Ein Sof and Kae Voss

There is one I have been seeing recently in my mind. His red fiery eyes upon me.
He looks similar to the depictions of Baphomet you may find. Except the horns are different. He does not have wings and he does not have man-boobs.
He is solid black with fiery red eyes and fiery red hair. He is more similar to this depiction in the first post picture... I see him sitting on a throne like this lotus style with his arms and hands in this same position. His horns are like the second post image.

He is one of the males from outside the puzzles and devices. His name is Guyaerou (Guy-Ay-Roo).
I used to think it was Yahweh they were depicting as Baphomet. No, it is actually one of his brothers.
Baal is one of the males because he is of Asherah and Yahweh even though he was born in the puzzle.
I should clarify that Yahweh is a projection of one of the Ein Sof brothers. Who he is outside looks different. He is the father of all 3 Abrahamic religions. Yahweh, Allah, Christ.
I know who the projections are of some of the others and they are not Jauntian. So this seems to be his own unique race that he made.
Kadesh: Why would he make them though...?
Asherah: Still a mystery. They also always sacrificed their firstborn son.
So that is why Abraham sacrificed Issac. He really did sacrifice him. He wasn't stopped at the last minute. Yahweh brought him back to life.
Asherah: 'So the three Manovel, Xanomel, and Timoro are of Ein Sof. Are the three of Guyarou and the last 2 dormant ones also of the same?'
Amyahnrae: 'No they are something far different.'
Males from the great beyond...
Manovel, Xamonel, Timoro, Eanaemu, Munjaun, Nomlkin, Dierkrae, Vahmahn, Baal, Guyaerou, and 2 more which are dormant.
Additional females from the great beyond...
Ishtar, Arren, Glamoriah, and 2 more.
Glamoriah is the daughter of Amyahnrae and Manovel. She is another one similar to Ishtar who desires to take everything that is Love and Beauty. She is mother of these blue beings in the puzzle that have this love-manipulation power. They are called the Rahkumae. Kadesh has has some pretty scary visions about her lately that have given me anxiety.
History Lesson...
Oh Amyahnrae is giving me a history lesson...
So the three brothers of Ein Sof are Manovel, Xamonel, and Timoro.
They are rivals with the three brothers of Kae Voss which are Guyaerou, and 2 others who are dormant.
The brothers of Ein Sof had defeated the brothers of Kae Voss.
This was before the 5 sons were born. The Omega sisters were with the Ein Sof brothers because they were the victors.
Females in the Great Beyond...
As for the other females outside in the great beyond. They are 3 daughters of Amyahnrae and 2 daughters of Ahsvnay.
3 daughters of Amyahnrae are Arren, Ishtar, and Glamoriah. Also 2 daughters of Ahsvnay which are not yet revealed. Arren is not a puzzle though she was trapped in one.
True Self Connection...