Keeper of the All-Seeing Eye

The origin story of Kuluyaku begins... Deep within the layer of the Voxdayin, there was one who was made Keeper of the All-Seeing Eye, this keeper is Darranshanquaneh.
This is where he came from, the Voxdayin. But in their arrogance, the great beings within Voxdayin delved into deep and dangerous magics. This is what led to the freezing and crystallization of their layer.
Darrashanquaneh escaped before it crystallized completely. He took the All-Seeing Eye with him and traveled among the different layers to the existences.
Darrashanquaneh traveled shrouded most of the time. From here to there, he would stretch out across the existence layer into the different existences. He would observe the many beings and their ways.
Unbeknownst to Darrashanquaneh, a being has been watching him the whole time. From a place in the citadel, the Vorak stares into a large sphere.
The Vorak says ‘That is right, wanderer from the Voxdayin. I have what you are looking for, and you have something that I desire.’ As he speaks these words, they turn into energy and go into the crystal.
He speaks into the crystal sphere ‘Come. Come to me great Darrashanquaneh. Come and reveal to me the secrets of the Voxdayin. The All-Seeing Eye. I shall open it, and I shall learn its secrets.’
Darrashanquaneh is resting in a strange realm. As he dreams, he can hear a strange voice within him. He dreams of the crystallizing of his layer and his escape.
Darrashanquaneh wonders to himself ‘Who is this voice? Where is it leading me? Does it have the answers I seek to restore my layer and my people?’
Darrashanquaneh awakes from the dream and opens his eyes. He can see a strange energy forming upon the air in the sky, as if like an aurora borealis.
Darrashanquaneh looks to it. ‘I can sense something. Something calling me. There is an energy. This energy feels familiar to where I came from.’
Darrashanquaneh begins to follow this strange energy, across many realms, until he reaches the realm where the Vorak sits high upon his citadel.
As Darrashanquaneh approaches the citadel, he sees large creatures. These are the garg. As Darrashanquaneh makes his way across the bridge where two garg stand guarding, he raises his hand.
Strange energy comes from it. The garg, who are alerted and aggressive, begin to calm, close their eyes and fall fast asleep. Darrashanquaneh enters the citadel.
Darrashanquaneh makes his way up the stairs of the citadel. At the highest point, he sees a door. Before he can place his hand on the knob, the door opens on its own.
A voice calls out ‘I have been expecting you. You have received my message it appears. Come, come in.’
Darrashanquaneh enters the room and sees a hooded being. As the hooded being rises he turns and reveals his face.
Darrashanquaneh is horrified to see the being has been mutilated in some way.
The being bows ‘I am the Vorak.’
Darrashanquaneh exchanges the greeting. ‘I am Darranshanquaneh.’
Before Darrashanquaneh can finish his introduction the Vorak interrupts him. ‘Yes, of the Voxdayin. Keeper of the All-Seeing Eye. I know of you well.’
Darrashanquaneh is surprised by this. ‘You do know of me well. Then you know why I must have come. My layer has been crystallized due to the arrogance of the Voxdayin. We have petrified our layer. I believe I was the only one to escape. Along with the All-Seeing Eye.’
Darrashanquaneh pulls out what looks like a crystallized amulet in the shape of an eye. The eye is closed.
The Vorak speaks ‘Yes. Let me see this All-Seeing Eye. I may be able to open it and it will reveal the truth of how to restore your layer.’
Darrashanquaneh hesitates for a moment. He says ‘But I am entrusted with the All-Seeing Eye. I am the only one who may look into it. Any others who would try would simply burn away.’
The Vorak then says ‘I am not like the others. Behold Darrashanquaneh. Look at my form, I am not that of the living. I am that of death. Here...’
The Vorak takes Darrashanquaneh’s hand and places it upon his chest. He then asks ‘Do you feel a heart?’
Darrashanquaneh stretches out with all his energy and feels. He says ‘There is no life within this being.’ He pulls his hand away and steps back. ‘What strange magic is this? Your core is dead.’
The Vorak replies ‘But yet I stand before you. There is much you do not see, even as keeper of the All-Seeing Eye. But I know of places between life and death and there is where you will find the power to awaken the eye.’
Darrashanquaneh says ‘Tell me of this place. I shall go with you.’
The Vorak says ‘It is a layer of the damned. Once ruled by the powerful Lord of Judgement, Atherak. But now it has been some time since he has gone. But there are secrets hidden within the layer.’
Darrashanquaneh says ‘Then take me there. Take me to this layer of the damned. I will grant you knowledge eternal from the All-Seeing Eye.’
The Vorak bows ‘Then so be it.’ He turns and waves his hands. Strange coils come from his hands and move in the air as if to draw something in the air. As they move, they begin to form a rift.
The Vorak says ‘Here is the entrance to the layer of the damned.’
Darrashanquaneh says ‘Then there is no time to rest. Let us journey to this layer.’
The Vorak nods his head in acknowledgment. He steps through the rift. Darrashanquaneh follows.
On the other side, Darrashanquaneh falls to his knees. ‘What is his overwhelming power? It feels as if it is draining me.’
The Vorak places a decrepit hand on Darrashanquaneh’s shoulder. ‘Stand. I will give you the energy you need to make the journey across these wastelands.’
Darrashanquaneh says ‘So much pain. So much suffering.'
The Vorak says ‘This is the place of Judgement. It is filled with eternal lost souls.’
Darrashanquaneh stands. The Vorak points a hand in a direction ‘This way. Come.’
The two journey across the waste of the borderlands until the come across a large object within it, suspended in the air. Black lightning cracked all around the diamond-shaped object.
The Vorak says ‘Behold. The athranaak.’
Darrashanquaneh looks in wonder ‘This, the energy, the billions upon countless beings flowing through the object.’
The Vorak replies ‘Yes, the athranaak has the power to open the All-Seeing Eye. Come.’
The two make their way to the bottom of the athranaak, where there is an endless pit. Darrashanquaneh kicks some of the sand and bones into the pit.
Darrashanquaneh asks ‘Where does it lead?’
The Vorak turns to him ‘It leads into oblivion. Endless oblivion.’ The Vorak then raises his hand and says ‘The eye.’
Darrashanquaneh hesitates for a moment ‘For the Voxdayin, for my kind. I will free you from your imprisoned state.’ He hands the eye to the Vorak.
The Vorak says ‘Perfect.’ He then stretches his coils out across the pit and walks on them beneath the athranaak. Strange energy flows down and into the eye.
Darrashanquaneh watches as the eye begins to open, and strange energy flows from it. When it is done, the Vorak then crosses the pit back to where Darrashanquaneh is standing.
Darrashanquaneh smiles in delight ‘This is a blessing. Thank you friend.’ Darrashanquaneh reaches out to take back the eye from the Vorak.
The Vorak says ‘You have made a foolish decision.’
The Vorak then points the eye towards Darrashanquaneh. Dark energy flows from the eye, wrapping around him.
Darrashanquaneh asks ‘What is this?’
The Vorak replies ‘This is what I have been searching for. The empowerments within the All-Seeing Eye of the Voxdayin. This will allow me to find the one. She will be arriving soon enough. With the power of the All-Seeing Eye, I will be able to find her anywhere! As for you Darrashanquaneh...’
The Vorak lifts his hand and coils wrap around Darrashanquaneh as the dark energy drains him. The Vorak says ‘You will be my prize.’
Darrashanquaneh’s form begins to wither away until there is nothing left but a small orb of energy. The Vorak collects it into a vial.
The Vorak then takes the All-Seeing Eye, placing it on a chain around his neck.
The Vorak says ‘I will be waiting for you to come.’
He then holds up the vial, looking inside of it ‘And you will be one of my prizes. Thank you for what you have given to me, my friend.’
True Self Connection...