Nature Realm Diet Advice

What do Nature Folk eat? I decided to make a post about it for you.

Elves have suggested I eat more oats. Especially oatmeal to help my transformation. They said I drink too much milk.

They told me I do not need to eat meat. That may be because I am also Titan. Titans do not need meat. Elves do not eat meat often. My favorite food in Alfheim is steamed bread.

I decided to ask the Elves some diet related questions.

What are the best foods for those on the Elven path? "Fruits, oats, beans, and cane sugar."

What about HFCS? "We do not like that. It would not be good for us."

What about a diet for humans? "We should not be the ones to tell them what to eat. That is something for them to figure out themselves."

What about milk? "Milk is good for you. It is good for Elves. Just don't have too much of it. You really drink too much milk." (Speaking to me because I drink milk all day.)

What about eggs? "They are fine on occasion. Elves do not eat chicken eggs."

Lycan Diet
As for Lycans. Can you be a Vegan Lycan? Nope. This is actually why in Germany they were hunted down. A faction wanted to destroy them because they ate meat and had to eat meat.

Lycan physiology requires a blend that is more meat based. This is Nature's intention. Not everyone was meant to eat the same way.

Chocolate is a huge boon for Lycans. That's something regular wolves can't eat but Lycans can along enjoy along with many other pleasurable things.

If you eat fish especially high-quality wild caught salmon that will satisfy the need. You can be Pescetarian and Lycan.

All manner of high-quality seafood is very good for a Lycan diet. Same diet in the chrysalis stage for all Shapeshifters. Same set of protocols.

Human Food
There are healthy foods and unhealthy ones. Yet there are not good and bad diets. Most of the time. In nature, humans are not always at the top of the food chain.

Remember the Cyclopse Polyphemus in the Odyssey eating those humans? "Cyclops became enraged, grabbed two of the men, smashed their heads against the rocks, ate them, and fell asleep." They had to use their wits to escape.

Then remember when their ships landed on the island and they met the Laestrygonians? Man-Eating Giants.

Then there is the Sea Monster Scylla who eats sailors as they pass nearby in their ship. She eats six at a time.

A few diet related comments I recently made. I wanted to share them in this post.

Eating Meat
I do not want the comments to turn into a diet debate. I will state my perspective on this. I was at a feast in Alfheim yesterday. There was meat there. Elves eat meat. Norse Gods eat meat. Shapeshifters eat meat. Fairies eat meat. Giants eat meat.

I do not focus on vibration level. The most powerful beings I know do not focus on it either. It is just more new age shit. "My vibration is higher than yours." "I shun you because you are low vibrational."

You don't have to be all loving either. That is imbalanced. I get angry at times. I am savage and brutal and take the hearts of my enemies when I defeat them in battle.

I am also loving to my friends and cherish them with all my heart. I would fight any foe and face any threat to protect them. We stand beside each other through everything.

Fairy Diet
Let's talk about the vibrational level of the 'Fairy Diet' for a second. Fairies don't just eat meat. They also eat Gnomes. The Gnomes hide from Fairies to keep from being eaten.

Why else do you think Garden Gnome figures were put in yards and gardens? Decoys to protect the real Gnomes from being discovered by Fairies. The Garden Gnomes also symbolize to the Gnomes that you invite them into your area that they are welcome by the humans there.

The Elven Path is Not for You -

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