Amerriah: Where Our Destinies Collide

The incarnation story for Amerriah begins... Somewhere deep within the dark swamps of Alfheim, in the hollow of a tree, Amerriah sleeps. She is dreaming.
In the dream, there are flashes before her, the rising of a great king and the ending of King Yserah's reign. A new king standing in his place. But then the dream changes, darkness is spreading.
As the dream grows stronger it becomes more like a nightmare, in it she stands before a black being with red eyes. Other beings of different races stand around him but their presence echoes of death.
In the dream the black being raises his hand, strange coils come from it and pierce into Amerriah. She feels herself growing strong, the rage within her from years of oppression at the hands of King Yserah, her whole life changed because of him.
She feels it rise within her, the dream changes from a nightmare into something else, it switches and Amerriah is walking on black sand. In the distance floats a pink object, a separated diamond surrounded by circles that float around it.
She can hear off in the distance all around her 'You must go to midgard. It all comes together there in midgard. Your destiny will collide with others, you must go there.'
Amerriah looks around to see where the voice is coming from, she can hear footsteps behind her. As she turns she sees a female dark elf. As the dark elf steps closer Amerriah notices that her throat is slit.
Amerriah draws back and asks 'Who are you?'
The dark elf says 'You will never remember who I am, but you are my child.'
Amerriah looks at the face, it is not the face of her mother. She remembers nothing of her birth, but the dark elf who raised her and has come to know over the years and calls mother is not her.
Amerriah does not realize that her true mother stands before her. The dark elf says 'Whatever you plan my child, it will not succeed. The answer lies in midgard upon the world of men. You must go there, go there.'
Amerriah opens her eyes, she gathers herself together and rises. Then she begins to collect her things, wrapped within a black cloth is an arrow. This arrow is made of a type of ore that is poisonous to the touch.
Amerriah says 'I will end this all today. After years of trying, today will be the day.'
Amerriah grabs her things and heads off, she travels for a short distance out of the darkened swamp and into a deep green forest. There a royal road leads down to the palace of Alfheim.
She waits high up in a tree, her cloak concealing her in the treetops. There she waits, bow and the poisonous arrow at the ready.
Amerriah has had many years of experience in honing her skills, today all of that will be put to the test. She begins to hear the sound of horse hooves making their way down the royal road, she looks and there is a small contingent of elven riders, royal guards and a carriage. She looks closer and examines the carriage.
She says 'Ah, he rides something simple. You've made a grave mistake king.'
Amerriah draws her bow, she watches as the small envoy begins to draw closer, there she can see King Yserah.
In the carriage, she notices that there are two other elves, Elararis Lunastar and Garian Brightstar.
She is no friend of Garian Brightstar, in fact Garian Brightstar has a deep hatred of Amerriah.
After the time of the Urthak War and the great purging of Alfheim as dark elves know it, Garian Brightstar's son Daugurian Brightstar served as Raugunitar's right-hand man.
He stood outside the dwellings when Raugunitar took everything from Amerriah on that fateful day. After her first assassination attempt on King Yserah, Daugurian Brightstar was dispatched to bring Amerriah in.
The two met and faced each other. When Amerriah had finished Daugurian, she cut off his head and in the middle of the night placed it upon a spike in front of the capital of Alfheim.
She thinks to herself 'If only I had more arrows...' Then she whispers 'Elararis Lunarstar, you will be free after this.'
She knows that Elararis Lunarstar only willingly serves King Yserah for the opportunity to speak to him of peace between the light elves and the other races of Alfheim.
Amerriah thinks to herself 'But today I will bring that peace.' She looses the arrow and it goes flying directly through the window into the throat of King Yserah.
There is a commotion as the carriage stops and Garian Brightstar begins yelling 'Someone has tried to kill the king! Surround the carriage!'
Amerriah slips away into the shadows 'It is done, soon all will rise up and Alfheim will no longer be under that tyrant.'
Inside the carriage, Elararis and Garian try to attend to the king. Yserah says 'I'm fine! I am fine.'
He pushes them away revealing that beneath his cloak he is wearing a suit of the finest elven armor, protecting his neck and chest.
The arrow only dented the armor the tip breaking as it struck. Yserah grabs the arrow 'Elararis, take this to Fiayuah and have her examine it. I want to know who is behind this. Although I have my thoughts on it.
If not I shall purge every dark elf, I will send my armies to tear them out of their homes and burn their villages to the ground! Round up their leaders and have them publicly executed, it is a conspiracy!'
Gurian Brightstar says 'We should do this at once my lord.'
Elararis becomes the voice of reason 'My lord, to do so would bring on a rebellion that we could not possibly handle. Let Fiayuah examine this thoroughly, we will find who the perpetrator is. Then we can handle it without causing a rebellion.'
Garian Brightstar leans back with a cold stare on his face as he looks at Elararis 'You talk about a rebellion and worry that the king could not handle such vagrants. They have tried to dethrone him, he has shown them mercy and kindness.'
Elararis Lunarstar sighs 'I meant no disrespect to you, your majesty.'
King Yserah nods 'I respect your council Elararis Lunarstar, I understand you only look for the best interest of Alfheim. I will take your advice, take this arrow to Fiayuah and have her examine it. Bring me the name of the ones who tried to take my life.'
Capital of Alfheim...
An elven servant steps forward before the King Yserah in his throne room, there upon a silver platter is the arrow with the broken tip.
The servant says 'My lady Fiayuah has discovered the identity, she has analyzed the poison and feels that only one would have such great knowledge of this rare poisonous ore. But Fiayuah is not certain, there could be others. She has provided a list.'
King Yserah looks at the list 'I need not see anymore, I know who it is. I have consulted with the tree. It is that dark elf Amerriah, she has been a thorn in my side long enough.'
Garian Brightstar who is standing at King Yserah's side bows 'She has plagued many of us with her treacherous and murderous ways, she has taken many loved ones from many elves including my own son.'
King Yserah looks over at Garian 'I still mourn his passing, such a brutal way to die.'
Garian replies 'Every day I lay a white flower at the base of the tree of Alfheim in remembrance of him.'
King Yserah responds 'I know of this, I also lay a white flower there every chance I get and I have seen yours there before.'
Garian says 'Let me go to the camps in Svartalfheim, I know that Amerriah has a cousin there. We may find out more of where she may be hiding and who, if any, her other allies may be. I will, of course, my lord have to use unconventional methods to extract the information.'
King Yserah replies 'You have my permission.'
The servant asks 'What about the names upon the list my lord, are they clear?'
Yserah answers 'We can never be too safe, I will have Raugunitar arrest everyone on the list.'
Garian then bows, he takes a small contingent of guards and heads towards Svartalfheim. In Svartalfheim itself in a small tavern, two figures sit at the bar.
This is known as an outlaw town, many races who are outlaws from across the realm gather here. Amerriah sits at the bar with Bloodblade, he raises his glass to her 'It was a good attempt.'
Amerriah shakes her head as she looks into her glass of elven wine 'I was foolish. I should have known he would have been wearing some sort of protection underneath those robes that he wears. I may never have another chance at it.'
Bloodblade asks 'What will you do now?'
Amerriah replies 'I don't know.' She sighs and shakes her head 'With this assassination attempt he will surely come after me.'
Bloodblade says 'It's already been whispered that the bounty on your head has risen.'
Amerriah takes a drink of her wine 'Sometimes we have to follow what's in our dreams.'
Bloodblade drinks from his chalice before saying 'I don't quite understand what you mean.'
Amerriah explains 'I had a dream that all would come together in the realm of midgard upon the world of men, in the dream I'm told to go there. I should see to creating an incarnation, a vessel or something, I must find the answer.'
Bloodblade asks 'The answer to what?'
Amerriah replies 'Whatever this dream is leading me to, it wants me to go to midgard.'
A figure down at the end of the bar who is cloaked and whose face cannot be totally seen speaks 'There is one who could help you achieve that.'
Amerriah and Bloodblade turn their attention to the one speaking, the figure drinks from a chalice and sets it back down. There is an eerie presence about him.
The figure says 'Seek the help of Salindraa the weaver.'
Amerriah asks 'Who is Salindraa?'
The figure replies 'One who can bend the threads of time, one who can directly send you to midgard, creating a vessel upon the world of men.'
Amerriah asks 'Where do I find this Salindraa?'
The figure answers 'Follow the far sea of Svartalfheim, follow it till its end. There you will come to a mist.'
The strange cloaked being sets his hand upon the counter, there he slides a black coin. He says 'Throw this into the water, then dive into it, swim to the mist.'
Amerriah says 'I do not plan on drowning.'
The figure replies 'You will not drown.' The figure says nothing more, he steps up from his seat and heads out the tavern door.
Amerriah speaks again as she picks up the black coin from the counter. 'I will have to find a boat.'
Bloodblade says 'The captain is heading out very very soon, you know she always admired your work. I'm sure for the right price you could seek passage aboard our ship. And for an even better price, she may take you where you need to go.'
Amerriah responds 'Tell her that whatever the price she names, I will pay it.'
Bloodblade finishes his chalice 'Good, we set sail on the setting suns.'
Amerriah reaches into the side of her belt and produces a large bag of coin and gems, she tosses it to Bloodblade. 'Tell her to wait until I have arrived, there's something I must do.'
Bloodblade shakes the bag of coins and gems in his hand 'I see, this is the right price to keep her waiting on you for days if you wish. I will let my captain know.'
Bloodblade leaves the tavern and Amerriah finishes her wine and follows him out of the tavern. Amerriah heads off as the suns begin to set in Svartalfheim.
She makes her way silently above the rocks, looking down into a valley below where the internment camps of many of the races of Alfheim have been imprisoned. One including her cousin.
Amerriah sneaks down as she has done several times before to visit her cousin, Amerriah has always wanted to free her but she knows that her cousin comes from a royal dark elf family, she would not be able to survive life as a fugitive. It would quickly end for her, but Amerriah is torn between that and having her die in this internment camp.
She heads down to visit her cousin, through the bars of the large gate that surrounds the internment camp, she meets with her cousin.
She tells her that she has found the answer. She knows where to go to bring the reign of King Yserah to an end, and that she would bring justice and freedom for her and all of those who are imprisoned soon.
She leaves just as the last sun sets, then she makes her way down to an outlaw harbor where she sees the grand ship of Blacklace.
She is welcomed aboard, Blacklace greets her 'Aye it was a fine shot, it was a fine shot lassie. Ye almost had that fucking bastard. We'll get him though, one of these days. Hey but I'm very jealous sweet thing, the bounty on yer head is raised higher than mine, we shall have to drink to this. Come, my cabin is yours.'
Amerriah bows 'You've always been a gracious friend, Blacklace.'
Blacklace responds 'I'll take ye to where ye need to go, I know the mist that the strange being in the tavern told ye about, I know where it is and I'll take ye there.'
Amerriah bows again 'I am forever grateful and in your debt, Blacklace.'
Blacklace replies 'Ah don't be so formal sweet cheeks, you've paid me enough with that sack of coin and gems. Ye know I'm business before friendship. Now come, I have some of the finest elvish wine I raided from King Yserah's transport ships.'
The two head into Blacklace's cabin, where she is joined by several other members of the crew. They drink the night away and tell stories.
Amerriah only has a few glasses of wine for she likes to keep her wits about her, never entering into a drunken stupor. She sits there and listens to the others laugh as Blacklace tells her stories, then she rests concentrating on the task ahead.
Back in Svartalfheim, Garian has interrogated Amerriah's cousin to the point of death. Her cousin has revealed all that Amerriah revealed to her about going to midgard. That she is creating a vessel, and sailing off across Svartalfheim's sea looking for a mysterious one called Salindraa.
Garian takes the information back to King Yserah who laughs 'So this is her plan? I have a plan of my own. Garian tell Raugunitar we need his assistance, I must go see the Norns.'
Blacklace's ship has come to the end of the sea of Svartalfheim where the mist is. Amerriah stands upon the bow looking out over the sea. She has the coin in her hand, she tosses it up and down catching it.
Blacklace speaks to her 'Swimming into that mist, I wouldn't recommend it, not even I've ventured through it.'
Amerriah turns to Blacklace 'What I am seeking is through that mist, I will find it.'
Blacklace replies 'And if ye don't, ye always have a place here. Think on my offer I've made several times of joining my crew Amerriah, I could use one like you.'
Amerriah bows her head 'I appreciate the offer, but as I told you several times before, I work alone.' She tosses the coin into the water then dives in after it, swimming into the mist.
She feels herself become lightheaded and she is pulled underneath the water, as it swirls around her she begins to feel quite weak. As if caught in a whirlpool she spins around and around.
When the waters recede, Amerriah is laying upon what appears to be black sand. There she smells the stench of death and decay, as she rises to her feet she is greeted by some type of being in a dirty brown robe.
The being begins to speak 'I know why you have come.' As she speaks, swarms of flies come from underneath her hood.
Amerriah asks 'Then you can help me?'
The being replies 'Yes...'
Amerriah says 'Then you are who I seek, you are Salindraa.'
Salindraa responds 'Yes, you wish to create a vessel in Midgard...'
Amerriah replies 'I have been led there by dreams.'
Salindraa speaks again 'You will become part of something larger than you can possibly imagine, Amerriah the dark elf. What will come upon the world of men is the beginning...'
Amerriah asks 'The beginning of what?'
Salindraa replies 'A change will come in several forms, the destinies of many great beings shall come together.'
Amerriah says 'Then it is to midgard that I wish to go.'
Salindraa steps forward with a long bony pointed finger 'Then I will send you there...' Salindraa pricks the forehead of Amerriah and takes a drop of blood.
Amerriah begins to feel sleepy.
Salindraa continues 'Rest now child, when you dream you will see through the eyes of your new vessel in the world of men where the destinies of all will collide...'
Amerriah falls fast asleep and begins to dream that she is opening her eyes, there are lights and humans surrounding her speaking different languages.
As Amerriah dreams, she awakens opening her eyes from time to time, she is back somewhere within Alfheim. Where has Salindraa placed her? Is it safe she wonders?
King Yserah and Raugunitar go to the Norns. The Norns ask him 'Why do you come, King of Alfheim?'
King Yserah looks out across the great expanse of the threads of fate and destiny. 'I only come to admire what stands before all of us, and to thank you for all that you do for the many beings of our great realms.'
Unbeknownst to the Norns, Yserah pours a small strange purple liquid. It quickly spreads out across the threads.
Yserah thinks to himself 'You will never escape me Amerriah, wherever you plan to go, I will see to it that your vessel in midgard is set upon a different direction.'
The strange purple liquid forms upon the threads, it finds the thread that Salindraa has set out before Amerriah.
It sends the thread shooting off in a different direction, yet the thread of Amerriah sewn by Salindraa is more powerful than the sabotage.
Although the thread may have been diverted, her destiny will still collide with that of others leading her to what she saw within her dreams.
True Self Connection...