Blood Rose Dawn Phase One: Siege of Jotunheim

Ashontrah had stayed up all night putting everything into place. She placed the Tree Ent Narraku. She asked the bear shifter Shaddaka and other Volwynn to join the slavers.
She also spoke with the dwarves Fogbear, Greyoak, and the Jotunn Prince Lemniskarun.
Ashontrah told Greyoak: "It is time to wake up your sister." Greyoak is the wisest of all dwarves. His sister is Greywillow.
She is inside the mountain yet encased within stone. The Jotunn Queen goes to her often for advice. Greywillow speaks back through the stone. Oldoak and Greyoak also visit her.
When Fogbeared was commissioned to create the binding stone for Asherah bonds it came to him in a dream. He actually went to Greywillow and she unveiled the plan to him.
Fogbeared, Oldoak, and Greyoak go to speak to Greywillow...
Since it is usually the Jotunn Queen who comes to speak to her...
Greywillow: "It is not you my Queen, it is my kinfolk. You come to me in an hour of great peril."
Fogbeard: "Greywillow, the wisest of all Dwarven mothers. The destruction of Jotuheim is upon us."
Greyoak: "My dear sister we need you to awaken. For you are the land and the mountains of Jotunheim. You are in every rock and every stone. In every tree and every snowflake that falls. In the great birds and beasts of Jotuheim you are there. We need you to awaken now. Jotunheim needs you."
Greywillow: "Only the True King of Jotuheim can awaken me as foreseen in the prophesies. The Balancer of all must give the blessing to the King. Only thenfore could I be awakened."
Ashontrah arrives and brings Lemniskarun...
Ashontrah: "Great Heart of Jotunheim, Mother of the Mountains, I Ashontrah the Great Balancer stand before you now as you have foreseen in the prophesy."
Greywillow: "I have waited long for you."
Ashontrah: "I bring forth to you the True King of Jotunheim."
Ashontrah presents Lemniskarun...
Greywillow: "And do you bless him as the True King of Jotunheim?"
Lemniskarun kneels down in front of Ashontrah so she can reach him. He is way taller.
Ashontrah: "I Ashontrah the Blood Rose Empress bless you Lemniskarun as the True King of Jotunheim as as its protector."
Then Ashontrah kisses Lemniskarun on the forehead...
The rock Greywillow was encased within cracks and falls apart. A female dwarf falls out. She is sleeping unconscious.
Greyoak: "Sister... She is still not awakened."
Oldoak: "But the blessing has been given. I do not understand."
Ashontrah steps forward. She kisses Greywillow on the forehead.
Ashontrah: "Awaken beautiful Mother of the Mountain."
Greywillow's eyes open...
Greywillow: "I have waited longer than I could even remember to look upon your face. That day has come."
Ashontrah: "Regain your strength wise mother. Jotunheim needs you."
Ashontrah meets with Lyindrinar, Tenomachi, and Tia-Nan in the Void...
King Varidon's niece Sariassa is also there. Varidon had left with the Void Army to aid Hue.
The Purifiers and Dark Collective are united. Therefore our Light and Void must also be united.
Varidon left Sariassa as reagent lord of Void while he is gone.
Ashontrah gives a rosethorn dagger to Tenomachi and Lyindrinar.
Ashontrah: "All has been set in place. When the time comes use this rosethorn dagger on the Arniyx."
Tenomachi: "What does the dagger do?"
Ashontrah: "This will pull them into a place where their power is useless."
Tenomachi really wants to retake Volheim and Lyindrinar wants to retake Alfheim.
Ashontrah: "That is not the plan. We have to get rid of Bombo and Mishda. They keep regenerating and cannot be killed."
Lyindrinar and his army along with the ones Ashontrah placed with the slavers are going to overtake Volheim.
Tenomachi is going to help Lemniskarun in Jotuheim beat the seige and decimate that army.
Ashontrah is going to deal with Alfheim herself. She looks down at Jimjin...
Ashontrah: "Go tell Atherak that the time has come to return what I let him borrow."
Ashontrah meets with Moidaybe...
Moidaybe introduces the Sisters of Death
Donha and Yonha...
Ashontrah: "Who are these two unique beings?"
Moidaybe: "They are the sisters Donha and Yonha. They are my two loyal children of death. They seek to be Athernites one day."
They are a race of beings that during the Urthak War were on the side of Kronos. They can vamp like Moidaybe but they cannot go as far of distances as he can.
They have elongated faces and ears. They have tails and their wings are underneath their arms. They have long war-braided hair. They are an onyx black color with red markings.
The Great Houses had defeated their race and killed most of them except for their father who escaped with his twin daughters. Their father lived in exile for a long time. His daughters grew up into teenagers. As they grew up he would speak of how one day the Great Houses would pay.
Their father decided he was going to assassinate the leaders of the Great Houses. He failed because he trusted the wrong person and they betrayed him. His whole essence and core was ripped apart as punishment.
Ever since then the sisters Donha and Yonha have wanted to get back at the Great Houses. They came to Moidaybe after Asherah died. They told him of how corrupt the Great Houses were.
When Arku had empowered Moidaybe to jump further he started teaching these two sisters of death to better their abilities.
When Moidaybe became an Athernite he empowered the sisters. They serve Moidaybe.
Ashontrah: "Remember what you asked for?"
Moidaybe: "I think about it every waking moment."
Ashontrah: "Then the time has come. The one who claims me as a bond. As if I am some prize or trophy to sit on a shelf. He hides and has some of the slavers with him guarding him. The time has come Moidaybe to end this so-called bond."
Tia-Nan and her Drakon are going to take care of the slavers protecting the Dragon King. He has been hiding since the death of the Princes and Princesses. He has also been hiding from Asteria.
Ashontrah with the Tree Ent Narraku...
Narraku: "The trees have spoken. We remain in Alfheim untouched and unharmed by this invading slaver army. This I thought I would bring to the attention of you Ashontrah. Providing that I and my kind may be of service in some way."
Ashontrah: "Curious. Hmmm... They wish to enslave all the beings of Alfheim. Yet they leave the Ents untouched. Tell me of these interactions between them."
Narraku: "Their leader Gorvag has a soft spot in whatever heart or hearts he has for trees. He has called many of us there and has commanded his army to not harm us or burn any forests. He seemed to be saddened by the burning of our mother."
Ashontrah: "Yes in which you are one of her first seedlings. It is very unfortunate and sad that she is gone. But this soft spot that Gorvag has for your kind and trees as well shall play perfectly into my plan. Go there and offer the assistance of your kind as well as the trolls and ogres that reside there. Gain their trust and offer your allegiance to Gorvag. Then wait for my coming."
Narraku: "I will do as you asked. The invaders of Alfheim shall be like the parasites that come in the fall. They must be cleansed by their own fire that brought down our mother."
Ashontrah: "And this shall be."
Ashontrah with the bear shifter Shaddaka...
Ashontrah: "Have you secured most of Volwynn leaders and cheiftains?"
Shaddaka: "Yes I have. I took them to the great deserts of Volheim. Where many other Volwynn have rallied for the King. For the retaking of Volheim. We are ready to fight even though there are few of us."
Ashontrah: "I do not want you to attack. Instead go there and offer your allegiance to the slavers. They will need to replenish themselves. My spies have informed me that the owner of the slaver's guild Gorvag was quite impressed with the Volwynn."
Shaddaka: "Wouldn't my King see that as a betrayal?"
Ashontrah: "I have already informed him of the matter. He shall not be there when Volheim is retaken."
Shaddaka: "But Queen Ashontrah, he should be there for the people."
Ashontrah: "He is needed elsewhere. The alliances that bind Alfheim, Volheim, and Jotunheim are still strong. They must be made like a fire. Rekindled so that it burns bright.
Lyindrinar's army as well as my Avnomar have arrived in the great deserts of Volheim. They are waiting for my command. The time will come when I myself shall face Shaderell. He will be in Volheim. I need you and the Volwynn inside the castle. Await my signal."
Shaddaka: "What will that signal be?"
Ashontrah: "You will see it in the sky."
Shaddaka: "Then I shall be watching."
Gorvag was looking at the ashes where the Alfheim tree was...
Gorvag: "Why did you burn it? I like trees."
Mishda: "Because Shaderell said so."
Gorvag whips Mishda: "I didn't want it burned down! Don't burn down anything else. I like this place. I will make is a vacation home for me and Princess."
He mentions the oldest son Dunka. He is not strange or sadist the others. He is very smart and calculating. He is not in control of the main army like Mishda. He goes around and governs. This is how they maintain their control.
Gorvag: "Dunka is going to come here and lay down the law. After you have conquered Jotunhim and Valinor."
Then Gorvag brings in some Tree Ents that joined them as slavers.
Tree Ent Narraku: "Alfheim needs to remain beautiful. The Nature Folk ruined the trees here through their wars. It is their fault."
The Tree Ents brought Orcs and Trolls with them who came to be slavers...
Gorvag: "Well Princess wants all these little wisps and fairies."
Kammakay collects little creatures that she considers cute and places them in cages.
Gorvag: "As you go around, gather them for Princess."
Mishda: "But I want them!"
Gorvag whips him: "Princess gets what she wants! You have enough!"
Gorvag: "You are going back to Volheim to initiate the new slavers we have there."
There are a few thousand Volwynn who agreed to join them and become slavers under the leadership of Shaddaka who is a bear shifter.
Gorvag tells Bombo: "You are going to finish of Jotunheim and bring me back these Giants. I want them."
He wants the Jotunn Queen as a personal slave to his collection. He wants most of the Jotnar to join him as slavers or die. He also wants the Dwarves as slaves.
Bombo is preparing to go to Jotunheim...
The battle in Valinor didn't go so well for them. Gorvag recalled his bone female general.
Gorvag: "You fought well. My army got spread out too much because of Shaderell and Ashoweah and all them. I am going to go get the Unseen and these Vala will pay. I don't even want them as slaves. I want to wipe them all out."
Now he wants to make Valinor his own private vacation home and give Alfheim to Princess.
Gorvag speaks to the bone female. He started glowing in his eyes and mouth. His head started stretching forward. His long tongue came out and he licked her. Where she was a white bone color she changed into a dark purple.
Gorvag: "Alright let's see if that effing Tulkas wants to try you again."
Kammakay: "Don't kill him. I want him for one of my dolls."
Gorvag: "Don't kill him."
The bone female left with Gorvag. He is going to declare her the leader of the Unseen.
Gorvag has his main leader of his hunter group staying behind to garrison Alfheim. His name is Horra. There are many of them stationed in Alfheim.
Gorvag gave Horra specific instructions not to tear up Alfheim because they want it to stay pretty.
Gorvag's plan for Jotunheim is to make it a huge slaver camp. He doesn't like it there because of the cold terrain. Even on the tundra where it is not as cold he doesn't like it.
The Unseen were guardians of an existence. When Gorvag came through to conquer these guardians decided... 'Instead of fight him we should just join him.' They helped him conquer the existence. They are very powerful. The Unseen are his elite force.
The Dwarves are gathering...
Greyoak: "My kinfolk, the enemy marches soon upon all that we know. Jotunheim is on the brink of destruction. Our Great Queen who has protected us and has always given us a home... her life is now in our hands as well.
I have brought you all here. All of those from the great clans. To speak to you today to take up arms. Now you know me as a wise man and a great shaman. I do not preach war. I do not preach violence. I preach balance. But sometimes there are threats that will undo balance.
So today I take off my robes of wisdom. I lay down my staff of knowledge. I put on my armor of strength and I wield my axe of justice. For Jotunheim! For its Queen! For the Prince! And for all us Dwarves! We must go now and defend our home."
There is debating among the clans and chieftains...
Dwarf Chieftain: "But this army of slavers is many. We must head to the great highland mountains. All of us. Barricade ourselves in and hope to survive this onslaught."
Greyoak: "Until they come breaking down the door. Then what? Then we shall all die."
Dwarf Chieftess: "Then we shall all die there. That is no great plan. We must head to the coast to my kingdom! We can defend there from the great island. We can fight them there for a millennia."
There is a mountain island there where she has her clan.
Another Chieftain: "We will be surrounded there. They will starve us out. That is a foolish plan. There is no escaping this. I say Greyoak is right. If I am to die I will not die running. I will die fighting for Jotunheim."
They feel a presence among them...
Greywillow: "My children... I the Great Mother of the Mountain have slept for so long. I have watched you prosper here in Jotunheim and beyond.
I have been content but as of late I have been haunted by dreams of the destruction of our Jotunheim. The prophesy I have always known has come to pass. We must rise now my children and take our place in this prophesy."
Dwarf: "The Mother of the Mountain has returned to us!"
Dwarf 2: "She has awakened! We must fight!"
Dwarf 3: "We are all with you! We are one kinfolk!"
Greywillow: "Then now my children let us join our Queen and let us show this invading enemy who means to bring our destruction that we will not die so easily. That we will not run. We will give them a fight like they have never seen!"
Greyoak: "Are you with me my kinfolk? Are you with Jotunheim?"
Dwarves do a battle yell: "We are with you!"
1:02pm Bombo is about to go to Jotunheim through a portal along with his army. There is a big image of Gorvag that shows up on the portal.
Gorvag: "My mighty army this existence has been very easy to subdue. One realm stands against us. Go forth and subdue them for me! My great legacy!"
In Jotunheim they can see the slaver army approaching...
Bombo: "Make this quick!"
Standing up on the wall is Lemniskarun, Kuluyaku, the Jotunn Queen, Fogbeard, Greyoak, and Greywillow.
Fogbeard: "So many."
Jotunn Queen: "All we have to do is hold them."
Lemniskarun: "I will stand and fight until all my strength is gone."
Greywillow looks at the Jotunn Queen. They look at each other...
Lemniskarun: "What is it?"
Jotunn Queen: "You must go with Greywillow."
Lemniskarun: "But I am going to stand and fight."
Greywillow: "This battle will be lost if you do not come with me. I need the True King to awaken the mountain. We must go."
Lemniskarun looks at his mother: "Something deep inside me tells me that this will be our last time together."
Jotunn Queen: "Nothing ever ends forever my son. Now go."
Greyoak opens a portal that leads deep within a mountain...
Greyoak: "Hurry. We will hold them as long as we can."
Then the bombardment from the slavers starts hitting the walls...
Jotunn Queen holds her axe: "Quickly my son. Awaken the mountain."
Lemniskarun and Greywillow go through the portal....
The battle is raging against the wall in Jotunheim...
Bombo: "There is no effing wall I cannot get over!"
Every time he gets hit or cut he instantly regenerates.
There are about 15 giants standing with a huge boulder moving it over the wall. They want to push it over. There are dwarves coming to help push it. The boulder finally tips and goes over.
Bombo: "Huh?"
It smashes him. His army doesn't even notice. They keep moving towards the wall. Some of them can fly.
Where Bombo got smashed all the parts and pieces of him form back together. Goo and flesh comes out from under the boulder and he comes back. Bombo is heaving and crying. He is getting bigger and bigger.
With his four arms Bombo picks up the boulder and throws it through the wall. A big part of the wall comes crumbling down.
Bombo is raging and crying. Grabbing chunks of the wall and throwing them.
An axe flies down and hits Bombo in the eye. He screams a piercing cry...
Kuluyaku: "I think I just pissed him off even more."
Bombo climbs up the wall to where Kuluyaku, the Jotunn Queen, and Greyoak are...
Slaver: "Kill them and capture the Queen!"
Greyoak is pretty badass. As slavers jump at him he opens portals they fall through. He also really good with an axe.
Most of the Jotunn Queen's royal guard is dead. She only has a few left.
Inside the mountain Lemniskarun is with Greywillow...
They come to a chamber where there is a huge glowing red rock. Greywillow goes up and touches it. This makes it glow even brighter.
Greywillow: "You have been asleep so long my son. It is time for you to wake up."
Back to the wall in Jotunheim...
Bombo is almost to the top of the wall. He gets out there and takes out the remaining royal guard.
He makes his way to the Jotunn Queen, Kuluyaku, and Greyoak. They are all trying to fight him.
Bombo knocks Kuluyaku down and he knocks back the Jotunn Queen. He goes for Kuluyaku...
Greyoak flash blinds Bombo. The Jotunn Queen looks at Greyoak...
Jotunn Queen: "Get my grandson out of here. The bloodline must survive."
Greyoak nods. He grabs Kuluyaku and takes out a stone. They portal away just as Bombo regained his sight and was about to hit him.
The Jotunn Queen hits Bombo from behind. He turns around and grabs her by the neck.
Bombo: "Jotunheim is mine!"
The bones crunch in the Jotunn Queen's neck. He tosses her body off the wall.
Deep in the Mountain...
Lemniskarun gets a pain deep in his chest.
Lemniskarun: "My mother is dead."
Greywillow: "The Queen has fallen. Now the King must rise."
Greywillow leads his hand over to the glowing stone...
Greywillow: "Awaken the mountain."
Lemniskarun: "I Lemniskarun, rightful King of Jotunheim, awaken the mountain."
The face of the mountain starts to glow. There is a rumbling everywhere.
Where Bombo's army came in they notice a pink sunrise. Then they hear horns blaring. They see the Blood Rose Vanguard. Tenomachi is in front with Vilanea.
Tenomachi: "Blood Rose Vanguard... For the Queen!"
They start attacking the slaver army from behind...
Bombo doesn't understand the rumbling in the mountain. He sees the Vanguard...
Bombo: "They brought another army! Kill them!"
By this time the giants and dwarves are going into the caves. The mountain is shaking.
The mountain starts to rise. It has hands and rising up. The face of the mountain where the entrance to Jotunheim is the face the mountain. It is a huge Mountain Giant.
Bombo hears all these rocks falling. He looks behind him and sees this Mountain Giant and its fists come down on his army.
It is stomping on them and the slavers cannot do anything against it.
The dwarves and giants rally behind the Mountain Giant. The Blood Rose Vanguard is fighting its way through.
Bombo gets hit by Tenomachi at full force. As Bombo is in a panic he is losing his strength. He is not as strong as he was.
The Mountain Giant pulls a piece out of his chest and throws it at Bombo. As it is flying it breaks. All these pieces start hitting all the slavers surrounding him.
When the final piece breaks open it is Lemniskarun inside with his axe. He cuts Bombo in half.
Greywillow was inside with Lemniskarun. She lands. As these slavers try to grab her these jagged rocks come up around her and impale them.
Greyoak comes back. Greywillow looks at him...
Greywillow: "It is time to finish this."
They take out the other slavers around Bombo. Lemniskarun keeps cutting off Bombo's arms as fast as they regrow.
Bombo finally reforms. He knocks Lemniskarun and Tenomachi back. He comes up on Tenomachi...
Bombo: "You stupid dog!" He is getting really angry.
Tenomachi pulls out his rosethorn dagger.
Bombo laughs: "What are you going to do with that? Pick my nose?"
Lemniskarun hits Bombo from behind...
Lemniskarun: "Now Tenomachi!"
Tenomachi stabs Bombo with the bloodthorn dagger. The dagger goes right into him.
Bombo feels his tummy... He starts bleeding out from his mouth and eyes. Where the dagger went in there is an infection spreading. He starts to melt. His flesh is falling off. Bombo falls apart.
The goo of Bombo seeps into the ground. From it sprouts rose vines. Little pink rose buds blossom.
Bombo's army is pretty much done....
The Mountain Giant stops when Greywillow stands in front of him...
Greywillow: "You have protected us once again my son. You have served your King and have served Jotunheim. Go back to sleep now."
The Mountain Giant retakes his place as the biggest mountain in Jotuheim.
Lemniskarun finds Kuluyaku. He is holding the Jotunn Queen...
Lemniskarun takes the Jotunn Queen's hand and places it in his.
Lemniskarun: "I shall not forget you mother. All of Jotunheim shall never forget you."
Greywillow, Greyoak, and Oldoak are there with them. Greywillow raises her hand...
Greywillow: "She will always be now and forever part of Jotunheim. She will be part of the mountain."
Greyoak and Oldoak also raise their hands. The Jotunn Queen's body starts to glow. It forms into an orb and goes to where the entrance of the face of the mountain. It goes into the mouth. There is bright light that comes out from the eyes. Everything in the mountain glows then dims down.
Greyoak: "And now the Great Queen of Jotunheim will forever be part of our realm as the Heart of the Great Mountain."
Greywillow looks at Lemniskarun...
Greywillow: "She will always be there for you whenever you seek her guidance. Now rise King of Jotunheim."
All that are gathered around are cheering...
They all hear the voice of Ashontrah...
Ashontrah: "Stop."
The crowd parts and Ashontrah walks through...
Ashontrah: "You cannot yet be King."
Everyone is a bit surprised. Ashontrah walks up to Lemniskarun. She smiles at him.
Ashontrah: "He cannot yet be King without receiving my blessing."
Lemniskarun: "It is because of you that I am King."
Lemniskarun kneels and Ashontrah kisses him on the forehead...
Ashontrah: "Then receive my blessing and rise Lemniskarun King of Jotunheim."
The crowd all cheers.
Shaddaka and other Volwynn are with some slavers. They are taking them Mishda to be initiated inside the castle.
Shaddaka has Kayeiahwah and other Volwynn in chains.
Shaddaka: "We conquered their tribe. Those who didn't join us along with you will make nice slaves."
Ashontrah prepares for Phase Two...
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