Dielsakra: Born of Fire

The origin story for Dielsakra begins... Marceeah is a fire drakon of Muspelheim, and Borrahtok is a fire demon. Their love has known many ages, but in this fierce and unpredictable time of the Urthak War, their love will be tested. A child of this love will be born.
Marceeah flies high in the skies above the fiery realm of Muspelheim. She searches, stretching out with her senses. She thinks ‘He’s here somewhere. What is this surprise that he has for me?’
As she scans the fiery planes below, she searches for what her heart desires and then she sees him. Standing on the fiery planes below is Borrahtok. She thinks to herself ‘My love.’
She soars down to him. As she lands, she takes upon a more humanoid type form. Borrahtok then bows to her.
As she steps forward, she places her hand under his chin, lifting him up. He then steps to her side, placing his arms around her.
Borrahtok says ‘I’m glad you’ve come. I’ve wanted to show you this for so long.’
Marceeah giggles some and says ‘Show me what? This is the fiery planes. I have seen it many times.’
Borrahtok says ‘But have you seen it under the great fiery moon? Something magical happens. Something magical and beautiful as you are to me.’
He places a finger on Marceeah’s chin, turning her face towards him as he is saying this. He looks deep into her eyes.
As the fiery moon begins to rise over Muspelheim, he whispers in her ear ‘Look. Watch this beauty unfold before you.’
Out of the fiery planes seem to grow what appear to be ember flowers. They are everywhere.
Marceeah smiles and is delighted by this. She says ‘I have never seen this before.’
Borrahtok says ‘It is beautiful, is it not? As beautiful as you are.’
Borrahtok holds Marceeah in his arms as they watch the dancing ember flowers.
Marceeah then sighs. Borrahtok asks her ‘All this beauty. This special moment with you, and I feel as though you worry for something.’
Marceeah then lifts her head staring out across the fiery planes. Watching the ember flowers as they burn, dancing upon the hot winds of Muspelheim.
She says ‘I have known what the great Lord of Muspelheim has been asking. This war that tears the realms apart. I fear that it will take everything from Muspelheim.’
Borrahtok says ‘Do not worry, my love. Like all wars, it will come to an end, and things will return to the way they were. And you and I shall stand here and watch the fire flowers bloom under the burning moon.’
Marceeah says ‘Then let’s stay here forever.’ She turns to Borrahtok, looking him in the eyes and continues ‘Just you and me, and forget all the other realms. Forget the conflict that goes on. Let’s stay here, hold each other tight, and watch the fire flowers dance under the burning moon.’
She kisses him passionately, and the two lie there in the field of the burning fire flowers. There they make love and hold each other until the fiery suns rise.
Before they depart, they hold each other tight in each other’s arms. Borrahtok says to her ‘I have been called by the Lord of Muspelheim. My service is required.’
Marceeah rests her head upon his chest and says ‘I know.’
She begins to weep fiery tears. Borrahtok holds her tight and says ‘I will return to you. I will always be with you. No matter how much time goes by, or how far apart it may seem, I will always have you here. I will come back to you as soon as my service to Muspelheim is done.’
Marceeah says ‘We will always have this place and this moment.’
She kisses him passionately. Then Borrahtok looks her in the eyes, blowing her a kiss before he conjures a fire portal that takes him to the Lord of Muspelheim’s fortress.
Marceeah turns herself back into her drakon form. The two look long into each others’ eyes, and then Borrahtok vanishes with the portal.
Marceeah lifts high in the air. She watches as the fire flowers recede back beneath the fiery planes of Muspelheim.
Marceeah returns to her lair. She thinks about Borrahtok. As time slowly goes by, Marceeah feels within her a life beginning to form.
A child is born to her of another kind of fire drakon unlike any other. For the father is a fire demon of Muspelheim.
Her love, the one who holds her heart. The one she will always think of and never forget. She longs for the day that they will be in each others’ arms.
She smiles as she looks down upon her newborn child. She says ‘When you meet your father, he will be so proud of you. I shall name you Dielsakra. Born of love, born of fire, is what it means.’
She cuddles her newborn young who is only in drakon form. Dielsakra looks up into his mother’s eyes. She smiles at him and says ‘You are so precious to me.’
Time passes and Dielsakra grows alongside his mother, taking to the skies of Muspelheim, flying over the great fiery planes.
Marceeah speaks much of his father, how he is a great warrior in service to the Lord of Muspelheim, the Demon King. That when he returns, all three of them shall travel to visit the great fortress of the mighty lord.
Dielsakra thinks much about this. He cannot wait for the day that he can meet his father.
Upon one day when he is flying alone, learning how to change from drakon form to a more humanoid form, he gets a sense of sadness upon him. He quickly returns to the lair that he shares with his mother. There she is weeping.
Another fire demon is there with her. The other fire demon places his hands upon Dielsakra’s mother’s shoulder and says ‘I’m so sorry, Marceeah. He was the finest fire demon I ever knew. He was more than poetry could even say. He loved you down to his dying breath, he told me this.’
Marceeah then nods her head and says ‘And I shall always love him. Until we meet again in the hereafter.’
Dielsakra hangs his head in sorrow. A fiery tear drops from his eye. He says ‘My father. I shall never know you. And yet I shall wonder, who were you?’
The other fire demon leaves, and Marceeah turns to see her son. They are both within their humanoid form, and she embraces him.
Marceeah says to him ‘I am so sorry. I wish you could have known him. How much he would have loved you. How proud he would have been of you. Come, I must show you something.’
She turns into her drakon form and lifts up into the sky. Dielsakra also turns back into his drakon form and follows his mother.
They fly for a great distance to the fiery planes where she lands. She turns into her humanoid form, and Dielsakra does the same thing as he lands.
Dielsakra says ‘What is it, mother? What have you brought me here to show me?’
As the fiery suns of Muspelheim begin to set, and the burning moon rises, Marceeah says to her son ‘This is a place that I shared with your father. It is the last place we were together. The place where you were conceived. It is beautiful as I was to him.’
She places her arms around her son, and together they watch the fire flowers bloom under the burning moon. Dielsakra thinks to himself how beautiful this is, and how he will always cherish this memory.
He sits with his mother until the burning moon sets, and the fiery suns begin to rise. They watch as the fire flowers recede beneath the fiery planes of Muspelheim.
Marceeah says then to her son ‘Come, let us return. For you have a whole world and a whole path that lies ahead of you. And one day, my son, I hope that someone will find you and love you as much as your father and I loved each other. For your name means born of love, born of fire.’
Dielsakra smiles at his mother. He watches as a single fiery tear of happiness rolls from her eyes. He turns once more to look at the fiery planes and watch the last fire flower recede beneath it.
He says ‘I will make him proud. I will do all I can to let all know that my father’s memory shall live on as it does here on the fiery plane. When the fire flowers bloom beneath the burning moon, they will remember his name.’
The two transform into their drakon forms and fly off as the fiery suns rise upon the realm of Muspelheim.
True Self Connection...