The Unraveling Phase Four

These are recent events that follow immediately after phase three... King Orion, Zeus, and many others stand around gathered in council. They are listening to Baphomet as he explains the devices, the layers beyond, and those who are projections here of them.
He tells them of how many of them wielded the Alpha shards and came to great power before they lost them. Power even enough to overtake Atherak. When Baphomet is finished speaking, they look at a map of all the realms.
King Orion says ‘We have no news from the Oracles, and have not had any for some time now.’
Zeus adds in ‘Nor from Volheim. We should send someone there to see what has become of King Tenomachi and the Queen Vilanea. If this darkness has spread to their lands, then we know that we will stand alone here.’
King Orion places his hand on Zeus’ shoulders and says ‘Those of my realm and House Orion stands with you.’
Ares says ‘I will go. I will go to Volheim. I will see what has become of King Tenomachi.’
Thor says to him ‘I will go with you.’
Orion suggests ‘You should take a dispatch of guards with you just in case you under come any kind of an attack.’
Ares shakes his head and says ‘No. If the same thing is happening there that happened to the Volwynn ambassador, then we will look like a threat to them. I don’t want to oppose them. Thor and I will travel there. We will discover what has happened and report back as soon as we can.’
Just then the door bursts open. One of the Olympian royal guards is carrying a messenger of House Orion.
King Orion turns to the messenger. He looks battered and beaten. The messenger says ‘My King... My king.’ He collapses.
King Orion says to the guards standing nearby ‘Bring him water quickly.’
The messenger looks up into King Orion’s eyes as his hand grabs King Orion’s foot. He says ‘You don’t understand, my King. It’s all gone.’
King Orion looks down at the messenger as the messenger grabs King Orion’s legs with both hands, shaking tremendously.
King Orion reaches down and places his hands upon the messenger’s arms and lifts him up. He says ‘What do you mean it’s all gone?’
The messenger replies ‘Everything. The main capital, it’s all gone.’
King Orion says ‘Tell me.’
The messenger says ‘It began. There was an intrusion upon the floating capitals. A decaying figure went around killing everyone.
The shadows came alive. We tried to fight them, but this figure… our arrows had no effect. They turned on us and struck us down.’
As the messenger begins to weep, King Orion shakes him and says ‘And what of the capitals?’
The messenger replies ‘The darkness… it brought them to the ground.’
King Orion places his hand upon the messenger’s head and sees through the messenger’s eyes. The three floating capitals above the capital on the ground.
One seems like it is swatted out of the air by a dark cloud, and comes crashing to the ground as hundreds and thousands scream, falling to their deaths.
More dark clouds begin to engulf the other capitals, ripping it apart. Many more are seen jumping from the edges. Before their bodies hit the ground, the darkness has already engulfed them and turned them into withering corpses.
There can be seen hundreds of thousands fleeing from the ground capital below. Orion removes his hand from the messenger’s head. The messenger goes falling to the floor.
Orion turns as tears well in his eyes. Then he clenches his fist. He says ‘You will pay for this, Atherak. I will be your judgement!’
The events of House Orion...
Darkness begins to grow in the corners of House Orion. It creeps along the ground and in the skies. It begins to slowly spread, starting from the outside and heading to the center of House Orion.
A decayed and rotting being is at the outskirts of the ground capital. It is sending darkness forth and killing many beings and guards.
They try to kill the being to no avail. It is causing quite a commotion. They are shooting arrows at it, but the creature is unaffected.
Dark grey storm clouds roll in fast and black lightning strikes in the skies. Many beings in the capitals stop in awe to gaze at this sight. There were no storm clouds only moments ago.
Black lightning strikes in the center of the ground capital, instantly destroying a grand monument. Some beings scream and run for cover. A few guards yell out to take cover from the lightning.
A being shrouded in shadow watches from the skies. It gazes down upon the three floating capitals and the ground capital. With a raise of its hand, a large hand of complete darkness forms in the sky above one of the floating capitals.
Following the movement of the being, the hand of darkness descends upon the floating capital. Many beings watch in fear as darkness completely covers the entire capital.
When the hand comes in contact with the capital, it is suddenly shoved with great force. It is sent flying to the ground. Screams of terror can be heard. The capital strikes the ground and breaks apart.
Buildings crumble and are smashed from hitting the ground. Many beings are crushed or flung from the capital because of the great force at which it was thrown.
Dark clouds swirl around and engulf the other two capitals. Many beings flee and jump from the floating capitals.
As they fall, darkness swirls around them and sucks the life from them, turning them to withering corpses. The corpses fade to ash as they fall.
Hundreds of thousands begin to flee from the ground capital in terror. The dark clouds around the floating capitals rip them apart, sending them crumbling to the ground.
The entirety of House Orion is beginning to decay and wither, turning dark and decrepit.
Back at the Council...
All around in the council chambers, Zeus and others put their hands on the shoulders of Orion as he begins to weep after the anger in him subsides.
Fihazia steps from the council chambers out the door. It has grown very dark upon Mount Olympus. All those around her are worried. Most stay in their homes except for the guards.
She begins to walk down the dark streets. All around her, she can see shadows moving. There out of the corner of her eye, she sees a faint figure like a ghost. The figure turns and moves away, and Fihazia begins to follow it.
As she goes down a moonlit alleyway, shadows begin to cast high upon the walls all around her. She sees a ghostly silhouette in front of her.
As the silhouette turns her head over her shoulder, Fihazia’s eyes widen. She says ‘Asteria?’
The ghostly figure moves away, and Fihazia follows. All around her the shadows creep in. She turns a corner only to find a dead-end and nothing there.
Fihazia pauses for a moment. She tries to think of what the encounter meant, but nothing can come to her. Then she remembers the task at hand.
She heads back down the alleyway and onto the streets of Olympus. Down, down, down, taking the road that leads to the long narrow path down to the bottom of the great mountain.
As she nears the bottom, she hears a rumbling and a low growl. She turns the corner looking past some large rocks. There upon a cliff is a black drakon. She hears what are sounds of hooves behind her. She then turns to see a centaur.
Tusrelyn says ‘Do not be afraid, my lady. It is only me. I have come as you asked.’
Fihazia sighs and says ‘Tell me. Does it still affect you? This inner wildness.’
Tusrelyn nods his head and places his hand to his temple. He says ‘It comes and goes.’
They turn and look at the drakon whose eyes are now upon them. It rises and raises its neck. Fihazia raises her hand holding a strange crystal object that begins glowing green.
The black chaos drakon says ‘I’m not here to harm you. I’m only here to rest. Please, I do not wish to fight.’
Fihazia says ‘What is your name?’
The chaos drakon says ‘Some call me the lone one. Others call me Douraka.’
Fihazia says ‘Then tell me. This wildness, this rage. Does it affect you too?’
Douraka replies ‘It comes and goes, yes.’
Fihazia says ‘I understand.’
Douraka says ‘May I come with you, wherever you are going? I don’t feel like I should be alone here at the moment.’
Fihazia nods and says ‘Yes, you may come.’
The three of them make their way down to the bottom of Mount Olympus. There Fihazia stops and they wait as a portal opens.
Lyindrinar and his party step through. When Fihazia sees Elararis, they run and embrace each other. They kiss for a moment, looking into each others’ eyes.
Elararis says ‘It relieves me so much to see you safe.’
Fihazia says ‘And I too. But so much has transpired, and the skies grow darker around here.’
Lyindrinar says ‘We need to go warn King Zeus. We have just come from the Void. There are Myrrdonite there. King Varidon has begun to purge those he considers wicked.’
Fihazia says ‘Then it is just as I suspected. It is happening everywhere. A message came to King Orion. A dark shadowy being began to kill within the capitals, and then dark clouds began to form around, driving the grand floating capitals to the ground.’
Lyindrinar says ‘I don’t understand.’
Nastazil says ‘Maybe it is true. Maybe this is the judgement of Atherak upon all of us.’
Fihazia says ‘No. It is not only that. There is something more. We must try to make Zeus see, Lyindrinar. Even though Yserah has spoken of you as a traitor, Zeus has admired you. He knows you as a good and honorable king. Speak to him. Tell him that he must not try to challenge Atherak and the Myrrdonites.’
Lyindrinar says ‘I will go.’
The gnome-elf Frigit steps forward and says ‘And I will go with you.’
The void elf Layahzarus also steps forward and says ‘My king has instructed me to be his eyes and ears.’
Lyindrinar replies ‘Then us three shall go. However, I hope that we can make it in time.’
The skies begin to grow even darker. Black lightning is seen, and thunder is heard.
Lyindrinar says ‘It is a long way up.’ As he stares high up into the heavens at Mount Olympus.
Douraka steps forward and says ‘I can carry you three up there faster. Climb upon my back.’
As Lyindrinar and Layahzarus climb upon the back of Douraka, Frigit steps forward placing his hand upon the nose of him and whispers silently ‘Thank you, brother.’
The drakon takes flight with the three upon his back, ascending higher up Mount Olympus.
Fihazia turns to Tusrelyn and says ‘I have a message.’
She reaches inside her cloak and pulls out a scroll ‘Take this to the Siren Queen Aeyia’na. She will know what to do.’ Fihazia opens the portal and Tusrelyn steps through. The portal closes.
Nastazil, Elararis, and Draena then look at Fihazia. Draena Silverleaf asks ‘What do we do now?’ Fihazia looks up towards the sky and watches the black lightning crackle across the ever-darkening clouds. She says ‘We wait.’
In the catacombs of Mount Olympus, Zeus stands before a strange altar. Upon it is a handprint. Within the handprint is many handprints. Zeus places his hand upon it, and lightning flashes through his eyes.
Zeus says ‘You fought alongside me once. Now fight alongside me again. My hundred-handers.’
Lightning begins to form through Zeus’ hand. The altar begins to glow. As his hand is placed upon it, he turns it. The lightning recedes, and Zeus makes his way back to the top of Mount Olympus.
Zeus emerges from the catacombs. There Orion stands fully armored along with all the guards, guardians, and pantheons. The only one not present is King Yserah.
Zeus says ‘Where is the King of Alfheim?’
Then a voice can be heard ‘I stand here with you. You may have thought I had fled, Zeus, but I am here.
King Yserah walks forward clad in fine elven armor. He draws his sword and says ‘We make our stand here. I await your command, king. This is your home, and I will give my life to defend it.’
Zeus places his hand upon King Orion’s shoulder. King Orion is looking down at an amulet. It is a representation of his realm, his home. A single tear falls from King Orion’s eyes upon the amulet. He closes his hand around it.
King Orion says ‘I will avenge all of you. This I swear.’
The skies begin to grow darker and darker. A crackle of lightning can be heard. Then the dark clouds begin to form into a massive figure.
The Olympians and all their allies stand around gazing upon the massive figure of Decimation, the Hungali known as Danaark.
Zeus says ‘Stand ready. I knew this was coming. I knew he would send you. I am ready.’
He reaches, and a guard hands him a golden horn. Zeus blows it. Rumbling can be heard around Mount Olympus as the hundred-handers make their way up. The skies begin to fill with the sound of beating wings. That of the Ourhkina.
A large booming voice can be heard. Decimation says 'Interesting. I did not expect so much for so very little.’
Melek Taus is with Baphomet and the other Ourhkina at his side. Melek Taus says ‘Remember, our objective is not to destroy Danaark, but to make him see. Make him understand. We are guardians of this existence as he is.’
Decimation looks around at all that have gathered against him. He says ‘Ah. Did you think that I would come alone?’
A black figure begins to appear in the center of Decimation. It goes faster like a meteor flying towards the ground, crashing on the top of Mount Olympus, sending soldiers flying in the air and off the edge.
As the dark figure arrives, a look of horror crosses the face of Zeus and the pantheon gods, even King Orion. There is a loud screech, and the Bishberrin goes running forth tearing through guards and devouring them.
Zeus says ‘Stand ready!’
Apollo says ‘Fuck this!’
Zeus goes screaming ‘Apollo!’ Apollo flies off into the darkening skies.
Zeus cries out 'We cannot waver. Everyone…’ He grasps the horn in his hand ‘Attack!’ He blows the horn.
King Orion, King Yserah, King Zeus, and all the other pantheon gods and their soldiers go attacking forth towards the Bishberrin. The Ourhkina and the hundred-handers begin to strike Decimation.
The hundred-handers who fought so bravely in the Urthak War on the side of Zeus, stand no chance as Decimation tears through them.
The Ourhkina strike down back and forth, but to no avail. They are knocked back each time. Every time a being is struck, they grow weaker.
Decimation says ‘Enough of this.’ With one burst, his dark self turns to coils wrapping around every Ourhkina, except for Melek Taus who escapes the tentacle and is knocked to the ground.
Decimation speaks in a booming voice ‘Do not try to save them again.’
With that, the coils snap back and then forward, casting the Ourhkina back into the darkness. Melek Taus rises from the ground where he is at. Grabbing his spear, he faces Decimation.
Melek Taus says ‘Danaark, listen to me. Atherak has poisoned your mind. This is not what we are. We are guardians of this existence. We are not judge and jury. Remember, remember who you are.’
The voice of Decimation booms ‘I remember. I remember the foolishness so long ago. The emptiness being the only one. Alone I watched in silence.
If you love them so much, Melek, that you would give yourself to guard them and protect them… then you are a fool. Oh I remember, Melek, who I am. I am Decimation.’
Coils wrap around Melek Taus and Decimation lifts him high into the air. Melek Taus can feel his energy being drained away. He is pulled forward to the massive monstrous face and large teeth of Decimation.
Decimation says ‘Now be gone, and intervene no more.’ Decimation casts Melek Taus far off into the darkness.
King Yserah, Zeus, and Orion begin to stand alone as many of the others of the pantheons who have struck against the Bishberrin are knocked back hard. They begin to flee. ‘We cannot win against him. Run!’
Zeus says ‘I will not.’
King Yserah tries to plead with Zeus ‘My King, Zeus. There will be another time! We cannot match his power. This was unseen. We must retreat, and we must do it now.’
Zeus says ‘You go. I will die defending Olympus.’
King Yserah begins to retreat. Orion places his hand upon Zeus’ shoulder and says ‘I will stand with you.’
Zeus looks at Orion and says ‘Together then.’
Both of them go striking forward shouting loud battle cries. The Bishberrin cackles and says ‘Come.’
King Orion jumps forward getting ready to strike down on the Bishberrin, when he is grabbed by the throat.
He is pulled closer to the rotting teeth of the long alligator-like snout of the Bishberrin. He can feel his hands squeezing around his neck, claws piercing into his throat.
The Bishberrin throws King Orion against the side of a wall. Just then the Bishberrin is struck by lightning. Over and over again Zeus forms lightning bolts in his hand, striking the Bishberrin. King Orion regains himself.
Zeus says ‘Help! I won’t be able to hold him for long.’
King Orion stares across the way as lightning bolts hit the Bishberrin, having less of an effect against him with each strike. King Orion turns and flees.
Zeus stands alone. The Bishberrin begins striking forward again. Zeus is out of breath, and his energy is running low. He tries to build up strength to begin another lightning strike.
Just then, arrows pierce into the side of the Bishberrin’s head, and a trident comes striking down pinning the Bishberrin to the ground. Zeus looks up to see Artemis and Poseidon.
There is a strange energy glowing around Artemis. Zeus smiles as Poseidon looks to Artemis ‘Let’s finish him.’ Zeus regains himself, and the three strike forward as the Bishberrin unpins himself from the ground.
King Yserah is fleeing down the mountain. As he turns a corner, there is a large darkening face upon him. A massive being.
Decimation says ‘Leaving so soon, mighty king? You mock Judgement.’
Yserah stares into the eyes of Decimation. As Decimation begins to move forward, Yserah closes his eyes. He feels the end upon him. Just then someone steps in front of him.
Ashoweah says ‘You will not be taking him yet.’
Ashoweah opens a portal and says ‘Go through it. There are others at the bottom. Find them. Return to Alfheim. I will send a messenger to you soon.’
Ashoweah begins to form energy within his hands. Decimation rears back ‘It is as the master has seen. The devices come to play.’
Decimation falls back. Ashoweah opens a portal. Relieved, he steps through.
The battle rages on top of Mount Olympus. They strike back and forth, staying out of the Bishberrin’s grasp. In the distance, three Myrrdonite watch. It is Xarsha, Dolloiandea, and Thrax.
Xarsha says 'So the King of Olympus does not stand alone. Dolloiandea, Thrax. Level the playing field.’
Dolloiandea floats up into the air as Thrax changes his form, growing into a larger monstrous type form as he goes bearing down on all fours.
Unbeknownst to Poseidon, Zeus, and Artemis, Thrax crashes full force onto Poseidon, knocking him back.
Artemis sees Dolloiandea land. Artemis begins to fire arrows at Dolloiandea, striking her. Bloody black fire pours from Dolloiandea’s wounds, but she rises again.
Dolloiandea says ‘I see that you have gained some of the power of the devices the master speaks of. It will not be enough to save you.’
Fiery coils appear from Dolloiandea’s hands, piercing into Artemis. Black fire then begins to burn her away to ash.
Poseidon is being devastated by Thrax who picks him up and smashes him into the ground over and over again. He then tosses Poseidon over the side of Mount Olympus.
Zeus, who is pinned down by the Bishberrin, strikes him over and over again but to no avail.
The Bishberrin then scratches him across the chest, lacerating him. He tosses Zeus back. Zeus looks into the eyes as the Bishberrin’s jaws go wide, but there is a pause.
The Bishberrin closes his mouth and steps backward. He then runs off in the direction that King Orion ran. Darkness begins to form around Olympus.
Down within the catacombs, Orion searches. He says ‘It must be here. The way out. I know Zeus kept many places down here, secret exits. It must be here.’
He then hears a loud screech behind him. It is that of the Bishberrin. King Orion begins to run faster into the catacombs. He lights his way. There in front of him, he comes to a stop. He is looking into the dead eyes of the Bishberrin.
The Bishberrin walks forward as King Orion begins to move backward. The two never take their eyes off each other. King Orion moves back, but then he bumps into something. There is someone else down here with him.
As King Orion turns around, shadows begin to close all around him. They wrap around his hands and force him to his knees.
King Orion stares up at a hooded figure. He says ‘Who are you? What are you!?’
He looks back as the Bishberrin stops moving forward. The Bishberrin looks at the shadowy hooded figure, and then turns away and leaves.
King Orion looks again at the shadowy face of the hooded figure. He screams ‘WHO ARE YOU!?’
In a strange, eery voice the figure says while placing its hands upon King Orion’s face ‘I am the truth you seek.’ It then pierces its thumbs into Orion’s eyes. He begins to scream.
The hooded figure kneels down and whispers into the ear of King Orion ‘And you are King of nothing.’
With a flash, Orion vanishes. He feels himself falling. He hits the ground. As he stands, he stumbles around blind and says ‘Where am I? Where am I!?’
He then bumps into a large hard object. He places his hands over it, feeling it. He recognizes it. It is a statue of him. The head of a statue that was in the main floating capital. As he walks, he can smell fire. He is home.
Orion drops to his knees and begins to cry out. Then he stops as sounds of growls are now heard all around him.
Upon Mount Olympus, Zeus lays alone. A dark figure begins to walk forward followed by others. Zeus can see Dolloianda, Xarsha, and Thrax. But the figure who stands directly before him, he looks up into the face of Atherak.
Atherak kneels down as Zeus tries to stand. He says ‘And you thought, King, that you would challenge my judgement.’
Zeus catches his breath and says ‘Punish me for this wickedness I have done. Others are innocent, Atherak. I may not be, but leave them.’
Atherak says ‘Is it your precious Mount Olympus, king? I will let you keep it. Remember that I am Judgement.’
Atherak rises and turns. He says ‘Decimation, destroy it.’
The Myrrdonite step through a rift and appear. Decimation’s darkness begins to pierce into the side of Mount Olympus, and it rips it apart, crumbling and tearing down the mountain.
Below, Fihazia and the rest can see what is happening. She says ‘We must get out of here.’
As rocks and boulders begin to tumble down on them, a portal opens. King Yserah steps through and says ‘This way please. Come quickly.’
All of them are hesitant for a moment to trust King Yserah, but to stay there they know will mean certain death. All of them reluctantly run through.
Elararis says ‘What about Lyindrinar?’
Fihazia replies ‘He’ll be safe. I know it.’
Douraka had almost made it to the top before the darkness of Decimation began to take over. As the mountain begins to rip apart, Douraka says ‘I don’t think we made it in time.’
Lyindrinar says back down to him ‘We have to get out of here.’
Douraka begins to fly off from Mount Olympus. He says ‘I know that the next realm is not far away. We can make it there. The Siren Queen has always welcomed me.’
Lyindrinar shakes his head. Layahzarus and Frigit look over to him. Lyindrinar says ‘We will go to the Siren Queen. Maybe she can help us.’
Douraka carries them and flies off far from Mount Olympus. The three turn their heads back to look as the mountain crumbles except for a single pillar rising. High upon it sits Zeus. The dark shadow of Decimation begins to fade.
In Volheim...
Thor and Ares have arrived at Volheim. They are riding their steeds across the plains. In view they can see the great castle of Tenomachi King of Volheim.
As they near it, they notice an eery presence. Many of the outlying dwellings have been shredded.
Ares looks to Thor and says ‘This is odd.’
As they near the gates of the Volheim castle, they notice that everything around them lies in tatters. The skies begin to grow darker. There a figure is seen upon the wall. A large volwynn bear shifter.
Ares and Thor stop their horses. Ares cries out ‘We are here to see King Tenomachi. Where is he? What has happened here?’
Thor slowly examines the volwynn bear. His eyes then grow wide. He says ‘There’s something wrong with her. She’s not alive.’
Thor grabs for his hammer, and Ares draws his sword. Just then Jaiddaka roars loudly into the air.
All around Ares and Thor, a noise is heard. What sounds like a stampede. Then eyes come into view. They are surrounded by volwynn.
Ares and Thor turn and try to make a defense as the volwynn close around them. They push them into a tightly closed circle, and then they stop.
Some of the volwynn begin to move aside as something is stalking upon all fours coming down. Ares and Thor stare at Tenomachi on all fours followed by Shaddaka and Vilanea. They growl at them.
Then Tenomachi stops. He bares his teeth at Ares and Thor, lifts his head, and howls loudly. When he is done, the volwynn enclose around Thor and Ares.
The Light realm...
In another existence, a hooded female figure sits in a lonely dwelling. Part of her shines bright with light, the other part with darkness. A raven appears in the window and flies over to her shoulder. It whispers in her ear.
The female figure then stands, pulling back her hood. The raven flies onto Hue’s arm and looks her in the eyes.
Hue nods her head and says ‘It is time for me to return to the Light realm.’
True Self Connection...