Uuieova: A Face for Midgard

The incarnation story for Uuieova begins... She sits before a silver fountain, her fingers within the waters. She concentrates and focuses. In her mind, she can see the realm of men.
She says ‘Where are you? Where are you hiding?’
Uuieova is looking for the sacred fountains that, according to legend, were placed upon the world of men. Rejuvenating fountains, ones that can restore what was lost.
Uuieova searches across the great lands of men. As she watches throughout time, she sees how the landscape of midgard has changed. But she still searches for these legendary fountains that were placed there.
She then breaks her focus and sighs. She pulls her hands back from the waters of the silver fountain.
Uuieova says ‘Still they elude me, but they must be there. How am I to travel in order to create my own eyes upon the world of men, when I must be here beside my fountain? For if the waters inside were ever corrupted, it would mean the end of all that we know within my realm.’
Uuieova steps away from the fountain. There are silver colored carved shelves that are gathered around. She looks through one holding many manuscripts and old books. She takes one down and begins to flip through the pages.
Uuieova says ‘There must be a way. A way for me to have my eyes upon the world of man, but have myself stay and guard over the fountain.’
She spends hours and hours looking through old scrolls and manuscripts, but she finds nothing. She has known of many others who have created these vessels upon the world of men, but at great cost.
Some incarnations are detached and roam freely. Others have caused themselves to become dislocated.
Uuieova is searching for a way around this. She has studied and studied, but has not yet found the answer to her solution.
On one day, where she is sitting quietly next to her fountain reading a manuscript, one of her servants comes to her.
The servant bows and says ‘My lady, a message.’
Uuieova asks ‘A message from who?’
The servant replies ‘A black pegacorn. He gave his name as Ahguriz. He said to deliver this message to you. It contains the answer you are looking for.’
The black parchment is handed over to Uuieova. She opens it and looks inside, and begins reading.
The message reads ‘I know what you seek, and the answers cannot be found in any of your manuscripts or books that sit upon your shelves, or in fact any manuscripts or books that sit within any library. I have the answer you seek. A way to send your eyes upon the world of men as well as keeping your form safely secure next to your fountain.’
Uuieova is puzzled. How does Ahguriz know so much about her and what she desires?
She reads on ‘I have seen you in the reflection of my dark waters in my cauldron. I sense you. I can help you. If you wish for me to help you, then send for me. I will await anxiously for you to call for me.’
Uuieova then folds up the parchment. She looks at her servant and says ‘Fetch me some paper and a quill.’
The servant fetches the paper and quill. Uuieova takes it and begins writing an invitation for this Ahguriz to come see her. When she is done, she seals it with silver wax and hands it over to the servant.
Uuieova says ‘Deliver this message to Ahguriz.’ The servant bows and then leaves.
Uuieova turns again once to her pool. She looks within it, placing her fingers within the water. There as she looks at her reflection, she begins to see her face disappear.
Uuieova wonders ‘What is this?’
She pulls her hands back from the pool. She feels quite tired. She decides to rest upon a lounge sofa. There Uuieova dreams of strange things. Blackness, dark clouds, and black lightning.
There upon a greyish hill stands a black pegacorn. Rising high above him is a strange looking moon. The Pegacorn turns to take notice of Uuieova, but the pegacorn has no face. No eyes, mouth, and nose.
Uuieova is awoken from the dream by her servant’s call. The servant says ‘My lady, the Pegacorn Ahguriz is here.’
Uuieova rises and says ‘Please, please. Show him in.’
The servant leaves, and then comes back presenting the black Pegacorn Ahguriz. Uuieova bows, and Ahguriz returns the greeting.
Ahguriz says ‘I have waited anxiously for you to send, and I see that I did not have to wait long. I have the answers you seek.’
He takes upon his humanoid form and says ‘This should be easier.’ He then reaches into a black bag that he has brought with him. Inside is a strange looking box. It almost looks to be made of leather.
Uuieova studies the box curiously and says ‘What is inside?’
Ahguriz says ‘The answer. The answer to all your questions. Yet I must warn you. There will be a price to pay for what you desire. You must think, is what you seek in Midgard truly worth the price to pay?’
Uuieova thinks for a moment. She must find the sacred fountains in Midgard, and the only way to find them there is to create a vessel. Eyes that she can see and a body that she can travel with.
Uuieova says ‘I have heard of many great risks undertaken by other beings from creating vessels upon the world of men. But what I search for must be found. The waters of the sacred fountains placed there must be reunited with my silver fountain. Whatever risk there is, I must take them.’
Ahguriz then nods his head in acknowledgment and says ‘Agreed then. You will need this.’ As Ahguriz opens the box, the foul scent of decay comes from it. Uuieova covers her nose.
As she looks down into the box, there is a strange moon shaped object. Uuieova is overcome by how interesting and fascinating the object is. Uuieova asks ‘What must I do with it?’
Ahguriz says ‘When you are ready, place it upon your forehead. Then place your face within the waters of your silver fountain. There your energy will descend through the silver fountain and create a vessel upon the world of men.’
Uuieova bows and says ‘Thank you for all you have done. How may I repay you?’
Ahguriz returns the bow and says ‘It is not I that you will have to pay, but remember there is a price for everything we desire.’
Uuieova begins all the preparations. Upon that night within her realm, as the moon shines down upon her silver fountain, she presses the moon-shaped gem on her forehead. She places her face within the waters of her silver fountain.
There is a rush. She feels as if she is traveling through an energy of light. Her body begins to ache. She feels strange. She can feel as if she is underwater.
She looks down at her hands. She is very, very small. Her form is changed. There are flashes, and she feels herself growing as if she is inside a water bubble. It is becoming cramped, and it flashes again.
Then one more flash, and she can hear the sound of the voices of humans. Uuieova is pushed back with this final flash from her fountain back to where she is.
Uuieova thinks ‘I have done it. I have done it!’
She goes to cry out for her servant to tell her what she has accomplished, but she cannot speak. She can see, but it is strange. It is like a fog is over her eyes. She reaches towards her face and realizes there is nothing there.
She focuses hard, and she can see through another pair of eyes. A different face staring up at humans who are looking down on her.
When she stops focusing, she is back to where she was. She remembers the words of Ahguriz ‘For everything we desire, there is a price to pay.’
True Self Connection...