Verrakkia: The Fall of Volheim

This post includes the fall of Volheim, the capture of Fenrir and Kayeiahwah, and is also an intuitive guidance session for Verrakkia...
Dolloiandea: "What about Fenrir?"
Atherak: "Find my beast and bring him back. Let him know that I command him to return to the borderlands."
Moidaybe: "I will go for him. I will bring him back Master."
Atherak: "I need you to pick up another one along the way. A servant to House Dragon. She has information that will be important to us. Bring her."
Moidaybe: "It shall be done Master."
She is on the session list her name is Verrakkia. She was a servant to the Dragon King. Moidaybe helped her escape. They are currently in Volheim in the castle of King Tenomachi.
Tenomachi is preparing himself for battle. He is wearing his father's armor which has been passed down through generations. He is down below the castle in the great halls. Tenomachi stands in front of a statue of his father.
Tenomachi: "Forgive me father. I have broken your vow to the Great Houses. They have made my bond with Vilanea null and void. I am an outlaw again. But I will defend Volheim and the Volywnn way of life. I shall be joining you soon on the great plains."
Moidaybe: "You will not be joining him anytime today."
Tenomachi: "Moidaybe. Have the Athernites come to aid us in battle?"
Moidaybe: "No. I have come here to bring you warning."
Tenomachi: "What warning?"
Moidaybe: "Volheim will fall."
Tenomachi: "Not while I am King! Not while I breathe!"
Moidaybe: "That is exactly why Volheim must fall, but its King must live."
Tenomachi: "Live as an outlaw? Abandon my people and my realm? This I cannot do."
Moidaybe: "But you must. If Volheim and all that it is must survive then it must survive through you."
2:10pm Verrakkia: "I am Verrakkia. I bring you great warning good King of Volheim. Shaderell along with the Great Houses and an army of slavers have arrived in Volheim. They are trying to draw you out in open battle."
Tenomachi: "Let them. I have already sent word to my allies that the war is to be decided here in Volheim. This is where we shall make our stand. The other Kings and Queen shall be arriving shortly and we shall meet this army. I must go. My army awaits me."
Moidaybe: "Where is Fenrir?"
Tenomachi: "Preparing himself."
Moidaybe: "I must speak to him."
Tenomachi: "He is in the great hall. Tell him that we go to battle soon and I wish to have him at my side."
Verrakkia: "They will not stand a chance against this slaver army. I have seen it for myself. The weapon that Shaderell possesses will bring victory here today for the Great Houses. No help will be coming. We must get to Fenrir, for I fear that his life is in jeopardy."
Verrakkia has visions. This is why the Dragon King kept her around. She can see many things including the massive army and the weapon Shaderell has. She knows of the great dangers. She saw the fall of Volheim. She saw Tenomachi killed. This is why she came.
Moidaybe: "You have brought your warning to the King. Now you must ensure that he remains King. I must speak to a friend. Stay here. I will be back shortly."
Verrakkia: "I do not wish to stay alone. Whatever business you have with your friend I will not intervene no matter what I see."
Verrakkia is a dragon-like humanoid. She is white and blue. She has white wings, blue scales, and white eyes.
Moidaybe and Verrakkia approach Fenrir...
Fenrir: "Moidaybe, good to see you old friend. You come fight alongside me in battle. Together we shall devour them all."
Moidaybe: "We will not be fighting today Fenrir. The Master has demanded that we return to the borderlands."
Fenrir: "But I cannot. The King and Queen here have given me a home. I cannot leave them in their hour of need.
To stay and do so would be to disobey the Master. I chose to no matter what the judgement it may bring on me. I cannot abandon the King and Queen. Goodbye old friend."
Verrakkia: "We must return. Please Great Wolf. I see great suffering for you if you do not."
Fenrir: "I have suffered greatly in chains. I will suffer even more to protect those who have shown me kindness. Safe travels." Fenrir leaves.
Verrakkia: "What shall we do? They will be slaughtered in open field. Their allies will not be able to aid them."
2:18pm They hear the howls of the Volwynn army marching out. Moidaybe and Verrakkia go out the entry way of the great hall.
Tenomachi is speaking to all his Volwynn. They have all come...
Tenomachi: "Cheiftains, Volwynn of Volheim, the Houses have chosen to subjugate us. To take your Queen from me and you and declare me an outlaw King. I laugh at this. I say let them come and they shall feel the bite of all Volheim. To war!"
Verrakkia almost falls and faints. Moidaybe catches her...
Verrakkia: "I am watching them die. The pain, the slaughter." She can feel everything.
Moidaybe picks Verrakkia up in his arms. Then he teleports them away. He is up on a hill watching Tenomachi's army approaching. He sees the other side with a huge army. There is some kind of weird looking white airship where Shaderell is.
There is the armies of the Great Houses and the slaver army led by Mishda. He regenerates very fast and is nigh-impossible to kill.
Tenomachi's army stops when it is sees the approaching army across the way.
Volywnn Commander: "So many my King."
They see portals open up on Tenomachi's side behind him. They are from Jotunehim and Alfheim.
Tenomachi: "See? We are not alone. Our allies have come to our aid."
Shaderell: "Oh no. I don't think so. This is a private party. Use it..."
Something comes from the light air ship and closes all the portals. Lyindrinar is on the other side of the portal ready to go through with his army when it closes.
Lyindriar: "Get it open now!"
The same thing happens in Jotunehim. All of the portals which were coming to aid Volheim got shut down.
Lemniskarun: "Find a way to open it!"
Tenomachi and Fenrir are standing there shocked. They hear a roar from the other side as they get rushed.
Shaderell is sitting up in his ship: "Well time to exterminate all these mangy effing animals."
The fighting is fierce. There is force energy coming from the air ship hitting against Tenomachi's army. Volheim is losing very badly.
Tenomachi is facing off against Mishda. Fenrir bites off both is arms but Mishda grows two new ones. Fenrir bites off Misdha's head and he grows another. He knocks both of them back.
Mishda goes for a final blow: "I will have the King's head."
Mishda gets a tomahawk right into his eye. He sees that Tenomachi is being carried away by Kayeiahwah.
The Volwynn are sounding their retreat. The slavers are catching them in nets.
Kayeiahwah: "Get the King back to the castle! Quickly!"
Then Kayeiahwah gets caught by a net. Fenrir takes Tenomachi and he is racing back.
Fenrir: "Open the gates!" They aren't fast enough so Fenrir jumps up on to the wall. He takes spears and javelins to his back. He is still moving.
Vilanea stands in front of the great hall. Fenrir meets up with her. She takes Tenomachi.
Fenrir: "Get him inside my Queen. I will hold them off as long as I can."
The slaver army is coming in over the walls. Fenrif devours many of them but they are overwhelming.
Moidaybe teleports to the top of a tower with Verrakkia.
Verrakkia: "We must get to the King. Take me to him."
Moidaybe looks at Fenrir: "I'm sorry my friend."
Moidaybe then teleports Verrakkia to Tenomachi...
Mishda get something around Fenrir's mouth and chains him down. Shaderell comes down to taunt him...
Shaderell: "Hey you stupid effing dog. Look stupid dog."
Then Shaderell blinded him with light. Fenrir's eyes are white.
Shaderell rubs his hands together: "Now that the guard dog is out of the way. Time to get my Queen and my throne."
They are break down the door to the great hall... Slavers rush in. They see Vilanea holding Tenomachi.
They also see Verrakkia. She is floating and her eyes glowing. She screams "STOP!"
They all freeze in stop motion. Only their eyes can move. They are looking at each other.
Verrakkia: "Hurry Moidaybe."
Moidaybe pulls out a small Athranaak. He turns it and it opens a rift.
Moidaybe: "Quickly Queen, take the King through."
Verrakkia is exhausted and she falls from where she was floating. Moidaybe catches her and they jump through the rift.
The slavers reanimate and fall over each other.
Shaderell: "Go ahead... run... because you bitch is going to be my bitch. I am going to put her in a effing cage along with all your people. I will make Volheim my own personal petting zoo!"
Shaderell goes and sits on the throne of Volehim. He laughs and tells Mishda...
Shaderell: "Save me some of the population so I have something to rule over. The rest of these mangy beasts... consider it my payment for your contributions to the new King of Volheim's war effort."
He stands up and does a little skip... "Ah where to next? You know what I really feel like doing? Burning down a goddamn garden." He is referring to Alfheim.
In the borderlands...
Moidaybe: "I have brought them here Master."
Atherak: "Very good."
Moidaybe: "Verrakkia is very weak."
Atherak: "As well as the King." Coils mend his wounds...
Atherak: "Awaken Verrakkia..." She wakes up.
Verrakkia: "Are we safe?"
Atherak: "You are."
Vilanea: "Thank you Atherak. Thank you Moidaybe. And thank you whoever you are for saving my love."
Verrakkia introduces herself...
Vilanea: "Verrakkia. I shall never forget that name."
Moidaybe: "They have Fenrir. He chose to disobey you."
Atherak: "Maybe I wanted him to stay. Shaderell thinks he can keep what is mine? I will let him gloat along with the Great Houses for a while. Let them believe they are winning."
Vilanea: "They will go for Alfheim next."
Atherak: "And they will find it empty."
Verrakkia: "I feel fire. A burning of a great tree. I can hear her screaming and dying."
Atherak: "Don't overexert yourself. Ashontrah may have use for you. As well as her allies."
Atherak does the core fusion for Verrakkia...
Atherak: "I bring the spiritual and the physical together."
The Athranaak coils sew.
Atherak: "I combine the spiritual core and the physical essence with all of its abilities from here and forever more. I bless this fusion."
The Great Houses are very happy with what happened in Volheim.
Shaderell left a garrison in Volheim and moved on. They are entering Alfheim.
They go into the Alfheim Kingdom and find it empty...
Mishda: "There is nothing here! No bounty! Take whatever you can find."
Shaderell dances around: "Lyindrinar? Come on out. You wouldn't just run off now would you? Huh? Run away old brave Lyindrinar? Where are you? Hmmm maybe I should light up a beacon to get your attention."
Shaderell goes for the great tree of Alfheim. He sees a little gnome standing there. It is Jimjinn.
Shaderell: "Is this the mighty army that is going to defend the tree? Huh little guy? Where is your King?"
Jimjinn: "My King is gone."
Shaderell: "What about all the rest of you kinfolk? Where did they go? Are they hiding? A bunch of little buggers like you? Are you the only one here?"
Jimjinn: "They will be back one day. But for right now, I am the only one who is here."
Shaderell: "What do you plan to do little fella?"
Jimjinn kicks Shaderell in the shin and then runs off. Shaderell cannot find him.
Shaderell: "You little fuck! Oh, it is fine..."
Mishda returns to him....
Misdha: "We have found none, but there is other bounty here that we will take."
Shaderell: "Hmmm... well, why don't you guys just stay here and hang out for a while. Just in case the King decides to return."
Mishda laughs: "We shall tear this place apart in celebration."
Shaderell: "Well, have fun. I must return now. I have pressing business elsewhere."
Mishda: "What about this tree?"
Shaderell: "Burn it." He gives them a white fire.
They burn down the tree of Alfheim.
In the great high mountains of Jotunheim... There is a camp where Lyindrinar is with his army.
Nastazil: "Everyone has made it out. We sent warning throughout all of Alfheim for all Nature Folk to remain hidden so we can retake the Kingdom."
Lyindrinar is watching with anger as the tree burns.
Xarsha: "Let your anger burn inside you great King. The time will come for you to unleash it."
Lyindrinar: "When that day comes I will snuff out the light of Shaderell."
Then he crushes the vision orb he was watching through.
Questions for Verrakkia from her incarnation...
Q1 - What is the purpose of my incarnation?
Verrakkia: "To restore the faith in people in the drakon. Do not fear them."
Q2 - What things should I be doing to bring my life into balance?
Verrakkia: "Focus on what comes to you. What may come to you in waking dreams, these are visions. Focus on them and decipher them. They will lead you on the right path."
Q3 - How can I best connect with you?
Verrakkia: "Through meditation and opening your mind. Focus deep within you. Concentrate on your sight."
Q4 - How can I use my gifts (whatever they may be) for their greatest purpose?
Verrakkia: "Help others reconnect with the drakon and nature folk."
Q5 - What skills talents gifts do I need to be developing?
Verrakkia: "Divination and foresight are my gifts."
Q6 - What is the most important thing that you want me to know right now?
Verrakkia: "That the time is coming where you may have to stand on your own. You will not alone, you will help uplift others."
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