Jeravar of the Mahasanrean

The origin story of Ravar begins... In a small seaside village in the Vanatorin layer, a layer that is slowly becoming the Anti-Existence, a young child is born.
He is that of the Mahasanrean. These are humanoid looking creatures, but along with lungs they have a pair of gills. They are gold and blue. Humanoid faces and elongated ears, but their backs and forearms are covered in scales.
They have come here fleeing their home to escape from the oppressors known as the Courdian. The Courdian are large arachnid like creatures, like crustaceans.
The survivors of the Courdian onslaught have come to the Vanatorin to find safety and live in peace.
There a child is born upon the waters of this seaside village. He is named Jeravar. The child grows in the seaside village.
He watches every day as the hunters go out to sea and bring back the daily catch. He wishes that he could swim with them, and one day he knows that he will.
Some of the elders of his kind call to him and the other younglings. He can hear his name being called. ‘Jeravar! Jeravar, come away from there. The hunters are coming in and soon it will be time to separate the daily catch.' As the hunters wander back in, they pull in large nets with them.
Time goes by, and their catch becomes less and less. The hunters unravel their nets to reveal what little fish they have. Not enough.
One of the hunters says ‘The schools of fish and game are growing less and less. We must travel out further and further to find the daily catch.’
The wise chief of the tribe speaks ‘If we do not find a new way to sustain here and our daily catch, we will be forced to move further down the coastline.’
One of his kind says ‘Then we should send scouts.'
The chief says ‘Yes we should. Take our strongest hunters and our fastest swimmers. Swim down the coastline. See if there is more fish there that we can sustain ourselves on.’
On the next morning, the hunters go off down the coastline. Jeravar sneaks off with them. He decides he will find more fish to help sustain the settlement.
He swims up the coastline searching and searching. He searches until the suns have set. When he is tired he decides it’s best time to return to the camp. But the suns set fast on him and dark begins to fall, Jeravar cannot find his way home.
As Jeravar swims up to the surface, he looks around to see if he can see any lights from the settlement around. There are none. Then, something large moves past him in the waters.
Jeravar begins to hear something and dives back down. He hears what are high pitched sounds. He listens. These are sounds of large whale type creatures.
As he looks down he can see lights. Millions of them swimming up from the darkness. All around him are glowing fish. Swimming all about.
Jeravar begins gathering them all into a net. He waits upon the shore until the suns begin to rise and makes his way back down towards the settlement.
There he can see the hunters that have been sent out have returned. All have gathered around.
The hunters report that there is nothing to find traveling along the coastline. Jeravar decides to step closer, producing the net of mysterious fish he caught during the night.
The chief asks ‘Where did you find these?'
Jeravar says ‘I swam up the coasts all through the night. They only come out at night. There were so many of them, millions. Enough to feed us for generations.'
The villagers cheer, and the chief has Jeravar lifted high upon the hunters' shoulders for all to notice. The chief cries out that Jeravar has saved their kind from starvation.
In the evening of the same day, hunters are sent out at night. In the morning they all come back, showing the same fish and telling the same story that Jeravar did.
The settlement gathers their things, and all of them submerge traveling down the coastline. There they come to the spot and set up their settlement upon the shore.
At night all the villagers go into the waters and catch the bounty of glowing fish. The fish sustain the settlement for many years to come.
Jeravar grows into a young man. He has become a hunter. Every night he and the other hunters go out and collect the daily bounty. But one night upon coming in from a plentiful bounty, they see fires upon the shoreline and make there way over there.
There they find their enemies. The ones that drove them from their home realm. They have been attacked.
The Courdian notice the hunters out in the water. The glowing fish are still glowing brightly. This attracts them. They make their way over there after the hunters.
Many are captured and torn apart. Jeravar swims as fast as he can, going farther and farther out to sea. He can see his enemies in hot pursuit as he submerged beneath the waters a few times to see if he has lost them.
There are five of them. Jeravar swims as fast as he can. Finally he emerged from the water. He can swim no more.
All around him though is silence. He submerged back under the water and looks. There is nothing. His pursuers have broken off. He has lost them.
The waters feel strange to him. He can feel himself growing weaker and weaker. As he emerges, he can see nothing. He is surrounded by a mist. He cannot find his way. Jeravar tried to swim, but he begins to grow weaker and the mist grows thicker.
As the last bit of his strength fades away, Jeravar is pulled beneath the waters. As he tries to reach up, his hand breaks the surface of the water. There he feels another hand grasp on to him and pulls him onto a boat.
There an old man is standing in a dark purple-grey robe. The old man says ‘You should not be here. These waters are dangerous.’
Jeravar mumbles ‘My village, my people. Please…we must…help them.’
The old man sits down ‘But they are gone now. I will take you to others of your kind, who have settlements along the shores.’
Jeravar falls fast asleep. He can feel the rocking of the boat and hear the humming of the old man.
When Jeravar awakes, he is upon the shore. Around him are several others of his kind. He tells them of his story, of how his settlement was attacked, and how their enemies have pursued them here.
The chief of this tribe tells him that the seas have grown scarce of fish. That the place around them is changing.
Jeravar speaks of meeting an old man on a boat, and a strange mist that surrounds. Jeravar decides to stay with the settlement. He grows older and wiser and then learns how to make a projection of himself into the existence layer.
True Self Connection...