Eurynome: Incarnation of the Key

This is the incarnation story of Eurynome who is part of Kadesh... Eurynome sits in Tartarus alone in her cell. She constantly hears the playing of an old violin coming from the cell next to her.
The same sad songs have become repetitive to her. She sits there looking down at her hands, wondering ‘Will I ever be free of this place?’
The sound of the violin keeps echoing from the cell next to her into hers. She finally becomes frustrated. She yells as loud as she can over to him ‘Learn a new song please! It’s constant all the time. You play the same things over and over again.’
The sound of the violin stops, and there is silence for a moment. Then a voice can be heard. Set says ‘I’m not particularly taking requests at this time.’
Eurynome picks up the wooden cup off her small wooden table, and throws it against the wall. She screams at the top of her lungs ‘Then don’t play anything at all!’
There is silence for a moment. Then the sounds of the violin can be heard playing again.
Eurynome becomes frustrated, but she calms herself and sighs. She says 'If only I could be free of this place. I feel emptiness inside myself. As if my heart has been locked up in a box. This damp, dreary place.’
Eurynome lays on the bed and falls fast asleep. She begins to dream. In the dream she is wandering through a mist, and she hears a beautiful voice singing.
As she wanders through the mist, she begins to note that the ground becomes more wet. Further as she wanders, the water begins to rise. But she is enchanted by the beautiful voice. She begins swimming towards where it is echoing through the mist.
Eurynome continues swimming until the mist begins to clear. There upon a small island, she sees a beautiful female. The female is singing, and her voice echoes all around Eurynome.
As Eurynome draws closer to the island, the female turns her face. There is a bright flash of pink light that comes with this, and Eurynome puts her hands to cover her eyes.
Although the light is blinding, Eurynome still continues to try to glance at the beautiful female sitting upon the island.
She hears a strong echoing voice ‘Find the key.’
Eurynome replies ‘Where do I look?’
The voice says ‘It is within yourself. Look within yourself.’
Eurynome is awakened by the sound of the cell door opening. There stands a divine being with a jackal head. Anubis bows to Eurynome as she stands.
Anubis says ‘My lady, we are transferring you to a different part of Tartarus at the request of the prisoner in the cell next door. He complains that you are constantly in here screaming and disturbing his sleep.’
Eurynome inside becomes angry, but here is a chance to get away from the annoying and repetitive violin playing of Set next door.
Eurynome steps out of the cell and stands next to Anubis. She glances over as Set begins to peer through his cell. He grins at her.
Set says ‘Looks like you’re moving on up.’
Eurynome says ‘Up, down. Any place is better than being locked up next to you.’
Set chuckles a little bit, and then stares long at Eurynome. He says ‘Well bye.’
Set then steps back from the window in the door of his cell. Anubis escorts Eurynome down to a different part of Tartarus. Where she is put away seems to be more grand.
Eurynome rests down on a more comfortable bed and falls fast asleep. There she has the same strange dream, but this time she wanders endlessly through a mist that leads into a forest. She can hear the beautiful singing of the female all around her again through the trees.
Just then Eurynome is awoken. There is something upon her nose. She looks at it as she opens her eyes. It is a small silver spider. This startles her, and she sits up rather quickly. The spider then crawls down from her onto the floor.
The silver spider turns and looks at her. It raises its front legs up as if to attract her attention. Eurynome looks down at the silver little spider. She then gets off her bed and kneels down closer to it.
Eurynome says ‘What are you trying to tell me, little one?’
The spider then begins to crawl up the side of the wall. There it begins spinning beautiful rose gold silk into a shape upon the wall. It is that of a keyhole.
Eurynome looks long at the silk woven image. She says ‘Are you the key?’
The spider then crawls down from the wall, and closer to her foot. It seems to nudge at her. As she kneels down and looks at the spider, the spider crawls up onto her knee and once again lifts its front legs as if trying to tell her something.
Eurynome says ‘I don’t understand.’ She picks up the spider in both her hands, cuffing her palms around it. She says ‘Is there something about the dream? Something that you know?’
The spider then crawls down her arm and places itself upon her chest. Eurynome then feels a strong burst of energy flow through her. So powerful that she begins to slightly levitate off the ground. Many strange images flash before Eurynome’s eyes.
As the spider crawls away from her chest, it begins crawling down her arm. Eurynome regains herself from the rush of the energy flow. As she shakes her head and refocuses her sight, she notices the spider crawling down her arm. It crawls onto her hand and down to her pointer finger.
Eurynome lifts her arm up, and the spider is facing the woven image of the keyhole that is upon the wall. She begins to step forward to it, placing her finger against the image.
Just then she feels a sharp pain as the silver spider bites into her. She pulls her hand back and looks at the spider.
Eurynome says ‘Why did you do that?’
The spider begins spinning a single strand of silk, lowering itself down to the floor. Eurynome hears a voice in her head, and it feels like it is coming from the small spider. As she stares at it, the spider begins moving its mandibles, and tiny black flies come out of its mouth.
The spider says ‘You are a key to something greater than you have yet to know, but there is something that will overcome you. You will know love and loss, and love again. I shall spin the thread that will lead you to midgard. Upon the world of men your vessel will come. Now rest, Key. Rest, and dream of the world of men.’
Eurynome begins to feel sleepy. She sits down upon the bed. Every time she closes her eyes, she begins to see strange images. Her eyes grow heavy.
As she closes her eyes, she can then see an image. An image of a female. A face that is familiar to her. The image of the female is imprisoned within a dark-looking crystal.
As she dreams, the female in the crystal then begins to be surrounded by a strange mist. She can hear the voices over and over again ‘I will find you, and you will find me.’
Eurynome remains in Tartarus. The silver spider then leaves the cell, making its way to the place of the Norns. As the three Sisters weave the Fate and Destiny of all living things, they glance down at the spider. The spider then begins to grow and change shape into that of an old-looking decayed being, hooded and shrouded in a dark brown cloak.
Salindraa says ’I have come to tie the fate and destiny of the Key.’
The Norn sisters nod their heads in acknowledgement, and then go about continuing their weaving. Salindraa walks forward and gazes out upon the threads that seem to stretch out into eternity.
Salindraa reaches within her dark brown cloak, pulling out a small vial of blood. She says ‘Walk upon the world of men. Struggles within and strengths gained will lead you to what you are meant to find once again. Let the Key be part of destiny.’
With this, Salindraa turns herself back into the silver spider, and takes the blood from the vial. She begins weaving it into a thread. She crawls out upon the threads of fate and destiny of all beings.
She finds a place where a single pink thread stretches on, separate from the others. She begins weaving the blood thread into the pink stream and then crawling back down, tying it into another strand.
When she is done, she returns from the threads. She then forms back into her old decrepit self.
Salindraa says ‘The Key will find its way to you as you have foreseen. Let her walk in a vessel upon the world of men. That is where you will find each other again.’
Eurynome is fast asleep within Tartarus. She is dreaming deeply. She feels her eyes open. She can see that there are humans around her. They are speaking in a strange human language. Eurynome tries to speak back, but she can only make small cries as a baby.
As she opens her eyes, she realizes that she has a vessel incarnation in midgard. She then looks long at the keyhole that has been woven as an image on the cell wall. She can feel a warming deep down within her.
Eurynome says ‘I am a key. To what I do not know yet, but one day I will find out.’
True Self Connection...