Part Five: Seeds of Disarray

Referring back to an earlier conversation between Shaderell and Yustaf from Part Four...
Shaderell: "You plant the seeds of deception and disarray like a master gardener. Tell me, are any more of these seeds going to sprout?"
Great Baron Yustaf: "It is going to be a grand harvest."
Ashontrah and Atherak...
Ashontrah: "Let's take a look at the seeds that the Great Baron Yustaf planted."
Ashontrah conjures an orb and gives it to Atherak...
Atherak: "Wow this covers half the IG session list."
Ashontrah: "They are to make me and my Blood Rose Empire look bad."
Atherak: "Oh yeah. He is a dirty bastard."
Ashontrah: "I see my Blood Rose Empire as my garden. There are unknown seeds planted within. We must catch the weeds when they sprout to remove them from the garden."
Seed of Disarray #1...
The gnomes have a garden where they gather. This is where the essence of gnomes comes from so-to-say. There is one among them. I don't know if she is a gnome or half-gnome.
While most gnomes are plump, she is thin. Where most gnomes are about 2 feet tall she is about 3 feet. They call her Little Flower.
In Alfheim many gnomes have been tending to all the plants and and vegetation. All the races there are living in harmony with each other but you hardly ever notice the gnomes.
They are tiny and always busy tending to things. They are often overlooked. Not because they are inferior, it is just because of what they do. Gnomes mostly care to talk about plants, trees, and gardens.
Yustaf plans to infect the gnomes through Little Flower. He is setting it up for it to be blamed on the Blood Rose.
He is acquiring minions to wear the Blood Rose mark while they infect the others.
Little Flower is on the IG session list. The gnomes are currently on a pilgrimage to their garden.
There is also another gnome on the list named Mimniya. She takes care of this garden where they are all coming to.
Mimniya has yellow hair, yellow eyes, and rosy cheeks.
Lyindrinar and Doumarae are watching a trail of gnomes leaving Alfheim while singing a song together.
Doumarae: "Off to their annual pilgrimage."
Lyindrinar: "Yes. The one they gather for every season."
Doumarae: "Good I won't need these anymore." He pulls out his earplugs.
The other citizens of Alfheim don't even really notice them leaving. This is how much they go unnoticed among the other Nature Folk.
Seed of Disarray #2...
This is planted in Svartalfheim. It won't just be dealing with the Dark Elves. It involves Pirate Dwarves and their Pirate Queen. She holds no allegiance to anyone.
The Dwarven Pirate Queen is also on the IG session list. She is an elemental Dwarf.
She has a commander who is a male Dark Elf. He is also on the session list.
The Dwarven Pirate Queen goes by the name Jarrah Blacklace. She is cousins with Greyoak, Greywillow, and Fogbeard.
Blacklace has frost blue skin. Half her hair is blood red and the other half is black. She ties her hair back. She has all kinds of dark black tattoos on her head and arms. She has a dark blue broken heart tattoo on her neck. She has deep dark purple eyes.
The Dark Elf Pirate Commander goes by Liyracor Bloodblade because he never cleans the blood off his blade. This is why it is stained.
He is very big and more muscular than the typical Dark Elf. The tip of his left ear is missing like it was cut off. He has many earrings and tattoos.
The right half of his face is like a blood red skull tattoo. The left side of his face has a scar going down his cheek. He is bald and his head has Dark Elf tribal tattoos. He has red eyes.
Yustaf went to the Dwarf Pirate Queen and offered her a deal. It is for her to raid places in Svartalfheim while flying the Blood Rose banner.
Yustaf: "I bring you a deal that will make you rich and powerful beyond your wildest dreams."
Blacklace: "What the eff do I have to do on my end?" Then she folds her arms.
Yustaf: "Do as you naturally do but to a heavier extent."
Blacklace: "I am fine off with what I am doing now. I have many who respect me. I am a Queen by my own right. Made by me. You have seen my fleet. It is mine. Why would I need anything you offer?"
She draws her cutlass sword...
Blacklace: "Maybe the only thing I need from you is to cut that ugly hooded head off, stick it on a hook, and throw it in the sea to see what I catch."
Bloodblade: "Maybe if you stick it up his ass you can catch something bigger."
Yustaf shows his power: "I would like to see you try!"
Jarrah Blacklace and Liyracor Bloodblade back off...
Yustaf: "I can give you more. Just look..."
He opens up a carving an Athranaak puzzle but it isn't a real puzzle. They are seeing something inside that is amazing them. Then he slams it shut.
Yustaf: "Or should we go with your fishing idea?"
The Pirate Queen and Pirate Commander discuss with each other.
Blacklace: "So what else do I have to for this reward?"
Yustaf: "When you attack I want you to fly this banner."
The Great Baron Yustaf holds up the Blood Rose Banner. It has some blood on it. He must have taken it from someone.
Blacklace: "That is effing suicide! I am already disliked by most of the Kings and Queens of the realms. You understand that I am in a world of shit with them already.
Now you ask me to go ahead and dive into more shit. Are you effing stupid? The Blood Rose banner would come down upon me and have my head. Did you see what they did to the effing Great Houses? No reward is worth that!"
Yustaf: "And if I guarantee that they will not be able to find you?"
Blacklace: "How are you going to do this? Banish me to another effing existence?"
Yustaf: "Yes. In fact, I have selected a better realm for you full of treasures and the adventure that you seek."
He opens the puzzle carving again and she looks in...
Yustaf: "You could be Queen of this whole realm!"
Blacklace: "How can you guarantee me the Blood Rose banner won't come here looking to fry my ass?"
Yustaf: "They will be too busy with other matters to concern themselves with a has-been Pirate Queen."
Blacklace: "Has-been?! I am still in my prime! You got yourself an effing deal! How many do I need to raid?"
Yustaf: "Enough to get the attention of King Lyindrinar."
Blacklace: "Why do I want to get his effing attention? He is not very fond of me anyway."
Yustaf: "By the time he does notice what you are doing you will be long gone."
Blacklace: "You can effing guarantee me this? I have nothing against Queen Ashontrah, but I don't want her coming to cut my effing head off. Nor do I have anything against King Lyindrinar either but I am raider. I am what I effing am."
Yustaf: "I will guarantee that you will not suffer any repercussions from the Blood Rose nor King Lyindrinar."
Blacklace: "Alright Mister who won't show his effing face. You got yourself an effing deal. But I am going to tell you right now, you think your effing power scares me.
Well, you eff me over the last effing face you are going to see is mine. Sticking my jezzy (sword) right up your effing ass and splitting you from your ass to your appetite."
Yustaf sneers: "You can count on my word that I give you."
Blacklace: "Alright then."
She hits Bloodblade in the chest.
Blacklace: "Assemble all the ships and all the crews. We are going in hard like a punch to the effing nads."
Bloodblade: "Ah looks like it is fun time."
The Dark Elf Pirate Commander goes up on the ship deck and blows a horn.
Yustaf: "To make sure that you carry out your end of the bargain I will be leaving my apprentice here with you."
Blacklace: "Fine he can sleep down in the effing hole. Don't touch my Elven Cheese or I will cut your effing dingy off."
She takes the dirty rag from the ground and tosses it to the apprentice.
Blacklace: "You are going to need this. It is cold down there and it leaks. Watch out for the rats too. Mega effing rats."
All her crew is laughing at this apprentice.
After Yustaf left the Dwarven Pirate Queen is talking with the Dark Elf Pirate Commander as they watch the armada get ready...
Bloodblade: "I hope he keeps his deal. I don't know how you feel about this Blood Rose Queen but I don't want her on my ass."
Blacklace: "I admire her. She is strong. I admire those who serve her. All strong. I mean look she has an empire. It is a pity that we have to fly these banners and become enemies. In another time we could be great allies."
Bloodblade: "Are you rethinking your decision?"
Blacklace: "I don't think I can now. That being, there is power in him. If we double-cross him we will suffer the same fate as if the Blood Rose and Lyindrinar come after us. Maybe I should not have gotten up this morning. Shame... Well Commander, we carry on."
Seed of Disarray #3...
This one is planted to unleash an infection in the Void. It is already there sitting dormant. It is the same purple flower effect that Euravasiah had used in the Nether.
Most of the Void citizens will think that Euravasiah came to the Void to do the same thing.
There is a female Void Unicorn who has this implanted in her but she doesn't know it.
She is on the IG session list. Her name is Corsiantha. She is a niece of Kurebon and cousin to King Varidon.
She has a silver horn, silver hair, silver eyes and a dark purple body. She has the same colors in her humanoid form.
Seed of Disarray # 4...
This one is planted in the Shadow realm. It is going to cause the same effect as the Nether and Void. Except they have an impostor of Euravasiah and it will be witnessed.
It is set to go off as we were cleaning up in the Void telling them all that it was not Euravasiah who did it. Then they can say...
'Oh yeah? It was not her? We just saw her doing it in the Shadow realm!'
Yustaf pretty much has Euravaisah on a stick wearing the Blood Rose banner over a crowd.
More Seeds...
We can continue all the way to Seed #49 because that is how many Yustaf planted. They don't all do the same thing either. They are all different.
Half of them are to make Ashontrah and the Blood Rose look really bad and the other half are to benefit Yustaf and Shaderell.
Atherak: "Shaderell was right. Yustaf was worth every penny."
Ashontrah: "Then we shall have our own plans."
Vastrunna goes to the gnome gathering. He is walking around as a little gnome.
King Lyindrinar is in his study in Alfheim. A messenger walks in...
Messenger: "My King, two dwarves have come wishing to speak to you."
It is Greyoak and Greywillow. Lyindrinar recognizes and welcomes them.
Greyoak: "I bring warning from Queen Ashontrah. There is going to be a massive pirate attack on a very large city in Svartalfheim."
Lyindrinar: "Pirate? Which pirate would dare?"
Greywillow: "Our cousin Blacklace."
Lyindrinar: "I haven't given much thought on how to deal with Blacklace. I know that she is a Pirate Queen. Aside from simple side raiding she has never been a big problem."
Greyoak: "It is not them who are the problem. It is the passenger they carry."
They give Lyindrinar the information about the apprentice of the Great Baron Yustaf.
Greywillow: "He is like a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. Unbeknownst to our cousin what she considers her armada will become his."
Lyindrinar: "Then we must get there fast."
Greyoak: "Forgive me your majesty. I already took the liberty of sending a spy."
Amerriah is there at the fleet as a spy for Greyoak. She is one of Ashontrah's Avnomar. She is hooded and wearing a mask.
Pirate Troll: "Let's see that face beautiful..."
He goes to pull up the mask. Amerriah grabs his finger, twists it, and breaks it.
Then she twists his arm behind his back. Then she kicks him the back of the knee and his knee pops out. The other pirates are laughing.
Pirate: "I guess you are a man on the guns! Hahaha."
They applaud Amerriah as she walks off. She ends up on the main ship with Blacklace. They are sailing together.
Blacklace: "We need to east. Turn the ship."
There are three crew members trying to turn the big helm. Two Dark Elves and a Goblin.
Blacklace stand there: "What the eff is taking so long? Where's Haumga?" He was the Pirate Troll...
Pirate: "He is in the infirmary with a broken leg."
Blacklace: "Broken leg? How the eff did he break his leg?"
Pirate points at Amerriah: "She did it."
Blacklace looks at Amerriah: "And who the eff are you? And better yet, what the eff are you doing on my ship?"
Amerriah: "I have sought to come serve under the Pirate Queen. Seeking adventure."
Blacklace: "And who the eff recruited you because I sure didn't. What the eff is your name anyway?"
Amerriah: "My name is long but you may refer to me as Aye."
Blacklace: "Aye? Like the effing human alphabet? Well alright then Aye. Let me tell you then. You are going to earn the right to be on my ship or you can take your ass swimming home."
Amerriah: "I will prove my worth in battle Great Pirate Queen."
Blacklace: "Oh no. I don't think you are effing listening. You are going to prove your worth to me now or I am going to throw you off my ship!"
Blacklace hits Amerriah really hard and she goes flying backward. Amerriah quickly collects herself..
Blacklace: "Well come on you little skinny Elf bitch!"
Amerriah takes her weapons and places them aside. She is up the air kicking and punching in quick succession. She hits Blacklace a few times but the Pirate Queen mostly blocks them.
Blacklace grabs Amerriah by the back of her hood and head butts her. The pirates cheer of their Queen.
Amerriah gets back up...
Blacklace: "Ah look, she stands. I wonder if she can swim. What do you think lads? Do you think it is time for her to take an effing swim?"
Amerriah: "I will show you swim."
She starts striking hard at Blacklace. Every time the Pirate Queen goes to hit her she dodges. Blacklace goes to hit her and smashes the deck.
The Pirate Queen goes for powerful punch but Amerriah moves out the way and Blacklace cold clocks one of the pirates and launches him off the ship.
Blacklace: "That was my tailor you effing bitch!"
The Pirate Queen rushes forward. Ameriah side steps and trips Blacklace and she falls right on her face. All the pirates laugh until she looks up. Then she starts laughing.
Blacklace: "Ah you proved your worth to me lass. Let me welcome you aboard."
The Pirate Queen's fist starts glowing blue. She turns around and upper cuts Amerriah.
Amerriah is dazed and sees Blacklace standing over her with her hand reached out.
Amerriah takes it and Blacklace pulls her up...
Blacklace: "I like you lass. You are sassy. You can take a beating and look good doing it. Welcome aboard."
Amerriah's hood got knocked off but she quickly put it back up before the apprentice came to the deck.
Apprentice: "Has the battle begun?"
Blacklace looks at him: "What the eff are you doing up here? You are not a hostage. I cannot ransom ya. That means you are an effing passenger. That also means you are no better than an effing stowaway. So take your foul smelling ass back down below. I will call you when the time is ready."
The apprentice turns around and leaves.
Greyoak and Greywillow go to where Blacklace is going to make her first attack.
Helping the Gnomes...
Elven King Lyindrinar left his kingdom and he is riding by himself to where the gnomes are gathering. He was informed that the being is going after Little Flower.
If she gets infected then all gnomes will. This is going to have all the plants and trees tended by gnomes bloom with those deadly toxic purple flowers.
The Great Baron Yustaf made troll from the Blood Rose Vanguard into a turned one. He chose a troll because they can be unseen when they choose to be. They can take on the shapes of rocks and trees.
This troll is going to infect Little Flower. Lyindrinar needs to go to face him alone. If he took his Royal Guard they could be infected. This is a very big troll.
In the borderlands...
The turned one Jaholden from Part Three got a knock on his door. He goes down to open it. Piglet stands there and pukes up a scroll.
He picks it up and close the door. Piglet is disappointed she didn't get a treat.
Jaholden opens the scroll and a tiny Athranaak falls out.
The message says...
'I have need of you. This will take you where I need you to go when the time comes.'
He sits down and waits on a chair while holding the little Athranaak.
Back to the Gnomes...
Many are starting to arrive at the garden. Mimniya along with some of the other caretakers are greeting the arrivals. Jimjinn also arrives there. He is the brother of Mimniya.
Mimniya: "So many have come. It is just so splendid to have all of us gather here without the threat of trolls or any feeding on us. Our sacred flower will be able to speak to all of us gnomes all at once without fear."
This is the first time all the gnomes from everywhere have all gathered.
Jimjinn: "Yes all have come. How is our sacred Little Flower?"
Mimniya pulls him aside: "She has had dark dreams of late. She dreams of many blooming flowers but they bloom death."
Jimjinn is shocked: "What kind of flower would bloom death?"
Little Flower is resting but they hear her screaming. Mimniya is the one who tends to her most of the time.
Mimniya: "I must go see."
The gnome crowd is starting to notice...
Jimjinn: "I will get their attention."
Jimjinn walks up to the crowd: "Do not worry. The sacred Little Flower is only having a bad dream. Please continue."
Mimniya enters this little grove. In the center is a huge flower with the petals all folded up together. From inside you can hear someone having a bad dream.
Mimniya touches the flower and it opens. Inside is Little Flower. She awakens.
Little Flower has green skin. Her hair is yellow and blue. She has huge red eyelashes.
She has many red and orange markings on her skin. She looks like a cross between a gnome and an elf but she is only about 3 feet.
Mimniya comforts Little Flower...
Mimniya: "There there dear. That was just a bad dream."
Little Flower: "I fear they are more than dreams. It is the same flowers. The same ones that I see. Maybe we should send all of us home and not gather."
Mimniya: "Everything will be fine dear. You'll see. They are just bad dreams. Come we must get you ready."
Little Flower is prepared. She is hesitant to meet with the gnomes.
Mimniya: "It will be okay my dear."
Little Flower walks out and all the gnomes kneel. She invites the first one up.
This gnome gives her a little basket. Little Flower takes it and looks at it then smiles. She hands it to another gnome off the side.
Then Little Flower leans down and kisses the gnome on the head. Then another one comes up.
Lyindinar is riding very quickly on a unicorn.
Lyindinar: "Quickly my friend. There is no time."
The unicorn's eyes glow and he picks up speed.
At the Pirate Ships...
Blacklace: "Aye! Aye!"
Amerriah walks up to her...
Blacklace: "Come join me up here on the front deck."
Bloodblade: "The garrison in this town will be very strong. We will meet much resistance."
Blacklace draws her sword: "Good! The effing more the merrier."
The pirate crew cheers and agrees.
There is another Dark Elf pirate looking through a spy glass...
Pirate: "My Queen, you should see this."
Blacklace: "What is it?"
Pirate: "There is no garrison. Just a single figure standing at the docks."
The Pirate Queen takes the spyglass and looks. She sees an Avnomar standing there. It is Doumarae.
Blacklace looks back at Amerriah: "That kinfolk of yours?"
Amerriah: "No I am here alone."
The Pirate Queen hands the spyglass back to the pirate.
Blacklace: "Oh well, blow his effing ass away with the forward guns."
The Dark Elf looks through the spy glass again...
Pirate: "My Queen..."
Blacklace: "What the eff now? Do I have to effing load the cannons and shoot them myself?"
Pirate: "There are two others who have joined the one on the dock. They are dwarves."
Blacklace: "Dwarves? What the eff?"
She takes the spyglass and looks through it....
Blacklace: "Is that my effing cousins? It is!"
She hears commotion and screaming behind her. She sees some of her crew bust up from below. They are all pale and bleeding from their mouths. They are attacking the other crew members.
Something swift moves among them. Some of the pirates next to to Blacklace get needles stuck into them. They start bleeding from their mouths.
Blacklace: "What the eff is going on?!"
Amerriah shoves the Pirate Queen into the Dark Elf Pirate Commander. All these needles hit where they were standing.
A being leaps up onto the mast...
Blacklace: "It is the effing stowaway! Stop him!"
He leaps off the mast onto one of the other ships. He releases all these needles into the crew and starts changing them. He is jumping from ship to ship.
Blacklace: "We got to kill him! He is going to take my whole armada!"
Bloodblade: "My Queen we have other problems."
They turn around and all their crew has been turned. Amerriah draws her bow.
Blacklace: "Ah laddies..." They are coming after her.
Amerriah, Blacklace, and Bloodblade are holding their own and fighting against them.
The ships start crashing up on the shore.
Greywillow: "Are all the citizens away?"
Doumarae: "They are all safe."
Greyoak: "Then the time is now."
Doumarae puts his hands to his head and starts concentrating.
Greyoak starts spinning his hands and the sand on the shore spins up like a sand tornado. It is hitting the turned beings jumping off the ships.
Greywillow's eyes glow to look like lightning. She commands all the elements. This lighting comes down and hits ships and they catch fire.
Greywillow: "Doumarae now."
Doumarae brings her fire and lighting along with his sand tornado and multiplies them into fire lightning sand tornadoes.
Amerriah: "We have to get off the ship!"
Bloodblade is bashing skulls in with his head...
Bloodblade: "We have to get out of here my Queen."
Blacklace: "You two go and get to the shore. I am not leaving my ship."
Amerriah and Bloodblade jump off. Blacklace is on her ship surrounded by turned ones.
Blacklace: "This is my effing ship!"
She starts glowing blue and rushes through them. As she hits them they are falling apart. She must have the force of water or something in her where she hits like a tidal wave.
Some of her crew is still fighting along side her and see her fighting. This gives them courage to keep fighting.
Blackbade knocks all the turned ones off her ship. There is an explosion. She gets hit by cannon fire from another one of her armada ships.
She regains herself and grabs the spyglass and looks. She sees a ship firing at her from a distance. On top of the mast is that apprentice being.
He is pale white with quills all over his body. It is like is conducting the turned ones like puppets.
Blacklace: "Oh eff no!"
She grabs the helm that turns the ship and it turns towards him. She jumps up to the front of the ship...
Blacklace: "Alright you pin cushion asshole I am coming for you!"
She grabs her ship by the railings and starts glowing blue. The whole ship turns into a huge wave.
The quill being is like 'oh shit...' He jumps off right as she smashes into it.
The turned ones on there along with the ship goes flying apart. Many of them get crushed by the force of this wave.
Back on the shore...
Amerriah and Bloodblade make it to where Doumarae, Greyoak, and Greywillow are along with some of the surviving pirates. There are so many of the turned coming at them.
Greyoak: "We won't be able to hold them all for long."
Doumarae: "We won't have to."
They hear battle horns and from behind comes the Blood Rose Vanguard along with the Alfheim Army. Draena Silverleaf is leading it. Miuah Lunastar is also with her.
Draena: "Our friends are in need. Let us drive these foul things from this land." She draws her sword and gives the charge.
The first line are riding their horses and get on the backs of them and jump off. As they jump Greyoak uses the air to lift them. They go over the turned ones and land behind them.
Turned ones surround Greywillow. When they get close the sand turns into sharp spikes and impales them.
A huge turned ogre is almost on her. She doesn't see it yet. Amerriah shoots arrows through his knees.
Just as he is almost on top of her Bloodblade jumps over her and slices the turned one almost in half.
Greywillow: "Thank you."
Bloodblade: "Do you know what my Queen would do if she found out one of her cousins died? She would beat the living eff out of me."
Blacklace comes back with her ship. She jumps off...
Greyoak: "Glad you could join us cousin."
Blacklace: "I am not in the best of effing moods today cousin. I lost my effing armada."
A turned one tries to come up on her. She grabs it and crushes its neck.
Blacklace: "My crew turned into these effing things. That effing pin cushion escaped. So no cousin I am not very glad."
The Blood Rose Vanguard and Alfheim Army finish off the rest of the turned ones.
Amerriah greets Draena with the warrior embrace...
Amerriah: "You came just in time. Unfortunately it looks like that disciple of the Baron escaped."
Draena: "I will inform King Lyindrinar and he will inform Ashontrah."
Blacklace sees that all her fleet and armada are gone up in flames. Bloodblade joins her with what is left of her crew. Maybe on a dozen pirates.
Blacklace: "Well it looks like I got to effing start over again."
Bloodblade: "Draena Silverleaf is here. I think we should make our exist. We are wanted outlaws."
Doumarae: "That is true you are wanted outlaws. However, you have fought bravely here today. I think King Lyindrinar would have need of you."
Then he walks up to Blacklaces ship...
Doumarae: "It is a fascinating ship. It would make a grand flag ship of the royal fleet of Alfheim."
Blacklace: "If you think you are going to take my effing ship from me..."
Doumarae: "We wouldn't take it without an Admiral to command it. I will speak to Lyindrinar."
Blacklace: "An Admiral. I don't know. What does it pay?"
Draena: "We can promise you adventure, but we can also promise an honest life for you. A chance to redeem your wrongs. A chance to serve a better purpose greater than you own."
Blacklace: "Well I was getting bored of being a raider anyway. What about my first mate and crew?"
Draena: "They can come with you. They seem like fine sailors."
Blacklace: "They are the best. What's left of them."
Doumarae: "Then it is decided. You shall return with us to Alfheim. We shall propose this to King Lyindrinar."
Blacklace: "I have never been to Alfheim. I need something nice to wear. Someone made me knock my tailor off into the water. Looking at you Aye."
Amerriah: "There are many fine tailors in Alfheim."
Blacklace: "Alright then. Let us go to Alfheim. We can take my ship. Will you be joining us cousins?"
Greywillow: "I must return to the mountain."
Greyoak: "I will accompany you. I have a feeling I will be needed in Alfheim."
Blacklace: "Well don't just stand there. This ain't no effing pleasure cruise. Get on board! It is going to take a lot of us to sailor this thing."
Draena turns to Miuah: "Take the army back to Alfheim. We shall meet you there."
They board the ship...
Doumarae: "It will take us time to reach Alfheim by ship."
Blacklace: "You don't know my effing ship! Now sit your ass down, shut your mouth, and hold on. Enjoy the ride."
The Pirate Queen grabs the helm and glows blue. The whole ship starts glowing blue and just takes off and immense speed.
Blacklace: "I told you it is my effing ship. Aren't you my beauty?"
They are all holding on for dear life as it continues to move really fast.
The Pirate Queen looks to her First Mate Bloodblade...
Blacklace: "Do you think they are enjoying the ride?"
Bloodblade looks back at them. Draena seems like she is getting sick.
Bloodblade: "Loving it Admiral. They are loving it."
Back in the garden with the gnomes...
There are two gnome greeters standing at the entrance. They see a troll walk up. He is wearing a tabard with the Blood Rose banner on it.
Gnome #1: "You are welcome here friend troll."
Gnome #2: "He doesn't look very well. He looks like he is hurt."
The trolls comes up and collapses to his knees.
Gnome #1: "He is badly wounded."
Gnome #2: "Little Flower can help him."
They take his hands...
Gnome #1: "Come brother troll."
They lead him up to where the gnomes are gathered in front of Little Flower. She sees the troll.
Gnome #1: "This troll has come to us. He is hurt and wounded and needs healing. He wears the Blood Rose banner."
The troll walks toward Little Flower.
Mimniya steps in front of him: "This creature is tainted with evil."
She turns to Little Flower: "Run!"
Mimniya flash blinds the troll: "Everyone run!"
The troll is a turned one. He roars out purple gas. It goes over some of the gnomes and their eyes turn purple. Their skin goes dark and they collapse to the ground.
The troll looks for Little Flower. The gnomes are scattering around. As it looks for her he spews out gas.
As this gas hits the gnomes their eyes also turn purple, they go dark, and then fall to the ground.
Mimniya: "Little Flower!"
Jimjinn: "Sister, I have her over here."
The troll notices and starts chasing them. Mimniya picks up rocks and throws them at the troll. They flash at him. The trolls is catching up to them. He is almost up on top of her. She keeps throwing flashing stones.
A tree branch goes right through the troll's arm as he comes down on Mimniya. Other branches pierce into him.
Little Flower is floating in meditation controlling the tree. Vines wrap around the troll. The plants are attacking him.
He breaks the limbs of the tree and breaks free. He rips the tree out from its roots and throws it at Little Flower.
Jimjinn runs and jumps with all he has and pushes her off to the side before it hits her. He lands hard. Mimniya runs up to him.
Jimjinn: "Take her and go! Run!"
Mimniya and Little Flower are running. Jimjinn stands and pulls out a little dagger. The troll spews gas at him. Jimjinn collapses.
The troll continues his pursuit of Little Flower. She is tired. It took much of her energy to work with the tree and plants. She falls down.
Mimniya: "Come child. You must run!"
Little Flower: "I am so weak."
The troll is gets closer. Little Flower is laying in the ground. She puts her hand up towards the forest and it closes in a circle around them. The troll is angry. He is tearing his way trough it. Vines grow up all around to try and make a wall around them.
Little Flower's energy is exhausted and she collapses. Her head is in Mimniya's lap. The troll is breaking his way through. His claws pierce through the last layer and he rips it open.
Mimniya picks up a stone and it turns really bright...
Mimniya: "You will not have her!"
Then she throws it at him with all her might. It sticks between his ribs and explodes. It doesn't blow him up. It injures him enough to make him stumble.
Mimniya is breathing hard. It took a lot of energy for her to do that. She looks down at Little Flower.
Mimniya: "You are safe."
Then she the troll again. She looks over and he lifts his head up. There is a bleeding hole on his side where it exploded. He comes at her again.
The troll knocks Mimniya aside. He gets ready to unleash the gas upon Little Flower.
Then he gets hit in the eye with an arrow. More start hitting him. There is Lyindrinar jumping over the tree tops plucking arrows at the troll.
This knocks the troll back. Lyindrinar comes down and draws his sword. He is in between the troll and Little Flower.
Lyindrinar: "This is my Kingdom! These are my people! You will pay for what you have done." They are fighting.
In the borderlands...
Jaholden is still holding the tiny Athranaak. It starts to glow. He looks down at it and closes his fist around it. The glowing light flows through him and he disappears.
Back to Lyindrinar...
The troll has Lyindrinar pinned by both his arms. Lyindinar is resisting with all his strength. The troll gets ready to unleash the gas. Something hits the troll from underneath and cuts through him.
The troll roars and backs up. Lyindrinar rolls away and grabs his sword. Then the troll is hit again across the face.
Lyindinar turns around and sees Jaholden land on the ground with his sword.
The troll unleashes his gas on Jaholden. It goes around him and Jaholden waves it away from his face and looks up at him.
Jaholden: "Your breath is foul."
Then Jaholden spins and cuts the troll's tongue off. The troll tries to smash him but he moves swiftly away. Lyindrinar jumps on the trolls back and stabs him through.
The troll catchs Jaholden in his hand. He reaches around on his back and grabs Lyindrinar. He slams them into each other and they both go rolling.
It seems like something is speaking to the troll. He stops and listens and then goes back toward Little Flower.
Mimniya runs up and stabs him in the leg. He backhands her away. He picks up Little Flower and gets ready to do his breath.
Jaholden jumps on him and drives his sword through the troll's head. Lyindrinar jumps from the other side and decapitates him.
As the troll comes down Jaholden grabs Little Flower. The troll burns and melts away.
Lyindrinar: "You came just in time. I don't know who sent you but I am glad to see you."
Jaholden: "I had a debt to pay."
Little Flower wakes up. Mimniya comes over to her...
Mimniya: "Are you okay my dear?"
Little Flower perks up: "I must help them!"
She takes off running. They run after her. She comes to where all the gnomes are laying on the ground.
Mimniya gasps and puts her hands to her mouth.
Lyindrinar: "I was too late."
Jaholden: "They are not dead. They are under a powerful spell. One only she can break."
Little Flower is floating again in Lotus position. All the plants and trees start to grow flower buds. They bloom and pollen goes everywhere. It comes down on the gnomes and they get their color back.
Little Flower: "Time to wake up."
The gnomes start to awaken. They stand back up. Jimjinn runs up and embraces Mimniya.
They all see King Lyindinar and bow to him.
Lyindrinar: "I am very happy to see all of you alive and well."
Jaholden: "We must take Little Flower to your kingdom. She will not be safe here. I know my kind. Where there is one there are more."
Lyindrinar leans down: "I need you to come with me. You understand."
Little Flower: "I understand."
Lyindrinar: "Little Flower. Has that always been your name?"
Mimniya: "When we found her she was inside a flower. We never named her. We just called her Little Flower."
Lyindrinar: "Would you like a name?"
Little Flower: "I would love to have a name."
Lyindrinar: "Come with me to my kingdom where I can protect you and you can choose a name for yourself."
Little Flower: "I would like that."
Lyindrinar: "Then let us all return."
The gnome pilgramige is going to Alfheim. Lyindinar rides his unicorn with Little Flower sitting in front of him.
Mimniya and Jimjinn walk to the side. Jaholden is walking on the other side.
Lyindinar: "Jaholden I have an unsettling feeling about what you said back there. Where there is one there is more."
Jaholden: "There always is."
The Void...
This is where the events of this post tie in with the Void post that I plan to reveal for Part Six.
King Varidon is speaking with Corsiantha and Sariassa...
Varidon: "Corsiantha my Surpreme Chancelor, are all the Void citizens safe in the catacombs beneath the capital?"
Corsiantha: "They are cousin."
Varidon: "Then go and be with them. They will need you."
Sariassa: "I will stand beside you uncle."
Varidon: "No. If I am to fall save the people. They will need someone to lead them." He puts his hand on her shoulder. "Now go. Protect the Void."
Corsiantha: "I fear this is the last time I may see you cousin."
She gets a headache.
Varidon: "What is it?"
Corsiantha: "I had a strange dream as if I was taken by an unseen figure. I felt weak from it all day."
Varidon: "You must gather all your strength. Sariassa will need you to guide her if I am to fall."
Corsiantha: "You will stand alone against them all?"
Varidon: "Too many of my people have already fallen to them. I will not risk any more. Now go. You know the sacred passages that will lead you to the Nether."
Corsiantha: "I know them well." She looks around. "This is our home. It destroys me inside to think that these other beings will come and purify it and then consume it."
Varidon places his hand on her shoulder: "As long as I am King there will be a Void and we will have a home."
Corsiantha heads down to the same catacombs that Asherah was imprisoned in.
Sariassa waits for Corsiantha at the entrace. As Corsiantha walks up she holds her belly in pain. She feels weak. Then she regans herself.
Sariassa: "Are you alright?"
Corsiantha: "I feel a little faint but it must be from all the emotions. We must go to the people. Will you help me?"
Sariassa takes her by the arm.
To be continued in Part Six...
True Self Connection...
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