Kailia: Warning from a Future Projection

Kailia Incarnate asked in a diagnostic: 'I was slung into a vision in the spiritual in which someone who felt extremely like me, and looked like me (Kailia), and told me that she was my future self. She claimed she came back to help me progress and to help me and watch my actions. The way she helped us the most was through prophecy. Advice and future events. A while after, I had a feeling for sure this being couldn’t be my future self, and I now hypothesize her to be my origin self for a couple of reasons.' Diagnostic Result... 'This being is a future projection of yourself from a different future timeline that may or may not happen. Atherak suggests we do an IG on this projection from this future timeline, to get more information about it. If this future timeline does not come to pass, the projection will either cease to exist or it will change.' IG session interview about the future... Then an IG session was done on the future projection. It is more of an interview w...