Eomeya: Goddess of Changes

Ivanka - I immediately recognized your True Self when she arrived. She is a goddess. I have not seen her in a very long time.

Pastel colors... warm pastels. Light blonde hair with hints of strawberry blonde and sun-kissed. Pastel green eyes. She's very beautiful. She has freckles.

Her name is Eomeya. She has stayed with me since April 3rd. It is now April 7th. She has gone almost everywhere with me the past four days, including going to Alfheim and Void.

She has joined me in conversations with the Elves and Umbranathor. We are working together. You are part of this with us.

What are you a Goddess of? "I am Goddess of Changes and Seasons."

How long have we been friends for? "More than ten thousand years." I remember when we first met. We were at a marriage celebration for Zardash.

Why did you incarnate as a human in Midgard? "There are many changes coming to this world and as a goddess of change I am here to help them happen."

"She needs to embody me. I must be there in Midgard. Make sure she knows how important embodiment and integration are."

What blockages does your incarnation need to work on? "She has a way of getting herself into trouble when she could easily avoid it. She is too giving and trusting and she gets taken advantage of. Tell her it is okay to be selfish and to put herself first. If she will do that she will actually help others more."

How can your incarnation better connect with you? "You know how to help with that. We can go work on her together." I have a few ideas.

Do you want her to use the Elf series? "Yes. I am a Nature Goddess." The Elves already approve of you.

"They gave me quite an invitation." Being invited to use the Mind Power Elf Series by the Elven King himself is quite an honor. "It was deeply touching to me. I will always remember our time together in Alfheim."

You really made an impression not just to them, but also to me. Why else do you think I have wanted you with me for the past 4 days? "I am going to be here longer than that. We have work to do my dear."

We will make sure your incarnation gets benefits from this work as well. "I appreciate that. You have always been good to me." We are both good to each other.

You are also a Shapeshifter. What is your form? "You know what it is." Yes, but I am asking for the IG session. "I want her to discover it for herself."

*Cough hint: Mammal.* "I saw what you just wrote down." Just giving her a hint you gorgeous beast. "I'll show you beast."

Are you from Void, Light, or Third Force? "You already know I am Third Force." I am writing this down for the IG session.

Don't sass me Eomeya. You know leopards don't change their spots. "They do when I am around." Touche.

You can tell we are spending a lot of time together. We like to have fun. Your true self gets my sense of humor.

Because of that I will allow her to hang out with me. "I saw that." Eomeya you know I adore you. "You better. I have absolute adorability." Goddess humor.

Some of your dormant abilities include Hypercompetence, Claw Retraction (when shifted), Absolute Defense, Supernatural Senses, Other Soul, Deity Soul, Legendary Form, Earth Energy Manipulation, Supernatural Stamina, Divine Empowerment, Change Embodiment, Change Inducement, Change Empowerment, and Physical Change Manipulation.

Don't you wish we had Dance Combat? Then we could do a dance battle. We could let the Elves judge.

"Didn't I just beat you at running?" I wouldn't call chasing a Void Elf to be a proper race. I dance better than I run. "Do not underestimate the dance skills of a Nature Goddess."

This is the best playlist for you in the best order:
1. Absolute Courage Willpower Booster Combo
2. Arella's True Self Embodiment - Become Your True Self
3. Arella's True Self Connection Mental Emotional
4. Dragon Affinity Level One Remake - Dragon Energy Attunement
5. Ultimate Survivalist - Survive an Apocalypse
6. Destroy the Matrix - Break the Chains
7. Energetic Debt Remover for Wholeness in the World (43 days)
8. Become a Female Elf Beauty DNA Combo - Galadriel Reproductive
9. Elf DNA Activation - Activate Elven Potential
10. Become an Elf Warrior Combo - Elven Bones Muscles Nerves
11. Become an Elf Combo - Elven Mind Brain Digestion Skin Hormones
12. Become an Elf Combo - Personality Abilities Heart Lungs Immune Lymphatic
13. Shapeshifter Mastery - Hybrid Enabled
14. Be a World of Warcraft Druid in Real Life
15. Be a World of Warcraft Mage in Real Life
16. Supernatural Mindfulness - Master Your Mind
17. Emma Frost Remake - Omni-Psychic All Psychic Powers
18. Arella's Absolute Abilities - Unlock Your Potential
19. Fully Master Your Powers - Supernatural Ability Mastery
20. Ultimate Wealth Prosperity Success - Financial Genius

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