Seviarra: Dance on the Mountain

The origin story of Seviarra begins... The new existence, a frozen sea stretching as far as the eye can see. The winds blow, and the blizzards cover the icy sea.
For some time it sits frozen. Then, the sun breaks through the clouds. The ice cracks, and what comes forth is a mountain.
Something dormant has come to this icy realm awakens within the warmth of the sunlight, rising up above the ice. All around it, mountains begin to form as it stretches across the sky.
There upon the mountains, seven energies begin to form. They swirl down upon the mountain and trees begin to sprout up, reaching towards the sky.
The seven energy forms then reach out towards the sea, cracking some of the ice. In its split, two of them submerge themselves deep beneath the waters.
As they touch the bottom of the sea, life begins to form. Creatures of all sizes now roam the waters of what is now becoming known as Jotunheim.
The five energies left return to the tallest mountain, where they dance around in the forest growing. They pause and the mountain speaks to them.
One energy that is bright blue with a greenish tint is given a gift by the mountain, who says ‘Go forth child, and create a race upon this mountain.’ The blue energy glows bright and spreads out past through the forest.
Then the energy of the mountain turns to another that is bright blue and shimmering with white. ‘Go deep within me, take what I have given you, and create a race.’
The energy glows brightly as it takes the gift the mountain has given it and plunges deep within it.
The energy of the mountain turns to the other three and gives them gifts, telling them to go forth and create the races of Jotunheim.
For a long time, there is silence, and the mountain sits alone singing her song across the winds of what is now becoming Jotunheim. As the winds blow her song across the trees and across the frozen sea.
The mountains begin to rumble and from deep within, the energy that was sent within the mountains begins to grow. Large stone giants begin to peer from the mountainside. They cross the landscape.
Several of the giants begin to appear from the icy seas and across the far frozen waste. These were created by the energies, the five elementals of what is now becoming Jotunheim.
Frosty giants made of blizzard and frozen winds. Mountain giants as they stand tall, rising high up into the sky. The icy giants of the seas.
The forest giants formed from the energies of the great mountain that are tall and appears as trees. The ice giants, the frost ones of the frozen wastes.
The elemental beings stretch out across the realm of Jotunheim. The energies gather back towards the highest mountain, and they begin to dance as the mountain sings her song.
As time goes by and the energies dance, the mother mountain finishes her tune and begins to speak to the seven energies.
‘I am so pleased with you my children.’ The seven energies glow brightly in acknowledgment of her satisfaction in the creation of Jotunheim.
She then decides ‘But you yourselves, with all of the beauty you have created for this realm, remain the same. Come, let me whisper a song just to you.’
As the energies draw closer to the mountain, she whispers a song just for them. The energies begin to change and take shape.
The white and blue energy begins to form. As she does, she takes on a humanoid shape.
The mother mountain names the seven energies, the blue and white one that went deep within her is named Seviarra.
The mother mountain tells her ‘You will be the goddess upon the mountain. I shall gift to you once more to create two races that shall live here upon the mountain and the high peaks and the valleys below, that stretch out across the icy seas.’
The black and red energy formed into that of a male, named Vikurah. He says ‘I can create these races. They will be made to be the strongest. They will spread out across this great realm, mother. They will conquer and they will rise.’
The mother mountain then speaks again to Vikurah. ‘I have gifted this to Seviarra. This is my choice. I will gift you with creating one race.’
The energy passes from mother mountain into Vikurah. ‘Now go forth my children.’
Seviarra begins to work the energies. There she creates the two races of Jotunheim. The tall giants. Not as tall as the elementals, but more in appearance to the seven gods and goddesses of the mountain.
She goes throughout, planting the seed of the mother mountain. There rises the first Jotunn.
When she is done, she takes the other energy that mother mountain has given her and goes deep within the mountains themselves.
There she gathers the energies and begins to form a much shorter race. Not as tall as most of the things in Jotunheim. There she creates the Dwarves.
Vikurah has trouble forming the energies. He pours more of his desire for conquest and power. In this, the energies become unstable, and he creates the trolls.
When the two return to mother mountain, she looks down upon the races that were formed. She is pleased with that of Seviarra, and says she will be the Goddess upon the mountain.
Mother mountain says ‘You will speak to the wise men and women among the races of Dwarve and Jotunn. You will guide them as they spread throughout the vast realm of Jotunheim.’
She turns to Vikurah and says ‘I am not so pleased with what you’ve created. You’ve rushed too much. You’ve poured too much of your desire for power into them. You should have poured from all of the energies of Jotunheim.
But still, you have created something unique. They will remain themselves within the high forests and mountains. These trolls, I leave the choice up to you whether to guide them or not.’
Vikurah does not look after them. He is not as pleased as his sister Seviarra is with her creations. He says ‘I will not guide them. Instead, I will go deep within the mountains.’
Mother mountain says ‘That is your choice.’ Vikurah then goes down into the mountains. Deep to the core of Jotunheim itself.
Seviarra remains Goddess upon the mountain. There she teaches the Jotunn and the Dwarves and guides them.
It is said upon the highest peak of Jotunheim, at the certain seasons of the year, you can see her dance. And if you listen closely, you can hear her and mother mountain’s song upon the icy winds.
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