The Fall of the Oracle Queen and the Destruction of House Griffin's Palace

11/16 (sometime in the evening before 8 PM CST) - Asteria and Balmorder arrive at House Griffin. They are scouting. Asteria looks upon their land with disgust. The corruption runs deep and flows through the veins of the soil.
Balmorder: "The King. Who is he? It has been a long time since I've visited the Great Houses."
Asteria: "Htoveg you mean? I do not know much about him."
Balmorder does not say anything in response. They continue to scout from the shadows. Asteria sees two griffins pass by and overhears them speaking about the Great Houses and what is going on.
Asteria: "Useless petty gossip. We will not learn anything here. Shall we pay a visit to the King?"
Balmorder: "We shall."
Asteria and Balmorder arrive at where the king resides. A palace built into the side of a large mountain.
They stick to the shadows. This is merely starting out as a scouting mission. The real fun will begin soon.
Asteria stares intently at the King. "A coward. He gives approval for Griffin bonds that are not even of any benefit to the parties in question. It is all about politics and laws. Pay a pretty price and he will overlook anything. All too similar to the greed of dragons."
Balmorder: "He would be fun to toy with."
Asteria: "Oh, I'm sure he would be."
Arella to Asteria: I thought you did not know much about the King? "I don't. I have never had any interactions with him personally. Just because I don't *know* him doesn't mean I do not have information about him."
Asteria is wandering around admiring the palace with a smug look on her face.
Asteria: "Maybe we do not have to kill anyone yet. What do you say to destroying this palace? It is unnecessary for someone like him. He does not deserve it."
Balmorder: "Whatever you want to do I am fine with. Destroying the main palace of House Griffin would be enjoyable."
Asteria sits down on a balustrade on a balcony and hangs her feet over the edge. She knows it is not time to make any decisions yet.
Balmorder: "I am surprised that you came to me for help on this." Asteria does not say anything and continues to think.
Balmorder: "Not going to grace me with an answer? I like hearing your voice."
Asteria: "You know why I asked for your help."
Balmorder chuckles. "I know, but I would like to hear you say it." Asteria does not say anything again. Balmorder gets the hint.
When Asteria is silent like this, it usually means she's deep in thought or has realized something. It seems like she will put her plans on hold and just continue scouting with Balmorder.
Asteria: "Griffins with their powerful eyes, yet they cannot see us. Funny, isn't it?"
Balmorder: "Yes, they are dust compared to us."
(I did not get the timestamps for all of this, but it happened before the Timewalkers post).
9:06 PM CST - Arella: "Asteria wanted your permission to destroy the palace in House Griffin. She said the King does not deserve it. Or is there something else you'd prefer she and Balmorder do? She wants to cause a bit of chaos and stir things up."
Ashontrah: Yes go for it. Melkor is coming you to House Griffin to help.
Asteria: "Oh how lovely, this will be exciting."
Asteria to Balmorder: "So much commotion. I suppose now is the time. Melkor is coming, are you fine with that?"
Balmorder: "The more the better. We can cause more damage that way."
Asteria: "Very well. I will go down below. You start in the throne room."
Asteria: "I've always wondered what it would be like to blow a hole in the side of a mountain."
9:14 PM Melkor arrives. Balmorder and Melkor will begin to destroy the throne room first to cause a distraction and stir up some chaos. In the meantime, she will weaken the foundation so that they can bring the whole thing down.
Asteria: "It does not matter who is inside. Casualties of war."
Her shadows seep into every crack and hole in the foundation. Starting from the bottom and making their way up. Then once it is weakened she will deliver the final blow with Melkor and Balmorder. It needs plenty of force.
She is chanting and focusing her intensity into her shadows. You can hear Balmorder causing a good bit of damage up above. Melkor is assisting him. Plenty of noise and destruction.
You can hear some griffins shouting, no one knows who Balmorder is and they are trying to attack him and Melkor. There is plenty of bloodshed, it is only fueling Asteria even more.
Asteria finishes with her shadows. They are quickly spreading throughout the palace structure. If you listen closely, you can hear the groaning and cracking of the palace from the inside, it is being weakened. Asteria goes up above. No one recognizes her either because she is entirely cloaked from head to toe.
Asteria: "Are you ready? I need both of you for this. I want us three to take this whole thing down. I'm tired of watching them scramble."
Balmorder was wrestling with a griffin and ripped its head off completely. He grins at Asteria. "About time."
They are preparing to take it down while also taking care of incoming attacks. All three send a deadly blow to the foundation. It begins to crumble. The whole thing starts coming down. It is absolutely chaotic. The noise, the sights, the smells. The palace towers plunge down the mountain. It is satisfying to watch.
Ashontrah: "I am so happy. I think I should go to the Core of Ten and take their power source."
Asteria to Ashontrah: "A wonderful idea my dear, I approve. You should go for it."
Asteria to Melkor and Balmorder: "How perfect. They can deal with this mess. Let's take our leave. I will have to come up with a new plan. I would like to target House Oracle next."
Ashontrah: "Go for it... They should be powerless now..."
Asteria: "I will take what I want, and then I shall burn that library. A new cycle means a new history. I do not care for what knowledge House Oracle has of the past.
House Oracle was defiled by that impostor of a Queen. I want her head as a trophy."
Arella to Ashontrah: "The Great Houses severely underestimated you and those that follow you. I am not surprised. They deserve what is coming to them."
Asteria is watching House Oracle from afar. Not all that reside there are very powerful, but she knows that there are some that would be able to see her in the shadows.
9:46 PM Asteria: "I will go in alone. I want to approach the Oracle Queen myself. I want to see the look on her face when I reveal myself. You two can come on my signal."
Balmorder: "What will your signal be?"
Asteria: "You'll know when you see it."
Ashontrah: "Oh I am on the edge of my seat!"
Asteria approaches the gates of House Oracle. Upon arriving, she encounters two androgynous beings wearing white robes, standing on each side of the gate.
Guard #1: "State your business."
Guard #2: "What is your reason for being here?"
Asteria: "I wish to see the Queen, I have some knowledge that may benefit her. I've heard of a plot to assassinate her by someone she knows."
Guard #1: "Take off your hood."
Guard #2: "Let us see your face."
The way they talk irks Asteria. She raises her hands in a gesture that she is going to take off her hood. Instead, two of her shadows shoot out and enclose around their faces.
Asteria: "Now, show me what you know." She closes her eyes and sees images.
The Oracle Queen is not currently at the grand hall at her throne. She is elsewhere. This is all they know. Asteria sighs and retracts her shadows. The two beings drop to the ground.
Asteria: "You want to play hide and seek, do you? Let's play then." She phases through the gate.
Ashontrah: "You are amazing!"
Asteria is being swift, she can't risk being noticed by anyone. She is shadow-walking to avoid being noticed. She is making her way to the grand hall.
Asteria: "Surely there is someone who knows where she is." She sees someone she recognizes. "I can use her."
She grabs her with her shadows and pulls her somewhere where they can't be seen. The Oracle had no time to react and a shadow encloses around her face. "Let's see what you know."
She repeats the same process she did with the guards. "Nothing good." She tosses the Oracle behind a building.
Ashontrah: "Oh my you should compile this into a post. It is too good."
Arella: "I will once this is over with."
Asteria: "How does no one know where their Queen is? Not even the guards? This is beginning to get annoying."
Everything is strangely calm in House Oracle. They don't seem worried about anything. Everyone is going about their business.
Asteria goes up to an Oracle and grabs their face "You." Her shadows completely overtake them. "Go be my scout. Relay anything interesting to my shadows."
Asteria is still looking around. "So sad that these beings think they will find true knowledge here."
Ashontrah: "Yeah it is pretty sad."
Asteria: "So many young beings are pulled in by the false promises of this House. Brainwashed to be a perfect student."
Asteria is getting emotional about this. It angers and saddens her. House Oracle was once a great place where intelligent and knowledgeable beings could be nurtured. However, it is no longer.
Ashontrah: "Corruption ruins what was once beautiful."
10:11 PM Asteria: "Where are you hiding little Queen? Come out and play with me. I'm sure you'd love to hear everything I learned about you.
Surely a powerful Oracle like yourself could stand a chance against me? Come out, come out.
Oh, it seems my scout has come in handy. She overheard something about the Queen...
A vacation in the hills? Why am I not surprised. Trying to escape all the drama. Or perhaps trying to escape me. Let's see if I can find you now little Queen."
There are hills to the east of House Oracle. This is where some of the more powerful beings of House Oracle reside. Big fancy homes, mansions, and villas.
Asteria: "I think this will be a showdown. She is expecting the old Asteria to attack her, but she has no idea who I truly am. She's made a grave mistake choosing to hide here.
No use in hiding. There is no cover on the way to the hills. Just open plains and a long dirt road. She will see me coming. I am her doom, the shadow comes to consume everything she's achieved."
10:26 PM Asteria runs across the plains, approaching the hills. As she does, darkness begins to cover the sky and a mist of shadow starts to envelop the land. This is a testament to Asteria's anger. Now everyone in House Oracle shall know that the Shadow is here.
This is also the signal for Balmorder and Melkor. She instructed them to destroy the grand hall and any buildings they can in the surrounding area. She also asked that the libraries be burned if possible. Every book, scroll, text, etc should be destroyed.
Asteria has reached the first house at the foot of the hill. She gazes at it intently. "Kill everyone inside." Her shadows seep in. The powerful Oracles she will have to deal with directly instead of leaving to her shadows.
In the distance, you can hear the chaos and destruction at the grand hall.
Asteria ascends the hill and comes across two Oracles waiting for her. She stops and stands not too far from them. They do not speak or approach her. She waits.
Oracle #1: "This is treason Asteria. Think of what you are doing. You can still redeem yourself. Cease your attacks."
An anger boils inside of Asteria. "Treason, huh? I could say the same about that impostor Queen of yours. You both know that she is not the real Queen, yet you still serve her. Why?
Oh wait, I know why. Because all you seek is power. I have no intention of being a kiss ass."
They seem to take offense to this. Oracle #1: "If you will not listen, then we will have to take you on ourselves. We serve our Queen to the very end!"
Asteria: "That works out well for me then."
Asteria shadow-walks to the first one and slices the side of their neck. "You know, it always pisses me off that you guys are in pairs." One of her shadows grabs the other Oracle's leg and yanks them into the air and then slams them into the ground.
Asteria: "Think you can defeat me with your measly knowledge and Oracle sight? You are powerless, even with weapons."
She gets on top of the first one and stabs them in the heart. "I hope your sacrifice was worth it."
The other one is still recovering from being slammed into the ground so hard. Asteria stands up and approaches them.
Oracle #2: "Wait, please no! I will tell you where the Queen is, please spare my life!" This is the Oracle that did not speak earlier.
Asteria: "Oh, a smart one are you? Get up." She yanks the Oracle by their robe and stands them up. "Let's see if you are true to your word. Bring me to her."
Oracle #2: "I will, I swear! But I should warn you, there are more Oracles waiting as you approach the top of the hill. The Queen sent them out to keep you at bay."
10:43 PM Asteria continues up the hill with the Oracle. She comes across two more Oracles. This time they are different. One is peeking out from behind a building to her right, and another one to her left doing the same. These ones are short and have big black eyes with red pupils. They are staring at her.
Asteria had a grip on the Oracle Medrya's robe, as she now knows him by, and shoves him to the ground.
Asteria: "Well come on, I'm ready. Or do you think all that glaring will eventually make my head explode?" Asteria takes notice of their hands "Oh, you are the magic type. Two can play at that game. Or three technically..."
She creates a field of shadow around herself and takes a few steps towards them. The Oracles look like twins, same height, skin color, eyes, and hair color. They are both naked save for a white cloak. They have no defining body parts. No genitals, breasts, or nipples. Their skin is a dark green-blue color and their hair is dark brown.
Asteria feels rumbling beneath her. They have earth magic. The ground below her is shaking. She jumps backward in time as another of the same being pops out of the hole. Three of them...
Asteria: "Well, now we have the whole gang! You guys look fun to play with. Shall we?"
She shadow-walks to the left and throws a shadow dagger at the being to the right. They dodge and go underground. They are like moles.
Asteria dodges continuous attacks from the ones that were underground. The one on the left hasn't moved yet. She gets annoyed at the other two and grabs the one on the left by the face with her shadows and throws her down the hill.
Asteria: "She seemed rather dumb. You two however... looks like I'll have to play some whack-a-mole."
Asteria is using the buildings around her and bringing big pieces to the ground trying to crush them. She is getting annoyed. She does not like these beings.
Asteria: "Trying to play me for a fool? Thinking you can distract me? You are wrong." Her shadows go underground and catch one by the ankle. She pulls them out and crushes the bones in their arms and legs. "Now for the other two. Keep searching!"
The shadows get another one, wrapping around their waist and then around their neck. The shadows are suffocating it.
"Where is the one I threw? Surely she is not dumb enough to leave her sisters behind." The shadows search for her. Turns out that she was thrown so harshly that her skull cracked and caved in on the way down.
11:06 PM Asteria: "Three less pests to deal with. Let's go Medrya." He was cowering in a spot away from the scene of the battle. He follows. They continue up the hill.
Asteria: "Tell me Medrya, what's your story?"
Medrya hesitates a bit. "I've been here a long time, but I have not always agreed with the Queen's ways."
Asteria: "The impostor Queen you mean?"
Medrya: "Yes."
Asteria: "Why do you choose to betray her now?"
Medrya gives her an odd look like that should be obvious. "I would prefer not to die because of her."
Asteria doesn't say anything for a bit. "You mean you would prefer not to sacrifice yourself for someone like her."
Medrya: "Yes. I certainly don't want to die by your hands either. You may be a traitor but I admire what you used to do here."
Asteria: "I am not a traitor, watch your tongue."
Medrya freezes up. "Y-yes, I'm sorry..." He stops talking.
11:17 PM Asteria: "I have not seen anyone new, yet we are beginning to approach the top of the hill. Where did you say the Queen was again?"
Medrya "Um, at the top of the hill, in that building." He points to a building to the left, it is taller than most of the others. "She should be on the fifth or sixth floor I think."
Asteria: "You are wise to assist me Medrya. But don't forget, if I've learned that you've tricked me somehow, I will not hesitate to end you."
Medrya is visibly afraid. "I swear, I am not. I would never. I couldn't bring myself to stand against someone as terrifying as you..." Asteria seems satisfied with his response.
11:21 PM They reach the top of the hill, the terrain is now much flatter.
Asteria: "We are not without company. There are those who are watching us. I believe they are only here to observe however...
If you wish to challenge me, come out now. I am gracing you with my presence instead of residing in the shadows. You should show me the same respect." It is silent, Asteria waits.
Asteria spins around and slices something with her shadows. They are invisible. "Is this how you are going to play? How cowardly of you. Come and face me like a real man. I know exactly who you are." A man reveals himself. He has armor on and brown hair. He is a humanoid.
Asteria: "If it isn't the Oracle Queen's boy toy. You're looking well. Tell me, is the sex good? Surely it has to be if you are still around." The man scowls at her remarks.
Boy Toy: "Your taunts mean nothing to me Asteria. I stand here today to defend my Queen against your senseless attacks.
Look at all the damage you and your friends have caused. You are beyond the point of return."
Asteria: "I had no intention of returning." She conjures a sword out of shadow. "Shall we have a duel?"
He pulls out his sword. The duel begins. They are circling, eyeing each other. Asteria is relaxed while he seems tense.
Asteria: "You must be the final boss. I really thought she would send out more than what I encountered. Or was she confident in her choices? The first batch was too easy." She gestures to Medrya.
Boy Toy scowls at him. "You coward. You'll pay for this, the Queen will make sure of it."
Asteria: "Only I get to decide that. He is a prisoner of war now, and he shall be mine in that regard. A higher-up like him should have plenty of knowledge." She charges and catches Boy Toy off-guard. Their swords clash.
Asteria gets up in his face. "I'd love to cut the skin off your pretty face and present it to the Queen myself." She steps back from him but still has her sword at the ready.
Boy Toy: "What do you get out of this? You are destroying everything, you would have nothing to rule over!"
Asteria: "I do not intend to rule this place. I am doing this for my own Queen, Ashontrah the Blood Rose. This is for her. This is my gift to her. Destroying that which opposes her."
Boy toy: "That bitch! So my Queen was right, you are delusional. You are only following her because she wants to take over this existence! You are despicable."
Asteria laughs. It is menacing. Boy Toy visibly shivers from her laugh.
Asteria: "You amuse me, you would make a wonderful rat for my shadows to devour.
Less talk, more play. Come. Fight me like the coward you are in that full body armor of yours."
Ashontrah: "You are so badass."
Boy Toy is angry. They are still dueling. It does not even seem like Asteria is putting in any effort. Boy Toy is not an Oracle. He is not very powerful either. He's just a pretty sex toy for the Oracle Queen.
Arella: "What was the Oracle Queen thinking using him to fight against Asteria? She must be desperate."
Ashontrah: "Or is he a distraction for another attacker?"
Arella: "Asteria's considered that. There are Oracles that are cloaked watching this fight. They are more powerful than boy toy. She is not leaving anything out of the question. She thinks they might attack her once she is finished with boy toy."
11:45 PM Asteria: "Woops." She slices his head clean off. "Didn't mean to do that, but he was getting boring. Do you have anything else for me? Or can I see the Queen now?"
Ashontrah: "Do you have Melkor with you as backup?"
Asteria: "They are probably about done with what I asked, they should be arriving soon if so. I can send a signal if-" Asteria is interrupted by an attack. She dodged it. An invisible arrow was launched at her from behind.
Asteria: "You Oracles are starting to infuriate me. I come here with no tricks or illusions up my sleeve and yet you disgrace me by cloaking yourselves?!
Is this how you play your games?! With trickery and illusion? I thought Oracles were all about truth. Seems like you choose to hide behind lies instead.
Come. You will see that even my power can see through your lies. You cannot hide from the shadows."
Her shadows spread across the ground and go deep into the soil. There are three cloaked beings ahead of her at varying distances and one to her left. Balmorder and Melkor are on their way, she can sense them.
Asteria: "Your moles dug too many tunnels. Makes it all the easier to sense everything going on in these hills. My shadows see everything."
The one that was closest to her teleported directly in front of her. She tried to counter their attack but was pushed to the ground. Her shadows start wrapping around the being like snakes. You can hear faint gargling noises and the sound of flesh. Her shadows are eating the flesh from the inside out.
Asteria chuckles. "Let's see if you bastards can get close to me like this."
You can sense the other beings look at each other and back at their dying comrade.
11:59 PM Balmorder and Melkor arrive. They see Asteria dusting the grass and dirt off of herself.
Asteria: "One to my left, two in front of me. Cloaked. I'm sure you two can sense them as well. My shadows also help give an impression of where they are.
I'll handle the farthest one."
She shadow-walks to them and engages in hand-to-hand combat. She is trying to create an opening for her shadows. Both she and the being are very fast. Melkor kills the one that was previously to the left of Asteria and Balmorder approaches the other one.
Asteria is pushed back by the being but does not fall to the ground. "Hmm, I see my intuition was right. You are the most powerful yet you were in the back. Who are you? I would love to see."
She hears the sounds of Balmorder killing the other one in the background. Now there is one remaining. Melkor and Balmorder approach.
Asteria: "Grace us with your face. I would appreciate it oh so much."
The being does not say anything. Asteria is annoyed. "No? I suppose we'll have to kill you then. My time has been wasted long enough."
The being is incredibly fast. He teleported and did something to the side of Asteria's neck, it felt like a smack to her. She stumbles a bit. He is taunting her.
Melkor attacks and the being dodges the attack but is grazed by it. Asteria notices this and casts a shadow towards his arm. It wraps around quickly and makes its way up to his shoulder. The being tries to pull it off, but cannot.
Suddenly he disappears. He is no longer on the hill...
Ashontrah: "Hmmm where did he go?"
Asteria looks around. "I was playing, but now I am the one being played. I can't do anything about him right now. Let's go see the Queen."
Arella: "It could be someone Asteria knows from her time at House Oracle, considering the way he taunted her... I don't know why he would up and disappear though."
12:13 AM They enter the building that Medrya talked about. Asteria's shadows have already completely taken over the first and second floors. There was no one on these floors.
Asteria: "The fifth floor you said Medrya?"
Medrya: "Yes, or perhaps the sixth."
Balmorder: "If this punk is fooling us-"
Asteria: "He's not."
They are on the second floor and making their way up.
Asteria: "Medrya, the one I was fighting. Do you know who they are?"
Medrya: "I do not."
12:17 AM They reach the third floor and Asteria suddenly becomes very tired. She stumbles a bit and Balmorder catches her by her arm.
Asteria: "This is not right..."
Melkor: "What is it?"
Her shadows are coming back to her. They sense something wrong.
Asteria: "That tricky bastard must've done something when he hit me. This is why I do not like cloaked beings. You never know what they have on them."
Ashontrah: "I am sending the Avnomar to you."
Asteria is finding it hard to stand, she's getting angry. "I wanted her head. This is not fair. This was not a fair game. She is a dirty player."
Ashontrah: "Eeyanna is a healer and one of my Avnomar. She may be able to restore you so you can continue."
Asteria: "Thank you my Queen, but she has already left the hill... she just wanted some entertainment and now she is leaving me in the dust. I do not know where she will go now that her hall is destroyed, as is the libraries."
Ashontrah: "This makes me angry. She is a coward to not face you.
I am sending a small puzzle. Press the button on it and it will take you to the Oracle Queen. You can take your allies with you."
They are leaving the building. Melkor went up to the fifth and sixth floors just to check, but the Oracle Queen left nothing behind.
Ashontrah: "No more hiding for the Oracle Queen."
Asteria: "Thank you doesn't even begin to express my gratitude. I've wanted this for so long. To catch her when she thought she could escape would be more than satisfying."
Ashontrah: "I am wrapping up all the Oracle Queen's guards even though I am not there. She is all yours. I killed them all. 20 of them."
Asteria: "I see your Avnomar. I will take a moment to let Eeyanna heal me and then the Oracle Queen will experience my true wrath. No one escapes me."
Ashontrah: "30 more guards come. I am wrapping and killing them. Now 10 priests. They shall suffer the same."
Asteria: "How many guards does she need? How pathetic. It shows much of the confidence in herself."
Ashontrah: "It is funny because they are fighting against it but there is no one there. I am no where near there. The priests put up a good fight, but they are dead."
Asteria is being healed by Eeyanna. Her shadows are naturally self-rejuvenating so they are also aiding in the process. She is fired up. She will not rest until she has the Oracle Queen's head.
Ashontrah: "A threat was looming on Asteria. I put a stop on it. I shall deliver him to Melkor."
Arella: "There are no words for how much I appreciate you."
Ashontrah: "Melkor is fighting it now. It is a daemon. Granting the power of the daemon over to Melkor... Commence transfer...
He has defeated the daemon."
Asteria: "Ah, I am already feeling so much better. Even better than before. Listening to boy toy's idiotic ramblings was probably what dealt the most damage.
Your help is more than appreciated Ashontrah dear. This means much to me. I think I am ready now. Time to use this puzzle."
Ashontrah: "She is alone now. I made sure of it."
Asteria: "Good. No more surprises. Just me, her, and a good old fashioned duel."
Ashontrah: "She may still play dirty."
Asteria presses the button on the puzzle. "Medrya, I'd like you to be my witness as an Oracle of this House. Watch me decapitate your Queen."
Ashontrah: "Take Melkor with you."
12:51 AM They go through. They are no longer in House Oracle. It could be the Nature Realm, but I am unsure. There are trees and grass. A village to the left. A mansion to the right. Obviously, the Queen would stay in the mansion. It is almost like a mini castle.
Asteria: "She's always had a taste for the richer things..." They approach the mansion.
She conjures a shadow dagger. She thrusts it at one of the windows, it impales the glass but does not shatter it. "As I thought, there is a magic barrier shrouding this building."
Ashontrah: "Wait... there is a trap. Oh you spotted it."
Asteria: "This is no matter, this can be dispelled in no time." She begins to work on the barrier with her shadows.
Ashontrah: "The Oracle Queen is about to play a game. She has a fun house set up for you."
Asteria: "A fun house, eh? Since when was she about trickery? Has she been in cohorts with Vustik? I wouldn't be surprised."
The magic barrier is down. Asteria throws another dagger just to be sure. This time it goes through and shatters the window. "She bent the rules of my game, now time to bend hers."
Her shadows blast open the front doors. They all go in.
Asteria: "Oh little Queen, come out. I am not in the mood for your games. You would not follow mine, so why should I yours?"
A giant ax swings down from the ceiling in front of Asteria. "A *literal* fun house? You're kidding me right now."
Asteria: "You are toying with me. You think this is funny. You won't find it so funny when I get to you."
Ashontrah: "Do you want me to eliminate the games? I can make this whole mansion dissipate leaving only her. I will even put a pink bow on her for you."
Asteria is thinking. "Could you perhaps manipulate the games? Instead of getting rid of it completely, let's bend the rules as I said."
Ashontrah: "Alright Asteria... become master of her games.... I shall grant you to see through them."
Asteria: "How wonderful, thank you, my Queen. This will be fun. I like a thrill."
Most of the traps are pretty simple, but there is one that Asteria wants to get to as soon as possible because she thinks it is amusing. She is guiding everyone.
Asteria: "Medrya, stand here for me." He does so. She activates one of the traps. Had he been standing where he was before, he would've been impaled. Brutally.
Asteria: "These are so cliche and boring. Where are you getting your inspiration from little Queen? Teen thrillers? Although maybe you just wanted to see me navigate through something silly."
They keep going. There are exactly three floors to this mansion. The trap she is anticipating is on the second floor, close to the staircase that leads to the third.
Ashontrah: "Also be aware of the trick stairs."
Asteria: "Don't worry, I see that too. Her methods are so archaic and simple. This is going too slow..." She shadow-walks and as she does, she disables the traps quickly and efficiently so the others can come through.
Asteria: "The first floor is clear. I am getting excited. Come, everyone, this is the correct staircase."
OQ: "So brave, so confident. Do you really think that confidence will get you anywhere?"
Asteria: "Oh, so now you speak. What a shocker.
I don't need your approval and I certainly don't need you lecturing me. You will face me, as a true Queen would to her adversaries. But wait, you're not a true Queen... let's see how you fare."
1:29 AM Asteria disables all the traps on the second floor, that is until she reaches the last one. White light floods the whole place, covering the windows, floor, and ceiling completely.
OQ: Let's see if you can use your shadows now when there is light snuffing it out from every direction.
Asteria laughs. "Oh you are so amusing. Do you think this can stop my shadows? Light? You really are archaic."
Asteria's shadows shoot upwards with intense speed and force, piercing through the ceiling and to the third floor. They grab onto the Oracle Queen and pull her through before she has a chance to react.
Asteria: "Did you really think I would go through another floor of your bullshit traps? No. You will face me here."
Her shadows proceed to consume the light on the second level.
Asteria: "That was such a pathetic move. I expected more from you."
The Oracle Queen is angered. "You betray me. I showed you my kindness and respect. I helped you when you asked for it, and this is how you repay me? Truly an unworthy student of House Oracle."
Asteria: "And you are an unworthy Queen." She launches her shadows at her, but the OQ counters them.
Asteria grins. "You forget there is more of us than you." Melkor and Balmorder surround her on both sides from behind. Asteria is facing her from the front.
OQ: "Three against one? That's not playing fair."
Asteria: "It's only fair they get their share of the fight. As long as I get your head."
Ashontrah: "She talks about 3 vs 1 when she had 50 guards and 10 priests waiting for you."
They all attack her at once. They deal some damage. The OQ sends an attack at Asteria. It grazes her.
Asteria: "Light attacks against a shadow being. I wonder where you got these abilities. House Oracle did not use to be so bright and sparkly, you were the one that made it so. In your 'perfect' image."
Ashontrah: "Her light abilities are gone. I just removed them."
OQ: "What?! This is absurd!" She tries to use her light but cannot.
Asteria takes advantage of her momentary frustration and grabs the OQ by the throat. She looks incredibly menacing. She begins squeezing her throat. "Without your light, you feel powerless against these shadows, don't you? That proves how weak you are. You act so high and mighty, yet you are weak and cowardly."
Ashontrah: "Her light power is transmuted to shadow power and poured into Asteria."
Asteria: "And to think I thought you a worthy foe... you are pathetic." She squeezes harder and you can hear a slicing sound, her shadows are slicing through the Queen's throat and slowly cutting off her head "Experience this pain, remember it. Remember me. Remember that I was your downfall. This is payback for what you did to the true Oracle Queen."
1:46 AM The OQ's head is sliced clean off. Her body slumps to the ground. Asteria holds up her head and looks deep into her eyes. "The perfect trophy. I am pleased."
Ashontrah: "Oh I have her core. She has stolen power of the Oracle Queen in here. There is only one person this would belong to now... You."
Asteria: "I am honored. I will be sure that everyone knows how great the true Oracle Queen was and what I did in her memory."
Ashontrah: "All the powers of the Oracle Queen are perfected and transferred to Asteria. I Ashontrah will this."
Asteria looks at her trophy again. "I will proudly wear this as a sign that I defeated this impostor for you, my dear Ashontrah. This shall act as a warning sign for the other leaders of the Great Houses. Anyone who opposes you will become a part of my trophy collection if you will it."
One of her shadows holds the head up next to her like it is a floating head.
1:55 AM Asteria: "Do you wish me to continue, my Queen? There is no one else I wish to hunt, but destroying the castle in House Centaur would be fun. I want to make an example out of all the Great Houses that oppose you."
Ashontrah: "I want you to be able to get some rest in your physical and if you continue while Arella sleeps we will miss so many wonderful details."
Asteria: “You are right, I should let her rest. I just don’t want this storm to wear off, but it probably won’t now that I got what I wanted. This only motivates me even more. Our efforts will continue when she awakes.
Thank you for your help Melkor, it was invaluable. I will take my leave with Balmorder and Medrya and plan our next conquest.”
To be continued...
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