Kailia: Warning from a Future Projection

Kailia Incarnate asked in a diagnostic: 'I was slung into a vision in the spiritual in which someone who felt extremely like me, and looked like me (Kailia), and told me that she was my future self. She claimed she came back to help me progress and to help me and watch my actions. The way she helped us the most was through prophecy. Advice and future events. A while after, I had a feeling for sure this being couldn’t be my future self, and I now hypothesize her to be my origin self for a couple of reasons.'
Diagnostic Result...
'This being is a future projection of yourself from a different future timeline that may or may not happen. Atherak suggests we do an IG on this projection from this future timeline, to get more information about it. If this future timeline does not come to pass, the projection will either cease to exist or it will change.'
IG session interview about the future...
Then an IG session was done on the future projection. It is more of an interview without questions as to find out more about this future timeline.
Atherak opens up the interview by asking your future projection what she can tell him of the timeline she comes from.
She speaks of a malicious subjugated rule by the Great Houses. She speaks of the destruction of the form that we know now and the spreading and corruption of the Great Beyond. She has come back as a warning, a warning to those of this timeline.
Discovering what she needed to find within the Borderlands, she was able to project herself backward in time. She discovered this by aiding Xarsha in the civil war that engulfs the borderlands. In the future timeline she has come from, most has been corrupted.
Lord of the Great Houses discovered a way through the unpassable Veil Mist. There he want back directly into the Great Beyond. Taking advantage of the civil war and the conflict within the borderlands, the Lord of the Great Houses stole a power from Xarsha.
Allowing him to go back and change certain events in time. This begins to corrupt the Great Beyond and the layers. The civil war in the borderlands began because of the Lord of the Great Houses and his knowledge of the intricate workings of it.
When Atherak, Lord of the Layer of the Damned, sit finally within his throne for the last time within his athranaak, he burned away to dust. Leaving the borderlands to be governed by his myrrdonite and ruled by his daughter.
The Lord of the Great Houses was able to scheme his way into the Borderlands. He then convinced the Queen of the Damned a way to find and connect with her father.
With the absence of Ayvarahsa, the Lord of the Great Houses began turning the myrrdonite against each other. Three sisters waged war upon the Timewalker and the Cutter. The triad consisting of the Bishberrin and the Twin Stars waged war upon all of them.
The Lord of the Great Houses kills Thrax and led the myrrdonite to blame each other for his demise. But this was only within the Borderlands. What was happening outside within the realms and the layers was much more devastating.
Lord of the Great Houses went before the Gallatar Commander, convincing her of the ever-growing power of the Layer of the Damned. He convinced her it would spill over into the layers.
Kailia who uncovered the truth long before the passing of Atherak, was killed by minions of the Lord of the Great Houses. Rewoven by Mevinah and Xarsha, she was created into a new form using her essence and core.
The Lord of the Great Houses would eventually betray Ahsvnay the Gallatar Commander. Leading to her becoming lost in the Great Beyond, forever wandering. The Lord of the Great Houses would then claim the throne of the Gallatar Commander. The layers begin to fall apart.
As the Lord of the Veil Mist, Decimation began to spread his mist upon all the layers, burning everything away. This is why Kailia has returned, to bring the warning of a timeline that may happen. For some reason not yet known to her, she was trusted by the Timewalker myrrdonite to be sent back.
She remembers as he fell before the Bishberrin and the Twin Stars. She carries the blades of Mevinah the Cutter who also met his demise at their hands. She said if this timeline may be avoided, she will cease to exist and Kailia's form will undergo a transformation.
But if this timeline persists, she will remain here upon this timeline. The longer she remains, the more evidence that our timeline will be directed to the one she came from. This concludes the interview.
True Self Connection...