New Age Ascension Progress

I decided to make a post about this pending post. I would like to clarify where I stand on this topic.

I was at one time caught up in this New Age Ascension ideas so I understand where you are coming from.

Thank you to the Elves, Nature Beings, and my True Self for helping me realize that it is bullshit.

The Acturians, the Pleiadians, and other extraterrestrials that are supposedly here to help mankind have ulterior motives.

The Earth does not need to ascend. It needs to return to its Ancient Roots. I am referring to the real authentic true ancient ways. Gaia is a Titan.

Crystalline beings? That would be 'perfect' for programming. Do you know what computer chips are?

The only beings that should be crystal-based are the ones who were designed that way for a reason, like the Bonsqualiak, Rephrax Crystal Giants, and other Elementals. They have protections and abilities that humans do not have. This is not for humans.

We don't need the New Age, bring back the Old Ways. We don't want a New Earth, we want our Ancient Earth Mother Gaia back in her full beautiful glory.

Humans are not limitless. They just like to think they are. No being is. Even Gods and the Divine are not completely limitless. There are laws and rules in the cosmos. They are necessary.

Balance must be maintained at all costs even if that requires the destruction of an individual, a species, a civilization, or even an entire planet. That is for the protection of the cosmos. The Hungali were made to restore balance.

People are saying going from '3D' to '5D' is supposedly better. There are many realms and they don't have numbers like this. This is a fallacy. They are not levels that you work your way up on.

The realm we are in now is the lowest plane of existence. Lower than the so-called '2D' Nature Realm and the supposed '1D' Mineral Realm.

***A message from the Elves***
"If you will become what you once were when Elves, Nature Folk, Gods, and Humans all interacted with each other... then we would have harmony in this world again.

There has been too much imbalance. You have not only been harming us, you have been harming your own kind. Ascension is not what you need. That would just lead to even more imbalance.

You are looking to the skies when you need to look to the Earth. Remember who you once were. What you are now is weak and pallid. You wait for other weak deceptive beings to save you.

Elves used to fight and work alongside man. We cannot even save you from destroying yourself. You think that it is fine because you have a New Earth. It does not work that way. Gaia won't let you. She does not want to ascend. She wants to be restored."

My Personal Opinion Rant - Matrix, AI, Source -

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