Klymene: The Awakening in Midgard

The incarnation story for Klymene begins... Klymene makes her way to the back dark alleys of Mount Olympus. She is wearing a cloak that covers her face. She watches all around her to make sure her movements go unnoticed.
The moon shines brightly down upon Mount Olympus. Klymene moves through the shadows. She makes her way down a long, dark alley, and comes to an older building. There Klymene reaches into her cloak and brings out a key.
She puts the key into the lock and turns it. Then pressing down upon the handle, she opens the old door. It creaks loudly. Klymene tries to lift the door as to not draw attention to herself.
When she is inside, she closes the door. She lights a torch and makes her way through an old ruin villa. Down through the wine cellar, she finds another door. She pulls out a small scroll from inside her robe and reads it.
Klymene takes a breath and sighs. She says ‘I hope she is here. I hope she has come.’
Klymene descends down the long staircase into a dimly lit room. There upon a bone altar sits a shiny red stone. Klymene walks up to the bone altar and gazes for a long period of time at the red stone.
It is fascinating and entrancing her. Then her focus is broken by a voice ‘I knew you would come.’
Klymeme turns around to see the Titan goddess of the Underworld Hecate, who is no longer a goddess of the Underworld. Klymene pulls back her hood, exposing her face. She looks at Hecate for just a short moment and then bows.
Klymene says ‘I am glad that you have asked me to come. There are so many questions I need to ask.’
Hecate steps past Klymene and towards the bone altar. Hecate says ‘Yes I know. There are many questions that even I have. But the answers are not here. They are in the world of men.’
Klymene stares oddly a moment at Hecate and then says ‘The world of men? My sons have made vessels there.’
Hecate says ‘Your sons indeed. If one is still truly your son. So much has changed, Klymene. So many are out of place. They are like mannequins, sculptures. Pieces put into place by a force unseen and unknown.’
Klymene says ‘Unknown? Are they truly unknown, or do the great houses just choose to ignore them? I believe there is more, Hecate. I believe that there is an awakening coming. I have seen it within my dreams.’
Hecate responds ‘As have I. Something comes from long ago. There is an awakening that will stretch out across the realm of Midgard.’
As Hecate speaks these words, Klymene can feel something growing within her. A strange feeling of other despair and darkness, but a light is shining through. She feels it warm the coldness within her. Her eyes begin to fade.
Hecate looks at Klymene and says ‘You can feel it, can’t you? This awakening.’
Klymene’s eyes turn to normal and she says ‘Yes. I have felt it deep within me. I must go to Midgard. I must see this awakening for myself.’
Hecate replies ‘But to create a vessel in Midgard… it may be dangerous. It would take time for your vessel even to realize what it is, what it’s connected to, and that it is you. But I have heard what the bones have told me. I have listened to their whispers. There will be a rebirth.’
Klymene begins to have a puzzled look on her face. She asks ‘A rebirth? What do you mean?’
Hecate says ‘A rebirth of things far beyond what we know. They are coming.’
Klymene steps forward even more curious. She asks ‘Who is coming?’
Hecate chuckles and grins. She says ‘You will see. I shall help you. I shall help you create a vessel in Midgard so that you may experience this awakening for yourself. Come closer, Klymene. Place your hand upon the red stone.’
Klymene steps forward in front of the bone altar. The stone glows brightly as she places her hand over it. For a moment she is hesitant.
She says ‘Something’s not right. I feel that a part of me is locked away somewhere, and what is in its place… it wears a mask.’
Hecate says ‘You are getting glimpses of things that will come. But you will only find the answer if you create this incarnation in Midgard. Place your hand upon the stone, and you will find the answers to all your questions.’
Klymene gazes at the stone. It glows brighter and brighter, ever entrancing her. She places her hands upon it. Suddenly there is a flash. Klymene can feel herself traveling through what looks like a tunnel of bright lights.
She is floating high above a strange world. She looks down, and the world goes into darkness away from its sun. She can see millions of lights.
She descends faster and faster, closer and closer to this strange world. As she approaches it, she can hear billions and billions of voices ringing out.
She comes closer down towards the landmass of the world. There is a bright flash. Klymene opens her eyes. She is surrounded by humans and human voices she cannot understand. She tries to speak, but the words do not come out.
Back where Klymene is, she is glowing bright red. The energy from the stone is all around her. Hecate looks on for a moment, and then steps forward pulling Klymene’s hand from the stone and catching her before she falls.
Klymene is still seeing through the eyes of the vessel. She is not yet fully understanding. When she opens her eyes, Hecate is holding her.
Hecate says ‘You have done it. You are upon the world of men.’
Klymene responds ‘I feel so tired. Every time I close my eyes, I am surrounded by strange people. Mankind. Humans.’
Hecate says ‘You are seeing through the eyes of the incarnation. It must grow like a child into an adult. In time you shall see. There will be a connection made through an awakening, leading to a rebirth, and you will see it all. Now rest, Klymene. The world awaits you.’
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