Pink Love Fire

I wanted to share this new epic discovery because it is so awesome. Poseidon, Tulkas, and I are at Aulë's home in Valinor. I am working with the webs.

As Daughter of Ten, I created a fusion of Phoenix Energy, Primordial Fire, and the energy of my true self. It has the signature of my true self in it. This created a Pink Love Fire.

My TS and energy bodies were engulfed by the bright Pink Flames. My eyes were glowing pink.

I am using this fire for my transformation into an Elven version of my true self here in Midgard.

There were pink flame wings coming from the back of my TS and energy body. They were sending out waves of energy.

There's a lot of love energy coming through this fire. It's way more intense than normal love energy.

It also has this beautifying quality to it that seems to burn objects until they become beautiful, or destroyed.

Winter's Phoenix Fire is able to do many different amazing things. My Pink Fire only beautifies or destroys. It is different from Phoenix Fire. I am not a Phoenix.

My true self does not want an energy track made of this. She is far too selective and particular about who she would share her pink fire with.

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