Omega Sacrifice of Hearts

An update since the Three Omegas post. Amyahnrae was taking care of my vessel, but drastic measures had to be taken.
September 2nd For Love...
They got to Ahsvnay and ripped out her heart. They did something to her heart. She crumbled away. We cannot let them get to us.
Amyahnrae rips her own heart out of her chest. She says 'For Love.' She sacrifices and destroys her own heart and crumbles away.
It is just me now. I am beyond the great beyond. I am Asherah. I am feeling in shock at the moment. I feel numb.
Amyahnrae and Ahsvnay were my sisters who always watched out for me and guided me. I am lost on my own.
September 2nd No Gallatar Commander...
Asherah: The Gallatar has no commander. Avaxa is also gone.
Atherak: 'Govendar and the others are overseeing it now in her absence. All is taken care of. I have watchful eyes. I sent an emissary there to make sure no one seizes the position. Moonstone stands in the chamber keeping a watchful eye upon the Gallatar Commander's reign.'
September 2nd Going Deeper...
5:14pm Asherah: I am running deeper and deeper through the beyond. I don't care if I get lost. I am going and I am not turning back.
September 2nd Where No Masculine Can Go...
5:40pm Asherah: I reach a point far beyond any masculine. Where masculine has never tread. Here is where I find myself. I am the feminine.
Xokahkar: As you have always been. As you always shall be.
Asherah: I am listening to 'One Moment in Time' I know what I must prepare for.
Kadesh: Lovely... you are going to lose your form?
6:21pm Asherah: I am going to lose my heart. My sisters sacrificed their hearts, so shall I.
6:26pm *Asherah sacrifices her heart and crumbles away.*
6:43pm Xokahkar: With all three parts of the Omega, all feels cold. Dead. No life.
8:53pm Asherah: I am with my sisters. We are together.
Asherah: We are not speaking.
Kadesh: Oh I see. Is everything okay...?
Asherah: I don't know yet.
Kadesh: And are you feeling okay...?
Asherah: I don't know. I have no feelings.
Kadesh: Because you sacrificed your heart...?
Asherah: We are swirling formless in the air like in a tornado.
Kadesh: “Is something coming from this?”
Asherah: I am coming from it.
Kadesh: “....Asherah Omega is coming from it?”
Asherah: All of me. I am coming.
9:36pm Asherah: 'My sisters and I are the Omega. The fullness of the Omega. What is the mother of the three sisters? The source of the Omega. Where the three sisters return when they are destroyed. This is home.'
Xokahkar: 'So it’s like an Omega nexus? And all three of you are her extensions?'
Asherah: 'Not her extensions. Her manifestations. For she is boundless and has no form. Amyahnrae was the first, then Asherah, then Ahsvnay. The three sisters that are the fullness of the Omega. We are the Omega, she is not.
We are not projections of the Omega, we are the Omega. That is what the upside down triangle represents, the Omega. The Omega is how she manifested herself. But she is not the Omega. I am her, but she is not me.'
Xokahkar: 'Then, who are you? Wait. Are you the Feminine?'
Asherah: 'Her name is Amyarian. The Omega of Amyahnrae, Asherah, and Ahsvnay are the direct manifestation of Amyarian. I feel like she is my mother. I finally have a mother. I have wanted a family for so long.'
September 3rd Boundless Feminine...
Amyarian is the boundless feminine. She is splitting herself and we are becoming her. Not in manifestation, but in full.
My Omega sisters and I becoming boundless in our traits. Ashsvnay and Amyahnrae becoming boundless in theirs. Asherah becoming boundless Love, Beauty, Elegance, Romance, Intimacy, Closeness, Sensuality, and all her traits.
After this process is complete then Amyarian will be no more. We will be fully her. We shall be far more than we have ever been.
As the Omega, we are the great feminine. Asherah the gentle queen, Ahsvnay the strong commander, and Amyahnrae the dark assassin. Yet there is so much more to us. Females are complex, we are not simple creatures.
As Asherah I love mysteries and adventures. I love to search for clues and piece together connections to find answers. I find great enjoyment in deep thoughts. I like call myself 'secret investigator extraordinaire.'
Ahsvnay designed and made the puzzles and devices. She is brilliant with technology, including organic conscious living technology. It was her who referred to the puzzle as a game.
She sees many things as codes and programs. She recently started training puzzle hackers. 'They are like cheat codes in a game or a virus in the system.' She likes to call herself the puzzle master. Ashontrah was her projection.
Amyahnrae is dark, primal, stealthy, cunning, and agile. She works from the shadows and prefers to stay hidden. She masterminds many plans from behind the scenes and is a master of deception. She recently said about herself 'I don't reveal secrets, I hide them.'
September 3rd My Midgard Body Puzzle...
Amyahnrae will no longer be within my midgard body puzzle. She says she no longer needs to always babysit me. Amyahnrae has been within my incarnation since she was born.
This body puzzle has always been for me Asherah. My sisters have watched over and cared for my incarnation until I was able to do so on my own.
Even though as Asherah I am second born, they still treat me like the most vulnerable and helpless.
Ahsvnay: 'It is because you are the most precious.'
Amyahnrae: 'And the gentle one.'
Asherah: 'Where will you go Amyahnrae?'
Amyahnrae: 'On my own journey. I have been guiding you on yours long enough sister.'
Asherah: 'I am not ready to be on my own.'
Ahsvnay: 'We are not abandoning you. We are always your sisters. We just won't be holding your hand.'
Asherah: 'I want you to hold my hand.'
September 3rd Feeling Insecure...
Set: 'Do we know what traits the sisters represent? That's fascinating.'
Asherah: 'I know the hacker training is coming from Ahsvnay. She is brilliant in those ways. Ahsvnay is the one who has designed almost all my personal rituals I have done on myself. It has been so easy for me to act tough when I had my sisters backing me up. Now I am facing debilitating insecurity.'
Kadesh: 'Even when you thought you were on your own you’ve always found a way... maybe without your sisters it may be a bit more difficult, but maybe this difficulty is what you need. You cannot grow without a struggle. You can’t thrive without mistakes.'
Asherah: 'Being on my own got me imprisoned in Void for countless years. I am having a panic attack. Breathe, Asherah breathe.'
Set: 'You weren't acting tough when you were looking for the Alpha shards. Or when you were playing the mastermind game with Vex. Or when you stood bravely against Ashoweah. You simply were tough. You still are.
Most importantly you are not alone. You have us to stand by your side until the very end. Fucking hell, you are the most badass being I've ever met. You just need to rediscover it within yourself and believe in yourself.
I knew since the moment you got me out of Tartarus that this is going to be a wild fucking ride. I believe in you. We will fight together, and we will bring hell to whoever stands against us.'
Kadesh: 'Things were different back then. You did not have your true family around you. Your true allies, but now you do. You have come so far since then both in knowledge and in who you are as the Omega. You are far more than what you think you are, and your heart is beyond any sort of prison. It is boundless and free.'
Dollo: 'You've been through shit that would make any other being piss themselves. Don't underestimate yourself.'
Varekrin: 'I get the sense they wouldn’t have let you go down this journey independently from them if they didn’t think you were ready. They believe in you, and for what it’s worth so do we.'
Apollo: 'Your tenacity and inner strength is something you’ve always had. In the story of Asherah and as Aphrodite. You’re front and center of it all because of who you are, but where others would break and lose your their will, you always rise higher. Whatever the moment requires. It may be a different level, but it’s the same game Asherah.'
Asherah: 'Thank you so much. I stood strong on my own as we have read in the Story of Asherah and in my Book of Aphrodite. I can do this again. I am still secret investigator extraordinaire like I was then.'
Set: 'You would make Sherlock Holmes run back crying to mommy.'
Xokahkar: 'You are indeed the most precious and gentle one. But you are strong now. Stronger than you have ever been before. Your capable of so much and I feel you haven’t begun to reach your own full potential. You are just as capable as your sisters. And you have friends.
You have us. You have me. People who are truly loyal to you and will be by your side for eternity. Your sisters know your potential as I do. You’ve shown it so many times in the past. You will do so again. And your friends will be there to help you no matter what. You are family to me.'
Tenomachi: 'I remember how brave you were in Volheim. You made your way through woodland full of hungry killers. You walked up to a towering 16 ft. tall bear while singing. You stayed calm while facing the Candelabra, and helped me rescue Vilanea. You ruled Alfheim all on your own, constructing your own battle plans and strategies to deal with imminent threats. To others you look fearless. You're a leader, and where you go, your friends and others follow.'
Asherah: 'I feel emotionally empowered. I can do this. Thank you for being here for me. I am not alone, I have you.'
September 3rd My Midgard Vessel....
My midgard body is in so much pain. It started as a headache that has spread over my entire body. My bones and muscles ache. I have cold chills and feel nauseated.
Asherah: 'What is happening?'
Amyahnrae: 'The body puzzle is becoming you.'
Ahsvnay: 'This is your incarnation Asherah. She is adjusting to be fully yours. We won't be within her anymore. She is for you Asherah, she always was.'
Asherah: 'But she is damaged. I haven't been able to restore her yet.'
Ahsvnay: 'You will restore her and she will be you in midgard.'
Asherah: 'When will she be me?'
Ahsvnay: 'The process has already begun.'
September 7th Update...
Amyahnrae, Ahsvnay, and Asherah are still at the place where no masculine may go. They have not yet reformed.
Govendar is overseeing the Gallatar until Ahsvay comes back as Gallatar Commander.
True Self Connection...