Vonayan: From Natural to Sential

The origin story of Varekrin begins.... In the Vanatorin layer, a sential being is running fast. He runs on two legs dashing across the sands of the beaches, hurrying. Something is stalking him. Something is behind him.
The sential being looks back over his shoulder as he runs. There is a large black six-legged feline-like creature. It comes closer and closer to him.
Up ahead, the sential being can see his transportation pod. In it, he knows there is a weapon that can stop this beast. He runs as fast as he can.
He reaches down to his side and pulls out what appears to be a silver ball. He throws it back, and the ball disperses into a large cloud, blinding the creature only momentarily.
As the sential being looks backward at this, he loses his footing and trips. He falls down to the sand. As the waters wash upon him from the waves, he can hear the roar of the creature.
The device he has thrown has angered the beast by blinding it for a moment, making it more enraged.
The sential being picks himself off the ground and begins to run again. There up ahead he can see his transportation pod closing in. He makes it to it and jumps into the pilot seat.
He flips a switch on the control panel, and the craft hovers slightly into the air just a little bit above the beach.
The sential being takes hold of the controls. He turns the craft towards the beast that is now bearing down on him. He presses a button on top of the controls.
A long silver type of javelin comes shooting out of the craft and shooting into the beast. The beast falls dead before the craft.
The sential being grabs what appears to be a silver blade. He steps out of the craft and walks his way toward the dying beast.
He says ‘You almost got me, you thought. Such an interesting specimen. When you are dead I shall examine you, and make a report to take back.’
Just then the sential being hears footsteps behind him. As he was moving in to slit the creature’s throat, he turns around. There he notices a strange pitch black being.
The being looks at him. The strange black being looks back at the sential and says ‘I didn’t figure any others would be here in this place.’
The sential being stands and says ‘Yes. I have come exploring on behalf of my people. We have come here in search of new resources and a place to settle, but this place is overwhelmed with large beasts and creatures like this one. He was bearing down on me while I was on my way to explore the high mountains over there.’
The silver sential being points in that direction and continues ‘I was following the coastline when it ambushed me.’
The strange black being looks at the high mountains, in the direction where the silver sential being was pointing. Then he looks down upon the dying beast and says ‘I see.’
The silver sential being steps forward, reaching out his hand. He says ‘I welcome you, fellow explorer. My name is Sorrahtin.’
The black being says ‘So it seems.’
Sorrahtin says ‘And you are?’
The black being replies ‘I am of the Gallatar.’
Sorrahtin says ‘The Gallatar? I have heard stories of such a place.’
The black being says ‘Have you now?’
Sorrahtin turns back towards the beast and says ‘Well I had better finish this one. No sense in letting it suffer anymore.’
As he gets ready to move down to slit the beast’s throat, the black sential being walks behind him, wrapping his hands and arms around the top of his head.
There is a quick motion and a snap. The black sential being breaks the neck of Sorrahtin. His body falls to the ground.
The Alpha Gallatar Commander turns around towards Sorrahtin’s transportation pod. He says ‘So they have made their way here. If others are meant to tread upon this layer, they will devour it and destroy it.’
He raises his hand towards Sorrahtin’s transportation pod, and then opens his hand then closes it like a fist as the pod crushes and shatters. The waves wash the pieces of the pod out to sea.
The Alpha says ‘This must be made differently.’
He then turns and forms a black pyramid-shaped object in his hands. He says ‘You will be a new design for me, creature. A design that will protect upon this layer those who may tread here from elsewhere.’
A blackness begins to surround the beast and the Alpha. There is a flash of pink light.
The Alpha Gallatar Commander is blown back from the pink object sitting within the middle of the throne room. He hits hard against the wall and goes sliding down.
What seems like pink electricity is flowing all around him. Ahmaklear enters the room and observes the Gallatar Commander. He goes to his master’s side and helps him to his feet.
Ahmaklear says ‘Traveling again to the other layers, my lord, I see. This is dangerous.’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander says ‘There is so much that I must survey. That I must see, Ahmaklear. I must understand what lies beyond the Gallatar.’
Ahmaklear says ‘But these journeys, master, they drain from you. I fear too many will disrupt you and bring you to your end. What will become of the Gallatar then without its commander?’
The Gallatar Commander says ‘But the answers lie beyond the Gallatar, Ahmaklear.’
Ahmaklear replies ‘What answers? What is beyond that has taken your focus so far away from your own layer? The Madaerka have not seen their commander in so long. They wonder does he even still watch over us? Your purpose is here, commander, within the Gallatar.’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander says ‘My purpose, Ahmaklear, lies beyond. It is something I have yet to understand.’
The Gallatar Commander slowly makes his way over to where the pink object floats in the middle of the room. Laid next to it is the dying beast.
Ahmaklear says ‘You have brought one of the naturals from the Vanatorin layer. Why master?’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander says ‘The layer is in danger. Sential beings from other realms and existences make their way there. They will disrupt the natural order of things upon the Vanatorin layer. Everything will die. It will be like it never existed.’
Ahmaklear says ‘Does the great one beyond speak to you, master? Through the puzzle object.’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander says ‘It is more than a puzzle object. She has shown me, Ahmaklear. Far beyond what I could ever travel. Things across the span of a great ocean of time, she has shown me what is to come. This beast, Ahmaklear, it is dying. Take its core from it.’
Ahmaklear replies ‘And what will become of the core of this natural?’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander says ‘I will remake the body. For now, the core shall stay with a trusted friend of mine.’
He whistles out a tune. What sounds like movement comes from the surface of the throne room. Right beside the Gallatar Commander, jumps down a black crystal-like feline with orange eyes.
The Alpha Gallatar Commander says ‘Vonayan, my pet. My little friend. Give me the core, Ahmaklear.’
Ahmaklear looks at the core, and then looks at Vonayan. Vonayan was carved out of a dark black crystal that lies within the center of the Gallatar, deep within the layer itself. Ahmaklear saw when the Gallatar Commander gave it life to move and act like a natural.
Ahmaklear asks ‘You would place it in there?’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander replies ‘That I would.’
Ahmaklear bows and hands the core over to the Gallatar Commander. The Gallatar Commander takes it within his hands and places it inside his pet. Vonayan begins to glow brightly.
Vonayan jumps up into the Alpha Gallatar Commander’s lap and stares into his eyes. The Alpha Gallatar Commander takes his fingers and scratches Vonayan’s ears.
The Alpha Gallatar Commander says ‘Soon you will have a living body. Soon you will have a place of your own. When I made you, I meant you to be among the purest of naturals. But I see that without that of flesh, you will never know what it is like.’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander begins to concentrate. He steps over to the pink object in the middle of the room and says ‘Once more I ask of you. Guide my hands. Let me bring forth something new to the grace of you.’
The pink puzzle object begins to glow brightly, and what looks like black electricity begins to flow from it. Black lightning strikes into the Alpha Gallatar Commander. His eyes glow bright pink.
The body of the beast begins to rise into the air. The Alpha Gallatar Commander speaks once more ’Show me your design. Guide my hand for this one.’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander then turns to the beast. His hands move swiftly, too fast for the normal eye to see. The beast changes color and begins to be reformed.
The room glows brightly from the pink puzzle object in the middle, and what appears to be pink lightning strikes everywhere. Ahmaklear stands clear of the Gallatar Commander’s reconstruction of the beast.
When the energy dies down, the Alpha Gallatar Commander collapses to his knees. Ahmaklear quickly rushes to his side, trying to help lift him back to his feet.
The Alpha Gallatar Commander lifts his head and says ‘Look at him. Look at this beautiful creature, Ahmaklear. A perfect design of the Omega. She guided my hand.’
Ahmaklear stares at a dark silverish feline beast. It is still groggy and barely opens its eyes.
The Alpha Gallatar Commander says ‘The process is not yet complete.’ He then calls for his pet Vonayan. ‘I have kept my word to you, my friend.’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander reaches down, and the core is pulled from Vonayan. Vonayan begins to crack and falls into dust.
The Alpha Gallatar Commander then tries to stand. Ahmaklear tries to help him. The Gallatar Commander says ‘Stand clear once more, Ahmaklear.’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander holding the core in one hand, reaches his hand toward the pink puzzle object in the middle. A strong flash of pink lightning strikes into his hand. It forms around and over his body.
The Alpha Gallatar Commander shrieks in agony, but focuses forward carrying the core to the silverish beast. He presses the core upon its chest, and it sinks inside the beast.
The beast grows bright with pink energy for a moment. The pink lightning recedes from the Gallatar Commander’s hands and he falls to the ground.
The beast’s eyes are fully open. It stares at the Gallatar Commander, and then nudges its nose against him.
It says ‘Ahmaklear.’ As Ahmaklear stares back into its eyes, there is a different sense there. It doesn’t seem that of just a natural, but that of a sential too.
The beast nods its head as if to point into a direction. Ahmaklear begins to understand as if the beast has spoken into his head. He says ‘Oh yes. The rejuvenation wine.’
Ahmaklear scurries over quickly to a table and takes a black bottle of wine. He holds it to the Gallatar Commander’s head as he begins to take a drink.
The Alpha Gallatar Commander then takes in a deep breath and says ‘Thank you, my friends. Help me to my feet, Ahmaklear. We must return to the Vanatorin layer. You must try to keep the sentials from ever coming there.’
Ahmaklear helps the Alpha Gallatar Commander to his feet. The Alpha Gallatar Commander then walks over to the beast, placing his hands on both sides of the beast’s face and his forehead to the beast.
He says ‘Go, my friend. Know the ways of the sential beings. You are a natural. Pure, but you will move like them, think like them. In time, you will become more like them. But know your heart and your core is that of a natural.’
Vonayan begins to glow brightly with silver energy. There is a flash, and Vonayan is gone.
Ahmaklear steps to the side of the Alpha Gallatar Commander and says ‘Will he save that layer from the sential beings who wish to populate it?’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander says ‘I cannot see for sure. I can only hope that he will do what I am unable to do.’
Ahmaklear then looks into the face of the Gallatar Commander and says ‘I do not understand, master.’
The Alpha Gallatar Commander replies ‘I have dwelled too deep upon other layers. There are those who wish to come here and take everything for themselves. When the time comes, you must awaken her. You must.
Tell Govendar, and be prepared. I will not be able to save the Gallatar, but she will. As for Vonayan, I can only hope that he will keep the natural layer pure. But what I have seen in time is that all will change.’
True Self Connection...