Meet the Arniyx

This post is offensive, graphic, explicit, disgusting, and really trashy. Read at your own risk...
Mishda is the leader of the slaver guild Faewingah. They have a vast army of about a billion.
They are in Alfheim waiting for the Elves to come back...
Mishda is putting his brother who is general Bombo to lay siege to Jotunheim. He is splitting up the army. He is not going there yet but this is his plan.
There is some kind of female bone humanoid creature. She must be Mishda's lover. She is a powerful being.
The Houses are pissed off because Valinor did not join them. He is sending his lover to Valinor. She is indestructible. They won't be attacking quite yet.
Mishda has his own desire. He has been looking through Alfheim and very curious about these Nymphs. He wants to collect them. He collects female slaves. He has heard much about Yashadite. He wants her.
Mishda is looking through memory crystals of Asherah. He said "She would have been good to collect, but she is dead."
Now he is looking at Artemis... "Definitely want that one."
Then he saw Eeaynna as an Avnomar and became entranced "I am going to have that one."
You must know what Mishda does with his female slaves. He dresses them up and makes them mother him. Then he beats the crap out of them and then makes them mother him again.
Mishda makes them change him and feed him. Then he beats them. He does it all again. He throws a fit like a baby. "Feed me! I am hungry!"
Eura: He sounds interesting. Let me meet him. You know how much I love pain and being oh so ‘motherly’.
Ashontrah: "Euravasiah Lustfire If you go to him he will not let you go. We won't be able to get you back."
Eura: "You know I never walk away until the job is done. I do not have to go now, but use me when the time is right."
Ashontrah: "Bombo is just as disgusting pig-wise as Mishda. He tries to keep up with his brother. He has his own collection. He beats his slaves as well but he cries and sobs afterward."
Their father Gorvag is the one who owns the slaver's guild. He makes all the profit. He is very overweight. He has this throne he rides around on. He has a collection too. He like to take it in his four rectums until he releases his bowels on his collection.
He does not actually look like Jabba the Hutt, but he is disgusting like him. The Ariniyx have more facial features and they do have legs. Not all of them are fat. Their tail is not as long. The head shape is similar though.
The skeleton-humanoid who is indestructible. She loves torture. She has her own collection. She likes taking males and turning them into eunuchs. Then she eats their parts. She kills the females and eats their reproductive organs.
Mishda is still looking through the crystals in Alfheim at all the different females. He sees Pisch as an Avnomar... "I am going to give this one to father."
Mishda just found a crystal of Euravasiah... "Oh I want that one!"
Behind his shoulder is his father Gorvag... "What do you have there?"
He grabs it and smacks Mishda. "Don't hide things from your dad!"
Mishda: "I am sorry daddy."
Gorvag is whipping him: "Never again!"
Mishda: "Sorry daddy. Sorry daddy."
Gorvag looks at Euravasiah... "Now this is a catch! I could feel them releasing now."
They he crapped all over himself.
Gorvag: "I will have this one for my collection."
He calls four beings to him. They are the same kind he is except they are fit and in-shape. He shows them the crystal...
Gorvag: "Bring me this!"
Beings: "Where do we look?"
Gorvag is angry: "I don't know. Just find her and bring her to me right now!"
Gorvag: "Where are my idiot sons?"
Mishda: "I am right here daddy."
Gorvag whips him: "You come when I call you!"
Mishda: "Sorry daddy."
Bombo arrives....
Gorvag: "My favorite son! Come embrace your old man."
Bombo comes to him and knocks something over on his floating throne.
Gorvag starts hitting him: "I was eating that!"
Bombo is crying: "Sorry daddy."
Gorvag: "You two idiots. I didn't come to this existence to sit here and not have what I want. I am tired of my old collection. They stink. I want a new collection."
Gorvag pulls out a scroll of Jotunn...
Gorvag: "I want these. I want giants."
He points at a picture of Skadi... "I want this one! Bombo bring this to your daddy. Bring me many of them. I want them by tomorrow. No... I am busy tomorrow. I want them soon. Do you hear me?"
Bombo: "Yes daddy."
Gorvag hits Mishda again: "You are planning to keep the best for yourself."
He holds up the memory crystal of the different females...
Gorvag: "I get them first! You can have them when I am done. The best ones will be part of my collection."
The daughter of Gorvag has all these males on chains... She is just as overweight as her father. She is also on a floating throne. Her name is Kammakay.
Kammakay: "When you two assholes go out and conquer you bring me back presents!"
Mishda: "I am not bringing you anything back you spoiled little brat!"
Kammakay: "You bring me presents or I'll tell daddy!"
Gorvag is sleeping, snoring, and farting in his throne...
Mishda: "You are not going to get anything."
Kammakay jumped out of her floating chair and jumping up and down throwing a fit...
Kammakay: "I want presents! Daddy! I want presents! Daddy!"
She has four arms which is flinging around. The male slaves on chains are attached to them. She looks at one of them and lets out a loud scream and starts crying.
Gorvag wakes up: "Who is making my little princess cry?!"
Kammakay: "They broke my playthings!"
Mishda: "I didn't break them daddy. She broke them!"
Kammakay: "They said they won't bring me any presents!"
She flops down on her assess and screams. "I WANT PRESENTS!"
Govag whips the sons: "You make princess cry! You bring her presents!"
Kammakay: "I want the Elf King! I want him. He is mine!"
Bombo: "But dad we are supposed to hand him over to the Houses."
Gorvag whips Bombo: "I am your dad! Princess will get what she wants! Bring her the Elf King!"
Bombo: "I sorry daddy."
Kammakay is smiling: "I love you daddy."
Gorvag: "That is my princess. The most beautiful being in all the existences."
Gorvag: "You go out and bring back daddy what belongs to him. You bring back princess her presents. Don't make me get up out of this throne!"
Bombo: "Don't worry daddy. We will bring you what you want daddy."
Mishda: "They will come before us or we shall kill them."
Gorvag whips Mishda: "I don't want them dead! I want them in my collections."
Mishda: "Yes daddy. I won't kill them."
Gorvag: "Good. All this excitement has gotten me aroused. Bring me my collection."
The different female slaves come in. They are dreading what is going to happen. There two female beings each holding huge rods.
This strap comes out from the chair and wraps around his belly. His chair reclines forward... The back opens up and it is his four asses....
Gorvag: "I need to release now." These poor slaves.
Their race of beings are called Arniyx. They are all in-bred. Bombo and Mishda's mother is Gorvag's grandmother.
Gorvag has a brother who is just as gross as he is. This brother is the true love of his daughter Kammakay.
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