Death and the Layer of the Damned

Ahsvnay woke me up this morning with the message 'Do Koenae's origin story.' She showed me who he was on the list.
The origin story for Eroisin begins... In the throne room of the Omega, Ahsvnay looks at her devices. She is pleased with so many of them. They have gone forth and created upon the layers.
As she looks through the devices and the puzzles, she feels as if something is missing. But what could it be?
She says to herself ‘So many of my puzzles have gone forth and created life upon the layers. Life that is continuous without end. It feels as if the circle is not complete, but only goes halfway around. The experiment… there is something missing to it.’
Ahsvnay Omega walks back and forth looking at the puzzles and devices. She cannot yet put her finger on it. There is something missing.
She hears a voice from behind her that she recognizes. She turns to see the Alpha Gallatar Commander standing in the throne room.
He says ‘The cycle is not yet complete. Life everlasting. There should be an end to things.’
Ahsvnay Omega says ‘A beginning and an end. Yes, that is it.’
She begins to draw her finger into the air creating a circle. She draws with her finger all around it, and in the center is a floating separated diamond.
Ahsvnay Omega says ‘Everything must have a beginning and an end, but how to end it?’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander begins to speak ‘An ending to begin again. There must be something here.’
He holds his hand forward with a strange small device with a circle around it that is spinning fast.
Ahsvnay Omega takes the device from the Alpha Gallatar Commander, and looks at it. She says ‘How very, very curious. What would you call this?’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander says ‘I have not yet given it a name. It is only a simple design. Not one as great as you could conceive, but just a simple design. The most that I could refer to it as when I think of it.’
Ahsvnay Omega says ‘But it has no name. I will call it death. The ending of life.’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander bows and says ‘It is a grand name.’
As she works the device into the design that she has drawn for herself, she begins to become more pleased.
Ahsvnay Omega says ‘Yes. Beginning with life and ending with death, and then beginning again. This completes the experiment.’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander speaks ‘What will you name this device?’
Ahsvnay says ‘Koenae is what I shall call him.’ Koenae means death in the language of the great beyond.
Ahsvnay Omega begins working more with the device, adding in every little design that she can for life leading up to death. Beginning and ending, and then beginning again.
Ahsvnay says ‘Everything is perfect. Flowing together continuously. This completes the experiment.’
The new device sits floating in front of Ahsvnay Omega. She then touches it with the tips of her fingers. Her eyes go black, and she begins to empower the device.
Ahsvnay Omega says ‘Where life will begin, death will be the end. And after death shall be a reforming so that life may begin again.’
As she speaks this and works her energies through the device, the device begins to glow. The other devices and puzzles around begin to react to it.
Ahsvnay says ‘Yes, my beautiful creations. This will be Koenae. This will be the ending of the cycle so that it may begin again.’
Ahsvnay Omega empowers the device one more time. It radiates brightly. Upon the layers where death has never been known, some things begin to grow old, wither, and then die. This becomes a natural part of the layers.
Ahsvnaysays ‘It has played in perfectly to the experiment. However, I feel that there is something different. Something I have yet to notice.
I feel somehow that the sential beings upon the layer will use this new device for their own greed and malice. I feel it coming strong from several layers.’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander is no longer present but sits within the Gallatar. He can feel the same thing as things begin to change. He returns once more to Ahsvnay Omega.
The Alpha Gallatar Commander says ‘The idea I have given you for the device you have created, it has completed the cycle. But yet I feel that it seems to be somewhat corrupted.’
Ahsvnay replies ‘Yes, I can feel it. It is coming from the sential beings. The natural beings in the Vanatorin do not pursue death. They do not use it as a means of fear or malice against each other. Go forth once again, Gallatar Commander. See for yourself the reactions of this device I call Koenae.’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander leaves and observes upon the layers the sential beings’ use of death. He sends a message to Ahsvnay Omega that something should be created to keep up with the flow of life ending and beginning again.
Ahsvnay Omega thinks for a long period of time. She says ‘There is no layer for this. Once something dies, it should begin again anew, but something is changing. There is too much of it upon the layers. Too much of life ending needlessly. It is the sential beings that cause the most of this.’
Ahsvnay Omega observes the full power of her device as she watches several of the layers change. The Vanatorin layer crumbles.
This has also affected the Gallatar and other layers. The Alpha Gallatar Commander is growing weaker.
The Vanatorin layer is beginning to crumble and the naturals are dying off from the invasion of the sential beings upon their layer. The other layers are experiencing conflict between the sential beings.
Ahsvnay Omega takes Koenae’s device down from where it hangs high. There is something she is looking for. Koenae’s device glows brightly, and Ahsvnay Omega knows her time must come where she will go herself into the Gallatar.
She holds Koenae’s device and says ‘You must project forward farther than you are into a form.’
She works the device with her fingertips while beginning to sing a haunting melody. The device begins to glow ever brighter.
As she feels the Alpha Gallatar Commander crumble and shatter, there is something that she begins to feel in between his forms.
She connects the Koenae’s device to the energy of what was the Alpha Gallatar Commander. There upon it, she can feel a new layer being made.
The layer begins to spread through all the other layers. However, it is not a place of life, but a place of death.
Ahsvnay Omega says once again to Koenae ‘You must go forth into a form. This layer shall ever be tied to you and the energies of what was once the Gallatar Commander. I shall go forth and be within the Gallatar, taking his place.
For he shall forever be tied to this layer of death as you are. Tend to it. Let the cycle that begins and ends, begin again. Keep this layer from ever expanding onto the other ones, for if it does, it shall consume all.’
With that, Ahsvnay Omega begins to blow from her lips a thick dark mist. She says ‘Let this mist surround the layer, keeping it from overflowing into the other layers. Now go, my device. You and the essence of what the Gallatar Commander was shall have dominance over this layer. For the time will come when the mist will dissipate.
I have felt this far off in time long from now. You must be ready, for the power that flows within you will connect you to this layer and the mist that contains it within itself from spreading upon the other layers.’
The device glows very bright and projects itself forth. Ahsvnay Omega becomes the Gallatar Commander. Things upon the layers change, and the existence layer is created.
The energy of Koenae’s device is spread throughout the layers, but is contained mostly within the layer that sits in between all of them shrouded by the mist.
There in times to come, that layer begins to fill with that of the dead. Far as time goes on, things change.
Koenae begins to take a more solid form. He stands as a shrouded being with pale white skin and white eyes. He looks out far across the layer that is contained between the mist. There he sees a black being standing with red eyes.
As he approaches, the being turns to him and says ‘This is what I needed. I knew she would answer me and bring you forth.’
Atherak places his hand upon Koenae’s head and says ‘I will walk forward into the layer and bring judgement upon them.’
Koenae knows the strange objects that are large diamond-shaped floating around within this layer contained between the mist.
Atherak says ‘You are tied to this layer, as am I. The layer of the damned it will be known. This is where death rules over all. The places between the layers, the borderlands.’
Koenae bows as the strange black being Atherak turns. The floating objects in the sky seem to glow with dark blackness.
Atherak turns to Koenae and says ‘We will meet again long from now.’
Koenae bows his head. He vanishes, going forth and projecting himself upon the layer where judgement will come.
Koenae watches as the first judgement upon the layer begins. The black being he met known as Atherak spreads his judgement upon this layer. The borderlands begins to fill with the wicked.
The large diamond-shaped objects which come to be known as the athranaaks are machines that complete the cycle of Ahsvnay Omega’s beginning and end. The mist that contains the borderlands, becomes known as the Veil Mist.
Koenae watches as the first judgement comes to an end, and Atherak burns away to ash. He then sends himself back to his device.
Koenae hears from Ahsvnay Omega ‘The time will come when the Veil Mist will dissipate, and the borderlands will begin to spread upon the layers. If it is my will, it will be done.
But if it is not, then you must change this from happening. Only time will tell my decision of the experiment. Like the Lord Atherak, you shall be forever tied to the borderlands, and in time you will face each other.’
Koenae’s device glows again brightly and projects out once more, creating a form known as Eroisin the Keeper of Tombs, forever tied to the layer of the damned. Forever tied to death, beginning and end, and beginning again.
True Self Connection...