Titans and the Blood Rose

This starts with the interactions between Ashontrah with Zeus and Ares. The visits of Euravasiah and the invitation to a party. Then it is the grand finale of the core fusion with Epimetheus...
November 6th...
Message from Ares...
"Queen Ashontrah,
The Olympians are in your gratitude for saving us with your brilliance. We would like to throw a celebration in your honor, and shower you with our most valuable gifts. We hope you will agree to this. Zeus himself would like to bestow upon you a high honor. Would you attend?
Ashontrah: "I would love for both of us to attend the celebration. Tell Ares yes. Get the details for when."
Eura: "Shall I head there personally or send a letter?"
Ashontrah: "Go make an entrance and accept my invitation. Let me know what they say."
Eura goes to Mount Olympus and approaches the throne. Both Zeus and Ares are there speaking to one another. There are other Divine around speaking to one another. When Eura walks in the hall is silent and everyone stares at her. The only sound is her heels on the floor.
Eura: "Mighty King Zeus. Warrior Ares. I am Euravasiah. I am here to bring a message on behalf of Queen Ashontrah the Blood Rose. The Untouchable Merciless Crystal Beauty. She humbly accepts your request of this celebration in honor of her. She only asks when the date shall be."
Zeus: "The event will take place 3 days from now. In Midgard your time it will be on the 9th at 7pm. We will celebrate throughout the night."
Eura: "How grand."
Zeus: "You are more than welcome to attend as well. I am hoping we can become closer too."
Eura smiles.
Eura: "How interesting. I’ll think about it." She winks and waves goodbye.
Nov 7th...
Eura: "You have 1 new message from Zeus."
Ashontrah: "What is the message from Zeus?"
Message from Zeus...
Queen Ashontrah,
I enjoyed your gift sent to me last night. I am writing to you to not only inform you of a gift waiting for you at your upcoming celebration, but a meeting to take place the day after to discuss the full forging of our alliance together as House Titan and the Blood Rose Empire.
I also humbly request to partake in the pleasures of your gift once again coming forward. This will be part of the necessities I will require from our alliance. There will be a few others that shall be discussed at the meeting, but the gift known as Euravasiah will be a priority. I will see you at the celebration.
-King Zeus of House Titan.
Ashontrah: "'necessities I will require from our alliance'... ? He has requirements for our alliance? Full forging? Oh this should be interesting."
Eura: "It does not surprise me. The 'I scratch your back, you scratch mine' usually comes with more than just trust on both sides."
Ashontrah: "Zeus thinks I should be scratching his back?"
Eura: "I do not think he has seen your full power yet. No being can be compared to you. However since this is Zeus he thinks he is above all or at least equal to you. I do not expect any different. This meeting will be so interesting. I want to come."
Ashontrah: "Zeus insults me with his message. Thinking he can give me a list of demands for an alliance. He does not get to have you as a necessity. He doesn't get to make demands. I just saved their asses from the Bishberrin."
Eura: "Perhaps the celebration is their way of buttering you up for this alliance."
Ashontrah: "Zeus is entitled to nothing from me."
Eura: "Bring me with you. I want to be there and witness the drama."
Ashontrah: "He still owes me. Not just for saving them the other day, but because he set up a network of haters against Asherah and her Mind Power group."
Eura: "We will bring this up during the meeting. Do not worry M’Lady, by the time the meeting is over the Titan King himself will be at your feet."
Ashontrah: "They have no right to make demands upon my gift."
Eura: "I want to see these other necessities they must have for this alliance."
Ashontrah: "Do they think I am some sort of princess to be married off to an alliance? They have no idea who I am. I do not need them or their alliance. It is they who need me."
Eura: "I am giggling about the meeting. It will be quite interesting."
Zeus and Ares...
Zeus: "Ashontrah is child-like and is blinded by her own ambitions."
Ares: "This is a mistake she has made."
Zeus: "This is our in on it. We make her believe that we follow her. We make her believe it is in her best interest to marry this Titan.
As long as we make her believe this will empower her she will do this. She is like any other being and blinded by power. She neglects her true base.
She will make alliances, if she hasn't already, with those who know what we know about her. It is easy to bow to her.
That is the way things are done. That is the way things have always been done. She is naive to this fact. Her blindness is our gain."
Ashontrah and Euravasiah...
Ashontrah: "I know exactly what they are planning.
I am not going to their celebration. I should not have saved them from the Bishberrin.
You are to return to Zeus and Ares and say...
'My Queen Ashontrah has more important business to attend to that night and will not be coming to the celebration.'
I don't care about their gifts. They can throw them off the mountain."
Eura: "I say we go to this celebration and show them who you really are. All shall know the power of the Blood Rose."
Ashontrah: "They are insignificant. They are not worthy of my presence at their celebration."
Eura: "I am going to deliver the message."
Ashontrah: "If he had actually sought genuine respectful alliance with me he would have had it.
Since he is condescending about who I am and wants to just use me he has made me angry."
4:15pm Mount Olympus...
Eura approaches the throne. She knows Zeus is sitting there. Zeus notices her and smiles.
Zeus: "Ah you have returned. Have you come for another night with me? It will be my pleasure to be pleasured by you."
Zeus lifts her hand and kisses it.
Eura: "My Queen Ashontrah has more important business to attend to the night of the celebration and will not be coming."
Zeus: "Then we will reschedule."
Eura shakes her head.
Eura: "She will not be coming to any celebration. She is far too busy."
Zeus lifts his eyebrow and takes a step toward her.
Zeus: "What?"
Eura: "I have spoken. She is far too busy to come."
Zeus:" Well then... Messenger. That is unfortunate."
Zeus is glaring at Eura. His eyes slowly turn down and glares at the symbol on her chest. He slowly turns around and sits back on his throne.
Zeus: "Tell your Queen that although she will not come, I hope to meet with her soon."
He is still glaring at Eura. She turns around and leaves.
November 9th...
The Core Fusion...
Xarsha: "Killing Fey may also kill Epimetheus."
Ashontrah: "We don't have a choice. Fey'alleshea Fey works for the True Order. He is dangerous."
Atherak: "It is time to kill Fey."
Mevinah: "I have come as you asked."
Atherak: "Have you brought my Myrrdonite Athranaak?"
Mevinah: "Yes."
Atherak: "Have you sharpened your knives my Cutter?"
Mevinah: "To the finest sharpness with the sharpest edge."
Xarsha: "This will be interesting Master."
Atherak: "Yes it will. There are many foolish beings in this universe. Epimetheus is one of them. However he is only the fool because of his kind heart. It is what leads him to be so gullible to be taken by ones who would destroy him. Many judge him."
Xarsha: "According to the past of this existence that is quite true. Especially the Olympians among the Titans too."
Atherak: "That is where they are all wrong Xarsha. I am Judgement. I decide."
Xarsha: "Yes Master."
Atherak: "Bring me this vessel."
The physical is held in coils. Atherak pulls the spiritual.
Atherak: "You must be Fey."
Fey: "Yes and you are Atherak. I admire your work."
Atherak: "I seem to hear that a lot."
Fey: "So this the core fusion and that is my vessel right there I suppose."
Atherak: "You are right about one thing. This is a core fusion. What you are wrong about... that is not your vessel."
Fey: "But Epimetheus..."
Atherak: "You are not Epimetheus. Arku saw in Epimetheus what others didn't see. And here you come taking advantage of the whole situation.
In Asherah's royal guard Epimetheus had been placed where ones didn't look at him as a fool. When she was gone his heart broke.
His place was gone. You took advantage of that. You put him back to where he was before. The status of a fool."
Fey: "He is a fool. I made him powerful."
Atherak: "You made him nothing."
Fey: "I can show you great power Atherak. If the Bishberrin can devour you I can do much more."
Atherak: "Where does your power come from?"
Fey: "Since all truths are being revealed you know where my power comes from."
Atherak: "Old Shaderell huh? What did he promise you?"
Fey: "A kingdom of my own."
Atherak: "Well Fey, I hate to disappoint you but that is not going to happen."
Fey: "It will. Shaderell has the secret to destroying you. Even now he seeks allies and they will bring you down Atherak. They plot against you now."
Atherak: "Same old game. I have been through this before. The plot to get rid of Judgement and escape."
Fey: "You are blind. You will fall."
Atherak: "One day maybe but not by you. Not by Shaderell. Not by the True Order. Not by the Varkar. Time to go Fey..."
Atherak cuts Fey's throat. As the blood spills out Fey starts to wither and decay.
Fey gurgles and spurts out blood from his mouth...
Atherak: "Where are you keeping Epimetheus?"
Atherak rips apart Fey's chest cavity and rips out a dead Epimetheus.
Xarsha: "He is dead Master. The spirit is starting to transcend."
Atherak: "No. Not yet."
Coils wrap around the body of Epimetheus and suspend him.
Atherak: "Mevinah time to go to work."
Atherak encloses Mevinah with Epimetheus inside an Athranaak. There is the sound of flesh cutting, slicing, and sewing. Blood drips from small holes in the bottom of the Athranaak.
Fey wakes up dead...
Atherak: "I was wondering when you were going to wake up. What to do with you Fey."
Fey: "I will be meant to suffer."
Atherak: "Tell me, what were you saying when you were trying to speak to me spitting up everywhere like a sick baby?"
Fey: "Your doom is sealed Atherak."
Atherak: "By who? Shaderell?"
Fey: "And the Varkar."
Atherak: "I am sure whatever they have in store for me will be quite entertaining."
Fey: "Your judgement is coming."
Atherak: "One day it will. You see Fey, judgement comes for all of us. Before it comes for me it will come for all of you.
Ones like Shaderell, the True Order, the Varkar... well, it looks like the weight of the scales are in favor of their damnation.
Now for the matter of you..."
Xarsha: "We should liquefy him Master."
Atherak: "No. I have something else."
A coil worm comes out of Atherak's hand...
Atherak: "Open your mouth Fey."
The coil worm goes down Fey's throat. He is on all fours gagging. He starts to change and mutate. His spine breaks as his body twists around.
Xarsha: "What shall we do with Fey?"
Atherak: "Send him to the rot wastelands."
Xarsha: "Mevinah is complete with his task."
Mevinah: "He is a fine piece of work Master. One of my best."
Atherak: "My Cutter... always making me gifts. Let's see this."
Atherak does the Core Fusion...
Atherak: "I bring the spiritual and the physical together."
The coils sew...
Atherak: "Wake up Epimetheus."
Epimetheus: "Where am I?"
Atherak: "In the borderlands."
Epimetheus: "Then my foolishness has brought me here."
Atherak: "Fey brought you here."
Epimetheus: "Fey changed me."
Atherak: "And I changed you into something else."
Epimetheus looks at himself. He is sewn together.
Atherak: "Does it horrify you?"
Epimetheus: "For all that I have been through you would think that it would. But it doesn't."
Atherak: "I combine your spiritual core and your physical essence and all its abilities from here and forever more. I bless this fusion."
Atherak: "Stand Epimetheus. Become the second..."
Epimetheus: "What am I the second of?"
Xarsha: "You are like me now. A Myrrdonite with a vessel. So graciously allowed to you by the Master."
Epimetheus: "I thought Myrrdonites were made from the most wicked of beings?"
Atherak: "They used to be and then I undid them. Why should those who caused pain and suffering throughout their existence be allowed to cause it here in the borderlands and indulge themselves on it?
I undid them all. They are all now receiving a judgement that they avoided for so long. I need new Myrrdonite. Ones who would sacrifice themselves. Ones like you."
Epimetheus: "Would my spiritual be able to leave this place?"
Atherak: "Only for short times. Only when I allow it. But you may keep your vessel. You served Asherah well. You sacrificed yourself to become something more powerful. You were tricked. Fooled by your mourning for Asherah."
Epimetheus: "I have always been the fool."
Atherak: "You are not the most foolish one of them all."
Epimetheus: "Will I still be able to serve Ashontrah?"
Atherak: "Yes, but you will serve me now. You can refuse... Your vessel will die and you will remain here in the borderlands. Or you can accept this offering I give you so graciously.
Treated as the fool by so many when they are the fools themselves. I want them punished. Accept my gift and they will no longer know you as the fool."
Epimetheus: "I accept."
Atherak: "I have your first job."
Epimetheus: "What must I do?"
Atherak: "Return to Mount Olympus. Right now there is a little orgy going on. Ares way of honoring Ashontrah. This defilement and disrespect, this foolish way, I want it corrected."
Epimetheus: "I shall correct it."
In Ares chamber at Mount Olympus...
Ares has three of his priestesses painted up looking like Ashontrah... Pink hair, pink skin.
Ares is doing sexual things with them. They are pretending to be Ashontrah. They are calling him Master and that only he can please them.
Ares: "Ah the fucking candles are going down again. My Great Queen Ashontrah get your ass up and light some more candles."
Priestess: "Of course my true love Ares. My King. My Master."
She freaks out like she sees a ghost...
Ares: "What is taking so long over there? I have so much more for the Blood Rose Queen to swallow."
Ares: "Epimetheus? What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were gone? What the fuck happened to you? You look like shit man.
Whoever put you back together are a bigger fool than you are Epimetheus. Did they tell you they would give you great power?"
Epimetheus: "You are acting a fool here Ares. You are defiling the name of the Blood Rose Queen Ashontrah. I cannot allow this.'
Ares: "What do you mean you cannot allow this? I am just warming these bitches up. I am warming myself up.
Maybe you should go tell Ashontrah what you saw here so she can prepare herself for the all mighty Ares's cock.
You want to see? You like my little Ashontrahs? Let me show you how she will be with me."
Ares: "Great Blood Rose Queen come over here and lick my ass."
Priestess: "As you command my great beloved Ares."
Epimetheus sent a core through the priestess and impales her.
Ares: "What the hell are you doing?"
Epimetheus: "Taking away your disgusting playthings."
Two more coils come from his fingers and impale the others.
Ares: "You kill my fucking things and I will kill you. Permanently leave this time."
Ares draws his sword and stabs Epimetheus.
Ares: "So long fool."
Epimetheus digs his thumbs into Ares' eyes and his fingers into his head.
Epimetheus: "You are the one who has been a fool. You have defiled the sanctity of the Blood Rose Queen Ashontrah. You have been judged."
Epimetehus rips Ares in half by his skull. Ares is dead.
Epimetheus: "I have corrected it Master."
Atherak: "Very good. You did well Epimetheus."
Xarsha: "He may have angered Zeus by doing this."
Atherak: "Oh yes he has."
Epimetheus: "I don't care. I won't let anyone defile the Blood Rose Queen Ashontrah."
Epimetheus looks down at his hands with the blood of Ares all over them.
Atherak: "You want to wash up?"
Epimetheus: "No. I like the blood." He paints it on his face.
Atherak laughs: "It is time to start cleaning this existence of all the fools. Anyone who defiles the Great Balancer shall be judged."
Xarsha: "What should be done with Ares?"
Atherak: "Transcend him."
Xarsha: "Are you sure Master?"
Atherak: "The worst fate for Ares would be to keep him in a place of peace and calm."
Xarsha: "Like his own personal hell."
Atherak: "Oh yes. There are many other Gods of War. Time for that one to retire."
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