Thothilssin Symbols

I wanted to share a translation of thothilssin drawings by Rurxaxia. The complexity of what she drew is incredible. First are the pictures of the drawings without the numbers and then with the numbers.

The center of the top drawing is the Great Mother.
#1 - Great Father
#2 - The Brothers
#3 - The Atheron with dots on the inside and on the outside connecting to the other existences. It is also the X in the center of the circle.
#4 - The 12 cycles that the Great Mother required to create the original existences
#5 - These symbols represent the old existences
#6 - These represent existences designed by the brothers
#7 - This staight line and the curvy one over it represents the borderlands
#8 - The Mist Veil
#9 - Access points through the Mist Veil
Second set of drawings....

#10 - The creation of this existence and the realms
#11 - The time before the Urthak War
#12 - The Urthak War
#13 - The time of imbalance during the reign of the Candelabra
#14 - The awakening of Asherah and the conflict she went through to restore balance
#15 - The death of Asheran and birth of Ashontrah
#16 - Return of Judgement the coming of Atherak
#17 - Spiritual conflict to restore balance.
#18 - Fall of Midgard
#19 - The time after the fall on Midgard it leads upward. There are steps. Then the center is the learning and wisdom that happens in between and reconnection with nature. Then it comes to a newer level where it is dots instead of slashes. The dots are different kinds of beings beyond just human.
#20 - This represents the last cycle and the great transition. The top is Ashontrah leading. The diamonds at the bottom are athranaaks.
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