Part One: Male #001 and the Purple Flowers

Euravasiah discovered she has obtained a new power where she had numbers in her eyes. She went to test it out on a crowd in a village. It made them grow purple flowers on their bodies.
A few days ago...
Ashontrah: Where did you get this power?
Euravasiah: I think it stemmed from my emotions. You know how my powers stem from them. I suppose when one emotion learned something new, it upgraded me and I learned something new too.
Ashontrah: I need to investigate this power before you use it. What if it it kills?
Euravasiah: It may. I can learn to control it, but yes, I think it is best if you investigate.
Ashontrah: This did not stem from your emotions. This was given to you by a male I do not recognize.
Ashontrah: I am sending you a pink belt. Wear it all night.
Euravasiah: It makes my butt and hips so much more noticeable.
Ashontrah: Well this is not a fashion belt. It is a power belt. I am going to transform this power this guy gave you and change it for our own purposes. You don't lose power. I will simply change it.
Euravasiah: Fashionable and efficient. What will you change it to M’Lady?
Ashontrah: Something better. Keep the belt on until 3pm.
Ashontrah: The town you seduced last night died. Do you see how your seduction tactics can harm my name when you go around tearing up families and killing people? You are known as being associated with me. I am not happy about this.
Euravasiah: You told me to experiment with my powers. How was I supposed to know they would die? You are building too much on me. I feel like I am going to explode. Even my physical is shaking.
Ashontrah: I didn't know you were going to experiment on families.
Euravasiah: I went into an open field and released my explosion. There happened to be a town nearby.
Ashontrah: Your notes said you also went into the town center.
Euravasiah: I put the flower there to see what was going to happen. I could not control the other countdowns after the crowd got near me.
Ashontrah: They are all dead.
Euravasiah: Yes I know. If I am such a burden to you, why dont you just go find a new weapon? One that is not going to explode and isn’t emotional? I seem to only be causing you trouble and unhappiness. I feel like I am going to explode. I need to go somewhere away from the Nether.
1:45pm - Eura goes somewhere far to stop from the Nether. She is trying to find a place to explode by herself. She is shaking and crying. The numbers on her eyes say she has an hour.
1:50pm - Eura is on a deserted planet. There is nothing else around. She lays down and shakes and cries. There are multiple emotions screaming and shouting in her heart. She cannot shush them. Not only are they hyped up from the residue, but the build up is enough to cause them to be in a frenzy.
1:58pm - A male appears next to Eura with his hand extended out to her. ‘My Dear’
Eura looks up. There is a man smiling down at her with spectacles. ‘There is no need to cry. I know exactly what is happening to you.’
Eura: 'You do...?'
Male: ‘Yes. Would you like to come with me?’
Eura: 'My Master would not be pleased with this. She does not exactly like me going off with strange men she has no intel on.'
Male: ‘I would beg to differ. Do not worry. I will not harm you. You are about to harm many in a moment. You do not want to grow your garden again do you?’ Eura grows silent. ‘Then come with me.’
2:02 - A rift opens. Eura and the male walk through. They are in large wooden workshop. There are bubbles everywhere, they are coming from a machine.
Male: ‘Remove your belt.’
Eura: 'My Master put this on me to help me with my problem.'
Male: ‘It will not help you, it will only make it worse.’
Eura: 'I am sorry I cannot.'
The male stares at Eura. He has a blank stare, but there is something threatening about his eyes behind those spectacles, even though Eura cannot see them.
Male: ‘Very well. Come lie down’
Eura lies down on a wooden table. It is slanted so her head is closer in the air. The male holds her wrists and begins examining her.
Male: ‘You seem to be very damaged my Dear. However I think I can fix you. You are quite impressive. You deserve to be fixed.’
Eura: 'How would you fix me?'
Male: ‘I have heard your cry of wanting to be an assassin, a killer, a huntress. I can make this happen for you. Of course you would still seduce, but why not have both?’
Eura: '....My Master only made me to have a small part of me hunt, but only as a defense mechanism. I do not want to go against her wishes.'
Male: ‘I think you do. You should start thinking for yourself more.’ He shines a light in her eye. ‘Beautiful eyes.’ He runs his fingers through her hair. ‘Outstanding.’
Eura sits up. She grabs her hair and begins to pet it. She feels uncomfortable. Her emotions are on the fritz and she cannot hide them.
Male: ‘Why don’t you get some rest?’
Eura: 'I cannot. I am about to explode.'
Male: ‘I will take away this problem. All you need to do is relax and sleep. Look...’
He whispers in Eura’s ear. Eura’s anger begins to calm down and be silent.
Male: ‘See? I can do many things. Sleep for now Dear.’
2:15pm -The male leaves the room and the lights shut off. It is dark in the workshop. Eura is fidgeting. She cannot sleep.
Eura: 'What am I doing here?'
She gets up from the table. Her eyes turn green and she begins to search around. She is still shaking. Anger may be silent and sleeping, but her other emotions are yelling and screaming still. She is looking around for an exit. This male cannot fix her problem. She knows her own kind, she always smells them from a mile away: The insane, and the psychotic.
There are many machines and ‘doohickies’ here. Some spurt out colored gasses, others give out bubbles. It is quite crowded in this workshop. It is a wonder how this male can get around.
Eura finds a door latch. She turns it and opens it. When she opens it she finds below her is nothing but sky. She is in some flying vehicle above the ground.
Something tells her to not jump out. The lights turn on. Eura quickly closes the door and hides beneath one of the tables. She sees the male’s shoes.
There are tiny little bots that scatter across the floor. Eura begins to quickly but quietly crawl. There has to be another exit somewhere. Eura thinks to herself:
Eura: 'Help me Fear.'
Her senses sharpen. She sees a door on the other side of the workshop. There are openings between the tables. The little bots go between them. One bot passes in front of her. What are they even here for?
While she is crawling Eura is constantly trying to open a portal. She cannot. There is something about where they are that rejects magic.
Eura gets closer to the door. The lights suddenly shut off. She gasps but holds her mouth. She hears footsteps. That male wears such big boots. Such heavy footsteps. How was she not able to hear him before on the deserted planet?
Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom
His footsteps are in sync with her heart beat. She sees his boots in front of the table she is under.
He drops a single flower on the floor next to her. Then there are leaves that fall to the ground. She hears the sound of snipping.
Male: ‘This bush is turning out to be so beautiful.’
2:37 - Eura slowly backs up from his feet. She accidentally kicks one of the small bots behind her and it goes off. It is beeping loudly and whaling. The male begins to look underneath the table. Eura’s lion tail begins to form and she speedily crawls away before he can see her.
Male: ‘Are you crying for attention? Come here.’
Eura: Eura has 5 minutes until she explodes. Should I jump? Should I explode here? Should I search for another way out? Is there any other way? What was through that door he came through? I don't have that much time, I need to make a decision.
2:43 - Eura rushes over to the door that leads to the outside sky. She no longer cares about whether he sees her or not. She runs and stands up and opens the door. One minute left. She looks back at him. He stares at her with a blank face and then smiles.
Male: ‘I will always be there to catch you when you fall My Dear.’
Eura jumps out.
Eura is beginning to explode. She screams and something releases from her, but a pink bubble forms around Eura and keeps it in. It relaxes her and calms her. She is getting sleepy within it.
The bubble pops. Eura lands on a land or sharp rocks. One of them stabs her right through the chest. Great. Eura attempts to grab the other sharp rock and pull herself up. It is slippery, she is having a hard time doing so.
She coughs up blood. The pain reminds her emotions to calm down. The fact that she is feeling this type of pain alone means she is safe for now. She begins to relax, although she is still having a difficult time freeing herself.
She feels something grab her from her backside and she is hoisted in the air. It is a metal claw. She is being pulled to a brown blimp in the air. Glorious. Eura begins to close her eyes and drift off. She is very tired.
When she opens her eyes again the male with the spectacles is standing over her smiling. She is on the wooden table. She can barely keep her eyes open.
Male: ‘I told you I would catch you if you fell. It hurts my feelings that you ran away when I did not begin working on you.’
Eura: 'I have already exploded. You no longer need to.'
Male: ‘On the contrary there is much work to be done.’
Eura: 'My power is fine. It is passed the time that the cursed power I had is transformed. I no longer need your assistance.'
Male: ‘No, but you need me.’
Eura: 'You intend to steal property?'
His grin widens. He pets Eura’s hair.
Male: ‘Of course not. I intend to help you in anyway I can. Now sleep. I can tell you are tired.’
Eura is too tired to argue anymore. Her eyes are growing heavier.
Ashontrah: The took the power out of the belt the moment you went with him. He doens't get to have my belt.
Euravasiah: I understand. The bush is the same plant I grew from the explosion... Do you wish for me to sleep?
Ashontrah: This is all on you. You chose to go with the male that caused the death of the village. You walked away with him.
Euravasiah: I did not know he caused it when he introduced himself to me...
You turned your eyes away from me M’Lady... That is the biggest torment you could give. Do you not wish for me to not be your weapon anymore...?
Ashontrah: You chose to be his when you went with him. You chose his help as opposed to the help of my belt. You could have stayed in the Nether palace until 3pm but you chose to not. He got to you in time.
Euravasiah: .... All I chose was to explode on my own. Since I did not want to displease you further and explode where potentials were around, I turned to him to see if he could stop the explosion in time. Since I would explode at 2:45, and the belt would only activate at 3 pm, it was the only thing I could think of... I did not want to displease you again.
I suppose this is a master plan of his to get me to be his... If you do not want for me a weapon anymore, then I shall sleep here.... I am sorry for failing you Master.
Ashontrah: You willingly went with him. He did not have to take you by force. He spoke the words that he could make you better. That he could turn you into something more. You let this lure you.
Euravasiah: I did nothing of the sort. That is where you are wrong. I clearly denied him since I knew that is not what you designed me for.
I went with him because I was going to explode before the belt activated, and I did not want there to be any people around affected once I did it again. You had already yelled at me once for doing so, I did not wish to displease you again.
All I really chose to do was try to not displease you while my emotions were screaming at me. When he offered me to become a killer I denied him because I knew you made me a certain way for a reason. And even last night when I was experimenting and I exploded in that town, I could not hold the powers in. The numbers just kept coming and ticking one after another.... I do not understand.
Perhaps he knew you would react the way you did because he knows you care for your empire, and he knew I would react the way I did because I care for you, so he preyed on us both to get me.... It is a Master Plan.
I no longer have a purpose since I am no longer your weapon... All I can do is sleep, and hope I do not turn out different than how you designed me. I am sorry Master. I have failed you for the last time.
Ashontrah: I could crush this guy's head in right now but what purpose would that serve?
Euravasiah: If this is truly all on me then I will pay the full price.
Male: ‘Sleep my Dear’
Eura: 'I do not have to stay and die like cattle...'
Eura begins to get up. Everything hurts. The male slams her back down on the table and smiles.
3:54pm The lights shut off.
Male: ‘Sleep now.’
Eura: The male leaves the room again. At least now I can have my thoughts to myself. You all truly do not want to do anything do you? You are all so grey. It’s a bit sad. If I sleep here I will probably be brainwashed to be both his seductress and killer. I will most likely be an enemy of the Blood Rose.
If I leave, I will not be welcomed into the Blood Rose, but at least I will be on my own as Lust and Seduction. Perhaps I could find my own purpose. What would that even be...?
I am a bit angry. This male preyed on my emotions when I was the most vulnerable and desperate not to displease her again, and now for some reason I am the reason I am to blame for everything, just like before.
Why should I be blamed for this male’s actions? The only action I will be responsible for is that I went with him, however I did not know he was the male who caused my own explosions. I could not feel anything at the time but myself.
This all feels quite unfair. It is currently 4 PM on Midgard, what a shame. For some reason when I look at that male I do not feel like seducing him. The fact that there is no magic here either is a bit alarming.
My horns are beginning to grow, the burden is beginning to grow. Shut up. I hold no burden for trying to please my ex-Master. If it is all truly all my fault just because I trusted a being to help me, the next time someone in the group trusts someone to help them and they are praised for it I’ll laugh.
I wonder how those flowers taste. I am suddenly feeling a bit better. Will I be able to get up and get them? ....No? Well we’ll try to find a better way.
I wanted all eyes on me, but if the world has turned their backs on me for one stupid mistake I made when I was emotionally unstable when I had asked for a break, I’ll work in the shadows instead. Surprise, surprise, its that bitch that fucked everything up for you.
4:08 - Eura’s horns begin to grow flames on the tips of them. She gets up from the table and walks towards the flowers. She picks one. They smell of her own perfume. She opens her mouth and eats it. It tastes sour. So ironic.
Her eyes begin to glow purple. Flowers grow around the workshop. There are vines and leaves everywhere. These flowers are not purple anymore, they are red. Her eyes begin to turn red.
Eura: 'Come here, boy.'
The male with the spectacles enters the room. He is looking right at her. His expression is still blank but he seems to be infatuated. Eura puts her hand on the table. The table turns to a red wood color.
Eura: 'What’s your name boy?'
Male: ‘.... I have no name.’
Eura: 'You’re going to be my slave from now on.'
Male: ‘I understand. How may I serve you?’
Eura: 'By shutting up. I think I will name you #001. You deserve to be named a number since you fucked up my life with them in such a short time. You impress me.'
Male: ‘Thank you.’
4:27pm Eura is using #001 as a stool while she files her nails.
Eura: 'What comes next?'
#001: 'What do you mean Master?'
Eura: 'Shut up. I was not talking to you.'
There is a neighboring planet nearby. Eura looks at it through a window. It is highly populated.
Eura: 'Let’s test something out. Slave. Move towards that planet. But do not go all the way there. I will be back shortly.'
#001: 'Yes Master.'
Eura leaps to the planet. When she is close enough she finally opens a portal and lands on it. It has much greenery but there is mostly high tech technology here and is heavily populated by beings.
Eura finds a clear area near tropical trees. There is a very large city miles away that she can see through the distance. Eura sits down in the shade of a tree and begins to sing.
Red flowers begin to grow around her. Vines wrap around the trees and go through the ground. The petals of the flowers go through the air. She only affects the area around her.
She stops sitting and waits. She begins to relax in her new garden. She closes her eyes.
4:35pm - There is a large number of people here. They are circled around her and many are sitting near her.
Ashontrah: So when you escaped you decided to go and use your power in another densely populated area.
Euravasiah: This is not even the same power. Number one, this is a power I can control. It is all mine and no one else’s. Number two, it is a power of seduction, when have I not used my seduction in a crowd before? Number 3, I clearly state I was in an area away from the city. The crowd happened to gather around me.
Ashontrah: That male gave you that red flower power. You do not know what it does.
Euravasiah: No he didn’t.... I consumed the flower and made it my own. His flowers were purple and toxic, mine are red and seductive. I know what it does because it is mine, that is the point. I did not know what the countdown did because it was not my own.
Ashontrah: I did not intend for you to be using your seduction in this manner. In random towns and cities.
Euravasiah: I do not know what you want for me to do. I dont know how to say I’m sorry. But I am. And I know I messed up by killing those people before... I just do not understand why I cannot use my seduction in a populated area.
Ashontrah: It causes unnecessary disruption to the families. To my allies.
Euravasiah: But what if it an area the Blood Rose did not have yet...?
Ashontrah: I do not want them in such a manner. By bringing dissatisfaction in a husband for his wife. You are choosing to take on powers of your own that I do not understand. This concerns me. I do not trust these red flowers.
Euravasiah: I cannot help but giggle and cry. You are so strange Ashontus.... Not for your concern, but I will say more when the tension is less.
I often say ‘you can trust me’ and jump into situations with bold ferocity. I often get angry at you when it seems you do not understand me, but perhaps it is all backwards. Perhaps I should trust and rely on you more, and perhaps I have not been feeling or understanding from your perspective....
Ashontrah: I just need to be sure you don't run off on rash emotions to the point you become a liability for me. If you go around ripping apart families they will blame this on me like I sent you to do it. The deaths of the town concerned me for this very reason.
Euravasiah: I understand... Gee I really am proving that I am the idiot one of our duo. Perhaps you should give me a leash of some sorts.
Ashontrah: If you were not so closely associated with me then you would be able to go have your fun in anyway you saw fit. However you represent me. You must be able to maintain your control in that manner.
Euravasiah: Ashontus I must ask you something.
Ashontrah: Yes go ahead.
Euravasiah: I thought you had given up on me.
Ashontrah: I wanted you to learn that there are consequences to your emotional decisions. They can be very serious.
Euravasiah: What a cruel punishment... but I understand.
Ashontrah: That’s the point you are still not getting. You think I punished you. You were experiencing your own choices.
Euravasiah: I’ll have to self reflect on it. Ashontus, do you think Exosaura may have been better suited as your weapon? I am not asking out of insecurity or to compare myself to her.
I know there is no one else like me. This question is something I have been curious about for a while. She seemed to be more logical, and was willing to do what was necessary.
Sometimes I feel you two would have fun together with your plans. I suppose what I am asking is if you would prefer a logical but passionate Lust versus an Emotional one.
Ashontrah: Just as my Avnomar are a remade version of their previous identity. This is what you are. I gave you a better name that more suited to your new power. I did not choose to rename the others.
Euravasiah: Would you prefer if I did not use my emotions as much...?
Ashontrah: Yes because they could ruin your place in the empire.
Euravasiah: I see... Shall I get rid of them entirely?
Ashontrah: That is taking it to the other extreme. What fun of a love would you be if you were robotic?
Euravasiah: I suppose I am just trying to wrap my mind around of what I can do to not use my emotions as much since they are essentially me and are embedded in how I seduce.
Ashontrah: Then perhaps you need a redesign.
Euravasiah: Wow Nebula Mother is really letting me have the hard truth.
Ashontrah: I am glad you spoke with Nebula Mother. I came to some decisions of my own. This has you serve your purpose without having unnecessary problems.
Your seduction power shall not affect the Avnomar, the Vanguard, allies, or innocents.
It shall only affect enemies, hostiles, and threats. It shall be twice as effective on targets I send you on missions for.
Euravasiah: Yes M’Lady... So I shall be a normal beautiful female amongst the crowds then...
Ashontrah: Among innocent crowds and allies. There is no need for you to seduce those who are loyal to me. It will affect betrayers though.
Euravasiah: M’Lady, please, I promise I will control my seduction and lust. The same mistake will not happen again. I know you trust my actions more than my words. I know I messed up, but please...
Ashontrah: Why do you want to seduce my Avnomar, Vanguard, and allies?
Euravasiah: Seduction is who I am. I do not want it taken away regardless of who I am with. It is a lot more than convincing a person to do something through sexual energy.
I have unlocked the most beautiful feelings and songs within a person’s heart. Ive gotten to know the most interesting beings because they see something in me that they cant quite place.
I am able to get to know their ins and outs and who they are within the most intimate parts of themselves. I do not want this taken away. Please, I beg of you. I am willing to do anything for another chance.
Ashontrah: Since you were already lovers with Apollo in the past it is fine, but I do not want you being lovers with my other Avnomar.
They shall be with me for eternity and having emotional entanglements will really mess things up. I do not need you to unlock anything in them through sexual energy.
Euravasiah: That is fine, I will not seduce them. Just, please, do not take this away. Please give me another chance M’Lady....
Ashontrah: I had made your seduction too powerful that your mere presence was seducing and causing distractions. It was causing more harm than good. This brings it to a better level and allows it to be even more effective against specific targets.
Euravasiah: That is because I myself did not bother to control it. I let it control me. However if you allow me to control it on my own, not only will it bring better proficiency and precision, the impact will be greater on my own when it comes to enemies. I will also be able to find different ways of seducing because it will be my own.
Please M’Lady I beg of you. I will get down on my knees every single time I am in your presence. I beg of you to not take it away.
If I combine the control of my emotions with my controlled seduction, I will be able to make a much more efficient weapon for you.
Ashontrah: Even as Nebula Mother stated 'If you do not learn how to focus, control, and breathe you will cause more chaos and The Blood Rose Empire will fall because of your actions and choices, along with you with it. Ashontrah is aware of how much a dangerous weapon she created.'
I am not going to risk this so you can have a seducing effect on those who do not need to be seduced. You yourself know you are a pup. I gave you more than you can handle.
Euravasiah: If I can prove I can handle it in the future, will I receive my full seduction back?
Ashontrah: As you prove yourself your power will grow.
Euravasiah: I just want to be able to control it. Being normal in a crowd is such a curse...
Ashontrah: I am not going to place the risk of my empire in your unstable hands while you figure it out. You get yourself in full control first before I give you more power.
Euravasiah: Yes M’Lady...
Ashontrah: This male #001 is far more than I realized. He allowed himself to be seduced. He has his own agenda. I had to share Part One so you would have context for Part Two... I am not sure how many parts there will be.
Part Two: Vlackheim Virus in the Athranaak...
True Self Connection...
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