The Burning Away of Atherak

This a part two continuation of Ashrae and Betrayal of Truce.
Atherak: "This will be an interesting evening. I am going to meet with a King and Queen."
Xarsha: "We have returned with what you asked for Master. Shall we proceed to the next step?"
Atherak: "Yes of course."
The ravens are cawing and returning with two guests. Very cold royalty...
Atherak: "Here they are now."
Katar: "Quickly my dear stay behind me. If I am to fall remember to save our world."
Atherak: "Oh stop with the fucking dramatics and sit down. If I wanted you dead I would not have brought you here."
Yayoi: "There could only be one reason we are here Atherak."
Atherak: "For your ig sessions maybe."
Katar: "Is that what this is?"
Atherak: "It is what your incarnation wanted."
Katar: "Oh then I apologize for the melodramatics. You caught me off guard."
Atherak: "Have some wine. Maybe you can wash the bullshit out of your mouth."
Katar: "What do you mean?"
Atherak: "Oh I know of your little deal with Shaderell."
Katar: "It is to save our world. You wouldn't understand."
Atherak: "Why don't you sit down and explain to me?"
Yayoi: "I will not sit in this horrible place. I already feel that we will not be leaving."
Atherak: "Well I don't want you staying over. So you will be leaving. I am a private individual. So sit down and explain to me how it is you come into dealings with Shaderell."
Katar: "If you promise not to harm my love I will tell you."
Yayoi: "My King no! There is no other way."
Katar: "It is the only way. Maybe we can have another chance. Maybe Atherak can understand why we do what we must."
Yayoi: "My King, my love, we are torn... caught between two fishes. Adversaries of each other who mean to tear our world apart."
Atherak: "Would you please fucking explain what you are talking about? You can tell by the looks of me that I am very tired today. Now sit!"
Two chairs come up behind them and force them to sit down...
Atherak: "Sit down. I have had enough of you standing up. Now explain to me your problem."
Katar: "Our world is dying. We had no other choice. The power within the core of our world is fading out. Shaderell is able to sustain it with another type of power from an existence that the True Order has cleansed and purified."
Yayoi: "He brings hope to our dying world. We had no choice but to have dealings with him. But I am afraid we have been taken advantage of."
Atherak: "You think? Dealings with the True Order always end in this way."
Yayoi: "The True Order has promised us prosperity."
Atherak: "Oh yeah? Why didn't you just go to Queen Ashontrah for help or some other ones? I am sure there would have been plenty."
Katar: "Because I do not fully trust Ashontrah."
Atherak: "Why is that?"
Katar: "We do not know her intentions. We know what happened to Queen Valstanarra. Ashontrah did not come her aid. How can we rely on someone who would not come to the aid when our need is great?"
Atherak: "You cannot figure out how to take care of yourselves?"
Yayoi: "We tried but these invaders from other existences are too powerful. Have you come to invade us too? Why should we have dealings with the likes of anyone except to ones who offer help to our dying world? Can you save our world? I think not. I think you are nothing but cold and death. It is all that you lust for."
Atherak: "You are standing again. Shall I make you sit down?"
Katar: "Please my dear. Sit."
Atherak: "I have heard your argument. Now the only question is what to do about it."
Katar: "It seems that whichever side we choose there is no win for us."
Atherak: "Why don't you just ask me to restore the power in your planet?"
Yayoi: "How do we know this can be done?"
*The Athranaak coil core opens to reveal their planet*
Atherak: "Now watch."
*A black diamond object is over their world. It accelerates downward. It reaches the surface and pierces down into the core of the world. It moves and opens. Yayoi and Katar feel the energy. Instead of being white they turn blue.
They almost look like elves but not as long of ears. Yayoi is a soft ice blue with ice-clear white hair. Katar is a darker deep blue with dark blue-black hair. They both have blue eyes. Frost forms around them.*
Atherak: "Is that all you wanted?"
Katar: "My dear, you are restored!"
Yayoi: "You are too my love!"
Atherak: "Ah, touching."
Atherak does the core fusions on both of them...
Atherak: "I bring the physical and spiritual together."
The coils sew...
Atherak: "I combine the spiritual core and the physical essence with all of its abilities from here and forever more. I bless this fusion."
Yayoi: "You are not as cold as I thought you were Atherak. You have restored our world."
Katar: "Yes we must return the favor and help you. We know of Shaderell's plans. There is something in the mist that he is preparing. We would like to give it to you and show you this."
Atherak: "More surprises."
Katar: "We have an ally there. He is ready and waiting to meet up."
Atherak: "We shouldn't keep him waiting now."
Yayoi: "Then let us go."
Atherak: "Your incarnations have six questions for you both before we leave."
Questions for Katar...
Q1. Do you know the reason behind my failing health?
Katar: "Because my world was dying."
Q2. How can I thrive during the fall?
Katar: "Condition yourself and regain your health."
Q3. What is the most important thing you would like me to know?
Katar: "That I always protect those who are closest to me. My wife and queen and my beautiful twins."
Q4. What is my purpose here on Midgard? Why did I incarnate here?
Katar: "To find an answer to help restore my dying world. I believed there were beings incarnated here who could help me."
Q5. What is the connection we have with Melkor?
Katar: "I don't have a connection with Melkor. I had dealings with Vustik and Melkor but not connections with them. It has been more like they have extorted me."
Q6. How should I work on strengthening our connection?
Katar: "Through ice, frost, and cold."
Questions for Yayoi...
'She has no questions to her True Self.'
Atherak: "I guess that finishes that."
Yayoi: "We should go now."
Atherak: "Yes we should."
Katar: "We could show you the way."
Atherak: "I can take us there."
8:20pm Atherak, Katar, and Yayoi go into the mist...
Katar: "He should be here anytime."
Friend: "I am already here."
Atherak: "It looks like you King and Queen chose the wrong ally."
This friend is Vustik...
Their children: "Father!"
Katar: "I am sorry Atherak. It was the only way to save my children."
Atherak: "Always the good parent aren't you?"
Vustik: "You kept your end of the bargain King and Queen. I shall keep mine."
*The children go back to their parents.*
Atherak: "So this is how you want the showdown Vustik. You and me in the mist."
Ashoweah: "He is not the only one who wants a showdown with you."
Shaderell: "No definitely not the only one."
Atherak: "Well look at this. A big gathering. Where is the rest of your Varkar?"
Nummandor: "Right here Atherak."
8:23pm Mono and Melkor also show up as well as Ashrae.
Atherak: "And what do you all plan to do? Supposedly defeat me?"
Nobody: "I will take your place Atherak!"
*Nobody is an ancient Myrrdonite. He was a Count of Pain in another existence. He was one of the first that Atherak made during the first time of judgement.
When Atherak burned away and slept the Athranaaks and Myrrdonites became corrupted by outside beings. He was a Count of Pain until he lost in the Trial of Blood against Xarsha.
Then Xarsha refused to become the Count of Pain after winning. He just wanted to be close to the Athranaak and re-stabilize it.
This is when Xarsha became an outcast Myrrdonite. A Myrrdonite named Parradin became the Count of Pain instead. Xarsha is also an ancient Myrrdonite from another existence.*
Atherak: "Well if it isn't the man with no name. Weren't you the Count of Pain once?"
Nobody: "I was but now I will be the Athranaak and have all its power. When the Myrrdonite serve me I will seek revenge and build an army greater than any. The power of the Athranaaks... no existence will stand against Ashoweah or the True Order anymore."
Atherak: "Build an army using my Athranaaks. Subjugate Queen Ashontrah to serve you. Was this your big plan Ashoweah? I should have left you all to the Bishberrin. He was a true challenge. None of you are!"
Atherak is fighting all of them....
Atherak: "Mono don't you know your orthac is shit against me?"
*Atherak breaks Mono's Ourhkina spear and wraps him in coils.*
Atherak: "You are a tricky one Vustik."
*Vustik multiplies himself and attacks from all sides. Atherak catches him.*
Atherak: "Still with the light blast huh Shaderell?"
*Atherak starts to absorb Shaderell's light. He turns grey. Melkor hits Atherak.*
Atherak: "Strength against strength. This is a nice sword. Pity."
*Coil wraps around Melkor's neck and throw him.*
Atherak: "The one with no name. Did you make coils of your own? Don't you know they are my coils?"
Nobody's coils wrap around Atherak and pierce through him. They return and pierce Nobody instead and pin him.
Nummandor: "Now Master now!"
*Ashoweah stabs Atherak with a little object. The mist starts to fade.*
Ashoweah: "You think you were so wise Atherak? You think I would bring you to the mist?"
*Coils come from the Athranaak tip sticking into Atherak.*
Ashoweah: "We are in the nether!"
Shaderell: "It is working! He is burning away! Keep him there!"
8:28pm *Atherak is burning away and dissolving...*
*If Atherak is in the realms too long and does not return to the borderlands he burns away. This is why he never leaves the borderlands for very long. They discovered this and used it to destroy him.*
Ashoweah: "Your judgement has come Atherak."
Atherak: "Judgment comes to us all Ashoweah. See you soon."
Shaderell: "We got him! We fucking got you! You son of a bitch!"
Melkor has a coil through him. He is bleeding out.
Melkor: "Save me Master!"
Melkor starts to wither away....
Ashoweah: "You are a casualty of war Melkor. You have served your purpose to me. I have no more need for you. Leave him."
*Shaderell is laughing and dancing over the burn spot where Atherak was standing.*
Shaderell: "I got you! All this time. All this planning and preparation. Eons of waiting to get you back! Waiting to get my judgment on you. You piece of shit! I got you!"
Shaderell: "King and Queen you have served your purpose. I have no more need for you."
*Shaderell sends Yayoi and Katar back to their planet*
Ashoweah: "It has worked. Now Ashontrah shall come to our side. We have used them to deal with the Bishberrin and Dehmont. Now with the help of you Nobody we have done away with Atherak."
Shaderell: "What do you mean with the help of him? This was ME. This was MY FUCKING MOMENT! We are keeping our fucking deal because none of you stood a fucking chance if it wasn't for ME! This is MY MOMENT! Mine and I am going to revel in it."
*Shaderell rolls on the ground where Atherak burned away. He is laughing.*
Ashoweah: Now Nobody, return to the borderlands and claim your throne. Build me an army and we shall conquer all existences with the power of Ashontrah and mine... and the power of the True Order. We shall rule over all existences. Unfortunate I need a replacement in the Varkar. Ashrae, you are that one."
Ashrae: "Thank you. This is a great honor."
Ashoweah: "You will prove more worthy than Melkor."
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