Midorra: Lost Between Realms

Midorra sits by the sacred pool, staring into the water. What reflects back is the vision upon Midgard. She watches as the ancient primitive humans gather from the natural elements around them.
She watches as they live in harmony with nature. It was during time in midgard history in which she sought to make her incarnation.
She says to herself ‘This is a place, a place where my children and I will be safe. Here among a race of beings who live in harmony with the naturals around them. This is where we should go.’
Just then there is a commotion coming through the trees and shrubs. Three Kitsune appear, two young females and one male. The one female cries out to her ‘Mother, mother something has happened!’
Midorra then turns her attention to her children and says ‘What? You all look worried and frightened. Also…’ She touches the male Kitsune and says ‘Matuey, you are wounded. What has happened to you, my children?’
Matuey says ‘The hunters have come again, mother. Tyakee… they have gotten him. They have taken him and killed him.’
Midorra then hangs her head in sadness and begins to weep. She says ‘He was one of my firstborn. A beloved son.’
One of the young female Kitsune then says ‘Mother, what will happen to us? The hunters keep coming, and they kill our kind and take their hides. What can be done? We can no longer hide. They will find their way here, mother.’
Her children gather around her and embrace her, holding her tight. Midorra wraps her arms around them.
The young female Kitsune says ‘What would happen if they came to hunt for you, mother?’
Midorra holds her children tightly and says ‘I have been looking. I have been searching for a place where we can go far away from those who would hunt us. Look, look into the pool.’
There the reflection shows of several ancient primitive humans walking. Next to them appear to be canines. They are dogs.
Midorra says ‘You see children? There, there is a place we can go. A place that exists in the realm of Midgard.’
The young Kitsune male says ‘Look mother! They look just like the divine. The divine from your stories, the ones that you tell.’
Midorra says ‘Yes. They are the creations of the great Gods and Goddesses. Look, look at how they live harmoniously with the naturals around them. This is where we will go. This is where we will find sanctuary among the humans. We will live with them.’
One of the Kitsune says ‘But how? How will we go there?’
Midorra begins to think. She steps away from her children and reaches into the pool. The pool then glows brightly. Inside Midorra’s mind, she can hear ‘The old crone has the answers you seek.’
When the light and energy dies down within the pool, Midorra turns to her children and says ‘Gather all your brothers and sisters. Tell them to come here. Stretch out across the farthest lands. Bring them all here. I will go see the one known as the old crone for she has the answers to how we leave this place and make our way to the world of men.’
The three children agree and then scurry off. Mother Midorra then makes the long journey across the realm. Along the way, she has to hide for she sees there are hunters who have come particularly looking for Kitsune hide, and their tails that are worth quite a bit to many collectors.
Mother Midorra then makes her long journey to an old decrepit forest. There within the decrepit forest, she finds next to a black pool, an old crone looking creature. She looks like a bird, but a bird that is molting.
The old crone turns as she notices Midorra approaching and says ‘Oh Mother of all the wild Kitsune. I know why you have come. You search for a way to enter the world of humans. To go to the realm of Midgard to save your children. Oh yes, Mother of the Kitsune. I know why you have come.’
Midorra says ‘If you know why, then you can help me. Please, I only wish to save my children. More and more hunters come, taking them, killing them. I can feel them dying.’
The old crone says ‘The answer you seek, I can guide you towards. There is a book of great magic. It is within the library of Alfheim. A book on which one can pass through and create a way to exist upon the world of men in the realm of Midgard.’
Midorra replies ‘But the great library belongs to King Yserah. He is no friend to the Kitsune either. So then do the Elves travel there to Midgard?’
The old crone says ‘No, it has been forbidden by King Yserah for any to travel or make connections to Midgard ever since the ending of the war. The King gathers all the magic across Alfheim and stores it within his library. There are some still who find a way to go from Alfheim to Midgard. Bring me this book and something else that you will need. King Yserah has a study. In it, you will find a vial of glowing pink liquid. Bring it to me, and I will grant you what you desire.’
The old crone then turns away, and Midorra nods her head in acknowledgment and says ‘I will bring you what you need.’
Midorra then returns to the sacred pool. She steps within the waters and says ‘Oh sacred pool who has nourished my children for generations. I ask of you now, let me swim through your waters and take me to the realm of Alfheim.’
The pool begins glowing brightly, and Midorra submerges herself beneath its waters. When she arises again she is within a lake. The surroundings are different.
As she smells the air, Midorra smiles and says 'I have made it to Alfheim.’
She then journeys towards the great capital of Alfheim. Along the way, she asks the small creatures known as gnomes for directions.
The gnomes who are very excited from never seeing a Kitsune before, only hearing legends, happily point her in the direction of the great Alfheim capital.
As Midorra nears the capital, she then cloaks herself as to vanish. She blends in with all the surroundings and moves stealthily around Alfheim unnoticed.
She makes her way into the sacred library. There she searches and she finds what she is looking for. She gathers the book, and then scurries through the palace of Alfheim.
She makes her way up a long staircase. There she can hear voices. She hides within the dark corner as two figures begin to descend from the stairs.
One of them says ‘Your report has been great, Raugunitar. I see that the internment camps are at full production. Send tidings and a gift to the Goblin Queen. Let her know that our continued alliance is treasured amongst the King of Alfheim.’
Raugunitar says ‘I will do so.’
As Midorra hides in the dark corner, she watches the two pass. She then makes her move, ascending up the stairs to a large door. She tries to open it, but it appears locked.
Midorra then says ‘Hmph. There is no place that any Kitsune cannot sneak into.’
She turns around and takes one of her tails, inserting it into the lock. She hears a click, and the door opens. Midorra steps inside the large study. She looks around.
There on a high shelf, she sees a shimmering pink light. She swiftly moves her way up, and there is a vial of pink liquid glowing.
As Midorra picks it up she can feel warmth grow within her. She scurries away and journeys back across Alfheim returning to the pool from which she came.
She begins to ask again for the pool to return her to her own realm. She submerges herself beneath the waters, and when she rises she is within the pool of her own realm.
There all her children have gathered, and there is the old crone. The old crone says ‘You have returned. Now, do you have what I sent you for?’
Midorra shows her the book and the vial. The old crone takes it and says ‘Ah! Perfect. This is a very powerful incantation. I will need several days.’
For several days, Midorra and her children the Kitsune gather around the sacred pool as the old crone prepares for the ritual. On the final day, the old crone calls to Mother Midorra.
The old crone says ‘You will step forward first. I only have enough of the incantation to send one, and as Mother of the Kitsune it is you who shall step first onto Midgard.’
The old crone opens the vial of pink liquid and pours it into the pool. The old crone says ‘Here, Mother of the Kitsune. Step into the pool.’
Midorra embraces all her children and then steps within the pool. The old crone begins chanting wildly and the pool’s energy begins to glow, getting increasingly brighter.
Midorra feels herself as if she is tired and sleepy. She closes her eyes and before her children, Midorra disappears.
When Midorra opens her eyes, she is within a fog. A dark mist seems to be surrounding everything. She makes her way through the mist and into a forest.
Midorra says ‘Have I arrived? Am I here on Midgard?’
The mist seems very thick, and Midorra travels through it. She spies a large bear. The bear turns to her and begins to roar loudly. Midorra backs up and swiftly moves away from the bear.
Midorra says ‘This is strange.’
Midorra begins making her way down. She can smell smoke. She says ‘Hm. There is a fire somewhere, but something is strange. Something within the smoke itself.’
Midorra follows the scent of smoke down. She begins to see lights as the sun sets behind the mountain. Many of them. As she approaches, she can see what appear to be dwellings and many humans walking around her. The smoke she smells is from the fire of the dwellings.
Midorra makes her way down. As she steps into the village surrounded by humans, she greets them ’Hello. I am Midorra, Mother of the Kitsune.’
None of the humans seem to pay her notice. She tries to approach one of them coming face to face as the human is walking. She once again introduces herself, but the human passes right through her.
Midorra is shocked. She says ‘This is strange. I do not understand.’
Midorra leaves from the village in search of her question. Did she fully come to Midgard, or where is this place?
As Midorra makes her way back up to the forest, the mist begins to grow thicker. She can no longer see the trees. She feels that she is wandering endlessly.
Just then Midorra steps through the mist and out onto a field. There she can see thousands of humans. They appear to be shiny as if they are glowing.
Midorra looks across the field and sees two lines of humans all wearing what appears to be shiny armor. Metal upon their bodies. ‘What are they doing, I wonder?’
Just then there is an uproar from both sides of the humans, and they go rushing forward. What appears next before Midorra’s eyes is that of pure butchery.
The humans begin killing each other. Midorra becomes frightened. She runs off across the plain. The strange mist begins to surround her again.
When the mist dissipates there are large explosions all around Midorra. She dodges the explosions. In fright, she can hear men and what sounds like loud banging repeatedly over and over. She watches as strange objects fly through the air sparkling and burning like fireflies.
She looks out and sees strange metal beasts rolling over the lands. From their strange metal trunks, large explosions come.
She looks across the field and sees humans rushing. As the explosions strike the ground, the humans go scattering everywhere.
Midorra is horrified. As she makes her way through the battlefield she sees the destruction of the naturals all around it. Dead animals, broken trees, and scorched earth.
Midorra then stops and pauses for a moment looking at the scorched ground. She says ‘Where am I? This cannot be Midgard. What is this place? What has happened? Why are the humans killing each other?’
Just then she hears a horn sound like a trumpet, then sees hundreds of humans go rushing towards her. She pauses. She is frozen with fright as the humans rush upon her, but they seem to run right through her.
As she turns and looks to where they are headed, there is a repeated sound crackling. She watches as fireflies strike the humans. They fall to the ground and die.
Large explosions happen all around Midorra. She becomes scared and takes off dashing and running away. The mist begins to surround her again, and when it somewhat dissipates, she is in a place that looks like ruins. The dead bodies of humans are all around her. There is smoke, burning, destroyed buildings.
Midorra makes her way through these ruins. Then she notices something. A strange dark being, one who does not look like the humans. He is doing something to the bodies of them.
He places his hand not far from the human’s face, and as if sucking his essence out, strange energy flows from the human’s face into the hands of this being.
As Midorra tries to sneak away, the being turns to her and says ‘You are not of Midgard. You do not belong here.’
Midorra explains her story of how she came to find a new home for her children.
As the strange being continues its work sucking the essence from the dead humans, he then turns and says ‘And you believe the place of men would be a sanctuary for you and your kind?
You have long been lost, Mother of the Kitsune. Wandering around between your realm and theirs. You should not be here. Mankind will show you and your children no mercy.’
Midorra pleads with the strange being. She says ‘But my kind, my children. They will be wiped out. This is why I came. And now seeing for myself how the humans kill each other, I am lost.’
The strange being Amler replies ‘No, Mother of the Kitsune. I will give you what you wish. A vessel upon Midgard. But you will return to your realm. There times will change, and you will see. There is a coming. A coming of great power. A balancing.’
As Amler drains the final human, he turns to Midorra and says ‘Now child, take my hand.’
Midorra is hesitant at first, but she places her hand into the strange decaying hand of the mutilated myrrdonite Amler. She can feel the coldness grow within her. As she closes her eyes, she feels herself dissipate as if she was dust in the wind.
She begins to open her eyes and she can hear human voices around her. There are bright lights. She tries to speak, but she cannot. As she closes her eyes again, Midorra opens them. All around her, her children gather.
One of the Kitsune says ‘Mother, are you alright?’
As Midorra opens her eyes and observes her children, and looks across them to the sacred pool, she says ‘I have done it. I have placed a piece of myself upon Midgard. There is a way to do so. But I was lost for a long time traveling. I must rest now, my children. I know that there will come a time when we will no longer live in fear. Now gather to me, my children. Let us sleep and dream of such tomorrow.’
True Self Connection...