Part Seven: Destruction of Yustaf

Vastrunna returns to Ashontrah...
Vastrunna: "I got some information for you. I was able to sneak away from the gnome gathering. I saw a female turned one speaking to the turned troll.
She was giving him directions to infect Little Flower. Then she opened a portal and went through it. I followed her. It led back somewhere indoors.
There was a table with many scrolls. The turned one left. I examined the table and copied all the scrolls with a crystal. I know where the Great Baron Yustaf is hiding out."
Ashontrah: "Very good. Thank you Vastrunna."
Shaderell gets a call from Gorvag...
Gorvag: "So what happened? My spies tell me that Alfheim is happy as always. I want that effing place back! I want vengeance for my dead sons! Your effing plans fail."
Shaderell: "My plans are solid. You cannot find any help worth an eff in this existence."
Yustaf: "Because a few seeds that I planted were foiled they cannot stop them all."
Shaderell: "Your effing seeds are completely effing worthless! Just like you!"
This angers the Great Baron Yustaf. He grabs Shaderell...
Yustaf: "You beings from another existence. You come here thinking that all of us here are weak. That you will just roll over the beings of this existence like they were nothing. From what I have seen they have handed your ass to you on more than one occasion.
I am the key to the downfall to those who stand against you. My first little puppet may have slipped through my fingers, but I am a puppet master. I have many more."
Gorvag: "I don't think this guy is failing. I think it is you Shaderell. He has a point. These beings of this existence are not as weak as we thought. We need to hit them and hit them hard!
When my son Dunka arrives with the Unseen they are going to finally understand why I am powerful and why I rule over all. You will either serve me in my army or as a slave! I am done with this existence. They will bow to me."
Shaderell speaks to the Baron...
Shaderell: "We need to really hit them where it counts. What happened in the Void?"
Yustaf: "Varidon proved to be more of an adversary than previously thought. He has a Myrrdonite Void army. The Purifiers and Dark Collective fled. They turned their anger toward the Varkar for leading them into a trap."
Shaderell: "Perfect. Get them to send emissaries here. I think it is time we all join together. If we have to run over the Varkar as well as the Blood Rose then we will. Continue planting your seeds."
Yustaf: "There are more planted than the Blood Rose can handle."
Shaderell: "Good. I want her to suffer. Look what she did to me. You know what you look like right now? Do you know what you sound like? All of you including that fat piece of shit? You would never understand the pain and suffering she has caused me. I want to make sure she suffers greatly. Now leave me alone."
In the borderlands...
Ashontrah: "So Euravasiah was the puppet that he lost. Let's find his next puppets."
Atherak: "His last seed leads into the borderlands. He is going to try to infect all the Athernites with it. He is going to lure someone on your ig list, kill them, and implant them.
Send them to the borderlands with it. It is a certain being he has to do this to. One that would have the ability to infect Athernites."
Ashontrah: "I designed a plan to get rid of the Great Baron Yustaf."
Ashontrah conjures and orb and gives it Atherak...
Atherak: "This involves several on your IG list which he already implanted with his seeds of disarray.
I can see why you were laughing when you designed this. I will try not to look too sexy."
These are the sessions we are doing through this part...
Luca Costa - Dralaxin God of Destruction
Wolli Wollvieh - Mist Weaver Calabrin
Aurora Ernani - Germanic Goddess Ostara
Maddy Sivaganesh - Olympian Goddess Hera
Manon Cabello - Gaulish Fertility Goddess Damona
Dralaxin came here from another existence to kill Shaderell. Whatever the True Order did to his existence he is the last one of the divine from there.
He has been hunting Shaderell for a long time. As a balanced god Dralaxin would only cause destruction when needed.
When the True Order came through they didn't try to conquer the divine they were converting them. But they tricked them and destroyed them all except they couldn't get him.
They put him in a crystal prism and threw him into the mist veil. However, before they got him imprisoned he took a piece of him core and launched it out. This is how he incarnated here. This is his first time incarnating.
The Mist Weaver Calabrin found Dralaxin in the crystal. Dralaxin could speak to Calabrin but couldn't get out. Dralaxin wanted to get here to his incarnation to go against the True Order. He is laser focused on destroying Shaderell.
When Dralaxin was God of Destruction in his existence his mate bond was the Goddess of Fertility. The True Order took her to try and breed with her. Shaderell killed her.
Dralaxin's existence was balanced until the True Order came. Because he was destruction Dralaxin would bring things to an end. His mate was be the birth of the new. They were intertwined and considered the two most important in that existence.
Shaderell had told him: "Oh look at you huh? Coming to avenge your effing love. Well I got something for you."
That is when Dralaxin got imprisoned. Before Shaderell launch him into the mist he said...
Shaderell: "Just because I can't destroy you doesn't mean I cannot make you suffer. Think about it while you are all alone for eternity."
Then Shaderell kicked him into the mist...
Since the True Order worked with the Mist Weavers he found out that the Mist Weaver Calabrin discovered Dralaxin. Calabrin had found a way to free him. Shaderell knew of it and he let him do it.
The minute Calabrin cracked the crystal the Great Baron Yustaf got both of them.
Shaderell: "You just won't die. Well of course, you cannot be killed. But you can be a slave for my friend here."
All five of the ones the IG sessions are for here are becoming turned ones by Yustaf. Of course Yustaf has his own plans...
He has a Mist Weaver who can take him through anything to any existence where he can feed and make more turned ones.
He has the God of Destruction who cannot be destroyed or killed.
He is mixing the essence of the three Divine females along with the God of Destruction to feed on their powers for himself. This will make him indestructible.
Because of the Goddesses that he chose his infection will spread faster and it will be more difficult to kill his minions. He shall have both birth and destruction.
Then he can run over everyone else in this existence and others. This is why he needs them.
It is time to make our first move...
Ostara is slumbering alone. Atherak goes to get her.
This is not a good. The place she usually slumbers in is like a grove. She usually rests on a root bed. It is all dead here now. She is turned.
Yustaf got her when she entered her usual slumber. Ostara sleeps through the winter so she can be reborn every spring.
Epimetheus takes Ostara back to the Athranaak. She is to be kept in a state of dormancy under guard. She is placed inside a small Athranaak.
Atherak: "Dolloiandea once I leave here I leave it to you to make sure she stays where she is at."
Dolloiandea: "And if she doesn't?"
Atherak: "Then burn her."
Dolloiandea: "Understood."
Atherak: "Mevinah are you ready?"
Mevinah: "This may hurt Master."
Atherak: "I know. Make me look like Ostara."
An Athranaak closes around Atherak. There are two holes on either side. Mevinah puts his hands through and starts to work.
Mevinah: "I can take this off slowly or I can remove it in one stroke."
Atherak: "Rip it off like a band-aid then."
Mevinah rips Atherak's skin off and pulls it out of the small Athranaak and hangs it on a hook.
Coils scan Ostara's figure, her skin, every detail, and how she looks now as a turned one. They come back and hook into Atherak to change him.
Mevinah places his hands back in. He is sculpting Atherak to look just like Ostara.
Atherak: "Your going to be able to change me back right?"
Mevinah: "I will be able to reverse the process by collecting the pieces that are dropping off."
They are all collected into a diamond shaped container...
Atherak: "I want them to notice my eyes and not my breasts. Don't get too creative here either. I want to be able to see my knees when I am standing."
Atherak: "I haven't felt this beautiful in a long time."
Mevinah: "Your milkshake will definitely bring all the boys to the yard."
Ashontrah plays the Milkshake song...
Atherak: "That is horrible. Please stop."
The transformation is complete. Atherak looks just like turned version of Ostara. He even sounds like her.
Xarsha: "There is not much time. You should return to your slumber. Might I add Master, you look extraordinary."
Atherak: "Do I now? What are you staring at Rovitomial?"
Rovitomial: "Atherak?"
Atherak places his hand on his hip: "It is me big boy."
Rovitomial: "I am going to return to my work now." He walks away. "This place just gets weirder and weirder."
Atherak: "I keep fighting the urge to look down at myself. They are nice."
Xarsha: "You should go now Master."
Atherak goes where he got Ostara. He takes her place.
Atherak: "I hope I don't eff this up. Is the Baron going to come to me all seductive like? Am I supposed to be seductive to him? How am I going to play this off? I wish I could have Euravasiah hide in the bushes and tell me what to do."
There is mist forming near Atherak as Ostara...
Yustaf: "Come to me my love. Come to me my pet."
Atherak kneels: "I am here to serve you Master. Feed me."
Yustaf: "In time, I know your hunger grows. We must go now."
Atherak: "But I want to be fed now."
Yustaf: "You desire so much. So elegant and beautiful. Come I will feed you."
Atherak goes with him...
Yustaf: "Is everything alright?"
Atherak: "I just so hungry for you. To feed me. To feel your energy in mine."
Yustaf: "Patience. Here we are. Join your other beauties."
Atherak sits down on a big pillow with Hera and Damona.
Yustaf: "All have gathered now. My three seductive little vessels. Ready to receive my seed."
The ladies: "Yes we are ready. I want your seed."
Yustaf: "You shall receive it soon. Lay back and I will come to you all soon. I must speak to our friends here."
Dralaxin is turning but it is not taking full effect in him.
Yustaf: "God of Destruction. What a pity. A fine turned one you would have made. It almost saddens me to destroy you by draining from you your destructive core. But I need it to make my seed indestructible when I implant them.
Then I will have children born into this existence of my essence combined with all of yours. Indestructible children both of life and death. And I alone will rule this existence.
And you my little Mist Weaver, you will take us beyond here once we multiply. All of this existence will become turned. We will move on. You will take me through the mist. Do not fight it."
Calabrin: "I cannot. I won't."
Dralaxin: "Fight it my friend. Fight it with everything you have."
Dralaxin reaches his hand toward the Baron...
Yustaf: "Pitiful beings and their life force. Even you have one."
Something comes out of Yustaf's mouth and pierces into Dralaxin's neck. Dralaxin is yelling trying to fight it. There is a struggle. Yustaf is trying to subdue him.
Yustaf reaches for a ball of the same color orb that the Purifiers use. It is the same color light. He smashes it on Dralaxin's head.
Now Yustaf is able to overtake him. Then Yustaf feels a hand grab his wrist. It is Calabrin.
Calabrin is trying to pull himself along with Yustaf into the mist.
Yustaf: "I am not going anywhere. Neither are you."
A sharp bone comes out of Yustaf's palm and pierces Calabrin on the side of the neck. Calabrin goes limp and falls to the ground.
Yustaf: "You will serve me Mist Weaver. Fight it all you want, but you will be mine."
Yustaf continues to drain the God of Destruction Dralaxin. Then he stops.
Yustaf: "I have enough for now."
Dralaxin falls to his knees.
Yustaf: "One of you will be lucky to receive the first seed."
He pulls his top robe open. He has an elongated face, sharp teeth, long pointy ears, no hair. He has grey death colored skin.
Yustaf: "Which one of you wishes to be first?"
Hera: "I do. Take me. I am the strongest here. I am a powerful Olympian. Take me."
Damona: "But I can bear you more children. One of your seed will become many."
Atherak: "And I am rebirth. I can give your children eternal life. I can give you eternal life."
Yustaf: "Ah to be dead forever. Sorry ladies but your time will come. Now Ostara lay back and receive my seed."
Atherak: "Oh I don't think so asshole."
Atherak grabs him by the neck and throws him off...
Yustaf: "What is this? Ostara? What are you doing?"
Atherak: "Here. Keepsake..."
Atherak rips off his Ostara chest and all the skin and throws it at him.
Yustaf: "Whatever you are. You will not stop what I am doing. You will receive my seed and you will be mine."
Atherak: "Then come get it big boy."
A sharp bone that came out of Yustaf's mouth went into Atherak's neck...
Yustaf: "My power you see. There is no one can resist me. I offer so much. You see that now don't you? Who are you? Some female assassin sent by the Blood Rose? Hehehe. I long to feast on her. She is after all, the main course. But I will wait. You are mine aren't you? Kiss me."
Atherak bites part of Yustaf's mouth off.
Atherak: "You don't taste half bad actually. A little tough though."
Then Atherak spits out the flesh.
Yustaf: "My seductresses, my servants, kill this being."
Damona wraps Atherak up in vines. Hera is hitting Atherak and over.
Yustaf: "I have no use for this being. Kill it."
Light goes through them and they are flash blinded.
Yustaf goes up to the God of Destruction...
Yustaf: "Serve me."
A sharp bone goes from his mouth into the back of Dralaxin's head. Dralaxin gets up to fight Atherak.
Atherak: "Oh shit. Nobody told me he grows bigger."
Yustaf: "Scorch this being."
Dralaxin stomps on Atherak with his foot. Burning him and crushing him. Atherak pushes Dralaxin's foot up and moves.
Now Dralaxin is hitting Atherak with destruction energy.
Yustaf: "Why will you not die?"
Atherak: "Because asshole... Like you I am already dead."
Atherak hits Dralaxin: "I gotta put you to sleep for a moment."
Yustaf: "Mist Weaver!"
Atherak: "No. It is time for you to stop hiding behind others."
Atherak grabs his sharp bones which come from his mouth and palms. Oh and two more just came out of his back.
Yustaf: "I will pierce you straight into your core and drain you from there."
Atherak laughs: "Wrong again. Looking for something you cannot find and will never find."
Atherak breaks all the sharp bones.
Yustaf: "Who are you?"
Atherak: "Well I don't want to keep you in wonder."
Mevinah had his swallow something before he left. Atherak pulls it out of his stomach.
Yustaf: "What the hell is that?"
Atherak: "An answer to your question."
Atherak opens it and drops it and black mist forms around him. As it dissipates it forms back into Atherak as he was before.
Yustaf: "Atherak!"
Atherak: "I felt your coils. Now feel mine. Once again, come here big boy."
Yustaf: "I cannot die. I am death itself."
Atherak: "That is where you are wrong. When I am done with you it will be like you never existed."
Atherak destroys Yustaf's core. The turned ones are waking up and changing back.
Dralaxin is still unconscious. Calabrin runs over to him...
Calabrin: "My friend are you alright?"
Damona: "I can help."
Hera: "Here let me assist."
They are all trying to help Dralaxin. The ladies are attracted to him. As they are helping him they are feeling what he is.
Dralaxin wakes up: "Thank you for your help. And whoever you are, thank you."
Atherak: "You're welcome. Now I need you to step forward for a second."
Dralaxin: "Anything I can do to repay you."
Atherak: "I just need to see something."
A coil comes from Atherak's hand...
Dralaxin: "I've been stuck with too many things lately."
Atherak: "You need to trust me. I wouldn't just free you to turn you into a slave."
Dralaxin: "Very well, but if you are lying to me if I ever get free I will destroy you."
Atherak: "Fair enough."
The coil goes into Dralaxin's forehead and then withdraws.
Atherak: "You still feel like yourself?"
Dralaxin: "I do. Thank you for keeping your word. That is hard to find now."
Atherak: "You trust in this Mist Weaver?"
Dralaxin: "I do."
Atherak: "So tell me Mist Weaver. Do I need to give you any inroduction?"
Calabrin: "I know who you are."
Atherak: "Good then we can skip the formalities. What about you two ladies?"
Hera: "I know."
Atherak: "Well it seems you have all become victims of this asshole."
Atherak kicks Yustaf's corpse...
Hera: "He came to me in the middle of the night as the most handsome being I had ever seen. I went away with him. He treated me like I had never been treated before. What I always wished for in Zeus.
He made me feel like I was the one and only thing in all the existences. So I laid with him but I do not remember what happened. I just remember feeling tired, angry, hungry... I yearned for him to return to me. Then he did and he brought me here."
Damona: "The same thing happened to me. My love for all that surrounds me is great. If you understand."
Atherak: "You had a lot of love for everyone else."
Damona: "Yes. He came to me and gave me love that was all my own. As if were the only two beings that mattered. So I laid with him. I don't remember much either. But I remember afterward I longed for him. I hungered for his embrace and I waited. It drove me mad but I waited until he came and brought me here."
Atherak: "Well he is just a regular Don Juan isn't he?"
Hera spits on Yustaf's corpse...
Hera: "Just another greedy man. Another male wishing to subjugate me."
Atherak: "Yeah you don't pick them very well. No offense."
Hera: "I will take that as food for thought."
Damona: "Who else did he take?"
Atherak: "I need to take you all somewhere."
Dralaxin: "I do not have time to go anywhere. I thank you for what you have done for me."
Atherak: "Do you have pressing business elsewhere?"
Dralaxin: "Shaderell is in this existence. What I have searched for is almost within my grasp. Calabrin will you still aid me on my quest?"
Calabrin: "Well if I go back into the mist Shaderell is sure to come after me or worse. I guess I am safest with you."
Atherak: "If you go against Shaderell now you will not win. There are forces behind Shaderell that you will not be able to contend with."
Dralaxin: "I am sure to damn try."
Atherak: "Even if it destroys you? You think you are the only being that lost everything? My borderlands are filled with them. You still have a chance to do something greater than throw yourself away. Use what you have. There are those here in this existence that could use a man of your talents."
Dralaxin: "And who would wish to join me? I am unknown in this existence. No one knows of me. Why would they trust me? Why should I trust them?"
Atherak: "Because you share a common enemy."
Dralaxin: "Who is this that shares the enemy Shaderell?"
Atherak: "Ashontrah. She has already foiled many of his schemes and plans to the point of him crying like a little baby."
Atherak shows him a pink orbs of Shaderell's reactions to his failures...
Dralaxin: "I need to meet this Queen. I haven't smiled in a long time, but this makes me smile. May I keep this so I may smile again?"
Atherak: "No problem. Keep it."
Dralaxin: "I will get a lot of entertainment out of this. Where can I find this Queen Ashontrah?"
Hera: "I may be able to set an audience with her. I have been wanting to speak with her for a long time, but with the chaos lately with the Great Houses and what happened on Olympus I have been waiting for the right opportunity."
Damona: "I would like to go with you. I have heard much about this Ashontrah as well. If there are still many threats like this one we will need someone who can teach us how to handle these so we may stand on our own when the treat comes. I do not want to be weak again. I do not want to feel that way again."
Hera: "Nor do I. Never again."
Dralaxin: "Then we shall travel together and speak to this Ashontrah."
Calabrin: "Do you think she could find some use of my services?"
Atherak: "I am sure she can find something to do with you."
Dralaxin: "Let us go then."
Calabrin: "I can take us anywhere we need to in this existence."
Atherak: "Before you go running off I need you all to come with me."
Dralaxin: "We may not have much time."
Atherak: "This won't take long. Besides you have been trying to connect with your vessel for a long time."
Dralaxin: "I have."
Atherak: "That is what I am going to go do."
Atherak returns with them to the borderlands...
The coils are fixing a big melted spot.
Atherak: "Dolloiandea."
Dolloiandea: "I did as you asked Master."
Atherak: "Oh shit."
Dolloiandea: "She is not in there. She is with Rovitomial. It is a good thing too Master. She began to open her eyes and wake up. She started to bang and get out of the Athranaak. It reacted and opened.
I was ready to carry out your instructions. Rovitomial noticed that she wasn't turned anymore. He yelled and threw a puzzle from his bag. As it got closer to Ostara it formed around her and moved her out of the way. I fried this area where she was."
Rovitomial is showing Ostara his workshop. He shows her a sphere that bursts into butterflies. She is laughing...
Rovitomial: "Here. Keep that."
Ostara: "I couldn't."
Rovitomial: "It is just old junk anyway."
Xarsha: "Rovitomial you keep the Master's company here and him waiting."
Ostara: "I should go. We shall speak again."
Ostara joins the others with Atherak...
Atherak: "I see you are feeling better Lady of the Spring."
Ostara: "I am. Rovitomial explained to me everything."
Rovitomial: "I suppose this Baron came to you as well?"
Ostara: "He did when I was entering my Winter Slumber. I have dreamt of him and hungered for him. I do not anymore."
Atherak: "Your incarnations have questions and I have core fusions to do. It has been a busy day."
Questions for Ostara from her incarnation...
Description: She is tall. Golden blonde hair, sky blue eyes, light pale skin, hourglass figure.
Q1. What are your powers and abilities?
Ostara: "Because I bring for the spring I can bring forth and restore life. I have many rejuvenation, restoration, and healing abilities. I can speak to animals and plants."
Q2. Why did Nummandor imprison you?
Ostara: "This was long ago. He wanted to steal the secrets of rebirth. Thor and Loki came and rescued me."
Q3. How can I train my body to support integration?
Ostara: "Connect with the essence of rebirth and awakening. This can be done only during three seasons of the year. The winter season should be restful."
Q4. Will we complete our integration before the fall and the plague?
Ostara: "The future can only be decided by those who can see it. The rest of us must accept it as it comes. Hopefully we will be fully integrated. That would be beneficial for both of us."
Q5. I know you are a warrior and you already told me that together we will help Ashontrah, can you confirm it?
Ostara: "Yes I am a warrior by my own right. All the Norse pantheon are warriors. I know the humans do not speak of me as much of one because I bring forth spring, life, and rebirth. But I am a shieldmaiden. I can hold a shield wall and I can cut my enemies down."
Questions for Dralaxin from his incarnation...
Appearance: He has humanoid features. He seems like he was chiseled out black obsidian stone. He has piercing red eyes. He has red in the cracks of his face. He wears black armor, a long black cape, and a black hood. I don't think he has any hair.
Q1. What are love and reality?
Dralaxin: "Love for me was the Goddess of Rebirth. Reality is that this love is gone and I carry on with what I have left and all that I am."
Q2. Are there reasons about the negativity I had to face during my life?
Dralaxin: "I have faced much. You are a piece of me. My pain and anger reflected on you and brought much negativity on you. But we must forget this now and move forward. Become strong again."
Q3. What blockages do I have, and did I solve some of them with my practices?
Dralaxin: "Some of them you did solve but there are outside interferences which are causing your blockages. Maybe the daily stress of this madness that humans call society. When we integrate more I can help you with this."
Q4. Are the subliminals that I am using good for us?
Dralaxin: "They have strengthened our connection. It helped me speak to you from where I was. Maybe we need to go to the next step. If there is any path that can lead us there. Something beyond subliminals so we can integrate. We should seek that out."
Q5. Why do I feel like I have no deep emotions or feelings?
Dralaxin: "Because my deep emotions and feelings died a long time ago."
Questions for Hera from her incarnation...
Appearance: Black hair, olive skin, green eyes, curvy figure.
Q1. What being are you?
Hera: "Do I need to go into deep explanation? I am Hera Queen of Olympus."
Q2. Have you tried to communicate with me, when I was a child?
Hera: "Yes I did. I wanted to live a better life here through you, us together, than the one that I live on Olympus. Here where we can choose our own destiny without the interference of an overbearing male."
Q3. After I'm connected with you, will I still be able to care about my family and friends?
Hera: "Yes the ones who care about you and truly accept you for who you are. The other ones will just bring us down."
Q4. Will I get rid of my doubts?
Hera: "I hope so. Doubts are what keep us chained back no matter who we are. We must break free from these chains."
Q5. Do you live in the ocean?
Hera: "No. I would like live near the ocean. I always loved the ocean."
Questions for Damona from her incarnation...
Appearance: Light skin, light brown hair, blue eyes. Voluptuous figure.
Q1. Why did I incarnated here on Midgard?
Damona: "I knew many other divine who where having incarnations. There was a sense of new wonder and exploration. I chose to partake in this. I hope through our connection we can find a greater purpose to serve."
Q2. Can you describe me your appearance, personality and a bit of your abilities?
Damona: "I have light skin, light brown hair, deep blue eyes. Some of my abilities include healing, restoration, rejuvenation of energy. I am calm and like to think things through before I take action. Except during the current situation."
Q3. How can I communicate with you?
Damona: "Focus on the pure and natural things in your world. The essence of life. The energies that flow through us all."
Q4. Will I survive the fall and on what should I work on to survive, and protect my loved ones?
Damona: "I do not know what the future may hold for us but maybe our integration will help us secure the future we wish."
Q5. Do you love and have a bond with the True Self of my girlfriend Chrislyne?
Damona: "She is my lover and friend but sometimes she spends more time with others than she does with me."
Q6. Are you a close friend of Atesh, Océane, Maxence, Chloé, Marion and their True Selves?
Damona: "I would have to know who their true selves are. Their names sound familiar to some that I know and have strong ties to."
There are no questions for Calabrin from his incarnation.
Appearance: Greyish smoke colored skin, elongated ears, huge yellow eyes. His hair is also smoke colored. There is always mist coming off of him.
Atherak does the core fusions for Dralaxin, Ostara, Hera, and Damona.
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