Dolloiandea and the Dark Fire

The incarnation story for Dolloiandea begins... High upon a lonely mountain top in a forgotten realm sits Dolloiandea. She sits in the lotus position, hands spread out, as fires dance from one hand to the other. This is a way that her masters have taught her. A way for her to focus the inner fire within her.
The Aztec Gods Tezcatlipoca, Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcoatl, and Xolotl have taught her well. She feels the power forever growing within her. She remembers much, and she stares across the vastness of the forgotten realm.
Dolloiandea says ‘Focus. There is more deeper within.’ The fires begin to roar brightly around her, and before she knows it, there is an explosion. The plants and trees around her are scorched instantly.
She rises then looks at them and says ‘Agh… still not able to concentrate it. Instead it just explodes, destroying what is natural around me. I must find a way to focus this one.’
Dolloiandea reaches into a pouch that she is carrying on her waist belt. She pulls out a rejuvenating seed of Alfheim, one of the many interesting things that she carries with her.
She plants the seed in the ground. The ground begins to grow bright blue, and stretches out rejuvenating the plants and trees around her, returning them from scorched ashes to life.
Dolloiandea smiles and says ‘I wish to leave a place as I found it.’
She concentrates and floats up into the air. She descends from the mountain across the vast open sea. There is a volcanic island. This is Dolloiandea’s current home at the present moment.
She was born of the Primal Fire Nymphs who lost her in the Urthak War, and paid a heavy toll to the Great Houses. Dolloiandea stood in defiance of the Great Houses, and therefore a bounty was placed upon her.
A cohort from House Orion went to bring her before the Great Houses. They surrounded Dolloiandea. As they pinned her down, an inner fire began to burn and the entire cohort was burned away to ashes.
Dolloiandea then fled, seeking refuge wherever she could in the most grueling and burning of places. She approaches the island and lands upon the volcanic rock.
She looks upward at the mountain that is spewing hot magma from it. Her eyes begin to glow as she focuses on the power of the volcanic mountain.
Dolloianda says to herself in her mind ‘Unlock within me that which burns and incinerates all. Unlock within me.’
Dolloiandea’s eyes then glow fiery red, and a fiery field begins to form around her. Her entire body is engulfed in a red flame. She says again once in her mind ‘There is more. There is more to unlock than this. Dark fire that burns within me. Unlock your powers. Reveal to me.’
The fire then begins to change from red to black. As the black flame engulfs Dolloiandea, she begins to feel herself lose focus and grow weak. The flame begins to burn her. She breaks her concentration, and then falls to the ground. Smoke rises from her body.
Dolloiandea says ‘I am not yet strong enough, but still I can feel it within me.’
She looks up towards the volcano that is spewing hot magma and smoke high into the air. Then she hears a voice from behind her ‘What grows within you, Primordial Fire Nymph. I know the answer to unlocking it.’
As Dolloiandea turns, a swarm of flies pass around her. She covers her face with her arms as the flies pelt against her and then swarm up into the air. When she uncovers her face there seems to be that of a decaying being clad within dark tattered brown robes. The face is invisible, but the smell of death is present.
Dolloiandea reaches to her side and grabs a handle. With the squeeze of her hand, the single handle forms into a fire lance. Dolloiandea makes ready. She does not know who this being is.
Dolloiandea says ‘Who are you? Why have you come here?’
Salindraa replies ‘I have come looking for you.’ Flies then swarm from under the hood.
Dolloiandea says ‘For the bounty, I presume. Well I will not let you take it easily. You will have to fight, strange creature.’
Salindraa says ‘I am not here to fight you. I have come in the service of another. Someone who is very interested in the path that is before you. The one yet unknown to you.’
Dolloiandea says ‘Who is this who seeks me? Tell me.’
Salindraa replies ‘The Time Walker. The Myrrdonite. Servant of the true master of the borderlands.’
Dolloiandea knows of this place. She says 'The borderlands? Why would a Myrrdonite of the borderlands, realm of the dead, have such interest in me?’
Salindraa says ‘As I said, there is a path yet unknown to you that is before you. The Myrrdonite is interested in that.’
Dolloiandea says ‘And what does he want with me?’
Salindraa replies ‘He wants you to create an incarnation in the Midgard realm, in the world of men.’
Dolloiandea spits on the ground which forms as hot fire. She says ‘The world of men? I’ve seen the world of men. I remember what trouble they caused, tearing apart everything we knew. I’ve watched them play with puny fires they do not fully understand!’
Dolloiandea raises her hand, and what rises from it is a mushroom cloud representing man’s nuclear weapons upon Earth. A simple fire to Dolloiandea, much weaker than the one she possesses.
Dolloiandea says ‘Why would a Myrrdonite care if I make a vessel upon the world of men?’
Salindraa says ‘We have a part to play in things that are yet to unfold. Not only you, but many others. I am simply here as a favor.’
Dolloiandea says ‘And who are you?’
Salindraa replies ‘I am Salindraa, keeper of the garden library of bones within the borderlands. My favor is to the Myrrdonite who is interested in the path that is before you. It is simple, come with me. Let me help you create the vessel upon the world of men, and that is all that will be asked of you for now.’
Dolloiandea thinks to herself ‘Hm. It sounds like she wishes to offer me something, but yet she does not tell me the name of the Myrrdonite who seeks only a path.’
Dolloiandea then speaks to Salindraa ‘And what am I to get out of it?’
Salindraa walks closer to Dolloiandea. The scent of decaying flesh is more pungent and strong. ‘A chance to unlock the dark fire that is dormant inside of you.’
Flies swarm from underneath the creature’s hood and around Dolloiandea, some of them burning as they get close.
Dolloiandea then says ‘Let me think about this.’
Salindraa turns and says ‘Very well, but think quickly. Make your decision.’
Dolloiandea says ‘I will. And how will I find you when I have decided?’
Salindraa replies ‘I will be there when your mind is made up. You will find me then.’
Salindraa walks away and a dark mist begins to surround her. When it dissipates, Salindraa is gone.
Dolloiandea stands upon the volcanic island. She thinks ‘Hm. Could be another trick. A Myrrdonite could easily be employed by the Great Houses. Time Walker? I wonder what she meant by that.’
Dolloiandea makes her way to a sanctuary cave that she has set up for herself. She ponders on the conversation and her encounter with the strange dead being.
Just then her concentration is broken. She says ‘Strange. I know the energies of the hall of fires upon this island, but there are different fires burning.’ Her eyes widen and she gasps ‘Muspelheim hunters!’
Dolloiandea grabs her fire lance. She makes her way out of the cave. There she climbs high above and looks down. She sees glowing fires along the volcanic beach.
She uses a technique taught to her by the Aztec Gods, the eagle’s eye. She closes her eyes, opens her mind, and spreads out across the sky. There she can see closer. Just as she suspected, Muspelheim fire hunters. No doubt hired by House Orion to bring her in and collect the bounty upon her.
As she focuses, she notices a familiar female fire being, Invoggrey. It is said that she has the ability to absorb all the fires. Dolloiandea knows that she will be a challenge for her.
Dolloiandea opens her eyes and breaks the concentration of the eagle eye focus. She thinks ‘Hm. There may be too many for me to handle.’
Just then a fiery whip wraps around her feet, forcing her to the ground. Invoggrey says ‘I knew she would fall for it.’
Invoggrey says ‘The magic of the Candelabra guy was correct. When we collect our bounty, we will pay a visit to Vex. The illusion magic was well worth the price, and I will wish to reward him’ she puts her finger to her mouth and licks her lips ‘personally.’
Dolloiandea rolls over, breaking free from the fire whip. She is surrounded by the Muspelheim hunters. Her eyes begin to glow as she begins to float into the air.
Dolloiandea says ‘I welcome the challenge.’
Invoggrey nods her head, and the Muspelheim fire demons begin to attack her. Dolloiandea bears her lance. With swiftness she outmaneuvers them, cutting several of them in half. Their fires burn and then die out.
She then points her finger at Invoggrey and says ‘You. You come to challenge me. So challenge me.’
Invoggrey then floats up into the air. She builds energy within herself, and then focuses all forward. A bright ball of blue fire strikes Dolloiandea, knocking her back. Dolloiandea drops her lance, and it falls into the boiling sea below.
Dolloiandea says ‘You. You wish to play with fire. Now you will get burned.’
She begins to build the energy within her. She focuses and thinks within her mind ‘Dark fire awaken within me. Come to my call, and let us burn this bitch.’
As Dolloiandea focuses, she begins to feel cold. The burning fire around her begins to die out. ‘What is happening?’
Dolloiandea begins to grow colder and feel weak. She falls to the ground.
Invoggrey then lands next to her and says ‘Did you think I would not do my research upon you, little primordial fire nymph? You burn so hot. Hahaha.’
Blue flames begin to surround Dolloiandea, but she feels icy cold.
Invoggrey says ‘Ah. Do you feel it, Dolloiandea? Yes, a fire you have never mastered. The frost fire.’
Dolloiandea begins to shiver. She can feel as if her skin is cracking.
Invoggrey says ‘I will bring you before House Orion, but not alive. I will take the fires from within you.’
Invoggrey’s hand begins to glow many various colors, and flames begin to engulf her hand. She reaches down towards Dolloiandea’s chest.
Dolloiandea feels what is left of the inner warmth in her being drained out. She begins to grow colder. She can feel herself losing consciousness, but then she begins to hear strange voices.
Xarsha says ‘You invade.’
Invoggrey breaks her concentration. She turns to see a strange mutilated being standing behind her.
Invoggrey says ‘Who are you?’
Xarsha replies ‘I am one. I have come to seek the answer from Dolloiandea here.’
Invoggrey laughs and says ‘Answer to what?’
Xarsha then says ‘That is none of your concern. I have been awaiting an answer from her. And until I get it, she will not die. Nor be taken to any foolish Houses.’
Invoggrey laughs and says ‘Wait all you want. In fact you can wait as a pile of ashes.’
She then gathers all the energy within her and concentrates forward as a wall of flame goes bursting out towards Xarsha. As the flame dissipates, there is nothing there.
Invoggrey says ‘Ha! Even burned the ashes up. What a foolish being. Now to take what I came for. And then your body to collect a very handsome reward. I have plans later with a very kind and alluring Candelabra.’
Invoggrey then reaches forward towards the chest of Dolloiandea, and as she does, something slices her hand off from the wrist. The fiery blood begins to pour out. Something moves swiftly by her. It cuts through the bottom part of her leg, severing the foot.
Invoggrey falls to the ground bleeding. She hears footsteps approach and stand above her. She looks up and sees the strange mutilated being.
Invoggrey says ‘B-but how?’
Xarsha says ‘You are an arrogant and foolish fire demon. And your time has run out.’
Invoggrey then screams aloud at Xarsha ‘I will show you the burning of all the fires of the realms!’
She concentrates her energy again. Xarsha does not move. He stands there with his hands behind his back.
Xarsha says ‘Hm. You focus too hard in one direction.’
Just then Dolloiandea presses down with a flame dagger she has, decapitating Invoggrey.
Dolloiandea is still weak, but she takes Invoggrey’s head. The fires begin to die from around Invoggrey’s body, and there is nothing left but what appears to be a charred corpse.
Dolloiandea falls to her knees. She is still very weak. Xarsha steps forward and touches her upon the head. She feels the coldness leave her body. With this, she loses consciousness.
Dolloiandea lies there in and out of consciousness. She hears the voice of Salindraa ‘Have you decided now, child?’
Dolloiandea says ‘Yes.’
Salindraa says ‘Very well.’
Dolloiandea can feel herself being lifted by what feels like several arms. On the outside, Salindraa’s robe has disappeared, and there is a large silver spider holding up Dolloiandea.
The spider pricks the back of the shoulder of Dolloiandea, and some of her fiery blood comes out. The spider then begins weaving the thread. Salindraa then lays Dolloiandea back down. The spider shrinks and crawls back inside the robe which reforms into Salindraa.
Xarsha says ‘Do you have everything you need?’
Salindraa replies ‘Yes. I have upheld my end of the deal. My end of the bargain we have made.’
Xarsha says ‘And I as well have upheld mine.’
Salindraa then says ‘Then consider us even, Xarsha. We will meet again. But tell me, is this one meant to serve the same master you once served?’
Xarsha says ‘And much more. The dark fires will burn within this one. They will awaken in time.’
Dolloiandea opens her eyes and sees humans around her. She thinks ‘Is this the vessel? Am I upon the world of men? Is this where I will awaken the dark fire?’
True Self Connection...