Midorra: The Great Song

The origin story of Midorra begins... In the throne room of the Omega, Ahsvnay steps forward speaking to a black object in the center of the room. 'Isn’t she beautiful?’
A black object glows brightly and a voice is heard ‘She is one of the most beautiful puzzles you have created. What will you do with her?’
Ahsvnay Omega replies ‘Send her forth upon the layer I have made just for her kind, where she will sing my song. More and more they will spread across the layer. The naturals.’
Ahsvnay Omega holds the puzzle above her head. It glows brightly then there is a bright flash of pink light. Ahsvnay speaks again ‘Watch over them. Check in on them and tell me if my song is heard upon the layer I have made for them.’
The black object replies ‘I will.’
Upon the Vanatorin layer, there is life. Trees and simple plants grow, but there is not much else until there is a bright light that comes from high above.
The bright light hits the oceans and turns into a luminescent fish. She swims faster and faster, turning into a dolphin-like creature. She can hear inside her head ‘You are the Great Song. Sing for me. Sing my song and bring life through this layer.’
As the dolphin-like creature swims faster and faster, she opens her mouth and a beautiful song is heard throughout the ocean, the seas, rivers, and lakes of the Vanatorin.
Life begins to appear in the shape of all fish and different creatures. A large octopus type creature is made, and the song is heard throughout the waters of the Vanatorin.
The dolphin-like creature rushes to the surface. She jumps through the waters, and as she does she turns into a small butterfly type creature. She flies high up into the skies.
Once again a voice is heard inside her mind ‘Sing my song to the skies of the Vanatorin. Let there be life upon their winds.’
The butterfly type creature begins to sing, and she changes shape into a larger dragonfly. As she does, she sings the song to the skies, she becomes more like a bird and then changes into a black raven.
The raven flies through the skies singing, and as she does, every time she changes, a new life is made. There is a great bird that is made.
As the song is sung, the sky mother is born. Just as the father of the seas was born as the octopus.
Life in the skies fills the Vanatorin. Then she flies downwards and heads towards the land. As she lands she turns into a fox.
She is almost translucent but lets off a bright pink glow, which changes color rapidly to all different shades of blues to yellows to purples.
As she runs through the forest and up the mountains and down the grassy meadows, once again a voice is heard within her head ‘Sing my song upon lands of the Vanatorin. Let life run wild across the great planes, the high mountains, and the deep forest.’
She begins to sing the song that she calls the song of her mother. As she sings, she changes shape again into all different forms of creatures. When she does, these creatures come to life.
She runs across the planes and the high mountains and the deep forests, singing the song. Life spreads throughout the lands of the Vanatorin.
When she is done, she rests. She hears in her head ‘You are the Great Song. Sing always to the children of the Vanatorin. For they are your children as they are mine. Like you are my creation.’
The Great Song falls fast asleep. She dreams. Time goes by, and the Great Song spreads throughout the Vanatorin, creating all different types of life within the skies, the oceans, and upon the lands. She stretches out endlessly across the whole layer.
Each night, she rests upon a high mountain in the shape of a fox staring up at the moons above. She sings the song of her mother, and it is whispered upon the winds and carried across the Vanatorin.
Upon one day, she rises early and sees a strange creature. An all black being standing upright. It is not down upon four limbs nor does it have wings. Nor does it have fins, tail, or tentacles.
She begins to move forward and investigates. She stays translucent to camouflage against the background of the trees. As she approaches closer, the being turns and notices her.
The Alpha Gallatar Commander says ‘I have been looking for you.’
She speaks to the being through her mind ‘Who are you, and why have you been looking for me?’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander replies ‘Your mother, the one who created you. She wanted me to see how you are doing, and what has become of the song that you sing. I see that it has spread life across this beautiful layer. The naturals flourish. All is balanced.’
The Great Song tilts her head in curiosity and asks ‘What are naturals?’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander responds ‘Naturals are what you are and the many creatures great and small. They are the plants and the trees. They are the earth and the waters. The naturals, they are the Vanatorin layer.’
She says ‘The Vanatorin layer?’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander speaks again ‘The Vanatorin is one of many layers. Many projects and experiments that the one you know as mother has created. You are of this natural layer. Beyond here are other layers, other experiments where the sentials thrive.’
The Great Song asks ‘The sentials? What are they?’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander says ‘They look more as I do. There are other layers full of them. I myself am of the Gallatar. All puzzles, all experiments of the one you call mother. I know her as the Omega.
She created me to come forth and watch upon and survey the happenings of the layers. She would be most pleased with what has been done here. From you, the Great Song.’
The Great Song replies ‘I sing the song of mother, but I do not hear her voice. Tell me, does she remember me?’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander says ‘Of course. She never forgets any of her creations. Times will change, Great Song.’
The Great Song asks ‘These layers you speak of. They sound interesting and amazing. My curiosity strikes me. May I see these layers and travel with you?’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander says ‘It would be best if you stay here amongst your own. The naturals in these others layers are suppressed. Let me show you.’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander raises his hand, and a bright light comes from it. The Great Song’s eyes begin to glow, and she sees how the other naturals are harvested and hunted.
Some even wiped out just for the simplest reason, for the smallest parts of their bodies. They are made into many things. This frightens the Great Song.
When the light disappears from the Alpha Gallatar Commander’s hand, the Great Song’s eyes then return to normal and a single tear falls from them. Before it hits the ground, the Alpha Gallatar Commander catches it in his hand.
The Alpha Gallatar Commander says ‘A time will come when the sentials will walks upon this layer. Your song will grow silent, and everything will change.’
As the Alpha Gallatar Commander says this, he closes his hand and then reopens it. The tear is turned to dust.
The Alpha Gallatar Commander says ‘I will leave you now, but I will return off and on to see. Remember, you are from the Omega. Let her song be heard until the time for it to fall silent has come.’
The Great Song then nods in acknowledgment. There is a flash of bright light, and the Alpha Gallatar Commander is gone. The Great Song is left all alone.
Time passes by, and the Great Song sings the song of her mother less and less. She worries. Her dreams are filled with nightmares of strange beings walking upon her layer, devouring the ones that she had created through the song of her mother.
She travels shortly, and notices that her nightmares have become true. She begins to see settlements spread out amongst the shorelines and across the great fields. She begins to see strange objects floating on the water, and roaming in the skies.
She watches as these strange sential beings begin to hunt and devour, and change the landscape.
She grows angry. She begins to feel energy rise within herself and says ‘How dare these beings. How dare they destroy what I have created through the song of mother.’
She tries to sing out, but she is silent. She says ‘What has happened? I can no longer hear the song.’
She hears a voice from behind her ‘Because the time has come for the song to fall silent.’
She turns around and recognizes the Alpha Gallatar Commander. He looks different though. As if his skin is cracking apart. He looks very frail and weak, and there is heavy lapsed breathing coming from him as he tries to speak.
The Alpha Gallatar Commander says ‘It has come. The changing. The creation of new, and the destruction of old.’
The Great Song speaks to him ‘I don’t understand.’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander says ‘You will. For your part in the puzzle has not yet ended. You will go forth and begin anew.’
With that, the Alpha Gallatar Commander fades. The Great Song then feels a sadness within herself. She travels to the highest mountain within the Vanatorin. All around her, the layer dies.
She grows weaker and weaker until she cannot move anymore. She lies there on top of the highest peak of the highest mountain. Her body begins to wither away, but she hears the song of the mother singing to her.
As she closes her eyes, she feels herself being lifted. Her form turns to dust, and her energy rises. As the Vanatorin dies, life somewhere else will begin anew.
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