The Unraveling Phase Six

These are recent events. The portal opens to Muspelheim and Lyindrinar and his party step through.
The little imp Mithsgui jumps up and down and says ‘See? See? Told you. Brought you here. It’s here. See?’
Lyindrinar stands and he smiles. He says ‘Yes. You did well, little friend. Can you take us now to the palace of the Demon King?’
Mithsgui points in the other direction and says ‘I already have. See? Mithsgui is magical with great powers.’
The others look off into the direction, and there on a high fiery volcanic mountain sits the fortress of the Demon King Mephisto.
Lyindrinar smiles at his companions and says ‘Let’s be on our way then.’
The elf-gnome Frigit begins loosening his collar and sweating profusely. He says ‘Oh it’s so hot here.’
The void elf Layahzarus says ‘I agree with you there, little friend. It would be nice to have some relief from this heat.’
The chaos drakon Douraka says to them ‘I don’t know. I could get used to a place like this.’
As the three journey up the mountain towards the palace, Lyindrinar then stops. He signals to the others to lay low and to hide.
Over the ridge where Lyindrinar and his party lies, they look down the long road winding up to the fortress which crosses a great bridge.
Below it there is a moat of molten magma. Down on the bridge below, Lyindrinar can see an envoy of Yserah. He looks closely and there is Yserah himself.
He turns back to the others and says ‘King Yserah is here. We’re going to have to sneak inside and see what is happening.’
He notices the fiery gates begin to open and let the envoy in. Lyindrinar looks around and says ‘There must be a way to get closer.’
Mithsgui begins jumping up and down in excitement. Lyindrinar turns around and shushes him as not to give away their position.
Mithsgui looks with large eyes and says ‘I know the way in. Secret way.’
Douraka says ‘Well show us. Quickly.’
Lyindrinar tells the other companions ‘It is best if Mithsgui and I go alone. Stay here and wait for my return.’
Mithsgui begins jumping up and down again and says ‘We should hurry, we should hurry.’ He points at the sky as blackness begins to surround everything.
Frigit notices something and begins to speak ‘It feels like it’s getting colder.’
Lyindrinar turns to Mithsgui and says ‘Hurry, quickly. Show me the secret way inside.’
Mithsgui jumps up and down. He says frantically ‘Follow me, follow me.’
Lyindrinar follows Mithsgui up a long winding path leading up behind and across a small bridge leading to the fortress of the Demon King.
Lyindrinar looks up at the large walls that make up the fortress. He says ‘Where do we go from here?’
Mithsgui points directly upward and says ‘We go up. Quickly.’ He jumps onto the wall and begins climbing.
Lyindrinar sighs and says ‘I thought this was a secret entrance.’
Lyindrinar begins to scale the wall. As the two make their way up onto the first landing, Lyindrinar notices a large demonic guard making its way towards them.
Lyindrinar quickly grabs Mithsgui and places his hand around his mouth. They hide behind a large pillar. The demon guard passes them by without notice.
Lyindrinar and Mithsgui make their way towards the center of the fortress. There they climb up to a high window. Down they peer into the throne room of the Demon King Mephisto.
There the Elven King Yserah is presenting himself before the Mephisto. Lyindrinar listens closely to the conversation.
King Yserah says ‘I beseech you, Great King of Muspelheim. As you can tell, the darkness has spread across your realm. We need the ancient fire. The dark fire of Muspelheim.’
Demon King Mephisto laughs and says ‘I will not give up such things to you, elf. This darkness will pass. It is nothing more than trickery.’
King Yserah steps forward again and says ‘You are a fool. Atherak and his Myrrdonite will come and devour Muspelheim. Mount Olympus has already fallen if you are not aware of such things.’
The Demon King laughs once more and says ‘I am aware of such things. How you and King Zeus cannot contain your realms or control them. You are weak. You are not powerful as I am.’ Mephisto stands from his throne and says ‘Now begone.’
Yserah turns angrily and says ‘We will find no help here. Leave him to his own fate, and his realm.’
Just then Mephisto begins to gag. Something is happening to him. The large fire that surrounds him burns out. He falls forward dead.
Elven King Yserah and his envoy turn. There they see the dead Demon King Mephisto. The fires of his guards around him begin to burn out as they drop dead.
They then hear a voice say ‘Well this is lovely.’
The envoy and King Yserah turn their attention, as well as Lyindrinar who is looking down on the whole situation. As they turn, they see Dolloiandea, the Myrrdonite of Atherak.
Dolloiandea says ‘I must admit, a shadow works very well, and quickly.’
Yserah points at Dolloiandea and says ‘We do not fear you, fiend. You may come here and strike down the Demon King, but you will find myself much harder of an opponent.’
Dolloiandea laughs and says ‘Strike down the Demon King? That is not my handiwork. Although I must admire it. No, that I can’t claim. But this I can...’
Fiery coils come from Dolloiandea’s hand piercing into the elven guard of King Yserah. One of the guards yells ‘Protect the king!’
Dolloiandea grins and says ‘Oh a fight. I love a fight.’
The envoy of guards begins to attack Dolloiandea. King Yserah turns to notice the body of Mephisto. There is what appears to be smoke rising from the center out of his back.
King Yserah rushes forward. He pulls an elven blade from his side and cuts into the flesh of Mephisto. There he reaches his hand in. He can feel heat. As he pulls it back out, he has the Great Fire of Muspelheim.
He makes his way past the fight between his royal guards and Dolloiandea. As Dolloiandea strikes down the last of the envoy of guards, she turns and laughs at Yserah now fleeing from the fortress.
Dolloiandea says ‘Run little king. Run away.’
Muspelheim is beginning to change. No longer do the hot flames burn, but cool wind and frost begin to form as the darkness spreads all over the realm.
Yserah opens a portal and flees through it.
Lyindrinar and Mithsgui are pinned up on the high ledge as the cool winds and frost create a blizzard. Mithsgui is almost blown off by the strong winds, but Lyindrinar grabs his little arm.
Lyindrinar says ‘Hang on, friend!’ He pulls him in close. Mithsgui grabs tight onto Lyindrinar’s armor.
Lyindrinar looks down for a way to escape, but even he cannot leap that far and not be caught up in the great winds.
Just then they notice a darker shadow hovering over them. Then they hear the small voice of Frigit ‘There they are! Quickly.’
They dive down upon the back of Douraka. As Douraka swoops by, Lyindrinar with all his strength jumps and lands upon his back. He slips for a moment, sliding all the way down to the end of Douraka’s tail. He holds on tight.
Frigit turns to Layahzarus and says ‘A portal to Alfheim. Hurry!’
Layahzarus begins concentrating. With all his energy, he casts a small portal which Douraka barely fits through. As the portal closes behind him, Muspelheim freezes in utter darkness.
They arrive on the other side somewhere in Alfheim. Where the portal opened up was just above some tall trees. Douraka clips his wing, and the party goes crashing to the ground.
When they have regained themselves, Lyindrinar yells aloud ‘Is everyone alright?’
Layahzarus and Mithsgui then call out. Layahzarus says ‘I am fine. Just a little sore.’
Mithsgui is jumping up and down as he says ‘I’m okay, I’m okay.’
Douraka groans in pain and says ‘Ow. My wing.’
Frigit looks at Douraka’s wing and says ‘Oh my friend.’
Frigit begins looking around frantically upon the forest floor. He finds a type of plant. He picks it while saying thank you to the plant as he does.
He begins to wad it in his hands. He rears back his head to gather spit. He then spits a large sum of saliva into his hands.
Douraka has a disgusted face and says ‘What are you doing?’
Frigit is done rolling the plant with his saliva together. He places it upon Douraka’s wing and says ‘This will help with the pain and swelling.’
Then they begin to hear a small muffled voice. Douraka lifts himself, and underneath his wings is a fairy.
The fairy says ‘Watch where you’re going, you big lump.’
Lyindrinar looks at her and says ‘Who are you?’
She says ‘I am Mieraki. I’ve come here to find my queen. I’ve been trying to find her energy trace by following it, but it seems to be fading. It has led me here.’
She points off in the direction. There beneath the trees is what appears to be a hollowed-out cave. Lyindrinar and the others decide that they will assist Mieraki in finding Aeveron the Fairy Mother.
They descend down into the cave. There in the dimly lit cave, they begin to hear strange noises. They follow the cave down into a large cavern where a lake of water is hidden beneath the earth.
As Lyindrinar approaches the water, he feels a strange sense. Just then large octopus tentacles come out of the water, wrapping around the entire party.
As it lifts them into the air, a large octopus type creature begins to surface from the water.
As they look down upon it in horror, they hear a small chattering from the ground below them. There appears to be a strange type creature they have never seen before.
The octopus creature pulls Lyindrinar closer to its eyes. It looks at Lyindrinar for a moment. Then it sets the party down, releasing its tentacles.
The other small creature then approaches the party and says ‘King Lyindrinar.’
Mieraki stares at the strange creature for a short period of time. Then she realizes something. Mieraki says ‘My Queen? What has happened to you?’
Aeveron says ‘I am becoming what I once was. Doumarae and I.’
Lyindrinar turns to look at the large octopus creature. He says ‘Doumarae, it is you. I don’t understand.’
Aeveron says ‘We were not always like the way you knew that we were. We came from a place far beyond here and that is where we will return. But your existence will change forever. Like all things.’
She looks at Mieraki, and reaches with her limb. She touches the face of Mieraki and says ‘You must become the queen. Rule in my place. Rule in Alfheim even after I am gone.’
Mieraki’s eyes begin to well up with tears. She says 'So is this the end?’
Aeveron says ‘For some. But it is the beginning for others.’
Doumarae looks down upon Lyindrinar. Lyindrinar says ‘I wish I could fully understand. But whatever you will become, know that you will always be my friend.’
There is a low rumbling coming from the octopus. Lyindrinar cannot tell what the creature is saying, but he knows that it feels the same way.
Then a strange light begins to surround Aeveron and Doumarae. They glow brightly for a moment. So brightly that it blinds all of the party’s eyes, and they cover their eyes. When the light fades, the party is standing alone in the cave.
Lemniskarun makes his way from his bed where he was resting out the door of his chambers and through the hallways.
There he has noticed large black dog type creatures with bone features. These are the seekers. They now plague every corner of the Great Fortress of Jotunheim.
Lemniskarun makes his way down to his throne room. He can hear voices. As he steps forward, he sees Moonstone. There before him is Fogbeard, Flamebeard, and Greywillow.
Greywillow speaks to Moonstone ‘Greyoak and the others have all made preparations for our kinfolk.’
Flamebeard says ‘As well as other cousins of ours.’
Moonstone speaks ‘Very good, cousins. All has been set. Take our kinfolk to the ancient lands, and back inside the ancient mountains.’
Lemniskarun steps forward and says ‘What is all this?’
Moonstone says ‘Times are changing, Great King. Observe.’
Moonstone walks forward out of the chamber onto a high balcony overlooking the Kingdom of Jotunheim. Lemniskarun looks down and observes that all the buildings and the city below are infested with seekers.
Moonstone says ‘As you can see, your kind and kinfolk have already gone. They await you outside. Your army is camped not too far yonder from here. You should go to them, King.’
Moonstone returns to the other three dwarves. They each place their foreheads against Moonstone’s head one at a time.
Moonstone says ‘This is goodbye, cousins.’
Fogbeard speaks ‘So it is, dear cousin. And we will never meet again.’
Flamebeard says ‘I hope you know what you are doing.’
Moonstone replies ‘I have known all the time.’
The three dwarves leave the chamber. Then Lemniskarun looks at Moonstone.
Lemniskarun says ‘What is happening. Where are my people?’
Moonstone says ‘I told you. Your army is camped not too far yonder from the fortress. Your people, your jotunn, and the trolls that serve you await you there. Now go to them.’
Moonstone points to the grand doors of the fortress keep. Lemniskarun turns as the doors seem to open by themselves.
Lemniskarun says ‘I will have my throne back. That you can count on, Moonstone.’
Moonstone says ‘Oh I am, Great King. You will sit upon the throne of Jotunheim again, but in a very different perspective.’
Lemniskarun leaves the fortress of Jotunheim.
Inside the grand palace of the Gallatar Commander, Govendar looks out upon the Maederka who have gathered.
The skies in the Gallatar seem to grow strange, but not dark like it has upon the other layer. The energy swirls brightly in the skies.
Down below, all the Maederka have gathered. They are singing in unison. Just then Govendar notices a presence behind him.
Govendar says ‘Is it Kaltalk you go by now, or something else?’
The presence replies ‘Xokahkar. You can call me that. But I have come differently now, and before long this form you see standing before you, will no longer be, and a new one will come about.’
Govendar says ‘And what will you do with this new form?’
Xokahkar replies ‘That is yet to be determined. Where is the Gallatar Commander?’
Govendar says ‘She is gone, and you will soon follow where she is.’
Xokahkar asks ‘And of the Gallatar?’
Govendar turns and says ‘They are prepared to join the Great Collective once more. Have you not seen what is happening?’
Xokahkar replies ‘I have seen, and I tried to understand why Atherak, Lord of the Layer of the Damned, would do such and bring such judgement upon all.’
Govendar says ‘There is much still yet you do not understand about the Lord of the Damned. This has been foreseen even by the Gallatar Commander herself.’
A voice comes echoing in ‘As it was meant to be.’
Xokahkar and Govendar turn to see Xarsha.
Xokahkar says ‘You have come here, Time Walker. What message do you bring to the Gallatar of your master?’
Xarsha looks over to Govendar and says ‘That the time draws near.’
Xokahkar says ‘Then tell me, Xarsha. Why has your master decided to judge all the layers? Why now?’
Xarsha says ‘It was inevitable, great Xokahkar device. And your part in it has just begun. You should go now.’
Xokahkar replies ‘Not until I have the answers.’
Xarsha says ‘Gather with the other devices upon the layer where Midgard and the other realms lie that are now under siege by my master. There in time, you will find the power that lies within your device.
One comes to you all now. You and your other devices have drawn him out, but will you listen to what he has to say? You should go there. Find out for yourself.’
Xokahkar says ‘When I am ready.’
Xarsha replies ‘You will be.’
Xarsha opens a rift and steps through it. Govendar then turns and walks out back towards the balcony where he joins the singing in unison.
Xokahkar continues upon his way to destroy the form he has, and create a new one. Then he will return to the layer where the other devices now wage war against the Lord of Judgement.
The Siren Queen...
Zeus has been left by the others who have gathered to watch over the Siren Queen. To see if he can find out more information from her of why her realm remained unaffected by the darkness.
As he paces back and forth in front of the Siren Queen, who is still chained to her throne, Zeus says ‘I am not an enemy of you. I only wish to understand more. Why is your realm not affected?’
Queen Aeyia’na turns her gaze away from Zeus and says ‘If you must know, it is not that it will remain unaffected by what is happening. You can feel it now. You can see it.’
She turns her glance out towards a large window within her palace. Zeus steps over to look out the large window. There he sees darkness starting to spread over Aeyia’na’s realm.
Queen Aeyia’na says ‘You have brought it here. You and the others.’
Zeus turns, drawing his sword. He raises it above Aeyia’na’s head. As he strikes down, Aeyia’na closes her eyes, accepting her inevitable death. But instead of feeling a blow, she hears what is the sound of clinking of metal as Zeus cuts through the chains.
Zeus then frees Aeyia’na. She rises. Zeus says ‘I was wrong. We were wrong for imprisoning you.’
Queen Aeyia’na says ‘It’s too late for that.’
Zeus replies ‘I will go now. Accept my deepest apologies. You were right. It was us who brought this here. And I swear to you, I will find a way to stop it.’
Queen Aeyia’na says ‘Before you go, there is something you must know. This battle between the ones who call themselves devices, and Atherak the Lord of the Borderlands, it began long ago. It is far much more than you are ready to understand. Go. You should see it for yourself.’
Zeus bows his head. Zeus leaves the realm of the Siren Queen as everything begins to turn dark. The Queen then goes out to the waters of the sea.
As she submerges herself in the water, she begins singing out. All the other beings of her realm join in, and the Siren Queen’s realm echoes in a chorus of song.
The Gathering...
In the Nether, the Great Kings and most of the pantheons, although some have been lost, and the devices themselves have gathered.
The darkness has spread upon the Nether as well, and King Baradin has taken notice. Calling a truce between the devices and old rivalries, they have gathered here to decide what to do. But the devices themselves have gathered here for one comes that holds the answer to defeating Atherak.
As they all gather within the grand courtroom of King Baradin, there is an exchange of conversation between the pantheons, great kings and queens, and the devices themselves. King Yserah sits quietly as he listens in.
Vustik says ‘And what of King Varidon of the Void? I heard he went mad and started impaling everyone.’
Baradin stands and says strongly ‘Do not disgrace the Great King Varidon. He is a friend and ally to me.’
Vustik replies ‘Then where is he?’
Just then the chamber doors open, and a hooded figure steps through. A voice is heard. All fall silent among those who have gathered within Baradin’s courtroom.
The voice says ‘Varidon will change, as everything else will.’
As the hooded figure steps forward, he pulls back his hood revealing the face of Eroisin.
Ashoweah looks and says ‘Is this the one we’ve been seeking?’
Baphomet whispers over to Melek Taus ‘He looks simple, and yet I can sense the presence of the dead upon him. It feels as if it’s the same kind of energy as Atherak.’
King Yserah stands and says ‘Welcome Eroisin. It has been a long time. Although we have never met personally, I know of who you are and what you are. Like many of us here.’
Eroisin replies ‘A device you mean. Yes, some of us here are of that. And those of you who are seeking to unlock that power within you.’
Ashoweah says ‘Then you are the answer.’
Eroisin says ‘I am the answer to many things, but be forewarned. In the end, you may bring about your own fate. Gather in front of me, devices. If this is what you choose.’
The devices gather in front of Eroisin. As the others look on, they observe something. Eroisin’s eyes glow brightly pink. The devices feel their bodies lifting within the air, and a strange sensation in their chest. There symbols begin to appear.
Eroisin steps forward and touches them each with his fingers upon the chests where the symbols are, drawing energy like string to his hand. When he touches the last of devices’ forms, he steps back. There appears in his hand a strange looking symbol.
Eroisin turns the symbol with his fingers. Energy flows back down the strands and back into the devices’ forms. They begin to glow brightly. As the energy subsides and the strings disappear, they float back down to the ground. They then rise.
Ashoweah speaks ‘Thank you for what you have done for us.’
Eroisin says ‘I have given you what you wanted. Your fate.’
Then there is a strange sense all around in the room. Everyone feels it.
King Baradin says ‘What is happening?’
Eroisin turns and looks outward across the Nether. He says ‘It’s the Veil Mist.’
The Borderlands...
At the edge of the borderlands where the Veil Mist lies, Atherak, Decimation, the Twin Stars, the Bishberrin, and Mevinah have gathered.
Atherak speaks ‘The Veil Keeper has been flawed too long. This was inevitable. If they wish to mingle in the affairs of other layers as they have done, then let them suffer the consequences and the judgement that befalls them.’
Atherak turns to Decimation. A coil strikes forward from his hand piercing into the large head of Decimation. Strange black energy flows from Atherak down the coil into Decimation.
The coil then retracts back into Atherak’s hand. Decimation glows bright with black energy.
Atherak says ‘Now go. Devour it.’
Decimation begins breathing in deep, the Veil Mist flowing into his mouth. All across the layers and the existences, the Veil Mist begins to vanish. Once it is gone, Decimation holds it within him.
Atherak turns to the other Myrrdonite and says ‘Inform your brothers and sisters that the time has come to initiate the final phase.’
The Myrrdonite bow. They open rifts and step through them. Atherak stands beneath Decimation and says ‘Now it is time to finish this.’
True Self Connection...