Protector of the Keepers of Truth

The origin story of Paravahn begins... Somewhere in the third existence, a child is born. The Shadis’Arth stands over the mother holding her newborn baby. He presses his head down to the child’s head.
The Shadis’Arth says to the father ‘I feel warmth in him, great strength. He will make you proud, Vyknurus. What shall you name him?’
Vyknurus looks down as the mother hands the baby boy off to him. Vyknurus holds him close and says ‘I shall name him Paravahn. He shall follow in the footsteps of his father, and be a protector of the keepers of truth.’
The Shadis’Arth then replies ‘There is much training ahead for him to prove himself worthy of the position you hold now.’
Vyknurus says ‘And he will train. One day I shall pass on the protector’s shield to him. I know he will make me proud, Shadis’Arth. He will make all of us proud.’
The Shadis’Arth begins to leave the room to leave the enjoyment of the new child to the parents. He walks by Vyknurus, places his hand on his shoulder, and says ‘Times are changing. The existences are in upheaval. The ones known as the Savage Gods make their way through conquering all, and there are others.’
Vyknurus says ‘But the Great Queen. I have heard she will be having council with those of the Savage Gods.’
The Shadis’Arth says ‘They will be arriving soon. The Great Queen will have me at her side, and I shall have you there too. But for now, take comfort in your newborn child.’
Vyknurus says ‘I will be there with you, my lord, standing by your side. The Untorrin will let it be known that even to the Savage Gods we are not weak, and the Great Queen will not bend to their will.’
The Shadis’Arth nods his head in acknowledgment and says ‘We shall see what the outcome will be. I shall send for you before the meeting is to commence.’
Vyknurus says ‘And I will be waiting.’
He looks down at Paravahn. The newborn child looks up to him. Vyknurus says to him ‘One day, son, you will carry the great shield and be the protector of the keepers of truth. But for now, close your eyes and dream. Welcome to our world.’
A few days go by, and Vyknurus is sent for. He stands beside the Shadis’Arth and the Great Queen. He stands beside the Great Queen Pateeai as three representatives of the Savage Gods approach the throne.
Queen Pateeai looks down and says ‘You have come seeking an armistice with us.’
The Savage God before her bows and says ‘We have come seeking more than an armistice with you. We have come seeking an alliance. For you know that our king, our lord, has commanded us to take upon exploring the other realms and existences.’
Among the beings of Queen Pateeai in the crowd, voices are heard as they are speaking to each other.
One of the Savage Gods stares and hisses at them ‘I think that you cannot hear your voices. You are fools. You try to hide secrets from me and my brothers?’
Queen Pateeai stands and says ‘I will not hear you make idle threats towards my people. It is well known that the Savage Gods go from existence to existence, realm to realm, conquering all as if in a wild hunt.’
The Savage God Ahkra then bows and says ‘My great queen, the rumors you have heard are true. But it is they who have made enemies of us. We would only do as you would do, great queen, and protect our own kind.’
The Shadis’Arth then whispers into Queen Pateeai’s ear. Queen Pateeai says ‘My keeper of truth has told me much of your conquest, and there are those who have allied with you. But there are other conquerors spreading across the realms and existences who have also offered an allegiance.’
Ahkra bows and says ‘We know of them, but there will be no stronger alliance than one that is made between you and us.’
The Shadis’Arth whispers into Queen Pateeai’s ear again ‘My Queen, this is true.’
Queen Pateeai says ‘Then let it be known that we shall make an alliance with you, and that we shall not harm and attack one another. But for those other conquerors, they will not be happy with this agreement that I have made.’
The Bishberrin then says ‘I would not worry about weak ones like Ashoweah and his armies. They wet themselves before us. Your alliance with us will stand true, and you shall see that we are no weaklings to be pushed aside. And furthermore, so-called great queen-' Ahkra raises his hand and the Bishberrin falls silent.
Ahkra says ‘The alliance will stand, great queen. And for those who will threaten it, you are guaranteed of the aid from our kind.’
Queen Pateeai says 'It shall be proven then. Ashoweah has asked me for the same alliance. I will return the message that I have declined what he has offered. He will not be satisfied by this, and will definitely be wishing to take vengeance upon me.’
Ahkra says ‘Let us deal with Ashoweah. We have our ways.’
Queen Pateeai says ‘Very well then.’
The three savage gods bow, and then leave the courtroom.
Queen Pateeai sighs while placing her head in her hand. She says ‘Tell me, keeper of truth. Have I made the right decision?’
Shadis’Arth speaks ‘You have made the best decision, at the moment, that can be made.’
Queen Pateeai says ‘So be it. We shall see the outcome. Although I feel eternal dread growing within me.’
She turns and looks up to the Shadis’arth at her side. He replies ‘As do I, Great Queen. As do I.’
Paravahn grows and becomes a young man. He has trained hard and well. His father, who acts more like a general than a father, drills him hard. It is not easy for Paravahn.
There are several other students in his class striving to take his father’s place as the protector of the keepers of truth. Paravahn knows that his father is being the hardest upon him because he believes that he is the one who should rightfully carry the great shield of the protector.
Vyknurus walks around as the students are training and says ‘Good. Now again. You must use force when you strike down upon your enemy. There are those in the armies of Ashoweah who are said to be many meters tall, strong and as hard as the thickest stone.’
Paravahn begins to think. He looks at his father’s face. A face that he remembered when he was a child, has changed. Many scars cross them now.
Not long after the delivering message of Queen Pateeai’s refusal of an alliance with Ashoweah, his armies begin to attack their settlements.
As promised by the word of Ahkra, the Savage Gods did come to the aid of Queen Pateeai. But still the long war lingers on for many years, and the aid of the Savage Gods has declined. Queen Pateeai herself has grown quite old, tired, and weak.
As Paravahn trains, he thinks of this ‘What will befall my people and our existence if the Great Queen is no longer with us?’
He knows that if anything happened to the Queen, the keepers of truth would then take charge until another queen may ascend to the throne.
As they train, there is a silver carriage that pulls up not too far. Out steps the Shadis’Arth and a young girl.
Vyknurus then kneels and bows. He calls out to all the others to do the same. Paravahn and his fellow students kneel and bow their heads. One whispers ‘I have seen the young keeper of truth before. This is truly a blessing.’
Paravahn looks up and stares at the young girl. He says ‘I sense something within her. Something that seems beyond that we know.’
One of the students next to him laughs and says ‘You look too deep, Paravahn. She is a student of the Shadis’Arth for sure.’
The Shadis’Arth walks towards Vyknurus and says ‘There is urgency. You must come with me right away. The savage ones have come back demanding of the queen. I need you there at my side.’
Vyknurus then nods his head in acknowledgment. He turns to his students and says ‘That’s enough for today. I must go. There is urgent business at the capital. Remember your training, for you may have to use it soon enough.’
Vyknurus then climbs aboard the carriage. The carriage heads quickly to the capital. Paravahn who watched the carriage leave, unlike his other fellow students, he decided to follow them. He was curious to know what concerned his father and the Shadis’Arth so much with the Savage Gods.
He climbs to a high window and looks down into the royal chambers where the court has gathered. There he sees standing before the throne, two of the Savage Gods.
The Queen sits upon the throne. She looks withered and tired. Paravahn also notices his father and the Shadis’Arth standing next to the Queen’s throne.
One of the Savage Gods speaks ‘We have come asking your assistance. We will need most of your legions. We have an expansion, and a great enemy within the fourth existence.’
Queen Pateeai tries to stand, but she is still too weak. She whispers to the Shadis’Arth.
The Shadis’Arth then relays the message that he has received ‘We will send nothing. You have driven us into a long, never-ending war against Ashoweah, and your aid, the aid that Ahkra promised-'
The Bishberrin interrupts the Shadis’Arth and says ‘Ahkra is no longer among us. It is I who is the keeper of this alliance now, and let me tell you as you are the keeper of truth. We demand the legions we ask for of your queen.’
Queen Pateeai then whispers again to the Shadis’Arth. The Shadis’Arth relays the message ‘There will be no legions sent. This alliance is over.’
The Bishberrin rages and says ‘You will pay dearly for this.’
Just then with all her strength, Queen Pateeai stands and says ‘No. You… If you try and come here, we will send you back to where you came from. You will find-' She begins to cough.
The Shadis’Arth and Vyknurus steady her by grabbing her before she begins to fall.
Vyknurus says ‘My Queen, you must take it easy.’
Queen Pateeai looks him in the eyes and says ‘No. I will not wither and rot away anymore. Leave here, savage ones, and never return. Take your idle threats with you.’
The Bishberrin says ‘You will bow to us, Great Queen. You and all your kind. You will see that in the end.’ The Savage Gods leave. Queen Pateeai slumps back down again in her throne.
Outside, the Bishberrin opens a portal. He says ‘Carreus.’
The other Savage God Carreus replies ‘Yes, my lord the Bishberrin.’
The Bishberrin says ‘These ones will be blinded without their queen or keepers of truth. It is for sure that the Shadis’Arth will go seeking a way from the great pool here upon their realm for a way to defeat us. The queen is dying, but even so there are people who follow the keepers of truth.’
Carreus asks ‘But could such ones defeat us?’
The Bishberrin replies ‘If there is a way, the Shadis’Arth will find it.’
Carreus says ‘What must I do, my lord?’
The Bishberrin says to him ‘When the Shadis’Arth leaves to go seek knowledge from the great pool, follow him. Kill him.’
Carreus says ‘I will do as you wish, my lord.’ He then stealths out and waits.
The Bishberrin steps through the portal and says ‘Once they are gone, my brothers and I will descend upon this existence.’
Paravahn who is watching hears all of the Bishberrin’s plans. He thinks ‘Oh no. I must warn father.’
He hears a sound coming down from the palace below. He says 'The Shadis’Arth! The keeper of truth is already off to the sacred pool. The savage god will be upon him. There is no time.’
Paravahn makes his way down. He finds a black steed in the stables and climbs on top of it. He whispers something in the steed’s ear, and it begins running off in pursuit of the Shadis’Arth’s carriage.
Paravahn looks up to the trees above him on the road. He can almost see something. It looks invisible, but it has an outline. It begins moving faster and faster ahead of him.
He says ‘It must be the savage one.’ He whispers into the steed’s ear again, and with all its strength the steed begins to run faster.
Paravahn can see the back of the silver carriage. Just then he notices what appears to be the outline of a transparent being jumping down. As the camouflage melts away, Carreus is revealed.
Carreus then smashes his hand down into the carriage, and the carriage loses control and crashes. Inside the carriage, the young girl and the Shadis’Arth are tumbled around. The Shadis’Arth seems to be pinned by the carriage.
As Carreus looks down upon them, he says ‘This is where you will die. Know the truth in that.’
As Carreus goes to strike the Shadis’Arth, something flies through the air piercing into his back. It is a double-edged blade thrown by Paravahn.
Paravahn rushes forward on the steed. Full-thrust he jumps from it, and knocks his shoulder into the back of Carreus, bringing them both down to the ground. Paravahn rolls and then draws his other blade.
Carreus says ‘Look at this weak one. You dare to challenge me?’
Paravahn says ‘I am the protector of the keepers of truth.’
Carreus laughs and says ‘You’re nothing but a boy, and one who I shall soon devour.’
Carreus then with all his strength goes rushing towards Paravahn, striking down at him. The ground shatters. Paravahn is knocked back.
Paravahn quickly recovers and makes a move slashing at the leg of the savage one Carreus. It slices through. Carreus screeches.
Carreus says ‘You will pay for this!’
Paravahn says ‘It is you who will fall this day.’
Paravahn takes all his strength and strikes forward, remembering all the training his father has taught him.
As he jumps into the air, getting ready to slash down upon the savage one, Carreus grabs the end of the blade, smashing it in his hands.
With his other hand, he grabs Paravahn around the neck and throws him hard to the ground. Then the savage one picks Paravahn up and throws him hard against a tree.
Paravahn is injured but grabs for his dagger within his boot. He tries to stand, but he cannot.
Carreus laughs and says ‘Noble of you to fight to the end even when you are beaten.’
Paravahn says ‘I will die to protect the keepers of truth.’
Paravahn waves his arm slashing in each direction. The strength is draining out of him, but the fight is still burning within him.
Carreus laughs and says ‘Pathetic. I will enjoy this.’
Just then the voice of a young girl is heard ‘Step away from him.’
Carreus turns to see a young girl standing there. Her arms are raised in the air, and her eyes are glowing bright silver.
Carreus laughs and says ‘Little girl, I will not step aside. Instead, you will watch as I devour your friend here. Then I will turn and crush you under my foot.’
A strange energy begins surrounding the young girl. She says ‘Leave our existence.’ Her voice echoes all around. The ground shakes, and the wind begins to blow hard.
She says again ‘Leave our existence.’ Behind her, the silver carriage begins to rise. It begins to melt, and reform to a large silver spike. She says ‘Leave now, and never return.’
The young girl thrusts her arms forward. The large silver spike goes plowing through Carreus, ripping him in half. The young girl then collapses. The Shadis’arth regains himself and rushes to her side. He picks her up in both arms.
The torn and destroyed corpse of the savage god melts away. Paravahn looks over as blood trickles from his mouth.
The Shadis’arth notices this. He raises one hand towards Paravahn, and Paravahn begins to feel a warm light surrounding him. His wounds become healed.
He regains himself and stands, then looks towards the Shadis’arth who is holding the young girl in his arms. Paravahn says ‘She killed one. She killed him.’
The Shadis’Arth nods his head in acknowledgment and says ‘She is more than what she appears. For she is the keeper of truth and she can stop them. You, son of Vyknurus, have proven yourself today. I ask of you now. Protect her, serve her always.’
Paravahn looks at the young girl in the Shadis’Arth’s arms and says ‘I will. I will sacrifice everything.’
The Shadis’Arth says ‘Then you will be her protector. We will not win against the Savage Gods. They will come knowing that one of their own is dead. They will try to find her.’
Paravahn says ‘I will do all that I can.’
The Shadis’Arth says ‘Then you are ready to be the protector of the keepers of truth.’
True Self Connection...