Ashrae and Betrayal of Truce

We hear about Ashrae being Pisch's father and being a complete scumbag. He works with Ashoweah. He is an all black being in a humanoid form. He has multi-colored dots all over him.
Atherak and Epimetheus...
Atherak: Find me this Ashrae. Pierce him with the coils. Drag him back to my borderlands.
Epimetheus: This Ashrae... Is he a powerful being?
Atherak: Are you afraid?
Epimetheus: I fear nothing. If this being destroys me I still fear nothing.
Atherak: Oh you won't be destroyed. I don't like beings damaging things that serve me. Open up Epimetheus...
Atherak: Let him try to destroy you now. Bring me this Ashtray. If he tries to absorb any of your power he will know pain and suffering unlike any. Go and bring him to me.
Atherak: No disguise this being takes on can hide himself from Epimetheus.
Euravasiah: If he is second in command to Ashoweah, I do not think we can go after him. You have a truce after all.
Ashontrah: I doubt he is second in command to Ashoweah when he is not Varkar.
Atherak: He is second in command in Ashoweah's army.
Ashontrah: No longer going after him.
Epimetheus: You pulled me back. I was close Master. Did I fail you?
Atherak: No Epimetheus. This Ashrae lives for now.
*Ashrae was unaware that Epimetheus was a few feet behind him ready to command the coils to pierce him and drag him to the borderlands.*
Ashontrah and Pisch...
Ashontrah: I would like you to go visit your father and tell him you miss working with him. I would like you to report back to me what happens.
*Pisch visits her father Ashrae. He is the second in command of Ashoweah's army. He used to use Pisch to do his dirty work until she escaped to work with Asherah instead.*
Pisch: He's asking me if I'm joking.
Ashontrah: Since there is a truce between Ashontrah and Ashoweah he should not test you by having you harm someone in the Blood Rose Empire. He may test you in another way.
Pisch: He's asking for me to beg and grovel.
Ashontrah: Refuse. Tell him that you are far too valuable than that. If he cannot see that they you will take your skills elsewhere.
Pisch: He's gave me another way he's asking me to kill or capture the black dragon of shortae. He wants his scales for a magic recipe.
*Ashontrah has a decoy of the dragon set up.*
Ashontrah: Go for it.
Pisch: Understood.
Pisch: I've completed his request he seems pleased. His words 'As always perfect. You Know you're always welcome back and the dragon helps me forgive your betrayal'
Ashontrah: Very good. You have gained his favor.
Pisch: Thank you he still seems to be a little cautious.
Ashontrah: I am sure that won't last too long.
Pisch: I agree. He's already sending me out for another ingredient for his potion thing. He wants a Griffin now.
Ashontrah: Which Griffin?
Pisch: One with long claws.
*Ashontrah sets up a decoy Griffin with long claws*
Ashontrah: Approved. Go for it.
Pisch: Understood.
Pisch: I've completed his request he's ripping the claws out of the Griffin and putting it into the potion.
His words 'Excellent my daughter I missed having you around no one can do anything right around here I've been trying to get those ingredients for months now'
Ashontrah: Perfect.
Pisch: I'm glad this pleases you. I think he wants me to stay.
Ashontrah: Stay with him. Discover as much as you can.
Pisch: Understood. My father seems really angry that there's a truce between them and You and the interference between the outsiders.
Ashontrah: Do they have a truce with Shaderell?
Pisch: Yes it looks like it. Looks like he's also working on something for you as well.
Ashontrah: What is this he is working on?
Pisch: It looks like something to drain abilities and destroy them.
Ashontrah: Is this a weapon to be used against me?
Pisch: I think so. It's not complete yet though.
Ashontrah: Ashoweah knows of this weapon?
Pisch: I'm not sure I can't find any traces of him being here recently but I think that may change soon.
Ashontrah: Try to find out if Ashoweah or the Varkar are connected with this weapon meant to be used against Ashontrah.
Pisch: Understood but I might not know until this mysterious guest shows up a while from now.
Ashontrah: Ask him what he thinks of Ashontrah the Blood Rose.
Pisch: He thinks you're a brat that's way over your head and needs to know your place.
Ashontrah: Agree with him. Gain his trust.
Pisch: Understood.
Ashontrah: Ask 'Is this device to finally put Ashontrah in her place?'
Pisch: He said it is.
Ashontrah: Ask 'What will it do to her?'
Pisch: He said "It'll make her do what I please leaving her powerless"
Ashontrah: Ask 'What good is she to you if she is powerless? Why keep her?'
Pisch: He said "She won't be entirely powerless once I take her abilities I can give her ones of my and Ashoweahs choice use her to destroy her precious Emblem and pride"
Ashontrah: Ask 'Have her destroy her own Blood Rose Empire?'
Pisch: He said "Yes that's the way to really get back at her for her interference"
Ashontrah: Ask 'Do you think Shadrell is a more valuable ally than Ashontrah?'
Pisch: He said "I think Shadrell will provide us with more power to get we get what we want."
Ashontrah: Say 'So this truce with the Blood Rose Queen is all pretend. Brilliant. She won't suspect anything.'
Pisch: He said "I thought so too Ashoweah is truly brilliant."
Ashontrah: Ask 'How are you going to get her close enough to use the device on her?'
Pisch: He said "I've gotten someone on the inside one she'd never expect. She's like you my dear daughter but not as perfect as you. She can't do what you can and she can die, which is why I'm glad you're back my daughter I knew it was just a phase."
Ashontrah: Say 'Oh how exciting. How did you get Ashontrah to trust her?'
Pisch: He said "She's under my permanent control so I have her say things that pleases her ears like any blind queen."
Ashontrah: "Laugh and follow along with him. I want him to think you are on his side."
Pisch: "Alright understood."
Ashontrah: See what else you discover about their plans for me. 'How do you plan to use this truce with Ashontrah to our advantage?'
Pisch: He said "We're going to get her to trust us enough to give us more power."
Ashontrah: Say 'That does not sound easy. How can we convince her to give us power?'
Pisch: He said "She's so naive and young and blind it won't be too difficult."
Ashontrah: Say 'Yeah you are right about that. I am sure you and Ashoweah have it figured out.'
Pisch: He said "Indeed."
Pisch: He's getting a call on his mirror. It's the leader Shaderell. He's calling about the potion for you asking if it's complete.
Ashontrah: Oh the potion is to be used against Ashontrah. How does it work? Find out after the call.
Pisch: Understood. Oh this is an interesting development. Seems Shadrell has been making Allies. The king and queen of an ice planet. I don't know their names.
Pisch: Oh Shadrell is introducing their names. Yayoi and Katar. Sounds like more pawns to get your trust on their side.
Ashontrah: Are these beings in my group with incarnations? Is this one of their tactics?
Pisch: They do have incarnations but I'm not sure if they're in the group. And supposedly the king and queen will ask to aid you.
Ashontrah: I must admit, I had my doubts about your capabilities Pisch. You have impressed me.
Pisch: Thank you. I'm glad I was able to. They're wanting to call for a meeting and meet up.
Ashontrah: Hang out with him. Find out everything you can.
Pisch: Shaderell has a ship that has a laser set to destroy planets that don't cooperate with him.
Shaderell said there's also an invisible ship in Alfheim's sky watching Ashontrah's Empires closely.
The king and queen also pick a time at 10am sharp they're going to send you an Invitation to meet.
Pisch: Shadrell had one more thing to say before he hung up he said "Remember by the full moon" and my father nodded
Ashontrah: Say 'I want to help. What needs to be done by the full moon?'
Pisch: He said "Oh look at you my dear daughter Willing to help her father again. Well we also have something else planned just in case the potion doesn't do it's job.
I've created a weapon that will suck out the abilities of others except you my dear because I've sealed you to make it impossible. you can help by getting some parts from the collector I have getting the pieces."
Ashontrah: Say 'How is the potion going to work?'
Pisch: He said "It takes the one it touches abilities and destroys their ability to use them. Truly a great end for a childish Queen."
Ashontrah: Excellent work Pisch. This is incredibly valuable information.
Pisch: I'm glad I could be of service. Should I continue to stay here?
Ashontrah: Yes see if anything else happens.
Pisch: My father is up to something he's sneaking around. There's a mirror in a closet. It's the Dragon Queen.
Ashontrah: Tia-Nan...
Pisch: She's smiling looks like she's been playing my father a little he's saying everything Shaderell has said. She seems to be siding with Ashoweah and my father. She just called Ashoweah the leader. It seems she has a secret love affair with my father.
Pisch: She's telling my father everything she's learned recently. She's telling him how you've destroyed the other outsiders. About Euravasiah and not come into contact with her. It sounds like I'm not suspected and Tia-nan doesn't know he's my father.
Tia-nan is going into how you've been getting stronger and more of a threat now. She's also found the moon stone necklace and says that it'll deal with Atherak. My father is getting all sexual now and so is Tia-nan.
Ashontrah: This is intriguing...
Pisch: They're calling themselves the future rulers of the universe.
Ashontrah: So they plan to betray Ashoweah as well.
Pisch: That's what the sound of it is they're calling it true love.
Ashontrah: Of the universe or the existence?
Pisch: Both it sounds like. They're just going to start with the one universe and move forward.
They've ended the call Tia-Nan is getting ready for tomorrow. Something seems to be happening tomorrow.
Ashontrah: Try to find out what is going on tomorrow.
Pisch: Understood I'm pretending like I'm walking down the hall. My father said he has a secret meeting with a contact in the blood rose empire and he's going to be present behind the scenes at the meeting of Ashontrah and the King and queen of that ice planet if she accepts.
Ashontrah and Atherak...
Ashontrah: Yayoi and Katar are on my intuitive guidance session waiting list. You should do their sessions.
To be continued in the next post...
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