Aeveron: Until the Song Ends

We discovered that Aevistae Aeveron is a puzzle from the great beyond. This true self past vision is focused on finding out more... This vision came directly from Ahsvnay and was very restricted on what could be shared.
In a place of nothingness, in a place that is pure white stretching on and on forever, the surveyor walks. He looks out upon the ever-expanding white domain.
In his hand is a small pink diamond-shaped object. He places it at his feet. Like a music box, the object begins to spin and play a song.
From the throne room of the Omega, Ahsvnay takes down one of her puzzles from a shelf. The puzzle of Midorra floats in front of her. She touches it lightly with her fingertips. The puzzle begins to change shape.
There is a bright flash from the puzzle. In the place of bare white nothingness, Midorra appears.
The nothingness begins to form as the first song from Midorra and the music box play together in harmony.
Ahsvnay Omega sings ‘Go forth and sing my song. Let it be heard as far as the eye can see. Go forth and sing my song. Across the skies, over the lands, and in the seas.
Let my song be heard. Let every living thing know the words. Sing my song for me. Go forth and let it be heard so that everything may come to be.’
Seas, skies, and lands form. Midorra rushes forth, beginning to sing the song.
Back in the throne room of the Omega, Ahsvnay takes down another puzzle. It glows brightly green.
The puzzle floats in front of Ahsvnay Omega and once again she touches it lightly with her fingertips, and she begins to sing.
She sings ‘The beauty of what is natural, let this song be heard. Let it spill the seas with fish. Let this song be heard. Let it fill the land with all naturals. Let it fill the skies with birds.’
As Ahsvnay Omega sings, the ever-changing green puzzle vibrates with a beautiful symphony and melody. It glows brightly and echoes down to the Vanatorin layer, where Midorra repeats the song.
Ahsvnay Omega continues to sing ‘Go forth. Let the seas fill with life.’ As she sings this, a piece breaks away from the green puzzle floating in front of her. It changes to a bright bluish color and also changes shape.
With her other hand, the Omega begins to tap this piece lightly with her fingers. She sings of seas filling with life.
The green puzzle and small blue piece that is changing shape begin to echo in beautiful chorus. This echoes down through Midorra and the seas begin to fill with life.
Then Ahsvnay Omega turns her attentions back towards the green puzzle. She lightly taps it again with her fingers as if playing a harp.
A piece begins to break off again from the green puzzle, forming into another piece which begins to change shape. Ahsvnay reaches over with her one hand and touches it lightly with her fingers.
She begins to sing ‘Sing my song where the great winds blow. Where the clouds gather and bring the rain and the snow. Sing my song high up in the skies. Where the stars twinkle, the moon shines, and the sun soon will rise. Sing my song for all to hear. Let there be life.’
The green puzzle begins glowing brightly along with the small bluish puzzle that broke off, and the song echoes down to Midorra who fills the skies with life.
There is a bright flash from all three, from the large green puzzle and the two smaller pieces. They glow brightly with the colors that they are.
The two smaller pieces disappear. The green puzzle glows brightly, still playing a beautiful melody as the Omega hums, and again touches it lightly with her fingertips as if playing a harp.
The music grows softer along with Ahsvnay Omega’s humming. Ahsvnay leans forward towards the green floating puzzle, which has now formed back into its original shape.
The music and choir from the green puzzle begin to soften with Ahsvnay’s voice, as she begins to sing in a whisper. ‘Now go forth my little one and live upon these lands. Sing my song to all your children, and let it be heard. Sing my song to them for generations again and again. Sing my song until it’s time for it to end.’
There is a bright flash from the puzzle. Below in the Vanatorin, a small creature opens her eyes.
She hears the great song all around her. She explores the beautiful natural layer of the Vanatorin. In time more like her are born.
With all her many children, at night she sings to them as they gather around her. A song that plays over and over in her head. She does not remember where she has heard it from, but she knows all the words.
Time goes by within the Vanatorin, and the appearance of the sential beings changes the layer forever.
The other puzzle that is Aeveron tries to find the Great Song. She watches her layer die with all her kind. Upon a lonely desolate hilltop, she lays, curled into a small ball.
She dreams that she is with the Great Song who speaks to her that she must continue on and walk among the sentials. She feels a warmth within herself.
There she hums the melody of the song, and with her last breath, she sings. ‘Sing my song, until it is time for it to end.’ There she dies. Her form withers away to dust and she turns into a ball of light.
The Vanatorin is no longer a layer of naturals, but of sential beings. It is a barren and desolate place.
The surveyor once again walks upon the Vanatorin. There he comes to a place where there is nothing but a wasteland. High upon a hill, he kneels and begins to dig.
He reaches down to the hole that he’s dug and pulls out a bright pink object that is playing a soft melody like a music box.
The surveyor looks down as he picks up the pink object that is playing the music in his hands. He touches it on the top, and the music stops.
Elsewhere, a strange black being awakens from the dream. He says ‘Did you hear that?' He looks over to his beast that is laying by his side. ‘I heard singing.’
Off in the distance, he sees a strange glowing light hovering through the trees. For the being has been across where it lives for many a times, has never seen this within this forest before. He listens closely, and he can hear the sound of something singing.
The being stands ‘Yes, there is something out there. I can hear it.’ He looks down to the beast who pays him no mind and goes back to sleep.
The being begins to follow the light. It stops on a nearby tree. The sential being looks forward at it. A small butterfly-like creature glowing brightly. From it, radiating a beautiful melody.
During this same time in the Great Beyond...
The puzzle of Aeveron is within the throne room of the Omega. Her projection forward to the Vanatorin is completed. She begins to glow brightly as things begin to change and grow in the Vanatorin over long periods of time.
There also next to her, is the puzzle of Midorra, the Great Song. It sings out. A long time passes. The puzzles of Aeveron and Midorra glow brightly.
Ahsvnay Omega watches and tends to her puzzles. Then one day, things begin to change. Ahsvnay looks outward on to the layers of the great puzzle. She says ‘Odd. This was unexpected. I must observe.’
Within the projections of Aeveron’s puzzle and Midorra’s puzzle, things begin to change with the arrival of the sentials.
As for the puzzles themselves, Midorra’s puzzle, the song that she keeps singing over and over again grows silent.
As Midorra’s puzzle dies down, Aeveron’s puzzle glows less and less. It begins to change shape. The bright green glow it lets off now turns to a darker green. It is not as bright, but dimmer.
The puzzles watch Ahsvnay Omega as one day she falls to her knees. She says ‘He is shattering. I can feel it.’
Ahsvnay stands and takes down Aeveron’s and Midorra’s puzzle. She looks at Midorra’s puzzle. ‘The song within you has grown silent. Things are changing within the Vanatorin layer.'
She places Midorra’s puzzle back up high. There she holds Aeveron’s puzzle as it dimly glows dark green.
Ahsvnay Omega touches the puzzle with her fingertips to caress her. ‘I know little one. Things are changing where your projection is. Things that it does not understand. But this was part of it. This was all part of my design. Do not worry for you shall endure.’
She places Aeveron’s puzzle back up high. It floats there, growing dimmer and dimmer.
As the puzzle observes the Omega’s throne room, she watches as Ahsvnay moves around what seems to be a black pit in the middle of the throne room.
Ahsvnay Omega walks around endlessly, speaking with a strange language. Aeveron’s puzzle watches and observes. But beyond there she can feel her projection within the Vanatorin layer, and what is happening there.
The Omega says ‘It is done.' The Omega turns and looks at all her puzzles. ‘Where you are projecting now has come to an end, for some. As for others, this ending will be the new beginning for something else. Part of my design.’
For a brief moment, all the puzzles glow brightly. And then they dim back down. Aeveron’s puzzle glows brightly and also returns back to a dark green dim glow.
Ahsvnay Omega says to them ‘I must go now. I must take the place of another who has gone before me. You will change my creations. In time, we will all come together again and you will understand. The more you understand, the closer you will begin to know my design.’
Ahsvnay Omega turns and walks into the center of the throne room, disappearing as she walks over the black pit. The black pit then seals up and vanishes.
On the Vanatorin layer, Aeveron’s puzzle can feel her form dying. She begins to change shape, along with a few other puzzles.
When she finally ceases to change shape, the color of her puzzle also begins to change. It glows a more bright yellow-green now.
The puzzles projection has gone somewhere else. It is within a place contained but never ending.
The puzzle watches this projection. She flutters through a forest. Wherever it is it reminds her much of where her projection was within the Vanatorin. As she flutters through the dark forest, she can hear footsteps.
The projection of Aeveron’s puzzle then turns her head to see a large black being with red eyes.
The sential being looks at the puzzle and speaks to her in a strange language she cannot understand. Then the sential being turns to leave.
Time passes by for the projection of Aeveron’s puzzle in this place that is never ending but contained. Then like before, the place begins to change.
Aeveron’s puzzle reacts in strange ways, glowing bright then dimming out, feeling as if it is changing shape again.
Aeveron’s puzzle observes as her new projection’s place and being begins to crumble and die, just like the Vanatorin. The natural plant life and beings begin to wither away.
Soon Aeveron’s puzzle begins to react violently, changing shape over seconds. It glows bright, brighter than it ever has, and then suddenly glows dim.
Within the Omega’s chambers, Ahsvnay. ‘Rest now. You will go beyond what your projections are. Sleep now my creations. Until the time comes for you to awake again.’
Aeveron’s puzzle light dims, as her projection leaves the place that it was at to a new realm, a new world.
As the new projection opens her eyes, Aeveron’s puzzle falls into a state of sleep. The throne room of the Omega sits silent.
True Self Connection...