Chieftess Kaileis Incarnation Story

Chieftess Kaileis leads her nomadic tribe across the great desert. It is the time of the freezing winds. All are moving closer together and staying in tight formation so as not to be separated by the large sandstorms.
They move in unison one by one in single file, lightly stepping upon the ground so that they don’t disturb the great sand snakes that live beneath it.
They are almost a hundred feet long and can swallow one of her kind whole, the sand snakes dwell deep beneath the sands and are activated by tremors.
Chieftess Kaileis steps aside. She watches her tribe as they pass by her, examining everyone to see which ones may have struggled to keep up with the others.
She spots a youngling of her tribe. He looks tired. His hooves are about ready to give out from underneath him.
Before he collapses, Kaileis puts her arm around him and says ‘You must find your inner strength. The journey must continue. Be strong. We do not have very much farther to go, and then we shall set up camp once we reach the high rocks.’
Jhelheim is a formidable realm with never-ending deserts, high rocks, and not very much plant life. Most of the naturals there are very large and predatory.
There are only a few that eat from the cacti and the strange spiked prickly trees. There are no forests and very few rivers. Most lakes within Jhelheim are salted.
There is a vast sea that stretches out from the great deserts. This is where Chieftess Kaileis will take her tribe. For the long winter has come, and the freezing winds bear down now upon the desert. It drives them every season from their normal hunting grounds to the coast where they can fish.
Chieftess Kaileis has always searched for a way to see beyond this vast realm of Jhelheim. She has heard of other places, green and mountainous, full of rains and fresh air.
Where there are no blazing suns that burn down and scorch the ground beneath them. There are lush forests, lakes of fresh water, and oceans full of fish.
Chieftess Kaileis knows of the realm of Midgard. She has heard through other chieftesses and chieftains that other beings from certain realms have sent vessels there. She herself wishes to explore this.
But first she must get her tribe to the great sea, and then there she will perform the ritual. The ancient ritual known only to a few wise males and females of her kind. There she will create a vessel and peer upon the world of men. The place that is green.
They see the high rocks before them, and Kaileis signals to her mightiest warrior to take her tribe up to the high rocks so that they may camp for this night.
Her strongest warrior sees her make the motion. Then he takes off and heads up the rocks, making sure that there is nothing up there.
When he has searched the area to make sure that it is free of any predators that might prey upon the tribe, he signals down. Kaileis' tribe begins to make their way up to the high rocks. When they have all gathered there, they set camp for the night.
The four moons shine over the desert, and the cool winds die down. There is silence everywhere. All that can be heard is the singing of the tribe as they gather around a fire.
There are stones that lie beneath the sand that, once exposed to the air, they ignite. They have gathered these stones and created a bonfire where they will sit and hear the wise woman of the tribe tell the tales of old.
She tells of the old tribes and the great hunt across the plane, and how Jhelheim used to have a vast oasis where all the tribes would meet. But the oasis has been lost to memory.
For a spell was placed over it to make it invisible to the eye. Many have gone seeking the oasis, but have only found mirages and have died in the vast desert.
As the tribe settles down for the night and the fire begins to die down, a scout on watch sees something moving across the desert beneath the rocky cliffs.
As he senses the air, his eyes widen with fear. He says ‘Sand trolls!’ He makes his way back to the chieftess and warns her.
Chieftess Kaileis gathers her strongest warriors together. They go to watch the movements of the sand trolls.
Three sand trolls begin to move towards the cliffs. They sniff the air. They can smell the scent of Kaileis’ tribesmen. They begin to climb their way up the rocky cliffs.
Kaileis signals to her warriors to prepare to ambush them. She gives the signal, and the warriors begin firing arrows down upon the sand trolls, driving them back into the desert.
All is safe, and when the suns begin to rise, the tribe begins to move on again. The journey has now almost come to an end. For upon the next set of large dunes, a scout comes running back.
The scout says ‘The great sea lies just beyond the dunes.’
The tribe then cheers with excitement. For their long journey has come to an end, and Kaileis knows that her new journey for her will soon begin.
That night the tribe settles down upon the shores of the great sea. This is where they will make their home for the long, cold winter.
Chieftess Kaileis gathers her tribe around her. She tells them that she will be creating a vessel in Midgard, a place that is green. And she will return with the knowledge she gains and tell her tribe many stories of places she sees in Midgard.
That night she performs the ritual. She walks out into the waters to submerge herself into the great sea.
There slowly she can feel the energy rushing around her. As her eyes close, eyes elsewhere begin to open. She can hear the sounds of human voices around her.
She opens up her senses through her vessel. She can feel the moisture and the freshness in the air. She breathes it into her lungs and says ‘This is somewhere that is green.’
Kaileis’ eyes then focus back to herself. She then rises again from the water, but she is not within the same place where she left her tribe. She is alone upon a beach. She senses the air and does notice that she is still within Jhelheim.
Did she wash further down with the tide to a different spot, she wonders. She closes her eyes again, and when she opens them, she can see green trees all around her. She is moving in some sort of chariot. She looks around and sees the large trees.
Kaileis then opens her eyes again in Jhelheim and says ‘If only Jhelheim would have such beautiful forests. One day I will find a way to bring back what I have learned from Midgard, and one day I will change the landscape of Jhelheim into a place that is green.’
True Self Connection...