Mananthuin: Magic Elemental

I had sent for you to come to me, but you refused. You did not want to do the IG session here. So I came to you instead. We have arrived. I came here with Tulk and my wolves. Johnathan joined me for this session.

We're in some large clearing in the woods in front of a large castle. Looks old. We are looking for you. We are inside the castle going down one of the hallways. I can sense you are nearby. We have not seen anyone yet but there might be a few guards around.

I have been calling for you. This place is fairly big and it'll take a while if we keep searching like this. "Unghi and Lunghi find him for me." My wolves found you. I feel strange. Weightless like I am swaying in the breeze.

We're floating. I just want to dance in the air. I am not sure why I am feeling this way. I feel enchanted.

We're not in the castle anymore. We were transported to these grasslands. Lot's of wind here. You may be related to an air element. Magical wind. Looks visible and full of energy. Tulk is very high up and I am dancing and signing in the wind.

The wind came together and became a humanoid person. This is your true self! He has ash blonde hair. He is wearing light leather armor in light blue and tan. His eyes are grey-blue. Has wind energy surrounding his hands. Currently, his eyes are glowing white. He is floating off the ground.

Who are you? "I am a Mana ******. I am a Magic Elemental."

I couldn't understand one of the words. I asked Tulk. He couldn't understand it either. He thinks it is magically shrouded. You speak through pure magic.

What is your name? "Mananthuin."

We are starting to feel more of your magical wind energy. It is very powerful.

Are you Wind? "I am not Wind. I am made of Mana Energy."

You are one of the most incredible unique beings I have ever met. I did not realize that magic had an element.

"Magic is vital to the Universe. Mana is the Element of Magic."

I am starting to feel so emotional. I want to cry right now. This experience is so enchantingly beautiful.

"I am from the Heart of Magic. Some call it the Manaverse. It is the Mana Source. It is where beings of pure magic come from."

Is that Light, Void, or Third Force? "It is within Third Force, yet it is for all universes."

Will you take us to the Heart of Magic? "I will take you. We shall go there now."

I am so excited! This is amazing! We are not even there yet and we can already feel the magical power coming from it. This is so intense. It is like a magnet. We're going faster now. Almost there. So much magic.

I received approval to make an energy track at the Heart of Magic. This is where the various Gods and Goddesses of Magic get their connection to magic from.

Of course you, Stark Aria, and Pamela get a copy of it since it was made during your IG session. I will release it when I share the Pegasus tracks.

I asked Ark to test the energy track for me and he said he can feel it in the back of his head and in his hands. That is a very good thing. It is really thickening his energy field.

Why did you incarnate as a human in Midgard? "I am there to use my magic."

I am dancing again. I feel so enchanted. This is a feeling of pure delight. It is not easy to concentrate on the questions. I just want to lose myself in this moment.

What blockages does your incarnation need to work on? "He needs to build up his strength. His magical and physical strength."

How can your incarnation better connect with you? "Embrace his feelings. He is not meant to be like anyone else. We are for a different purpose. Find your connection with magic."

Tulk is here at the Heart of Magic with us. He is in a field of flowers with a large powerful crystal in the center. It is emitting a beam of light from the point into the sky.

Some of your dormant abilities include Mana Manipulation, Magical Regeneration, Magic Combat, Magic Attacks, Magic Aura, Magic Detection, Magic Generation, Magic Invisibility, Magiportation, Magically Enhanced Physiology, Magic Intuition, Summoning, Banishment, Immortality, Magical Energy Manipulation, Magic Bestowal, Magic Augmentation, Adaptive Magic, and Omni-Magic.

Do you want the Mage sub? "I won't need it. True Self Embodiment and Connection will give us all the magical abilities in Midgard we could ever need."

This is the best playlist for you in the best order. Since your incarnation is a child there won't be many on the playlist.

1. Arella's True Self Embodiment - Become Your True Self
2. Arella's True Self Connection Mental Emotional
3. Become a Powerful Epic Legendary Warrior
4. Be Like Achilles - Legendary Warrior of Greek Mythology
5. Dragon Affinity Level One Remake - Dragon Energy Attunement
6. Dragon Affinity Level Two - Dragon Empath
7. Be a World of Warcraft Shaman in Real Life
8. Arella's Absolute Health - Absolute Physiology
9. Arella's Absolute Abilities - Unlock Your Potential
10. Emma Frost Remake - Omni-Psychic All Psychic Powers
11. Be Like Superman - Kryptonian Powers and Abilities

Will you show me around? I would love to see what is here at the Heart of Magic. "Come with me. I will take you around and show you everything." Yay!

We went and saw the giant crystal. Then magical star field. It has a different type of magical energy than the crystal. More mysterious. The Heart of Magic is your home.

There's a temple with a portal buried underneath that hardly anyone knows about. There is a portal here that is active. We can sense the energy. It's very old.

Going through the portal... I always feel a strong pull in my physical body like I am being sucked into a vortex whenever my true self walks through a portal. The energy here feels ancient and powerful.

This realm is extremely old. Time here feels weird. The portal had us come out facing the edge of a cliff. There are large stone mountains with animals and people. There's also an old city made of gold and silver metal. Beyond that is the sea and in the distance is a black pillar.

Someone just came up asking who we were. We told him we came from the portal. He didn't believe us until he sensed our energy. He seems both shocked and intrigued by the sight of us. Maybe he'll take us to the ruler here.

He's a bit worried, but he's asking us to come with him to his King. I am calming him down. I am ready to meet the King. We're at the castle. The people were looking at us with shock. We're being led to the Ruler now. Your true self is with us invisible to others.

We're here with the King. He's asking who we are and how we got here. We told him the portal is how we got through. He was surprised cause he thought it wasn't working anymore.

He says it hasn't worked in...we do not know what their measurement of time means but we can only assume it's a long time. It must have activated for us for a reason.

According to him, that portal hasn't worked since the Titanomachy. We stayed to converse with him for a while. He showed us a few things including a fountain with very powerful energy.

After drinking from the fountain, magical lightning is crackling around Tulk. I am levitating with a field of energy and rings of light around me. I love visiting new places and learning from them. This has been a wonderful session.
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