The Unraveling Phase Two

These are recent events that continue after the unraveling phase one. Most of the Myrrdonites have gathered upon the Vanatorin layer. Unnoticeable to the sential beings, they stand upon a cliff. Atherak, Xarsha, the twin stars, Decimation, Mevinah, and Dolloiandea.
A rift opens behind him. Fiayuah and Amerriah step through. Fiayuah speaks ‘So this is the Vanatorin. Such a sick place. Do you feel that, sister?’
Amerriah raises her hand as her eyes turn black. She says ‘Yes I do, sister. This place is devoid of any living naturals. Disgusting. What a foul, insignificant layer this has become.’
Atherak says ‘It was once beautiful. Long ago, a layer of naturals living in balance with everything. Designed by the Omega. It was beautiful here once until the sentials came.’
A strange-looking black hound with bone type features begins running up towards the Myrrdonite. Mevinah speaks ‘Our seeker has returned, master.’
Atherak says ‘Ah.’ Ayvarahsa, who stands next to Atherak, looks up into her father's eyes. He says to her ‘Go my little light. See what your pet has brought us.’
Ayvarahsa steps forward, and the seeker stops right in front of her. He begins to cough and hack. There he vomits up a green orb. Ayvarahsa picks it up in her hands.
The seeker whimpers and licks Ayvarahsa across the face with a long black tongue.
Atherak says ‘Tell me, little light. What has it brought us?’
A tear begins to fall from Ayvarahsa’s eye. As it does, it turns to dust and blows away in the Vanatorin wind. She turns around, lifting her hands up with the greenish orb in them. Atherak takes the orb from her hands and gazes at it for a moment.
Mevinah speaks ‘Is it as you suspected, master?’
Atherak says ‘Yes. Within this orb are the countless souls. Cores of natural beings.’
Xarsha speaks ‘Never transcended by the athranaak?’
Atherak says ‘No. They never went through the Vanatorin thranaak. Only few. The Great Song being one of them.’
Fiayuah speaks ‘Then you shall transcend them, master?’
Atherak says ‘I cannot. The Vanatorin athranaak will never be able to handle the transcension of so many naturals. It is as I suspected. The other seekers I believe will bring us the same information. To transcend so many beings through the Vanatorin athranaak would cause it to collapse.’
Amerriah looks at Fiayuah. They both have curiosity in their eyes. Amerriah turns her head and asks ‘I do not understand, my lord.’
Atherak says ‘Come.’ With a wave of his hand, a rift opens. Following in line behind him is Ayvarahsa, Mevinah, Xarsha, and the rest.
Fiayuah says ‘Where are we going?’
Xarsha speaks ‘The master will show you all the answers to the questions you have.’
As they step through the rift, they return to the borderlands. There floating high is an athranaak. Black lightning strikes it and pieces begin to fall.
Atherak says ‘This is the Vanatorin athranaak. As I suspected, it is reacting. Tell them, my little light.’
Ayvarahsa turns to the other Myrrdonite and says ‘The natural beings who are always transcended. There is a reason for this. For the natural beings do not stay in transcension. They are recycled upon the layers, recreated in new forms, as the Omega designed so that the layers would always have naturals.
To try to transcend so many at once would destroy the machines and the athranaaks themselves. But this is evidence that the machines are collapsing. The athranaaks are breaking down, and when they do the Veil Mist shall dissipate. The borderlands will spread upon all layers, devouring everything.’
Dolloiandea says ‘But you could fix these, my master, yes?’
Atherak says ‘Of course I could, Dolloiandea. But it would take countless time for me to do so.’
Xarsha speaks ‘It would be a never-ending task just to sustain the athranaaks.’
A low booming voice from behind them speaks ‘Then why sustain them? Why should it be that the ones who caused the problem be free of the consequences that they have brought upon themselves?’
Atherak says ‘Decimation is right, for the most part.’
Fiayuah speaks ‘Then what will become of all the Vanatorin naturals? They are within that orb, my master.’
Atherak says ‘That is yet to be decided.’
Mevinah speaks ‘There is another way, master.’
Atherak says ‘And what you are suggesting has never been done before.’
Dolloiandea says ‘There has been no need for it before.’
Decimation speaks ‘Until now.’
Atherak says ‘I leave the choice to you, my little light.’ He hands over the glowing green orb containing the countless souls and cores of natural beings of the Vanatorin.
Ayvarahsa takes it within her hands, and stares at it for a moment. All eyes are upon her. There is silence. Nothing but the wind is heard blowing across the borderlands.
She holds the orb high up in her hand, looking deep within it. Then she speaks ‘Then may it be done.’ Mevinah takes the green orb from her. A rift opens and him, Decimation, and Dolloiandea step through.
Atherak says ‘So be it.’
On the far outskirts of Alfheim, in a small village where Frigit lives, he is running fast while trying to catch his breath but keeping up. He looks at the bite on his hand and says ‘Ow it stings.’
Frigit can see the little village where he lives up ahead. He runs inside the town hall chambers. Inside he is looking for the gnome elder Grimson. He sees Grimson sitting at a desk, organizing different types of seeds.
As he bursts in, Grimson notices that Frigit is very weary and frightened. Grimson asks ‘Frigit, what is it? What has happened?’
He looks over at Frigit’s hand and sees that it is bleeding. It begins to swell. Frigit says ‘A smuck flower. It bit me.’
Grimson says ‘This can’t be!’ He begins to examine Frigit’s hand. ‘Why yes, it is so. A smuck flower biting…’
Smuck flowers are flowers that look like a cross between a daisy and a venus fly trap. They are usually very tender type gentle flowers.
The nectar of the smuck flower is very powerful. Some could drink a few drops of it and be hydrated for days. It revitalizes you.
Frigit begins to explain ‘I went to gather the nectar as usual like I do every morning. As I reached down to my favorite of the smuck flowers, the one I call Abahben, I reached forward and he just struck me. He bit me.’
Just then the doors open, and in comes another small female gnome who is a little bit older. She is holding her arm, and tears are coming from her eyes. Her husband stands at her side.
Grimson then turns his attention towards them and says ‘What has happened?’
The male gnome begins to speak ‘The trawlins! It’s the trawlins. Something has gone wrong with them. They have become wild. One kicked her. It attacked her.’
Just then other gnomes begin to gather into the town hall center. All seem weary as if they’ve been in a scuffle with something.
Too many begin to speak at once. Grimson tries to calm them all down, waving his hands in the air. He says ‘Please, please. One at a time. Please.’
An elvish garrison guard kneels down and peeks into the tiny town hall. He says ‘What is going on here?’
Grimson walks out the opening of the town hall and greets the guard. He says ‘The animals have gone strange, and so have the plants.’
The guard sighs and says ‘They’re livestock and plants. Maybe it’s just the change in feeling from what has happened at the capital. Maybe it is just an uneasy feeling. I’m sure it will settle in time.’
Grimson and the other gnomes stare at the elven guard who stands back up. The guard says ‘If any more is to happen then please inform us.’
All the gnomes across the land of Alfheim have already heard of King Yserah’s return and the dead tree that has grown in the capital. How it was sieged by Myrrdonites from the borderlands. It was whispered that dead elves returned.
But King Yserah who has returned has promised peace among all the races. He said that they should come together to reclaim the capital and to expel the dead ones from Alfheim.
It was said too that King Lyindrinar knew of the return of the vile, dark dwarf known as Moonstone. Other news has spread that Moonstone has taken the capital of Jotunheim and has poisoned the king.
The gnomes who have never concerned themselves with war or politics, continue about their ways. As the elven guard leaves, the gnomes look at Grimson who invites them all into the town hall quietly, and closes the door.
They begin speaking in their Old Gnomish language. For you see, the gnomes of Alfheim have never been really looked at, more overlooked.
Most of the other races have never chosen to study their culture and what their deep beliefs are. The language of the gnomes is almost completely forgotten except to gnomes themselves.
Inside the town hall, in a gnomish language a female gnome cries out ‘It is just like the legends of old. It is happening! Death and doom is upon us all.’
Another male gnome cries out ‘Yes, I remember the stories. All of us gnomes do. We all know what will happen when the black tree has returned.’
The room begins to erupt in so many voices all speaking the Old Gnomish language. Grimson waves his hands in the air to quiet everyone down.
Grimson says ‘We don’t know that for sure yet. But there is one who does. Myself and Frigit here who was first discovering of this and brought it to my attention… we will travel to see her. The old gnome.’
All gnomes in unison speak her name in the gnomish tongue of the old gnomes. They bow their heads, clasp their hands together, and kiss the tops of their hands.
The one known as the old gnome is supposedly the oldest gnome in Alfheim. She lives far, far off in a high mountain forest within a cave. None had ever seen her. Generations have gone by.
She has become nothing more than a myth to the other races of Alfheim. But to the gnomes, they believe that she is still there.
Grimson says ‘We shall set out right away. I recommend that we all keep our eyes and ears open. We must find out what is going on with the natural beings around us. And if the old gnome has the answers, then we shall find them and we shall go to her. Me and Frigit.’
He claps Frigit on the side of his arm. Frigit is a little bit taller than most gnomes, but not quite as tall as a man or an elf.
All the gnomes agree, and they begin to gather provisions for the long journey that Frigit and Grimson will take. Frigit is sitting quietly by himself.
Grimson walks up beside him and says ‘Are you worried, my boy?’
Frigit turns to him and says ‘I don’t know what lies ahead, and this talk… this speaking of the coming of the end of Alfheim. It frightens me.’
Grimson sits beside him and says ‘It frightens me too. But we must remember that wherever there is darkness, there will always be light again. Wherever there is chaos, harmony will follow.
Whatever awaits us as gnomes, I’m sure in the end we will all find what we are looking for. But for right now, Frigit, a great adventure awaits us. I think your part in all of this has yet to reveal itself.’
The Hide Out...
Lyindrinar sits with Draena and Elararis Lunastar along with Nastazil. There are a few other elves there who are loyal to him.
Lyindrinar is pacing back and forth. He says ‘I don’t understand.’
Draena speaks in a weak breath as she is still recovering from her wound ‘We have to make a plan of action, King. All of Alfheim is rallying to Yserah. Yserah, it is said from our spies, is going to the councils and the high houses trying to gather all the realms together. They want to…’ She loses her breath.
Elararis begins speaking for her ‘They believe that they can fight the Myrrdonite. He wants to gather them together. They think that they can challenge Atherak.’
Lyindrinar laughs and the others look at him strangely. Lyindrinar says ‘As the actions of lately that I have seen, I think Atherak is beyond any of ours or their understanding.’
Nastazil says ‘But he is the Lord of Judgement, and only judges the wicked. Why make such a move against the realms of Alfheim and Jotunheim?’
Lyindrinar says ‘I thought the same when I heard the news. Yes, it is true that through my vessel I did know of Moonstone’s return. But I thought it for other purposes, and I’m not one too quick to join the side of Yserah’s cause and blindly run into battle against a being we do not fully understand. He’s doing this for a reason. When we find that reason out, we may be able to find the answer and a solution.’
Just then, the council is interrupted. It is Jimjinn. He comes running in. He seems to be holding his upper arm. There is a bad gash in it.
Lyindrinar draws his sword. Draena gets to her feet and begins to go for her bow. Lyindrinar says ‘Are we under attack?’
Jimjinn then looks up and says ‘No, my lord. It is the horses. I went out there to tend to them and give them a few apples from the trees. Your steed, my lord, one that I have ridden even with my little self, one that I have seen born. She turned on me, she tried to bite my arm.’
Lyindrinar kneels down and looks at the gash on Jimjinn’s arm. Nastazil steps forward putting healing herbs upon it and begins to wrap it.
Lyindrinar says ‘I do not understand.’
Lyindrinar steps out of their building that leads into a cave that sits on a hill behind it. He looks around and sees that the steeds are grazing normally.
Lyindrinar says ‘I do not understand.’ Just then he feels something, as if something moves swiftly between them.
Jimjinn’s eyes light up. He says ‘Did you see that?’
The elves begin to look around and reach out with their senses, but they sense nothing.
Jimjinn says ‘It was like a big black dog, some monstrous thing.’ They all look around.
Lyindrinar says ‘I do not see anything. Whatever it was, it’s invisible to our senses.’
Jimjinn rushes back inside. Lyindrinar notices a strange reaction from Jimjinn. He heads back inside to see that Jimjinn is digging into his bags. There he pulls out what looks like a little book and begins looking through it.
He is speaking a strange language as he reads the pages. A gnome language forgotten by most elves. Jimjinn then closes the book and gathers his things.
Lyindrinar says ‘What is wrong, Jimjinn? What were you reading?’
Jimjinn turns to him and says ‘I have to go, my lord. I’m sorry, but I don’t think you understand what’s happening here.’
Jimjinn heads out and Lyindrinar follows him. Lyindrinar says ‘What do you mean? Tell me. Tell me what I do not understand.’
Jimjinn says ‘If the old gnomish legends are right, then this is the coming of the end. I do not fully understand, myself, my lord. But there is one who does, and I’m going to go see her.’
Lyindrinar says ‘Then we are coming with you.’
Jimjin turns and smiles. He says ‘I expected that you would, my King.’
They gather their steeds with no problem. Whatever has seemed to have gotten into them before has subsided. Jimjinn even climbs upon the steed that he has raised, the one that tried to attack him. The steed acts as normal.
The party begins to ride off to the destination. Jimjinn tells them they must find the old gnome. She will know the answers.
The Council...
On top of Mount Olympus which has grown dark, the council has gathered from almost all the realms. The chamber is filled with the abrupt loud speaking of all the council members.
The current happenings in Alfheim and Jotunheim have brought them here. They are wondering what needs to be done, but most of all what is happening.
Zeus raises his hands and calms the crowd to silence. He begins to speak ‘We should send emissaries to the borderlands to find out what is happening. I do not believe this could be the work of Atherak there.
It must be the act of Moonstone individually by himself, or that of other Myrrdonites. We have not heard much from the Lord of Judgement in the borderlands. He may not even still be there.’
Thor says ‘I agree. This must be the individual work of renegade Myrrdonites. We should send emissaries to the borderlands. I myself volunteer. If it is, and we can either speak to the Time Walker or Lord Atherak himself, then maybe we can put an end to this.’
Zeus says ‘I believe that these renegade Myrrdonites have taken it upon themselves to invade our realms. We should seek out Lord Atherak and bring this to his attention.’
The council look around nodding their heads almost in agreement. Then the council chamber doors open and a voice is heard ‘That will get you nowhere.’
An elven envoy steps through. A few guards and a hooded elf. As he enters the chamber and makes his way to the center of it, he unveils his hood. Many in the council gasp.
Whispers are heard ‘So it is true what happened in Alfheim. King Yserah did return.’
Zeus stands angrily pointing his finger at Yserah and says ‘You are not welcome here! You have done crimes far beyond what any could speak of. You are a criminal. A war criminal. You have committed genocide.’
Ares stands behind his father with his hand upon hilt ready to draw his sword. Zeus continues speaking ‘You are not welcome here!’
King Orion stands and says ‘Let’s hear him out.’
Zeus turns and says ‘Hear him? I would not take his words for the truth. I would take a sword to my throat before I trust him.’
Orion says ‘It is I who invited him to hear his own eye-witness account of the events that have unfolded in Alfheim. He has brought with him the Alfheim stone of truth.’
An elf steps forward presenting the stone. The stone is known among the many realms of how it glows brightly when the truth is being told, and how it dims and darkens when it is not.
Zeus whispers to Ares ‘Be ready for anything. Do not trust the words of this lying elf.’
All attention turns towards King Yserah. He gathers himself and his breath for what he is about to say.
Yserah says ‘It is true, but far beyond what you understand. The Myrrdonite of the borderlands have begun the invasion of our realms. Going to Atherak will get you nowhere for it is he who is behind it.’
King Yserah begins speaking and the same image begins to form as the truth stone glows brightly. He tells the same tale he told at the council when Lyindrinar was dethroned as king.
When he is finished, all eyes gasp. Zeus sits down in his chair. He cannot believe it and thinks ‘Has it really come to this?’
Melek Taus and several other of the other Ourhkina stand around the council. Melek Taus, who is closest to Zeus, places his hand upon his shoulder.
Melek Taus says to Zeus ‘I believe much is going to be unveiled today.’
Zeus looks up at him with his eyes bewildered, almost frightful, unbelieving of what has just transpired.
Yserah begins speaking again ‘We must join together all the realms. There is power among us in places that none of us would have ever thought to have looked. There are those of us who are beyond what we believe we are. We can stand against Atherak and his minions. All that of death and judgement.
We are all created equally as beings. Even the mortals. It is our existence. We are the ones who must decide between right and wrong. And for those of us as myself, the wrongs we have done we will pay for.
But that is for us when we die. That is when Atherak may judge us. Not while we are living among the realms trying to abide by balance. He brings about this judgement because he has decided that we are all guilty. If that’s not so, then why? Why have his Myrrdonites attacked peaceful realms such as Alfheim and Jotunheim?’
The council all begins to agree. Zeus remains silent.
King Yserah continues ‘So we must stand together and do whatever it takes to stop this from happening. We are fighting for our very existence here. I will take the fight to the Lord of Judgement.’
King Yserah turns to leave. Just then the doors open again, and in through steps a familiar figure. One not seen in the council chambers in a long, long time.
The voice says ‘And you will fail.’ All eyes recognize the face of Epimetheus.
Epimetheus says 'These ones all around you, Yserah, do not fully understand what they are up against. You rally them to their death. Oh it is true. I long to serve the master again. He thought it so gracious for me to return to the living realms, and I struggled with myself once again.
Why? Why was I being punished? But then I realized it. I’m not being punished. I’m delivering the message. You see… this was coming all along. You all just failed to see the signs of it.
You fought in battles together all united as one against Eternal Death and the Bishberrin. Ones like that. All this time thinking you could escape Judgement, believing that he was on your side. Well, he is Judgement after all.’
As the crowd begins to go into an uproar cursing at Epimetheus, Yserah raises his hand and yells ‘He’s right! He’s right. We all didn’t choose to see it. None of you did.
When you stood beside each other and fought against the Bishberrin, and even Eternal Death, you were all being worked in part of his plan. You were eliminating any threat to him. And now it has come to this. And Epimetheus, like myself...’
Yserah steps forward and places his hand upon Epimetheus’ shoulder, then continues ‘We were judged for what we have done. I trust in Epimetheus’ words.
If he is the message of Lord Atherak then maybe we should listen. But know this, I will not stand by and let our existence and our realms be annihilated.’
Epimetheus says ‘And you don’t have to. If that’s what you want…’ He turns to Melek Taus and Baphomet who is at his side ‘Maybe it’s time to tell them, Ourhkina.’
Baphomet stays silent. Melek Taus stares down into the eyes of Epimetheus.
Epimetheus says ‘You see, the Ourhkina knew all along of Atherak.’
Baphomet steps forward and says ‘That is a lie! I knew nothing of him just as my brothers. You make accusations that have no evidence!’
Melek Taus raises his hand and says ‘He does not lie. There were Ourhkina who knew of Atherak. I myself being one of them.’
Zeus looks up into the face of Melek Taus who he has trusted for so long. Zeus stands and speaks ‘And the other? Who was the other?’
Melek Taus looks at Zeus, and then down at Epimetheus. He says ‘EinossArku knew.’ The crowd gasps and many whispers are heard.
Epimetheus begins to speak again ‘Oh yes, he knew. He knew all right. It is because of the sacrifice of EinossArku that Atherak returned. EinossArku spent so much time in the borderlands.
Isn’t it obvious to us now that he knew Xarsha? Even before we all met him, or knew anything of this Time Walker.
EinossArku played it off well that day, even right in front of even the King of Volheim who is not present today, who cowers in his own realm. Yes, EinossArku knew.’
Epimetheus walks forward tilting his head with a look of sadness upon his face. He then lifts it and says ‘And when Asherah died, EinossArku gave up. He knew the one way that Atherak could arise again.
He needed to have a being willing to sacrifice its very core to return him. And when Asherah died, EinossArku said fuck you all. His core was destroyed by Ashoweah and those of them who still existed, who continued to make wickedness upon us all, deceive us behind our backs. Why have they not been punished?
You see, when they destroyed EinossArku’s core, they left his rotting carcass floating through the cosmos. It was soon gathered by Xarsha. They used it to bring Atherak back. EinossArku made that sacrifice out of vengeance.’
The council gasps. The truth stone flares brightly.
Epimetheus looks to the ceiling as he spreads his hands out. He says ‘My master, my lord. You do not fully understand what he is. When you want to, come speak to me.’
Epimetheus then turns to leave the room. Across the room where the houses of the Unicorns, Pegasus, Griffins, and Phoenixes sit, something strange is happening.
They begin to lose focus, begin to worry for themselves being around sential beings. It is as if they are losing themselves and returning to beasts.
The Volwynn ambassador who is there to try to represent King Tenomachi’s court begins to look around at the sential beings. He is a volwynn wolf. His mouth begins to water and bares his teeth.
Just then a unicorn goes rushing across from the council chamber towards Zeus. It is neighing.
Zeus yells out at the unicorn ‘What has gotten into you!?’
It strikes Zeus and pierces his side. Ares tackles the unicorn, wrapping around its neck. Just then the phoenixes, griffins, and the pegasi go wild attacking the others in the council chambers. There is chaos.
King Yserah’s guards surround him as a phoenix draws closer.
Fihazia steps into the room holding an object in her hand. A bright green flash of light then fills the chamber. The unicorns, pegasi, griffins, and phoenixes fall to the floor. Their eyes are glowing green.
Fihazia says ‘Do not harm them. Something is changing within them.’
The volwynn who has escaped the flash begins to roar wildly. He places his hand upon his head as if he is under some kind of spell. He is fighting with himself.
Fihazia steps forward and produces the object again. There is once again a green flash, and the volwynn lays down on the floor, eyes glowing green.
Epimetheus who is still standing at the entrance to the council chamber as the commotion dies down, grins. He says ‘As I said, when you are ready, come talk to me.’ He leaves the council chambers.
Yserah turns and says ‘This is only the beginning. The whole realms will become unraveled. We must join together now.’ He looks up at Baphomet and then continues ‘There are those of us who have secrets that need to be revealed.’
Baphomet steps forward and says ‘There are those of us who are devices that are beyond the existences, stretching back to when it all began. Together we are beyond Atherak. And together...’ he looks at Yserah ‘we can defeat him.’
The council members all look at each other. Orion stands and says ‘Then it is in agreement. These devices that you speak of, I would like to learn more. I believe that we can all help each other.
The truth stone flares brightly as I’ve seen all. Even amongst the commotion, I watched it glow. The truth has been told here. And together we will find a way to overcome this.’
An elf gathers the box where the truth stone sits in. The elf closes the lid.
Orion begins to speak again ‘We will make our destiny, and we will be our own judgement. It is Atherak’s place to stay in the borderlands, never ever to cross over to here. We are the living.’
Orion continues to speak ‘It is for us to decide while we live. To make the decisions that will bring us to judgement. If it is his choice to bring his judgement upon all of us, then we will stand together and we will defeat him.’
The council chamber rises in an uproar of cheers. Inside the box, the truth stone grows dark.
Fihazia walks by the elf holding the box with the truth stone. As the council begins to discuss their plans, Fihazia whispers in a strange language heard only to her. It travels on the air like a mist inside the box. ‘Is Atherak here to judge the realms and the existences?’
Fihazia’s eyes glow bright, bright green. She can see the truth stone glowing inside.
She whispers in a strange language only heard by her, and it travels in the box again. ‘Is his means to destroy us all?’ The stone grows dark.
Fihazia then whispers one more time, and it travels on the air into the box. ‘Is there more to this than we see?’ The truth stone glows brightly.
Fihazia leaves the council chambers. She walks away and down the dark roads of Mount Olympus. There she produces a small green moth from her robe. She says ‘Elararis. Elararis, can you hear me?’
The green moth’s eyes begin to glow. Elararis is riding fast on a steed, and his eyes glow. He says ‘Fihazia, my love. Yes, I can hear you. I can see you. What news do you have?’
Fihazia says ‘The council has decided that they will go against Atherak and the Myrrdonite. They are trying to find solutions.’
Elararis snickers and says ‘There is no solution to that. They will bring themselves all to death.’
Fihazia speaks again ‘But Elararis, my love. Listen. There’s something else. There was a commotion. Some of the heads of the council - the unicorn, pegasi, the volwynn ambassador, phoenix, and griffin… they began to act like wild animals.’
Elararis does not speak for a moment. Fihazia then says ‘Elararis, did you hear me?’
Elararis responds ‘Yes I did. We are making our way to see someone now who might have an answer to this question. As soon as I find it, I will let you know. You should go now. Eyes are watching upon everywhere. I love you.’
Fihazia replies ‘And I love you. Be safe.’
There in Jotunheim, four dwarves have gathered around a cauldron of black water.
Greywillow speaks ‘Your ravens have seen what the council and the other realms have decided. They will go against you now.’
Moonstone replies ‘As I anticipated, dear cousin. This is exactly what the master knew they would do. Haha. Oh it will be splendid watching this unfold.’
Flamebeard says ‘And of the dwarves. What of our kind, cousin? There has been rumors that several jotunn and even a few trolls have just been sucked away by a darkness. Even a few dwarves.’
Moonstone replies ‘Yes, cousin, but only three dwarves... and for reasons. Their minds have been poisoned by the substance and wickedness of the other realms.
And the jotunn that have disappeared, they are guilty of their own wickedness. But not so many here as in Jotunheim. You see cousins, my master watches closely upon the realms.’
Fogbeard speaks ‘So he has not come to destroy all of us then?’
Moonstone replies ‘Quite the contrary. My master, as I said, has a soft spot for dwarves and gnomes. In his own words, it is the dwarves and gnomes who are guilty of nothing.
The gnomes of Alfheim will see that in time. For now, cousins, let us look to Jotunheim. Tell me, Greywillow. How does Lemniskarun fare?’
Greywillow speaks ‘The poison has subsided, but he is still in a deep sleep. He mumbles and whispers as if he is in a terrible nightmare.’
Moonstone says ‘Ah, he is seeing things from beyond. You see, he placed one foot within the borderlands. Now he knows of the suffering there.’
A black raven flies through and lands upon Moonstone’s shoulder.
Moonstone speaks to it in thothilssin ‘Tell the master that they choose to stand against him, but they do not fear him. The devices will influence this judgement of theirs.’ The raven caws and flies off into the darkness.
Moonstone says ‘Now cousins. We shall observe the happenings of Mount Olympus, and then we will make ready. For we have visitors coming to see us.’
Flamebeard speaks ‘But Volheim was not part of the council. In fact, the ambassador looked like he would run in a wild rage. What will become of Volheim?’
Moonstone grins and says ‘Ah. I have not forgotten our allies within Volheim. The master looks upon them a little differently than he does other sentials. But still, the question will remain to them.’
Greywillow asks ‘What question is that?’
Moonstone says ’The one my ambassador will be delivering to the King of Volheim shortly enough.’
In the darkness, there is a deep growl. Then red eyes appear. The three other dwarves stare into the darkness behind Moonstone where the red eyes are and the low growl comes from.
As the creature steps forward, there is a large volwynn bear. But it is not of the living. It is Myrrdonite.
Moonstone says ‘Go, Jaiddaka. Deliver my master’s message to the King of Volheim.’
There is a loud roar heard from Jaiddaka throughout the grand fortress of Jotunheim.
True Self Connection...