Devices Sabotage the Alpha

The origin story for Tulkas Xokahkar begins... Ahsvnay Omega walks around her throne room. There, she kisses her newest device, Device #3, and places it upon her shelf.
In the center of the room is what appears to be a black object. Black energy radiates from this object. Ahsvnay hears a voice coming it. 'It is a grand device, my Omega.'
She responds 'Yes, grand indeed.'
Ahsvnay Omega makes several other devices and places them high upon the shelf. Each time, the black object in the center of the room that is the Alpha responds that they are grand devices.
Ahsvnay replies 'And set forth shall be the layers, which in time they may walk upon.'
The Alpha object responds 'Take of my energy and breathe consciousness into these devices.'
Ahsvnay turns and gathers some of the energy from the Alpha object. She brings in the energy and one by one she goes to the devices, breathing out, creating consciousness within them.
The devices begin to realize their consciousness and they watch from high upon the shelves where they were placed.
The energy of Ahsvnay Omega and the energy of the Alpha projects far beyond the throne room creating what is known as the layers within the puzzle.
Ahsvnay Omega creates certain things inside the layers. From time to time she shows the Alpha object different creations that she will be setting forth within them.
'Yes' the Alpha responds. 'It is magnificent. It is grand.'
Ahsvnay sighs 'But I am alone.'
The Alpha object responds 'But you have me here. Although I cannot move as you do, you are not alone. You have your devices. And you have me. And I watch in splendor of your greatest creations. It is like watching art. Pure art.'
Ahsvnay turns to the Alpha object. 'I wish for you to stand here beside me while the layers are being formed. To walk forth with me and observe and see for yourself with your own eyes what layers and beauty I have created.'
Device #3 alights with this. He gazes in wonder of the Ahsvnay Omega as she breathes life into the Alpha object. He begins to glow with black energy. There is a blinding flash of light and there stands the Alpha in humanoid form.
The Alpha is no longer an object. The two join hands and look out across the vast layers she forms in the puzzle. 'So much out there to explore...' the Alpha says. 'So much yet to be seen.'
As the Alpha and Ahsvnay embrace she says to him 'Go forth and see what is in these layers. Prepare for my coming. We shall meet again.'
The Alpha says 'Yes. We shall meet again.'
Ahsvnay Omega and the Alpha embrace each other tight and brilliant light flows from each of them.
The devices upon the shelf speak amongst each other. They seem angry and jealous. 'Why is it not us who are going forward? Why must it be him? Why must it be the Alpha? The Alpha would not know. The Alpha would not understand.'
Except device #3, who says 'Silence. Our time will come. But for now the Alpha goes forth to prepare for the coming of the Omega.'
As the energy from the Alpha and Ahsvnay Omega die down, she is once again alone. 'We shall meet again.' She stretches her hand out across the layers of the puzzle.
Ahsvnay returns to her devices. She kisses each one of them. Each device reacts splendidly with the embrace and touch of the Omega.
She says 'Be patient little ones. You will step forth within the layers in time. But for now watch and learn. Observe.'
The Alpha goes forth through the layers. But each time he fades more and more. The layers seem to become imbalanced.
The Alpha shatters down upon each layer until he comes to a layer known as the Gallatar.
The devices, who have spoken and mingled among themselves, criticizing the Alpha, believe it is time for them to react. They remember the Alpha's energy going throughout. They gather the energy upon their own.
They reach down into the Gallatar, unto the first one they come across. They speak to him as the Receptor. This is the son of Ishtar.
Through the many influences of the devices to the Receptor, the Receptor was able to bring about the sabotage and shattering of the Alpha within the Gallatar layer.
Not all the devices were keen to this. Ahsvnay Omega herself started to become different. Her energy seemed to change. The devices watched as Ahsvnay Omega dispersed herself out as projections.
Alone in the throne room the devices gather their energy. 'Now's our chance.' Device #1 said to Device #6. 'Now we go forth and gather, create, and become beyond the Alpha. We will follow the Omega.'
The devices cast themselves forward and they stretch far into another layer, where some project and form as the male Aspects. But it was a race, not all of the devices made it. There were 30 devices and only 8 were to form as Aspects.
Several of the more keen, more maniacal devices pushed the other ones out of the way. They seem to bounce off into the far distances between the layers.
Device #3 had disagreed with the other devices for projecting themselves forth without the approval of the Omega.
However, he decided projecting forth was the only way to see that the other devices would not overcome or corrupt anything. He had watched as the other devices sabotaged the Alpha within the Gallatar through the Receptor.
Device #3 gathered all his energy and strength and pushed forward as they made the mad rush to project as an Aspect.
The devices who were pushed out of the way flew across the different layers, finding ways to create projections of their own, but this took time.
The devices that made it through formed into the Aspects and became part of the shattered Alpha. They chose their names, device #3 choosing Xokahkar.
Ahsvnay Omega stands within her throne room, looking upon her empty shelves. She notices her devices are gone. She looks out across the layers. She then sends her voice out, singing.
The voice stretches out far across the layers to a large black object known as the Atheron.
Around the Atheron are projections of devices, which are no longer devices but are Aspects. She looks around the throne room again and sees that the devices had moved from the shelves to where the Alpha object used to be.
Ahsvnay Omega then reaches out and goes forth once more. 'I will find what I have lost. I will search for myself and for the Alpha. We will find each other once again.'
She is reborn in the Gallatar, awoken by Govendar to face the threat of the Mondeo invasion. There Ahsvnay Omega becomes the Gallatar Commander.
True Self Connection...