the Norse Gods at all. There are no Gods or Elves that are Pleadian.

There are three Norns (Old Norse: “Nornir”) in Norse mythology and they live at the well Urd in Asgard.

Their names are Urd “What Once Was”, Verdandi “What Is Coming into Being” and Skuld “What Shall Be”, the three Norns are the Goddesses of Fate in Norse mythology.

They spend most of their time sitting at the root of Yggdrasil and spinning the threads of life, to decide the fate of all living beings.

We are created with free will. Destinies are weaved and fates are decided. We have free will to abide by it or not.

Either way, our fate will come into play. We could say “Fuck the Norns.” It still won't change it.

Minor things don't play into our fate so they can be changed all we want. We still have quite a bit of leeway.

My man speaks to the Norns and can see destinies and fates. He can see what is weaved and the paths that are set forth before us. His true self is involved with fate and destiny.

Please do not message him about this. He is already doing us huge favors by sharing information. Respect his privacy. If he ever decides to offer fate readings it will be through me. Anything regarding this goes through me.

In the Greek Epics when a warrior would die in battle it was said that they met their fate on that day.

"Diomedes comes close to Hektor in the battle, but he is unwilling to attack the son of Priam, since both sides are aware that fate is on the Trojan side this day."

"To be a great warrior was Achilles' fate..."

It is better if you work with your destiny than against it. You can make it epic. There are usually always two paths laid out for you.

You have the free will to choose which path to follow. I was told of two paths and I already chose one of them.

Achilles was shown both of his fate paths. He chose glory...

"Two fates bear me on to the day of death.
If I hold out here and I lay siege to Troy
My journey home is gone, but my glory never dies.
If I voyage back to the fatherland I love,
My pride, my glory dies...
True, but the life that's left me will be long,
The stroke of death will not come on me quickly."

I have a part two for this about Destiny and the Hugali.
Destruction and the Hungali -

I didn't know what picture to put with this post. Then this one showed up on my FB feed right after I finished writing this. I take that as a sign.

Fate vs Destiny
The two paths before you are two destinies. Everyone has two paths that lead to two possible futures. Most people go back and forth on these paths one to the other cause they can't make up their minds on what they really want.

One path is easy and more instant gratification but usually doesn't have a very bright ending. The other more hard to navigate but holds what the person or being desires most. The more balanced future so to say.

Fate is what leads us to others and to certain situations while we travel our paths. People can avoid fate for a time but it'll come back around on them. Death is an example of fate. Destiny is what you are to complete in this life on the path you choose.
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