The Unraveling Phase One

Events of September 13th 2019... This is immediately after the events in the post Darkness and the Tree of Alfheim.
Draena Silverleaf rides fast and hard to the capital. She thinks to herself ‘I must get there. I must hurry.’ Just then, her horse is startled and something pierces her side.
It is an arrow, it has gone straight through her armor. Draena Silverleaf falls and is knocked unconscious.
Raugunitar watches as Draena falls from her horse. He says ‘There will be no saving your little precious king today. Today the true King returns.’
Lyindrinar Silverleaf is making ready in his chamber. He sees the note sitting upon Valeyta’s vanity next to her mirror, and a brush that was a gift to her from Ashontrah. He picks up the note and reads it. Three simple words, 'See you soon.'
Ever since Valeyta’s ordeal with the Vile One, she has changed. She has left early in the morning and sometimes stayed away for many moons. King Lyindrinar knows that the love from her to him has not changed, but is something else.
He has decided not to intrude upon what his beloved is going through. Instead, there were other matters to look to. The Tree of Alfheim was gone, and the council of elves has ever been growing distant. It is rumored that they meet in secret.
It is rumored that the kings of the realms have been plotted against. Lyindrinar tucks the note away into his belt. He makes his way down the hall.
He notices that his royal guard are not escorting him. This is strange. As Lyindrinar walks across an open hallway, he notices a flock of ravens gathered within the trees.
As he walks by, they all begin cawing in unison. Lyindrinar senses a strange presence. He makes his way into the grand chamber where the elven council is already gathered. He looks around noticing that some faces are missing. Where is Draena?
All the elven council turns to face him. They seem to have a strange look upon their faces. Lyindrinar makes his way to the throne and places himself and sits.
Lyindrinar says ‘My fellow elves, council of Alfheim. The tree’s disappearance has struck us all. Believe me when I say I will search for the answer. Whatever it takes. I will find the answer myself.’
One of the elves steps forward and says ‘It is not the disappearance of the tree that concerns us today, but it is you King Lyindrinar. It is you we are concerned with.’
King Lyindrinar stands and says ‘And what do you mean by this?’
Guards begin to surround King Lyindrinar. They place their arms around him. Another elf steps forward and says ‘Lyindrinar, King of Alfheim, we place you under arrest for treason and conspiring with evil forces.’
Lyindrinar says ‘What do you mean evil forces? Take your hands off me! Where is Valeyta? Where is the Queen?’
The grand doors to the council chambers open and a hooded figure steps forward. He says ‘There is no queen of Alfheim, and you are no king.’
The figure is followed by Raugunitar. As he steps forward, he pulls back his hood. Lyindrinar’s eyes widen and he says ‘Yserah…’
Lyindrinar looks around the room as all the other elven faces turn and nod to Yserah as to acknowledge him. They bow. Lyindrinar cries out ‘And you would believe this murderer!? This genocidal maniac?’
Yserah says ‘Yes, I was once a murderer. I had done terrible things, unspeakable things that I have paid for. I was judged. Sent to the borderlands to wither away in my own misdoings. My own wickedness. I crawled through the rot waste feeling my body decay day upon day, never-ending.
But I have returned. I have seen the error of my ways. My beloved Alfheim… I have seen what has become of it. I have overcome death, and I have overcome judgement. I stand before you here today. And for those who always believed in me…’
He places his hand upon Raugunitar’s shoulder. Yserah continues ‘They knew this day would come. You, however! You conspire with the same dark forces that wish to destroy the realms.’
King Lyindrinar says ‘You lie!’ The guards tighten their grip around his arms.
Yserah says ‘Do I now? Bring forth the stone of truth.’
An elf walks forward with a beautiful white diamond-shaped stone. It glows brightly.
Lyindrinar says ‘Bring forth whatever you want. I will never lie to my subjects or any of Alfheim. I have nothing to hide.’
Yserah says ‘Do you now? Then answer me this. Did you not know of the Lord Atherak returning Moonstone?’
All the eyes of the council focus upon Lyindrinar.
Yserah says ‘Do you not have a vessel in Midgard with your beloved queen? Is there not a gathering of you upon there who have discussed many things that seem to not be discussed here with your beloved brothers and sisters, or with Alfheim itself?’
Lyindrinar says ‘Many of us have incarnations in the Midgard world. I govern Alfheim here for Alfheim’s concerns.’
Yserah speaks ‘But the question still remains. Did you not know of the Lord Atherak returning Moonstone to life? Bringing him back. We all remember long ago what he did. So tell us Lyindrinar! Did you not know of this? Or should the stone speak the truth for you?’
Lyindrinar hangs his head. He says ‘The stone will not be needed. Yes, I knew of the return of Moonstone.’
The crowd of elves begin to mutter amongst each other. Yserah lets them talk for a moment, and then he raises his hand. All fall silent.
Yserah says ‘I bet you didn’t even know that Moonstone has already made his move far beyond Lord Atherak. He has seized the throne of Jotunheim.’
Lyindrinar raises his head, his eyes surprised. All the elves begin to speak again amongst themselves. There is fear. Lyindrinar says ‘Where is your evidence?’
Yserah turns and places his hand before the great chamber doors as they open. In steps the ambassador to Jotunheim who bows before Yserah.
Yserah says ‘Tell me, ambassador. Have you just recently come from Jotunheim?’
The ambassador who is out of breath and seems terribly frightened says ‘Yes I have.’
Yserah says ‘Then please! Tell us. Tell us of what has transpired there.’
The ambassador begins to speak ‘I was awoken one morning in my chambers. There was much commotion. I made my way down to the hall where King Lemniskarun sits. The guards had to break into the room. The doors were sealed.
As we entered… my king, I have never been so afraid and full of fear in all my time. What laid before my eyes… At one end of the grand dining table, King Lemniskarun laid slumped over.
He was dead. We entered the room, and we heard a voice coming from the opposite end of the table.’
Moonstone says ’So glad of you to join us. The king, I’m afraid, has expired.’
Several of the elven guards shoot arrows as Moonstone begins to rise from his seat. His black robe around him changes into coils, snapping the arrows that fly up towards him.
Moonstone replies ‘Elves and their arrows. Oh can you feel it? My master. He is coming.’
One of the elven guards shits himself and goes screaming running away. Several of the other Jotunn guards begin to back up out of the room as darkness surrounds Moonstone.
Moonstone says ‘Run back to your king, little elf. Tell him what has transpired here.’
All begin to flee from the great fortress of Jotunheim. The elven ambassador and others as the doors begin to slam closed. Black ravens sit upon every perch in every tower, cawing in unison.
Back in Alfheim as the ambassador finishes explaining, the truth stone begins to glow brightly. All the elves’ attention turns toward King Lyindrinar.
Lyindrinar says ‘I did not know of this.’
Yserah says ‘But I knew. Now listen to me elves, brothers and sisters.’ As Yserah begins to walk, it is almost as if an image is forming around him.
Yserah says ‘I crawled through the wastes of the borderlands.’
They see Yserah turn into a decrepit form of an elf decaying away and crawling through the black grey sand of the borderlands.
Yserah continues ‘I felt the pain and torment of every living thing that I extinguished in my time when I was wicked. I crawled and I crawled, and then one time I saw them. Atherak standing with the timewalker Xarsha next to a black acid sea.’
The elves watch the image as if it were happening to them in real-time.
Yserah says ‘I heard them speak...’
Atherak says ‘Xarsha, the time has come. Things are beginning to change.’
Xarsha says ‘And what would you ask of me, master?’
Atherak says ‘Go to Mevinah. Give him this.’
Atherak hands the strange black object over to Xarsha and says ‘Tell him to build me an army. One that will descend upon this existence and all the layers, seeking.’
Xarsha says ‘What will they seek, master?’
Atherak says ‘Those whose time has come for judgement.’
Xarsha says ‘They will surely turn against you, my lord.’
Atherak says ‘They will see the error of their ways, Xarsha. It is time. The unraveling has begun. Go now. Tell Mevinah I will be there shortly. I want to see the design for my new army.’
The elves look in fear. King Lyindrinar is shocked. The image fades away as Yserah finishes explaining what he has seen.
Yserah says ‘I have returned because Alfheim needs me. I am part of it as we all are. Including you, Lyindrinar. That is why I will not call for your execution. No, you will be locked away in a dungeon forever.
You will spend your immortal life there. That will be your judgement. You are no longer king. If there is anyone who is not in agreement here, let them speak now.’
All turn towards Yserah, and then bow to their knees. In unison they say ‘We serve you, King Yserah. King of Alfheim.’
King Yserah nods to them and then motions with his hand for them to rise. The guards pull Lyindrinar aside, and King Yserah places himself upon the throne.
Raugunitar takes the crown from Lyindrinar’s head and says ‘I told you boy. You are no king.’
Raugunitar places the crown upon Yserah’s head, and all the elves in the council begin to bow. The guards holding Lyindrinar force him to the ground.
Yserah then speaks ‘We must look to our brothers and sisters in Jotunheim. We must prepare an offensive to take it back from Moonstone.
I myself personally will lead the army, and we must inform the others of other realms of what is coming. For this is only the beginning.
Atherak plans to judge us all, and for those of us who know of what came before… what happened when he judged the existences before. We must stand against him. He is not as powerful as one is to believe.
There are others that are outside, beyond his power. Ones who can defeat him. We will gather together, and we will stand. Who is one to decide judgement for all? It is us who makes that decision amongst ourselves to serve good or evil. That is his weakness.’
All the elves cheer. King Yserah stands. There is a thunderous applause, but then it is overtaken as the ceilings begin to fill with black ravens.
The grand doors open, but there is a darkness that is filled behind them. A figure steps forward. Her eyes glowing brightly as well as the symbol upon her head. She looks paler.
Another figure follows in shortly behind her, hooded and shrouded. As the first figure comes into the sight of all the elves, they gasp.
King Yserah stares with his eyes petrified as well as Raugunitar’s. Lyindrinar looks and says ‘Fiayuah?’
Fiayuah speaks ‘Step forward, sister.’
The other figure steps forward and pulls her hood back. Lyindrinar and the others look into the eyes. It is Amerriah, but she has changed. Her eyes are now pitch black. Her skin is dark as night.
Fiayuah says ‘You have come, sister. Now do what you must.’
Amerriah steps forward. She pulls a strange black blade from the hilt at her side and points it at Raugunitar. She says ‘You will be the first of the master’s plan. You will be an example of what’s to come.’
Raugunitar grins at Amerriah. King Yserah whispers to him ‘Kill her quickly.’
Amerriah turns her back towards Raugunitar as he steps forward and draws his sword.
Raugunitar says ‘It’s a pity, Amerriah. You had such great talent. It almost shames me to do what I have to do now.’
Amerriah speaks without even turning to Raugunitar ‘It didn’t shame you long ago when you took my innocence from me.’
Raugunitar says ‘You were a willing little dark elf, bitch. And you’re willing to die now.’
Amerriah whispers ‘We shall see.’
Raugunitar rushes forward to Amerriah. She steps aside swiftly. None see the motion that she takes, for it is too fast for their eyes to catch. Raugunitar passes Amerriah and stumbles. He begins to gag.
Blood begins to pour from his mouth. Raugunitar drops his sword and reaches around his neck. He has been sliced through the throat. Amerriah stands with her back towards him and then sheathes her blade as she turns around.
Raugunitar drops to his knees, and Amerriah steps around and faces him. She says ’No, you will not die like this. I want you to feel every moment.’
Amerriah’s fingers begin to grow long and turn into coils, piercing into the eyes, nose, and mouth of Raugunitar. He tries to scream as the coils reach down inside his head.
With a motion of her hands, Amerriah tears Raugunitar’s head apart. His body falls decapitated to the floor.
All around her are shocked and in horror. Guards begin to surround King Yserah.
Fiayuah then turns her head and looks around the room. She focuses her eyes upon King Yserah and says ‘Great King Yserah, elven brothers and sisters...’ She places her hands out at her side and looks up towards the ceiling ‘Why are you not fleeing?’
With a motion of her hands, large black roots begin to pierce all through the buildings, tearing through the structures. All the elves around begin to run. The royal guards usher away King Yserah as he watches in fright.
Lyindrinar stumbles to his feet as black roots begin to pierce up from the ground all around him. He hears a voice say ‘My king!’
He looks over across the room to see Draena. She is bleeding. She motions for him and says ‘This way, my king! Hurry.’ Lyindrinar runs to her side. As he passes, he stops for a moment and looks at Fiayuah.
Without any words, Fiayuah looks him in the eyes. Lyindrinar stares for a moment until his concentration is broken by the words of Draena again ‘Quickly, my king! This way.’
Black roots begin to pierce all around. Lyindrinar makes it to Draena, and they escape out through one of the exits. As they run across from the palace, they can see the black roots begin to tear through the structures all around. Many are fleeing. Elves, gnomes, and so many alike.
Lyindrinar and Draena make their way through a forest clearing. They watch as the black roots twist around themselves and rise high, forming into a dead tree. On the inside, Fiayuah stands with Amerriah.
Fiayuah and Amerriah begin to approach the throne. Fiayuah looks over to Amerriah and says ‘A king will sit here no more.’
Amerriah draws her black blade. With one thrust, she slices the throne in half. Fiayuah reaches forward with her hands, and with one motion tears the throne apart.
Fiayuah says ‘We will tell the master now that the next phase can begin.’
Amerriah says ‘And King Yserah will do as he must.’
Fiayuah smiles and says ‘Oh he will, dear sister. That and much more.’
Draena and Lyindrinar make their way into the forest. Lyindrinar sets Draena next to a tree. She is bleeding badly.
Lyindrinar says ‘Let me see if I can find some of the mogroot. It should stop the bleeding.’
Lyindrinar searches around in the foliage. He digs into the dirt, producing some of the mogroot from the mogroot plant. He places some of it in his mouth and begins chewing. He then helps Draena remove her armor. He places the chewed mogroot upon the wound.
Draena is almost passing out from the pain. She asks in a fading voice ‘What is happening, my king?’
Lyindrinar says ‘I don’t know. I fear that maybe Yserah was right. I’m not for sure. We have to find out more. I have to find Elararis.’
Draena places her hand upon Lyindrinar’s shoulder and says ‘I can take you to them.’
Lyindrinar searches for a horse, and he helps Draena upon it. They both ride the horse as Draena gives him directions to a place where Elararis, Anuwah, and others still loyal to King Lyindrinar have gathered.
When they arrive, King Lyindrinar is greeted by Elararis Lunastar. Elararis says ‘There is so much we must speak of.’
Lyindrinar looks over his shoulder to see Nastazil as well with Anuwah and several other light elves and dark elves.
King Lyindrinar asks ‘What is happening, Elararis?’
Elararis takes a breath and says ‘Judgement is coming upon the realms. Fiayuah knew this, but Yserah is not to be trusted. He is the one as well as others who will try to flee from it, try to stop it.’
Lyindrinar says ‘Then what will become of us?’
Elararis sighs and says ‘We have yet to see. There must be more that we can find out. But King Yserah will try to bring the other realms to his calling. This will be a mistake.’
Lyindrinar says ‘I saw her. I saw Fiayuah, and I saw Amerriah too.’
Elararis is shocked. He stutters for a moment when he tries to speak ‘You saw her? That means she’s alive.’
Lyindrinar then takes a deep breath and says ’No, Elararis. She’s not alive. She’s dead. She’s one of them now. Her and Amerriah. They’re Myrrdonites. They destroyed the palace and the city around it, and a great black dead tree now rises in its place.’
Elararis is shocked. He says ‘Then it has begun. Quickly get inside. Let us regain our strength. We’ll decide what to do next. Come.’
King Lyindrinar and the others step inside the dwellings where they all meet, rest, and decide what action to take next.
Flamebeard, Greywillow, and Fogbeard are in a dark damp cell chamber somewhere. Flamebeard has been drained. The hooded captors have been trying to take from them.
Greywillow says to him ‘Hold on, cousin. Do not worry. I will give you all my strength.’
Flamebeard says back ‘No, dear cousin. Save it for yourself. You must survive. You must.’
Fogbeard then speaks ‘Whoever these captors are, they mean to undo everything. I can sense it. We are all in danger.’
Just then there is a commotion heard outside, and then as if there was an explosion, a strange green smoke begins to fill the cell through the window and the door.
The three dwarves begin coughing. Just then they feel lightheaded, and they pass out. They can feel themselves being carried.
Flamebeard begins to regain consciousness. There was a black hood placed over his head. He can feel himself being carried. They can feel themselves enter into a large room. Flamebeard hears the grand doors opening. He recognizes the sound.
This is the chamber of the king. The dwarves feel themselves placed upon the ground. Their hoods are removed, and their hands are freed.
Moonstone says ‘Nice of you to join me, cousin.’
As all of their eyes begin to come into focus, they see Moonstone standing before them.
Moonstone says ‘Ah...’ He places his hand upon Flamebeard’s head ‘They have toyed with you, cousin. A price they are going to pay for. I shall see to this.’
He walks by and places his hand upon Greywillow’s head and then Fogbeard.
Moonstone says ‘Ah… do they think us dwarves so weak? You’re not very well, but you will recover, cousins. And I thank you, my little niece. Consider your debt to me from long ago paid.’
Blacklace bows and says ‘Ah it was an honor, uncle Moonstone. I remember you, as a wee one sitting me upon your lap, telling me the different stories and showing me the stones.’
Moonstone says ‘Ah. The days of when I was alive.’
Greywillow speaks ‘What has happened here?’
Moonstone says ‘The unraveling has begun, cousin. King Yserah has returned himself. Alfheim is in chaos. King Yserah will run to the other realms and come seeking to destroy me. But I am just a piece in a bigger puzzle, in a bigger game. So let them come, cousins.’
Flamebeard then says ‘And King Lemniskarun? Where is the king?’
Moonstone says ‘Oh his part in this has already been played. They believe it was I who killed the king. But he lives.’
Moonstone waves his hand, and a light shines in a dark shadow in a corner where King Lemniskarun lays upon a table.
Moonstone says ‘See for yourself if you don’t believe me.’
Greywillow steps over to King Lemniskarun’s side and places her hand upon his head. She says ‘He does live, but he’s been poisoned.’
Moonstone says ‘A precautionary measure, dear cousin. He will regain his strength soon. It is not yet his time. Kings, queens, rulers of all the realms. Always such a contest between each other.
How long they stood at peace, but they all knew this time would come eventually. Things are changing, dear cousins. The unraveling has begun, and all we know now will never be the same.’
In the Borderlands...
A raven flies through the skies of the borderlands. It heads toward the athranaak hanging high above the desolate waste. There upon a small balcony, Atherak stands as the raven lands upon his wrist.
Atherak says ‘Ah. I see phase one is complete.’
Xarsha and Mevinah step forward. Mevinah says ‘The seekers are ready, master.’
Atherak says ‘Excellent work, Mevinah.’
Atherak steps forward looking down from the athranaak. Below him are an army of bone cladded black hounds. Bone faces stitched in with their black skin. Stretching as far as the eye can see across the borderlands.
Atherak says ‘The time has come. Unleash them.’
Mevinah takes a black athranaak looking object from his robe. It begins to spin. The seekers shriek and then disappear.
Mevinah says ‘They will move unseen to the eyes of the living. They will not know what is around them, or upon them until the time comes, master, that you choose to.’
Atherak says ‘Very well, Mevinah. Phase one has been completed. Go now, Mevinah. Tell Decimation and Dolloiandea to go to Midgard. There is something there I wish for them to do.
Tell them to turn and churn the seas of the gulf, and that of the wall and the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Let the humans feel the woe that I will give them. Judgement spreads upon the other realms, and in time will come to theirs.’
Xarsha says ‘And as of the realms of this moment, master. What are your plans for them?’
Atherak says ‘Yserah will go before them, gathering them together against me. They will look to the aid of those outside the puzzles. They will come together, and try to find a way to destroy me and all of us. They have grown soft in their ways. Yserah mocks me.’
Xarsha says ‘So then they choose not to fear you, master?’
Atherak says ’No, they don’t. But I know one they will fear. Come, Xarsha. Our circle is almost complete. Our ranks have grown, but there is one more we must awaken.’
Xarsha says ‘Yes, master.’
Atherak says ‘The unraveling has only begun. Soon it will stretch out across the realms, the existences, and the layers. Judgement comes to us all.’
True Self Connection...